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Minutes 12/15/1926
i ~ i ~ I :~ ;. l i' I I ~ .j Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, \V ashin~on ~ '-U-:J.J't\ I ~.t~ 192{g, J .' -t . l' (/ . '0 r, . . .m' i.S.J","",.,,", t. ~~ .."'h...A--~ -1\'-.r..-<-c....v...- .~_~ ~.....""...... ..dnL'~ ,.~~/., ~~ l;.,-~J....J )'1-.7~~JJ. J~{~.. i\.yU ~ ,~-.tt..-.~ .irc'-~-~-.~Ad--J~.~~...t~-y-~~.. . ~<...~~y...~~ t r~L;;-.c:.:rrJ'_Q.~~<.-.L~_....;LC'vG::j.~....., J-y,~ , n9 . . ~ I Cl~~1-.._._,.~"~._I.:J'e.u-v~,.c t.~:C~~;1...{)~_' .___. ...___ _~~.~~~" _~~IL-~-:-r..--~...~ ~~. ~ ~a~~~~~~~1~~=::.~i~:r<~~~...\~:'..~?1-~'=-.~ -~"'A:- ~~<r~- -~-: ~G; <I-~t.-y-,.'----.'-- u,~"\___________.______. . I-~ .. ..._..f'-..L-......~,--lJ'-lO"--~V ~'_._---.- --.-;--...-- - .---.--...-. ~~~~ ,________' _..__.____..._ .___ ..._.__.__ ___.._.___... ___ .._.._____... .___....__..n ._.__ . ~--.----..:w~.=)L.~~~J VLAc:'.~~>.""~ .-~.~(;:~~\~-'~.,{~'~c~.,-t---- ~r,~b~~o ,=~.(r:_e.c~JJ:"~:~~~a~~~D- ~<L.-0\---- '~t-nc-'~ 0 ~ -~( L. _(,0:\ -L~~JG/-'J_j - V- 'f-, -- u.-~ .)-l~ - G'-- _c'l...~ (1.",-.~- <c~ -:h.;: r-- a-~ j~'-'" .. ~ y~ ... '~ . , - ~~ "L <r~-r'C'" c.- '\ ../ ~'( f= -- u.. ..:ct..... -- :r.tc.~ ><> -- -- r'.s.-=~~ - ~ ,_o-.:t---_:l;;: . ~ _n'L~~.C~ -{.~ -cr--=-a-<. ~ ---- ,;._'- :.H>- -fO.A" .;>-z:..~~.r:}.... ~. S--e.. c... "-- ~~\_:)..;t~ ro .x;-.~,:::\..L t~~'(",:,I'(tCb---Jn (f. I )_ . "d.~~\~ft.'L_.t...~~ -:~L. "-'-~;7 ~. ~ - t-h:;-~~~ -. :fL~c6~-Ju.i^'--~~-~< t~ ""~- 0-a--~---~'~ '-~~ - o--c_ J...~ '"=~- . c,~~~r :::: Uh'L- .f, Qf.C;_..",-- cr ::>-.s-.-.c-A...~ ''-_y~''\ .~J2;.:.r~_.~~.:_.._____. oJ ~ L- -a:~"'CL..~ -'~ .:.~~~ -r~' ------;-----------.. __ __ ___......___ ____.______.._____...._.....___._____ ..__...___.....___..... __.___._,._....._.. _,"_"_.._.m ____.,.._~_._. "'___"'.__""__'.__." _.. __u.~....__.__._____..._ __.. ------:<~ C;\\;L '~-:, -: ,;=-&h"~,,,-(t'" ,lh_,,-oc;.{<.dL!'-.; =c:--"-"'.,z......-r---<=-__ ,n--. __,~'<--._ J.--j _~~-c:-"""'~I ~d.~~'~='-=-.. / _A-C.J--....- ..-.~~.l.-'-'-f1...cnyl- ,_'1..cC.u<>. ,_./C~_ ~~I-.c,;/V1A ~___~ f;'-P .~~~jYt--"'":-/7)-:---t, _?-r~ () L - I ~. . . ..,~ &1' ~J' "S?---E-~:.L.~'--'\.--~-"-l---- . 0'~'A..8'~ ....::.") ~-f .-.-' ._(~.".rL.__~..."--..,...(__1_-- '-~a.J{,-0:nG.J"" .Jf:>.e}.~0\-- ~~__G~~~~-!L{"~'d1L. -p;t?--.~.U.1S.--(G~,v---. ~"""4>'0.Jy~~}_..~C~" . . ----_..-.__.~ ,..---- ._.- .__._-_._----~.._---_._.._.__._--- .~--_._---_.-.---_..._-_.__._-._.._._-_._---~-_._--_.~----_._--~ -_.-..~,,~_._- .____.._. ___d. .___:LCLvV/<. _ fu,=IL-A.._~t?L ~.:<'~~__~r,-:-v,.~ :...,~:._ =~~.: _:_~=_.-:~~~~-~~~~-_~~_..:.__=__:_:=..__=~_~~~.~==~:~~~~~:~-k~~--.---.~-.--.~:---= ; ~=.:_~r ~~==__.-=____~.~=__.__:~____.~.~~:.~~___~~:::~.._:..=_.___::.=~___.~:=__.____:__:..__== .____._~:L~ --t:~- vl~-1r:-..lloo.o~-.-ti-~... ,';~.-;:s. --}~.JI.-,.'1.~1.-i.~i:L-?~-J~.-4tk~ f.t~~ ,_~.-.~~Y__'__~Z-~-.~~--~-~ '0{ ~~;fk~ ,_____-:--__._______.__________.__.....____._.._.__._.__________ . -----'~-~-:;r~-~~~fLxoC~ ~t'_cA\ -u~. 6>--r-s+l.--1--~;.-'(J~------.---------~. -------.---------.----------~--.----.~. ~b ~~fhn,",