HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/14/1949 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .., 609 December 14, 19~ 'IlI1Q~ Ii "~"".""T.....n._ _ u,.,.. ~...., HThe Commission met in regular session at lC:OO A.M., and was called to order by IlJayor Feeley. Oiricers Ipresent were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and 1'aylor, Attorney 1'rumwll, and Clerk Law. , ,~;inutes of the previous session were read and approved. ,i lundeI' the head of applicationso!Or wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: ,Building Permits: 10 3) 'f.3 iJ ~ IIFred Kono Build Garage; ],ot 5, lllk. 14, P:S.G.C. ~Walter E. Brown Tear Down Existing Garage & ]~build It; Lot 9, Hlk. 21, N.h.Smith &ubd. ,Charles B. BrOYffie Construct Carport; Lot 18, Blk. 550, Townsite !Andrew Pierson Construct Garage; Lot 18, Blk. 298, Townsite IFrank Lindberg Put in Two 7lindows in Existing Dwelling; Lot 10, lilY:. 108, Townsite I,DelGuzzi Bros. Build 5-Room House; Lots 11, 12, lilk. 124, D.''!. Morse Add. iF.E. Lanning Build l-Car Garage; Lot 12, Blk. 185, Townsite I.!. .C. il.dolphson rluild 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 2, Blk. 74, Townsite !;.'orrest Ctt Break Out Curb; rluild Driveway; Lot 1'/, Jlk. 51, Townsite I:Frank l:rizo Construct Addition on Existi!)€; welling; Lot 6, illk. 270, Townsite iDelGuzzi Bros. Construct 5-Room Dwelling; N2 Lots 9-10, Blk. 418, Townsite Petersen & Craver Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 5, Elk. 193, Townsite L..E. Meadows Build Garage; Lot 14, iJlk. 1, Hartt & Gooke ::'ubd. ,'1'. N. Vasilatos COnstl'uct Garage; Lot 12, !Jlk. 31, N.R. Smith Add. IA. u. Hansen Remodel Existing Duilding; Lot 20, rilk. 256, Townsite T. R. Wohlsein Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lots 1-2, 8lk. 458, Townsite 'John ,I. Belongia Construct Garage & Storeroom; Lots 19-20, Blk. 128, Townsite :Frank Pollow Move House; N2 Lots 1-2, rilk. 57, N.H.Smith Subd. IIDelGuzZi 1Jr0s. Build 5-lioom Dwelling; 1'12 Lot 11, All of Lot 10, illk. 10, P.S.C.C. 'DelGuzzi Bros. Build 5-ltoom Dwelling; Lot 8, Blk. 206, Townsite EOw. Fox Build Garage; Lot 6, Blk. 14, P.S.C.C. 'Jack Cosser Build Garage & 5-Hoom House Adjoining; Lot 5, Blk. 272, ToY/nsite :Cecil A. McCurry Construct 5-Hoom Dwelling; Lots 9-10, dlk. 505, Townsite 'Petersen & Craver Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lo't 8, Blk. 501, TOYlIlsite :Clay Nichols Addition to Existing DWelling; N 45' of S 92~' Lots 11-12, Bl'Ii~s~~~ 'Lewis !Jerg Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lots 5-4, Blk. A, 1010vers Subd. li"yron Campbell Removel Existing Dwelling; Lot 11, Blk. 256, Townsite ,Byron Campbell Wider Driveway; Lot 6, Blk. 168, T~nsite 'Petersen & Craver Construct 5-Hoom Dwelling; Lot 5, E Lot 4, tilL 523, Townsite :E. ,D. Muhlhausen Build One-Car Uarage & Storeroom; Lot 12, Lllk. 2(J8, Townsite ;'De1Guzzi Bros. Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 4, Blk. 354, Townsite :De1Guzzi Bros. Construct 5-I{oom welling; Lot 5, lJlk. :,54, Townsite :Queen of Angels School Build Garage Ii<, Worksh.op for School; Lot 5, dlk. 527, Townsite T. T. Carlson Construct 4 Unit l:otel & One Garage; Lots 10-11, rilk. 1, lIestphall ~I. R. Oakes Put Basement Under Existing Dwelling; Lot 17, Elk. 112, Townsite "K. B. Price Enclose Porch; Lot 5, Blk. 339, Townsite "Sig Larsen Construct Concrete Block Bldg.; Lot 9, Blk. 441, Townsite 'Sig Larsen Pour Concrete Floor in Existing uarage; Lot 8, dll:. 291, Townsite Harold Flora Remodel Kitchen; Lot 1, Dlk. 288, Townsite ~r; Licenses; I), i' - Nason's Cafe Lrovdahl's Fountain Lunch Drovdahl's ,'ountain ],unch Drovdahl's Fountain Lunch Hotel Olympus Robert C. Hannah 550.00; 400.001 180.00 600.00 125.00'1 8,000.00',1 400.00 5,000.00 200.00 1,000.00i 6,000.00 6,000.00, 250.00 500.00 5,000.00', 3,000.00: 200.00,' 750.001', 6,000.00,: 6,000.00, 175.00 1,000.001 5,000.001 6,000.001 SOO.OO, 5,000.001 3,000.00 I 800 .00: 6,OOO.00j 900.001 7,500.001 6,000.00 1,000.00, 10,000.001 200.001 150.001 2,000.00 500.00, 150.00 I I 48.00 12.00, 12.00, 5.00 50.00' 1.25" :2 Amusement Machines Restaurant Music 1lachine Soft Drink Hotel Operator Journeyman Plumber, 6 Mos. '!under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish one posting and bLl.ling macrline were opened as 'Ifollows: Remington hand, Inc. $5,029.00. This being the only bid submitted, it was moved by Commissioner ,Robinson that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ! :Commissionsr Taylor reported tbat tbe Brazier' Construction Company is noY[ repairing defects in the Fire Hall'; '~eiling which should be concluded this Vleek, after vrhich the Architect, Contractor, and City Officials will ' be able to inspect and formally accept the new Fire Hall. CommissionsI' Taylor also informed that the report of G. L. Geisinger has been submitted, and moved that the report be accepted, and that the Engineer 1 and .later Supt. be instructed to submit recommendations within the next two weeks as to wbat portions of the I Consulting Jingineer's recommendations should be done and when. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mr. Taylor informed further that E. 1(, uebrke of the Richfield Oil Corp. 'requested that his bid for diesel oil formerly sutmitted, be considered with bids to furnish fuel oil for , City buildings. It was the opinion of the Commission that the bids were separate calls, and thot the first :call would not apply to the second call. I ~ir. Fleener, chairman of the Park Board, requested information regarding vacation of G Street betVleen 6th and 7th. Streets, also jllrchase of lots to be added to the playfield at 6th and G Streets. Attorney Trumwll i 'informed that it would not be possihle to vacate the street due to opposing property owners, and Commissioner iTaylor expressed opinion that the City is acquiring too many playfields with inadequate fums to properly ~I develop. Commissioner Robinson requested that tbe Park Board check Park hmd balance and if pOBsible, lots 'should be acquired while opportunity is present. I ' "under the head of new business, a petitionsigued by fifty-five residents living in the vicinity of 16th andl :'C ;;treets was read before th.e Commission. The p'"titioners vrere opposed to construction of an animal refuge ; near 16th and D Straets. The ;;miths and others also appeared to oppose the construction. Bob Sullivan and Mrs. Wiltse spoke in behalf of the Humane Society and presented a list of 16 names withdrawn from the original petition. Mr. Sullivan informed that the petitioners have misconception of what the Society is doing. That the building will not be a dog house but an animal refuge, sound-proof and strictly modern. Rlso that the Society is trying to operate and profit from experience of other Lities and are open for suggestions. Mayor Feele:>T advised that the Society and citizens opposed to building call 8 meeting and try ! \0 decide what t.hey want to do. I II request from .:rs. Th.onJas Price of 729 East 12th. Street for seVier installation at 12th and Eunice Streets 'vas referred to Commissioner Taylor and the ~ngineerls Department. I 'Mayor ,"'eeley announced the reappointment of Paul Nuer to the Civil Service Board for a six year term to 'expire December 14, 1955. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson tha t the said appoinlment be confirmed. ~econded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~ "... 610 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ , December 14th. continued. I~ommissioner Taylor informed the Commission too t he ,had contacted the manager of the Peninsula Plywood Corp. ~I regarding logging truck traffic through the City, especially Eighth and Lincoln Streets. Commissioner' l'aylor was appointed as a conunittee to confer vlith the truck loggers and try to establish a suitable route for the I logging ,trucks through the City. " The Commission examined and approved the follovling claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same' iCURRENT EXPENSE FUND I /7 f ?/ tlancroft-Whitney Co. J. E. Law, Secretary Willson Hardware Co. City Street Dept. Olympic Stationers I;Y. S. Darley &. Co. 'koore Business Forms, Inc. .James Hardware Co. , 4''5' CITY STREET FUND. 57- Willson Hardy/are Co. Harris & Schuller I!'eninsula Sand & Gravel CO. I~A TER FUND , &. t;; "I .3..! 'Pioneer, Inc. Harris & Schuller Daily I-burnal of COI!unsrce J. M. Bruch Co. 0" LIGHT FUND: ~(,:(:;;,1 ~ ;Clallam County P~U.D. No.1 Pioneer, Inc. plympic Tri bune llarold and Hay Green Park and Shop Food Store North Coa st Electric Co. !loyd's Wood Specialties Puget Sound Navigation Co. Line Material Co. !tlraytar Electric Co. ~oodie's Harley Davidson l " SANITATION FUND. /31.- tHy Trea surer City Street Dept. ~ '+7 t The Electric Co. Barris & Schuller ~ity Street Dept. ~illson Hardware Co. PARK FUND I 1949 Supp1. R.R.S. of \lash. Services--8ec. and Chief Examiner Wire Brush Gas Supplies 10 Junior Sa fety Patrol cladgs s 250 Traffic Vial. Books 1 Bucket TODls and Hardware Galv. IrDn, Flat Bar Sand Light and "ateI' Bills Rods Adv. Ditching November Power Light jills Adv. Hepairs Soap Wire Pulls Cross Arms Frt. Chgs. Hardware >:eters Locks Licenses Gas and Oil 5-,~ay Light Sw:j. tch Iron Gas and Oil Tools and Hardware jJ> LPARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL HIND I 'f-2..- City Treasurer Postage ~ity Street Dept. Uas and Oil llailor Lumber Co. Lumber, Nails Fitchard's Ass. Service Tires, Battery, Lube, etc. I CURRENT b:XPENSE CUMULATIVl:: RESERVE FUND: I/~ ~3 Tom 0 I Neil Pla stering on Old Hre Hall There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. !J ,G. ;f~. (j Gi 0/ Clerk ~ - /~ 6< -ret I 15.971 60.00 loll 6.13 7.57 17.00 65.16 1.85 56.0511 5.26 18.541 003.521 5.23 19.80 II. 55.00 25,170.60 I 603.51 1.52 2.06 1.55 [ 47.38 197.76 2.29 . 27.04 i 186.B8 10.03 6.00 150.66 1.03, .991 14.75] 31.21 I .531 6.871 1.48 55.97 1 112.53 ' Mayor I I " '- I I I