HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/15/1937 "'ll 551 December 15. 1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 d.M. and was called ,to order by Mayor Davis. Roll eall showed the following ,officers present: Mayor Davis, vOmmissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney uonniff and vlerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous Bession were read and approved. Under the head uf Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: Hugo Del Guzzi, Build Cern ent Wall, Lot Ie. Blk. 17."N. .'t. Smith's ;'ubd. Angelo Gallacci, Remodel Dwelli~, Lot 9, Blk. 229, 40wnsite Riggs & Middleton, Remodel Building, Lot 20, Blk. 287, ~ownsite Mrs. ~velyn Rideout, 1 ,Beauty Parlor ~hair License C. C. Judge, 1 Barbe r ~hair License Geo. S~lvia, 2 Barber ulmir Lieense . A. D. ~hompson, 1 Barber vhair Lieense Fred Benjamin, Restaurant (Benjamin's Cafe) The City Clerk reported that pursuant to th~ following aall for bids far th~ construction of an inner sidewalk railing on the Eighth ~treet ~ridges over Valley and 4umwater Creek Gulches, the following had been filed: Angeles Gravel & ~upply Co. Chas. R. Watts & vo. WiakVlire Spencer Steel Co. Under the head of UnfiniShed Business,- .\'O...,tcr:; TO UIDIl,.;ns Senl,ed bids will be l'{'c:eh-ed l)~- tll(' elt)' CIt>1']{ of the Clt~. or Port Allg['le~ IllltlIIU:OO a.m., Dl'('emher Hi, 1937, al the nfflf'l" of tlle Cih' Cieri;: o[ th~ Clt~. of Port All~ele~. 10:' the COllrj!.I'\ICtlOll of an il1l1el" ~idr>wnl1{ r:l.IHIl.lr on the Eighth street bridges (Wel" Valley ~\nd Tum- '1"~\t]~I' b'i(~~c~1;~'11 he aceomp:wied .by n eel'tified checlt In the f-ium of llOt less Ulan 5% nf lJl(' nmO\1r\t Lid. Plans all<l :;]"~(';(lo:alilJl1s may be obtailletl fn>rn th~ City Clerk Ullon (J(']lOl<ltlng: 111'~ ll\lll1 of $~,Ol). '1'11(' City Commission "PS"Cl'\'C'S thC.l }'iRht to I','jecl JUly or all bidE. I N. M. H.\WI<I"". CHr C]~I'k. Pub. Dec. ;1-]0. . ,.,. .-. $1350.00 ~50.00 1000.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 7.50 $1,598.85 1,598.85 1,598.85 It was m0ved by ~ommissioner Masters that the bids be referred .to the vity ~ngineer for checking. Seconded by ~ommissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayer declared the motion carried. The ~ommission examined and allowed the follovling c laiBs and ordered warran ts drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Depar~ment ?,f La~or ~ Trick & Murray Olympic ~tationers Doro thy Taylo r Getchell & liagnon Cresaent Motors Olympic Stationers Cresoent Motors H. L. Banderob .Harold Thompson Indus tries " I~d I~s ~ ~nd ftid SuppU es- " Stenographer Fan rlelt Oil Supplies Oil SpeciaJ" Poli ce Extra ~ireman CITY STREET FUND Department of Labor & Industries Isaaason Iron TIorks James H. Coyne Standard Oil Co. Ind Ins & Med ~id Supplies Hauling Dirt Oil, etc. .VATER FUND I Department of Labor & Indus tri es Lyoall ITelding & Forge Works :Purmaid Dairy [Ci ty Light Dept. ~ssociated Oil Co. ITenny Mill "'0. [h:.IGHT FUND I :;Department of La bor & Indus tri es P. S. Power & Light ~o. 'J. B. Knutson Line Material Co. ~estinghouse Eleattic & Mfg. Co. Olympio Stationers I PARK FUN]) ! pepartment of Labor & Industries Hurd Transfer trarry Gillespie Clallam Grain Go. bUAiANTY FUND I plallam Oounty Abstract Go. ~. LLoyd ~ldVlell Co. City Treasurer ~ There being no further Ind Ins & Med Aid Shop "ork Rent ::>tore Bldg. Materials Gasoline Lumber Ind Ins & Med Power Bill Keys Me terials Meter Soakets Suppli es Aid Ind Ins & Med Truck Hire La bor Fly "pray ""id Abstraot Insurance Taxes business the ~ommission 7J7114~ Ci ty Oler k then adjourned. r J ! ')/3 L 10.93 3e.54 3.43 .75 25.00 1.eO 2..25 .65 1. 90 6.00 39.00 ).SI /7' 25.83 40.79 41.00 64.89 ('1-J30 27.27 5.60 40.00 7.23 40.00 7.20 I/.d 1,01 , 17.44 7856.98 7.50' 167.54 52.60 5.62 " l~ 9.18 4.00 4.00 .70 28.50 14.39 /jfl1! 7 /' 1746.90 JJ~ / / Mayor ..oiIl