HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/15/1955 ,.. 474 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 15 19_25_ ,"", . ."", ,,'m, "",,,". ..'",,,.,..... 4!l!>- IThe City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Hayor Smith. Roll call' showed the folll>>ring officers present: ~or Smith, Councilmen Bro\ffiJ Neer, Sandison, Hatthieu, Wolf e, and :HcFadden, 14anager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns am Clerk Law. lIt was'moved by Councilman Brpwn that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Councilman 'Matthieu and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish gasoline and diesel fuel for City departments during the year 1956 'were received from the following distributors: All bids were submitted on basis of posted price at time and place of delivery. THE TEXAS COMPANY, Discount, $.015. Net, $.2565, $.2615, $.2295, $.2345, l<axinum. Diesel fuel, posted price less $.01. SHELL OlL COMPAlIT, Posted price, non-premium, 24.7t Disc. 1.51, net 23.19 . "" Premium, 27.M Disc.' 1.76, net 25.64 E. A. JENSEN, SHELL JOBBER, Diesel fuel, posted price less $.023 per gallon. Firm prices, .132, .137, .l42., _ STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, Non-premium,' .237 Maximum., Premium, .264 maximum, Diesel fuel, .134 maximum. TIDEWATER ASSOCIATED OIL CO., Flying A Regular .247 les; .024, net. .223; Ethyl, .274 les~ .027, net .247; Motor diesel, .144 less .154, net .1287 prices maximum. RICHFIELD OIL CORPORATION. Discount .0151 per gal. Posted prices: ...... Non premium, ~232 maximum Premium .259 maximwn ' ,Diesel Fuel (P.S.2oo) .134 maximum. Disc., .Olt. . I UNION OlL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, ,Posted price, less $.01; Price Quoted this date, .274 and .239. ,Domestic diesel, posted 'price at ti.me of delivery. , ' 1 GENERAL PETROLEUH CORPORATION. Discount, $.022; Mobilgas Special 26.30t, 25.80t, 25.30t maximum; ,Mobilgas 23.70t, 23.20t, 22.70t maximum. Diesel fuel, Discount $.018 per gal. Mobilfuel dIDesel, 13.6t; !13.lt, 12.6t maximum. ['It was moved by Councilman Brown that the offer by Tide',fater Associated for gasoline ami by General Ret- 'roleum Corp. for diesel fuel be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and Carried. I . The Cit:y Erigineer filed for approval, pa;y estimates on L.I.D. 's Nos. 167 and 169 as follows: O~berg Construction Co., ~even~1t estimate,~(November) L.I.D. No. 167,' Tumwater Access Road, Unit "A", . $3,982.19 . F. H. Jarnagin, Fifth Estimate (November), L.l.D. No. 167, Front Street and Alley, Unit "C", . $10,509..08 F. H. Jarnagin, Third and final estimate, L.I.D. No. 169, Penn'Street Area Selller, $10,085.52 Del Guzzi Construction Co., Second and final estimate, L.I.D. No. 169, Penn Street Area Timbered SelITer Trestle, $8,lll.80' .' . I . . , I :It was moved by Councilman lfolfe that paY' estimates be approved 'and warrants issued on respective L.I.D. I Construction Funds in payment of same and the Clerk authorized to issue warrants numbered 393 to and'includ-l ling 4O~ for $1,000.00 each, and warrant no. 406 in the amount of $1,491.27 on the L.I.D. No. 167 FU1'1d, 'beari~ interest at the rate of 3 3/4% per annum, and dated December 21, 1955, also warrantJ no. :3 in the [amount of $18,197.32 on the L.I.D. Nd. 169 Fund bearing interest at the rate of 4b% per annum and dated ,December 21, 1955" to suppl,y the necessary funds to l:e deposited in the respective L.I.D. Construction Funds. i 'l10tion secomed by Councilman McFadden and Unanimousl,y carried. ' , ' Fixed estimate claims were approved as follows: ! L.I.D. NO. 169 CONSTRUCTION FUND: Payroll - Novewber 1 - 15 Pay,roll - Novemb s r 16 - 30 Payroll - December 1 - 15 Robert Clawson, crew car for November, 1955 It lllas moved by Councilman ~",tthieu that fixed estimate 'Sandison and carried. IAttorney Severyns informed of answer from United Pacific Insurance Co. 'stating that the Masonic Order woUld [not have incurred expense for elevator inspection had they contacted the Light Departmen,t, thereforer.no :responsibility. !,Ir. Severyns answered that claim is a liability of the City and nayment is expected. I ~or Smith reported on inspection of the Morse Creek watershed by City Officials and found a hill of cla;y !formation which slides in creek during excessive rainfall. It \'/as the opinion of Haneger Vergeer that the , 'only solution would be to, move the watersintake which would be very costly. There appeared to be no evidence [Of the Hurricane Ridge road causing disturbance. I rThe Attorney examined official bonds of the City Manager and City Treasurer. After confirming the same, it ,,,as moved by Councilman MdFadden that bonds be approved. Seconded, by Counci~n I'Tolfe. All voted Aye. I Motion carried. I '!Claims paid December 5 and 9 were approved in total amount of $12,239.97. It was moved by CounciL-nan '~Tolfe that claims be approved as paid. Secollied by Councilman !'icFadden and carried. I I' 'Council received claim for damages filed by I'lrs. C. \1. Merrow, 215 N. Francis Street in amount of $300.00, 'caused by water pipe breakage due to freeze. Mr. Vergeer told CoUncil that water was shut off in April as 'ordered, according to records in the I-Tater office. It was moved by Councilman Brown that claim be referred ito the Attorney and insurance compSlW. Secollied by Councilman Holfe and carried. ,The following reports were filed for Council approval: Operating reports of Light and liater Departments, ',Treasurer's financial report for November, special reports. It was moved by, Councilman Neer.that reports be approved. Seconded by Councilman Salliison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Request for transfer of Lee Hotel beverage license was considered. Transfer was from Clifford F. Arney 'and Betty E. Arnay to Dorothy Lee Lilly. It was moved by Councilman, l'ieer that request for transfer be ;approved. Secomed by Councilman Brown and carried. :Red's Taxi, having sold three of his cabs to the Port ArJgeles Taxicab Co., requested in writing that City license be transferred to the new owner, Gerald P. Nelson. It 1'/as moved by Councilman Brown that request lfor transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman "Iolfe and carried. I ~1,088.38 998.91 1,060.96 14.98 claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilmanj , I I I I . I' I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 15 continued 19~ ".. . """', ""M, "'''~'"" ,.""....... ..... Ceil di cussed establishing policy concerning dancing' ih taverns and reQuests by Rose's Tavern and o~~rs. 1.~ was the opinion of Chief j~ochanek that dancing should not be permitted in a"" tavern. Also that from past experience, fights and bral'lls have originated, due to same. Hr. Vergeer advised that certain law enforcement agencies have reconunended that no dancing be permitted in taverns. After due conelideration, it was moved by COuhcilnlan Neer that Council adopt policy prohibiting dan~ing in taverns. Seconded by Councilman 11cFadden and carried. I I Manager Vergeer asked Council to consider condemnation proceedings for' acquisition of Lots II and 12, Block 140, thereby clearing title and establish eQuitable'value. Lots would. be lllied, for improvement of 1 Street Hill right-of-way. It was moved by Councilman Brown that-request for condemnation proceedings be granted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison, and carriedl 4MC' ~ I'd l{anager Vergeer read letters from the Street and Light Departments, also the City Employees Association, expressing appreciation for the dinner and service a~lards as sponsored by the Council and Mons Club, Nov- ember 30th. Councilman Neer cited the inconvenience to pedestrian travel on W~st First Street from the I.O.Q.F. Hall to Villey Street and suggested that improvement of the same be considered. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the follo.ring was intorduced and read in full: ORDli~ANCE NO. 1360 Al~ ORDINANCE transferring the sum of $100.00 unexpended unler Clerica:L and Technical Services ani the sum of, $100. 00 unexpended in Transportation and lliscellaneous all under the' Current Expense Fund under the heading Planning Commission to Furnishings. No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Q,e-;;ca.w- tt City Clerk 4) .,j(.J~ ~-JI. Mayor ~ ", .....