HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/13/1939 Proceed.ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 113~ December 13, 1939 19_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 a .m. and Vias called to order by Ilayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: J!ayor Davis, Commissioner Beam, Attorney Conniff and Clerk HaVllc ins. The minutes of the previous session were read a nd approved. Under:the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted: Romaine Owen, Construct Woodshed, SA Lots 10 & 11, Block 54, Townsite Romaine Owen, Construct Woodshed, N; Lots 10 & 11, Block 54, Townsite C. II. Erickson, Construct Dwelling, Lot 1, Block 200, Townsite Fay Poland, Addition to Dwelling, Lot 9, Block 351, Townsite F. Benjamin, Restaurant License 50.00 SC.OO 1000 .00 500.00 15.00 Under the head of New Business!- An application by the Port Angeles Shingle Company to leaso Lot 5 of Ediz Hook Lighthouse Reservation for the construction and operation of a shi~&le mill came before the Commission for action. After listening to argument for and against the advisibility of granting said application, the Mayor appointed the following committee to reconcile any differences there may be between all parties interested and reEort back to the Commission; the Committee being J. Lyle Beam, Harry H. Beetle, Charles Lind and H. E. odge. Under the head of Introduotion of Resolutions the following resolution was introduoed: RESOLUTION FOR EAST Elnl DISTRICT PROJECT PROVIDING FOR THE ThIPROVEMENT OF FRONT STREET FROM ENNIS STREET TO LINCOLN STREET, ENNIS STREET FROM FOURTH STREET TO WATER STREET, THIRD STREET FROIJ CJJAMBEllS STREET TO THE EAST CITY LIMITS, SECOND STREET FR~M CHAMBERS STREET TO ENNIS STREET, FOURTH STREET FROM ALBERT STREET TO ENNIS STREET, ClIJlJJBERS STREET FROM FIRST STREET TO EIGHTH STREET, RACE STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO TENTH STREET AND FQANCIS STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO EIGHTH STREET. RESQlI;VED, That the City of Port Angeles pave Front Street from Ennis Street to Lincoln Street, Ennis Street from Fourth Street to Water Street, Third Street from Chambers Street to the East City Limits, Second Street from Chambers Street to Ennis Street, Fourth Street from Albert Street to Ennis Street, Chambers Street from First Street to Eighth Street, Raoe Street from Front Street to Tenth Street, and Francis Street from Front Street to Eighth Street, with a Light Bitumincus Surface treatment acccrding to the Standard Specifications of the State of Washington Department of Highways for Secondary Highways, adopted by the State of Washington and approved by the United States fureau of Publio Roads. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Street Project No.7 as approved be cancelled and the East End District Project be substituted therefor. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The cost of said paving be paid out of the City Street fund as provided for in Chapter 187 of the Laws of 1957 and cut of any other fund or funds that may be available for that purpose. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoi~ resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. he Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the follov ing claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CUR.'lENT EXPENSE FUND Olympic Stationers II II Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Lawman & Hanford Olympic Stationers Hoare & Headrick H. E. Dodge Phyllis Johnston Filion Lumber Co. ~ympic Stationers Elks Club St.te Treasurer Supplies 11 1.02 1.02 18.50 74.56 2.30 9.34 10.55 25.00 6.92 54.79 1 ~ 225.00 if 31 __ 31.15 Gas Supplies 11 Repairs Expense Account Stenographer Lumber Election Supplies Rent Ind Ins & Med Aid CITY STREET FUND Hoare & Headrick Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Middleton Mctor Parts Co. Automotive Parts Service Sta te Trea surer Batteries, etc. Gas & Oil Hose, eto. Parts & Supplies Ind In s & Med Aid ;;5DI 73 8.41 255 .42 6.1S 10.55 25.20 WATER FUND Marckmann & Williams Rensselaer Valve Co. J. C. Bowles Co. Shell Service Station Union Oil Co. Lannoye's Auto Rebuild A. Kacovios Puget ~ound Navigation Co. V. 1\. Samuelsen & Co. State Treasurer Pipe & Fittings Valve & Ell Valve Parts Tire Repair Kerosene Repairs Hauling Freight Repairs Ind Ins & Med Aid 1ZS(O 148.33 55.00 5.10 .51 8.96 5.10 12.00 .55 Zl.20 50.85 LI GHT FUND V. A. Samuelson & Co. Goneis Cafe Car Repairs Lunches 52.24 4.89 ....4 ,... 114 December 13, 1959 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ ... Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Schlager Bros. Hcare & Headrick Pine Hill Service Olympio Stationers Wm. J. W~re Olympic Printery James Hardware Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. State Treasurer Power Bill Decorations Truck Re pa irs Lubrioate Truck Pencils Insurance Premium Office Supplie s Lamps Freigh t Charges Med Aid PARK FUND State Treasurer Ind Ins & Med Aid There being no further bUsiness the Commission then adjourned. ?7~w City Clerk ~'V /.I-r[,O I ~ ~~ / v Mayor B218.00 107.10 4.85 1.02 1.55 22.56 1.28 1.48 4.74 2.25 I 5.47 . I I I I