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2 ~e[o~t~hi ;~~i~~~';h~~~i';~~~~cil of' P~;:1~~les:$W~~hington _ 1r 0'/ /'. /j/D %"L:c/>' L-,z "Ya /_,(.//(:~c /.c.~ --ISH /^~-~. .- ., ;- -'~ ( /270 ( /,.. -,' /..--_ / . -- ~-'-------- --~"-_._- ~---------- --........_~- ? J .' .'" 'V I!{~/,; / <c'1 ft,,,if/ t: 7 '/'{L: <7,: /' taf/ A./~<"'-</?L4'7 2>. j ------_.-..._~- ------- ------- --~---- _.~-------- , . 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(/,C!.f/V[C/ .-x!-:L-tJ?/2~;---z..t?- .yr;.?'7;{-c7~ -.r-7.PZ~~'Z-e4/ /~. ~Z:;.''7Z--z,~ / I /\ J' tt. /--/L.' /)) ~ l/ilLU~~~_d.~~:r~ ~/~~' ~ z"~L/~;? a/7g,~~ Lr. ~.. t:?7 /.Uf~-c~''''':;Y. tf?/7'7~a---;?'z.-z./:../,. . ~~-V'2_ /.4-VCA-~z.-/?/~'-/6/ ~ . _ . / t7 @- ~ '11 . d ~ . // ~ a:?-~,d?d/ 7PU/777/ ~.e-c/V 6. /.#v //'j?'cf7. ~/ ~ ...... ,.... --.- ~"'f:"fr';;> '!..-~ ~ 213 Record of the Proceedings of the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington. _ _/,'n /_.__~___ ~ , ~ ~ i, __//i'l. _ /,i'/,-;:, . -.-/ //' ,~,.----- I I ~ \ . 1 I l ~/ , , ~ ~ e:_~- '. l L.! ~, JOH N W. TROY. COUNTY AUDITOR W_ BRUMFI ELO, OEPUTYAUDIWR g;J~tc~;'rk; Dec 7th 1P.93 To the Honorable City Council, city of Port Angeles, Wash Gentlemen: For your information in dete~ining the rate of municipal tax to be levied upon the assessable property within the limits of the municipal corporation of the City of Port Angeles for the year 1893, I have the honor to submit the following statement of t'le assessed val- uations of real and personal property, subject to taxation, situated within the limits of the said City of Port Angeles as equalized by the County and state Boards of Equalization and shown by the assessment rolls for the year 1893 in this office Real Property Valuation Personal Property Valuation $683346 162265 To;ta1 $845611 Very Respec!1ul1Y Y;f-~/~~t- 3;;;-- ~~i Audi toi:~?;~~~~~~'-;~~~~;:-;I~~~V~)-- 'B~Wh_!:.c:::7:.:L:::I-(~_~_~ j dJ < Deputy Audi tor k~d/p~y ~<A>~~d oICbA~-~-Y0J ~//}7J~ ~~~~~_____~~~M:P~-,' ~ /~z---?CA______ i i 6- I, " If ./" /I ,;; I If d I / 1/ ./ i --. _It /. i // L 21a Record of the Proceedings of the City Council of PortAngeles~ W ashington~ /))1;;..., __'. / _ (t?) / ,//-;/ /'> /!-' ;/ _ _ _ '/ -",,-y~.4 -.n__, h... or. I~O .:;.' _I {~.:: /.--/:7./1--r. r- -?_~ ~L-r:./. // ~;t-,..> f' 11. I- I I' ~. ~", f '. I' t~ I' -.' I.... i. " i 1 i 1: ~ i~ i....'..~ ~ :_'~, i ,"F 1 It Ii 1 I ii I ~ II --. . j! 1 -- "i.~ 1 .' ;'i ~ 'N ' .. -.. ... "_..m., - l~' ~ ~~' ,\, '~"" ~ -~ \J ,~ I, ~.t~l! i .~~~"" J ~~' .~. .~~~~. i!~~ ~.~"'. ~~:! /1\ \~ \.~~~ .~ Ii ~ / " , i I." I J ,~ " I 1 i ~ ,. --- , i ? j i ! '\1 " -- ~ .~ I! ;~ ~ l~ ~ .' i: I' I 1 ,i-O& , , , I' / ,--:. i :! _ :i / :I ;,: /, 1 ~ , ,I ~ ; !i t-b{'/ ! 1 Ii 2 t:~ Record of the Proceedings of the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington. /V,' "j /"1 / .r; /' . "!}, , (,,', ;'/'1', J,', ,/ ,r." .' I ./ ... . /.' - t-.-_ ., /Ld'lL c.:zd (7(/ ,,;Z.;'(:C-C:./ I {dr?' lSH ,;, ({I.e_ "/'/-:11 ~z/,-,//./ tl'~"'"- - --, , t n. n L- t: I r 1 f Ii r \, I 1 ' , I, ~. ~ ~~' J f ~ ! ~,"F ~ ---- . c c:;>7Z/ I: ,d I' Ii I Ii " I' 1 I ! ~ .? 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I I i I 1: ~ I I' i ! it I' I k- /1, I, ,1\ Ii I' > '" '.'..'.'. I .~. 213 :\tcord of the Proceedings of the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington. /tTJ/ . J!J} /z7t- . 7 /j? . ,.~~~.........~/.# ,ISH<L, f{/:;7~-Prz~e.~_/ ' . j !/!r~ ~~rr// 7~/~./r~;<~&/n-6-_~/d1e./vU~/::- Ii. _..,(...,f? ea:-r/{/L?~; / /' I I " . _ . /~77: /7"p~r~/ . i II! .' aV2-~,/t'>6 ,(Ai,l Tc.t/l/M.ov c~-::-~t/V'ei>>(//6{;'/;flz-ff..zfZ4P 1/ ;,ku/Z(? I /ok.b ,6~/,d,a>z-:d/;d2azZ;;" cc;t,Z:;/te.. 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