HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/15/1960
Proceeoings of t~e City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Was~ington
LattPRlttTlNOCO. P.Ut3_ ~__
The City Councll met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Roll call showed the following Officers present: I
Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slank,ar ,
Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. I
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted and placed on I
file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
Under the head of unfinished bu.siness, bids to furnish cars for City departments were received as follows: 1..:
Anderson Ford Company, 4 Ford Fairlane sedans, $9,958.28, Tax $398,33; trade-in allowance, $2,025.00 l
Netto City, $8,331.61. StationWagon, Ford4-door,$2,247.55, Tax $89.90; trade-in $101.45. Netto i
City, $2,230.00. II
Bob Bolter Chevrolet Company, two Police Cars, per unit, $2,609.00, Tax $104.36. Total for two units, !:
$5,426. 72~ less trade-in, two 1959 Plymouth Sedans, $1,,600.00. Net, $3,826.72. Alternate: 1961 Chev- II
rolet Four DoorSedan, $2,478.72. Station Wagon, $2,790.52. One Chevrolet Model 1469 Biscayne Fleet- II
master Four Door Sedan $2,418.72, tax included. 1961 Chevrolet Model 1235 Brookwood Four Door,Six ,
passenger Station Wagon $2,790.52, tax included. Allowance for trades, 1951 Chevrolet Two Door $105.00.'
1953 Ford Four Door, $220. 1955 Chel7TOlet Four Door, $510.
Lannoye MOtor Company, Bid No. I, two 1961 Plymouth Police PatrollerSpeclal Sedans, each $2,571.56,:
tax included. Trade-in 1959 Plymouth $1,021.56. Net each, $1,550.00. Bid No.2: One 1961 Plymouth I
police Patroller Special Sedan, $2,557.52, tax included. Trade-in 1955 Chevrolet $307.52.Net $2,250.00. I
Bid No. 3: Same as bldJlll.-2.$2,557.52 less trade-in 1953 Ford, $157.52. Net $2,400.00. Bid No.4: Station
Wagon, Special Four Door, $2,828.96, tax included, less trade-in, 1951 Chevrolet $98.96, net $2,830..00. il
Robertson - Gray Motors, Inc., two 4-doorCatalina Sedans, $6,360.00, less trade-in, two 1959 Plymout&
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tra'M-1n.l\one ms'3 tom, srtfs .'i:lu, net, $'2',1t9'7:tl1J. '(J1ne l'ontlac St~fion Wag(\n'tfafllt1~.P4-'llobr"tor e~ey i
Engineer, $3,299.00, less trade-in one 1951 Chevrolet, $110.00, net $3,189.00. State Sales Tax not ;
'It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the bids be referred to the Manager for computation. Seconded by
Councilman Smith and cartied.
Pursuant to publications, bids to furnish gasoline, diesel and fuel oil for City departments during' 1961 were
"received: Tidewater 011 Company, Premium .2341. Diesel.123! Mobil Oil Company, Premium .2422.
Regular .2064. Diesel .1308. Union Oil Company. Premium .2448 and .2398. Regular .2148 and .2089.
i Diesel, .151. Shell Oil Company, Premium .291. Richfield Oil Corporation, Premium .267. Diesel. 126/.
,Texaco, Inc., Premium .2342. Regular .20a9. Diesel .122. Standard 011 Company, Premium .2733.
'Regular .2333. Diesel .1414: Olympic Fuel, Diesel .125. McMahan Fuel, Inc., PS300, .094, Peninsula
i' Fuel Company, Diesel .155. PS300, .095. City Fuel Company, PS300, .092. It was moved by Councilman
I Haguewcod that all bids be referred to the Manager for study, tabulation and recommendation. Seconded by
!Iicouncilman Thorne and carried.
1I'...The Mayor appointed a committee to work with the County Attorney and Coutlty Library Board to consider agree-I
i ment for Joint Library operation. Appointed were, Councilman Caldwell, Thorne and Haguewood, also the I
,Mayor will sit in,
liThe following easements for water pipeline rights-of-way were approved for payment: Merrill Adams, $2,062,50.
IJohn and Robert Baublits, $965.00. Leslie E. Whitty, $1,582.50. It was moved by Councilman CaldWell II
'that the claims for easements be approved as read and paid. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. I,
'It was moved by Councilman Randall that as" early as possible in 1961, all damages to the Shay Locomotive
: be repaired and a fence built around the same. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. i' I
Under the head of new business, the Olympic Health District requested permission to connect.to the City I',
sewer, system. It was moved by Councilman Randall that request be denied for permission to make oonnectiori
with the City system. Seconded by Councilman Thorne. Don Morrison spoke on behalf of the District, stat- I
ing that the people are interested in the service if the cost is not prohibit ive. Councilman Randall cited I,
restrictions imposed and difficulties encountered with the State Pollution Control Commission, also possi- !,
bility of further demands if extensive sewer service is added. It was the opinion of the Mayor that the probleln
concerns the residents of the area, not the City. The question was requested and all members voted "Aye". i
M~~~~~. I
D.epartment reports were approved as follows: Budget Report Of. EXP. endit. ure. s, po. lice , Fire, Police JUdge.,
Light Operating, Water Operating, Light Work and Water Work. It was moved by Councilman Smith that all
reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Ricahrdson and carried.,
Claims payable were filed for CO)lncil approval: General Funds, $20,551.04. Water Fund, $3,870.89.
Pipeline Fund, $53,07, Light Fund, $8,764.49. It was moved by Councilman Smith that all claims be approve
and paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
'The Mayor appointed Councilman Caldwell to serve as a member on the District Health Board.
'Councilman Thorne read a report as appeared in the current Northwest Public Power Bulletin citing this City
'as being fourth lowest in the nation for power rates.
'Councilman Haguewood commended all who participated in placing Christmas decorations, including the
Firemen, Volunteers and especially Chief Wolverton.
Councilman Caldwell commented on rejection of annexation to the City of an area South of the City by recent
,election. It was his opinion that acceptance or rejection concerns only the residents of the area although
ihe expressed concern regarding ill-informed and ill-advised statements by Al Goerg in making attack on the
lcouncil and City Manager, thus indicating how misinformed he was. Mr. Goerg totally ignored the fact that
lithe City had no voice in the matter, only to accept the petition and prepare a resolution to the County
I Commissioners requesting an election, this due to the number of petitioners. As the City is required to pay
, . ,
ithe expense of the election as required by State Statutes, it was the opinion of Mr. Caldwell that further
requests for annexation to the City will be viewed rather cooly. In answering the charge that the City was
rom",", '0 ro~' H,. on"~Ho" 0' "" m. M.. c. ww.n " .omm,", woo "'or woror m"'" w,re In,,,,,,,
Proceedings of t~e City Commission of Ihe City of Port Angeles, Was~in~on
I in this area long before annexation was discussed. Police and Fire protection provided in the City is paid,
maintained and operated by tQXes paid by the residents of the City. Mr. Goel'9 apparently feels he' is en-
titled to all rights and privileges enjoyed by residents of the City without the awkward necessity of paying
for them. Mr. Caldwell expressed dislike in calling more attention than necessary to this person who seems
to seek attention more than facts, but sInce his attack was Wholly unjustified, the matter should be mentioneCl.
He assured that this is his own opinion and does not necessarily represent the views of other Council membePs.
The Manager also stated objections to Mr. Goerg's statement relative to prestige or betterment gained by a
City Manager who was in a CitY which had gained population due to annexation of areas. This statement
was completelY in error, Further. that he in no way sponsored the annexation movement or worked directly
for it ,other than to aid those who asked official help.
Councilman Haguewood cited the proposition as being defeated by only about seventy vot es and it was his
opinion that the people might have another look at annexat ion at a later date.
William WalL Seattle Attorney representing Natural Gas Transmission Company, appeared before the Council
stating that if all goes well, Natural Gas should arrive here within a year to eighteen months. Also requests<'
that the Council accept a Franchise Ordinance granting a nonexclusive franchise to distribute natural gas in I
this city. It was moved by COuncllman Richardson that the Ordinance be introduced and read by title. Secon!led
by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
AN ORDINANCE granting to Natural Gas Transmission Co., a WashingtOn Corporation,
its successors and assigns, a nonexclusive franchise and right to construct,
operate and maintain a natural and/or artificial gas distribution system in the
City of Port Angeles I Washington.
The Ordinance was then referred to the City Attorney for study before further action.
Under the head of intrOductlonand reading of Ordinan~s, the follOWing Was introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE fixing the annual salaries, compensation and wages of the various
classifications of employment applicable to the different officers, assistants
and employee s of the City of Port Angeles, and determining the time of payIllent
thereof and providing funds for temporary employees.
It was moved by CounCilman Richardson that the foregOing Ordinance be adopted as read. Seconded by
Councilman Caldwell and carried.
No futther business appearing, the meeting Was adJourned.
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