HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/15/1948 506 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 15. 19~ ~he Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Officers present were: Mayor Epperson, Commissioner Johnson, Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. ~linutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under'the head of applic~~ions for b.lilding permits and licenses the following were granted, Building ljermi t s: 35 +,0 Jack DelGuzzi 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 14, Blk. 227, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi 6-Room Dwelling; Lot 7, E2 Lot 6, Elk. 422, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi 7-Room Dwelling; Lot 20, 31k. 369, Townsite P. E.' furke Build I-Car Garage; Lot 10, Blk. 227, TOlmsi te I! ,~ Licenses: ,),1 bharm Beauty Shop LaPetite Beauty Shop Duck Inn Cafe Duck Inn Cafe Elk Drug Co. 11,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 400.00 4.00 :1 1.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 Beauty Operator, Beauty Operator, Restaurant Soft Drink Soft Drink 2 Chairs, 2 Years 1 Chair Under the head of new business, Light Supt. Lean requested the t bids be published for purchase of approximately 300 Water Heater Carrier Current Controls. Bids to : be opened January 5, 1949. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the said bids be I published. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ' NOTlo:EI ':'0 BmDEJtS Xotice it! hereby given thM_ l>ld~ I ~\~~l ~rt:e~~iV#~r~)~\~~C(>]?~Y'~~~~~n~: IM1. flt the City Hall of f<ald Clt>., l\11111 10 A. ),1., January 6, 11149, {l.ll(l il 'DOc~d~ttg,~ntt,o o~~l'~~~hr ~~~p~~.~- ~~l~~: rii~:j,~~~~::':~c~3,~~(}~'ii~f~p::~.~~!rr~7~; A notice from Rayonier, lne., acknovrledging acceptance of franchise in accordance any ur all bids. J. F.. V'tW, with Ordina.qce No. 1200" granting the right to construct and maintain power City Cl"k. transmission lines along the northerly side of Lauridsen Blvd. was read, approved, Publlsh December 16, 23, 1948 and ordered filed. . I Under the head of introduction of resolutiolls for the sale of real property by the City, the following were introduc ed: j Harry and Paul Cohen Lots 13, 14, Blk. 34, Townsite Margaret D. Buss Lots 9, 10, Blk. 251, Townsite i~t was moved by Commissioner Johnson tbat the foregoing resolutions ~econded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 700.00 I' 105.00 be approved and the property sold. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same; $1 ~'f7- CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, Plympic Printery ~. E. Law Little-Holm Tire Co. iR. L. R. Service II ,;S CITY STREET JiUND: ;), f 1 - J. B. Y~thews Glass Co. Willson Hardware Co. ~lO\'(er Super Service Jas. W. Caven Plb. & Heating ,peilinsUla ,Blywood Corp. Nailor Lumber Co. Little-Holm Tire Co. Election Ballots Civil Service Expense Tire Repa ir Screen 196.01 60.00 1.03 I 40.33 'I' 35.19 34.81 67.691 .34 8.24 24.27 120 .91 Co. Door Light, Parts Replacements Supplies Truck Parts Threads ,Coupling Wood Lombe r Tires-Recaps, etc. WATER 'FUND, S'f 7.-0 i'acific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Trea surer Olympic Printeq LIGHT FUND: 71,5'1-'1_.>.0 General Electric Co. Frank Pollow J. M. Bruch Co. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. !cndy Cari s Clallam Adjustment Corp. Graybar Ele ctric Co. line j,laterial Co. Little Holm Tire Co. City Treasurer General Elec. Supply Corp. samuelson Motor Co. SANITATION FuND, 1':<1 i'.,1 Lit Ue Holm Tire Co. Willson liardware Co. Saruelson Motor Co. ~I PARK FUND, .3; j - School District No. 7 Montgomery Ward Phone Cash for Licenses Supplies 3.75 6.25 44.70 I 70,040.00 . 496.00 157.55 79.41 36.52 1.79 4.42 546.17 33.67 I 11.79 I 132.11 I 9.97 I Transformers, Substation Equipment Moving lienerator Plant Excavating Phone Gravelling Commission Tools Wire Tires, Repair Cash for Licenses Conduit, etc. Repairs Tires, Repairs, etc. Bolts, Washers Parts and Labor 102.64 1.06 18.11 Recreation & Athletic Supervision Car "attery 373 .08 ' 15.85 I I PARKIN:) M'ETER & TRAFFIC CONTROL Little Holm Tire Co. <fo 1. 1. REVOlVING FUND: 33 - City Tree su rer FUND: /C!;'_' Tire 15.00 I I 33.40 I I I Lots 9, and 10, Blk. 251 Taxes Pd, Deed & Rec. There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. (},e.~ tI City Clerk ,:1). A.J S=-~J~ Mayor'-- I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 507~ December 22. 19~ n..... IIu_y.."O;.&,.....-- ....n:R.. 1"771l.~ I I I I I IThe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order ~ Mayor Epperson. Roll call , of officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioner Steele, Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. Minutes of the rrevious session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: I Building Permits: "/65O'~ Conrad Johanson Build Double Garage; Lot 4, lJlk. 192, Townsite C. L. Goodwin fuild Barber Shop; Lot 20, Blk. 258, Townsite Ike Blore Build Utility Room On To Present Dwelling; Lot 11, Blk. 294, Townsite ." Licenses: ~ /7 - Wagner's Food Shop Wagner's Food Shop 500.00 I 1,000.00 I 150.00 ' 12.00 ' 5.00 ' Restaurant Soft Drink Under the head of unfinished b.lsiness, the Crown Zellerbach Corp. and P.U.D. No.1 acknowledged acceptance of Ordinance No. 1200, granting the right to erect, maintain and use power lines along the southerly side of Lauridsen Boulevard. The Commission ordered the letters filed. The Department of Army Engineers requested extension of time for de-contamination of certain land owned by the City i to lI.arch 31, 1949. It was moved by Mayor iipperson that the request be granted. Seconded by Co~~issioner Steels. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Ii 'iUnder the head of new business, Stanley V. Sandberg having sold his interest in Hose's Place to lJavid W. Anderson and Howard Stewart, requested in writing that his City licenses be transferred to the new owners. 'The request for transfer was granted. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: · , 51 I CURRENT EXPENSE RIND: / 7/ , City Tree surer ,'Peninsula Herald I: Nailor Lumber Co. Olympic Stationers Il!.ine Safety Appliances Co. , ' 7" ! CITY STREET FUND: .;/ If I - ICity Water Dept. City Treasurer f'Nailor Lumber Co. W~TER FUND: t;f., 3! Hooker Electrochemical Co. , I Puget Sound Express Palmer Supply Co. J..E.Law Supplies Publications, Election Expense 8 Feet Facing Supplies Refilling Cylinders with Carbogen 3.81 154.0B 1.98 1.52 10.24 Galv. Pipe Express Charges Lwnber 217.75 .80 23.21 Chlorine Freight Chgs. Pipe Fittings Rent of Boat i 33.90 I 1.00 ' 23.45 8.00 I There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. I I I G {J -;f~ City Clerk 3:"'A\~~' Mayor j