HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/15/1976 216 CITY COUNCIL MEETING PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON December 15, 1976 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Olson, Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. I Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, H. Kochanek, J. Honnold, D. Frizzell, K. Rodocker, P. Carr, R. Parrish. Guests Present: W. Eder, D. Diimmel, B. Magnuson, L. Sunny, V. Sproat, P. Brown, E. Grall, J. West, L. Roline, J. Chapman, C. Boardman, G. Miller, J. Boril, H. Berglund, J. Jacobsen, P. Anderson, W. Lindberg, J. Miller, G, Rasmussen, P. Duncan, J. Ward, E. Karlin, P. Brewer, L. Ostlund, M. and K. Greubel, J. Swingle, D. Neal, R. Young, J. Cox, M. Hicks, D. Phillips, L. Green, M. Coffey, S. Haverfield, R. Haverfield, A. Lawrence, V. Lawrence, L. Switzer, D. Woodside, P. Doherty, K. Sweeney, W. Vetter, D. Main, P. Meinke, R. Trudiki. Mayor Olson acknowledged for the record that this is Attorney Taylor's last meeting as the City's legal advisor and extended the Council's appreciation to Mr. Taylor for his years of service as City Attorney. On January 1, 1977, Chet Walrath will succeed Mr. Taylor as the City's first full-time Attorney. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the December 1 and 6, 1976 meetings be I accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Call Authorization. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Light Department to call for bids on (1) 6-250 KVA, 7620 volt regulators for installation at Valley Sub- station, and (2) on 384 single phase watt-hour meters. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and the motion carried. 2. Bid Awards. a. Councilman Wray moved the Council award the bid on one (1) 69/12.5 KV Unit Substation, 12,000 KVA, for the Washington Substation to low bidder Graybar Electric, Tacoma, WA., at total bid price including sales tax of $205,567.27. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Other bidders were Allis Chalmers, Alternate No.1 of $209,534.72; Alternate No.2 of $216,677.31, and Alternate No.3 of $226,389.60; General Electric, Tacoma, $206,991.37; and Westinghouse Electric, Tacoma, $206,999.71. b. Councilman Ross moved the Council award the bid on printing the City's 1977 legal publications to the Daily News at $4.20 per folio for the first publi- I cation and $3.15 per folio for each subsequent insertion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. c. Councilman Anderson moved the Council authorize Mayor Olson to sign a 1977 petroleum products contract with Standard Oil Company for furnishing regular gasoline at $0.504 per gallon, $0.382 for diesel fuel, $1.296 for SE No. 30 lubricating oil and $1.467 for Series 3 lubricating oil, with net prices being subject to escalation without notice. The motion was_ seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. It is noted that the Federal Mandatory Allocation Program continues to pre-empt other local suppliers from submitting petroleum product bids. 217 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1976 IV FINANCE I 3. City Water Quality Lawsuit. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $121.11 to CH2M/HILL for engineering services from October 25 through November 24, 1976, in connection with water supply consulting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and passed by the Council. 4. Public Pier Study. Councilman Wray moved the Council approve payment of $3,000.00 to URS, Seattle, for engineering services on preparation of a preliminary study and report on Construction of a Public Pier on Port Angeles Harbor as per contract dated September 22, 1976. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 5. Sewerage FacilitYi Plan Project - Sewer System Evaluation Survey. Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve payment of $8,555.93 to CH2M/HILL for engineering services from September 25 through October 24, 1976, for physical survey and rainfall simulation phases of Sewer Evaluation Survey. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion and it carried. 6. Vouchers Payable, Payroll. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve $327,279.84 Vouchers Payable and $110,803.96 Payroll. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk requested Manager Whorton to provide a report on the results of INA's audit of the City for the purpose of establishing 1976-1977 Liability Insurance Coverage premium through Gellor Insurance Company. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. I V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA. H. Berglund questioned the Council on Sewer LIDs and associated responsibility for maintenance on the sewer line. Manager Whorton discussed this subject with Mrs. Berglund and informed her of City procedures regarding this matter. Mayor Olson introduced new City Attorney Chet Walrath to the citizens in attendance at this meetings. VI LEGISLATION 1. CITIZEN AWARD. Mayor Olson presented a "Certificate of Appreciation" to Donald G. Johnson for disarming an assailant at great personal risk. Mr. Johnson's swift positive action under extremely dangerous conditions undoubtedly prevented the victim from sustaining further injury or death. Mayor Olson extended the Council's appreciation to Officer Johnson on behalf of the citizens of our community. 2. PLANNING COMMISSION The minutes of the Planning Commission December 13, 1976 meeting were read by Mayor Olson with the following action taken by the Council. I Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant a Conditional Use Permit to Angeles Furniture to allow 32 parking spaces rather than the required 60 spaces for a building addition on Lots 1-3, Block 3, Westphal Addition at the southwest corner of First and Jones Streets. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation that all the School District's requested street and alley rights-of-way east of "G" Street be vacated with the condition that the City retain utility rights and if the property is not used for school pur- poses, the rights-of-way would revert to the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. ~18 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 2. A public hearing will be held by the Council at the January 19, 1977, meeting for the purpose of considering School District No. 121's request for vacation of certain streets and alleys at the Hamilton and Stevens School Sites. The streets and alleys the Planning Commission recommend the Council con- sider for possible vacation are described as follows: Ninth Street from the easterly boundary of "M" Street to the easterly I boundary of Lot 16, Block 250 and Lot 5, Block 309. Thirteenth Street from the westerly line of "0" Street to the westerly line of Lot 4, Block 397 and Lot 17, Block 269; and from the easterly line of "F" Street to the easterly line of "G" Street. Fourteenth Street from the easterly line of "F" Street to the easterly 1 i ne of "G" Street. "F" Street from the northerly ~,ineoof 15th Street to the southerly line of the alleys in Block 267 and 368. Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a 12-month extension to Jack R. Miller's Conditional Use Permit to op~rate an upholstery service as a home occupation at 1424 East 4th Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant a Conditional Use Permit to Clallam County for a reduction in the required number of parking spaces from 442 to 324 for the Courthouse Complex. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. Councilman Ross moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's I recommendation and grant a Conditional Use Permit for one year to Larry Cawyer of 413 East Orcas to operate a tow truck service as a home occupation with the conditions that only one tow truck operate from the home and the truck would be there after conventional working hours. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the preliminary plat of Uplands Division II with the following conditions: (1) There is a 10' wide easement west of Lots 27-30; (2) Standard Light Department easements of 10' square are provided on all property corners; and (3) All improvements are to the specifications of the Pulbic Works Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Counci 1 man Ross moved the Counc il concur with the Pl anni ng Commi ss ion.' s recommendation and allow Ben Magnuson to circulate a petition for annexation of approximately nine acres at the south end of Pine Hill with the following conditions: (1) Assumption of the bonded indebtedness of the City' (2) The area is zoned RS-9; and (3) The petitioners abide by the City's annexation policy. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. Councilman Anderson moved the minutes of the Planning Commission December 18, 1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file. The motionwas seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. I 3. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept ~nd place on file the minutes of the Board of Adjustment November 23, 1976 meeting as read by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 4. ZONING ORDINANCE, PUBLIC HEARING. At 8:10 P.M., Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on a proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 1709 to prohibit an oil port in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District. The Mayor then read a letter f~om the U. S. Coast Guard, ,I I I 219 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Oecember 15, 1976 VI . LEGISLATION. I 4. dated December 2, 1976, which indicated that the Coast Guard neither supports of opposes the proposed zonin9 code amendment since the proposed amendment has no foreseeable impact upon the Coast Guard's ability to perform assigned roles and missions. After reading the letter, Mayor Olson requested the Council and the audience to express their views on the proposed amendment. Councilman Hordyk commented that the November 2, 1976, General Election advisory vote of the people indicates the direction the Council should take in this matter. Speaking on behalf of those citizens who favor an oil port in our area, Councilman Ross requested the Council to take under consideration all the latest information on this matter prior to taking any firm action on the proposed amendment. . Speaking in opposition to Councilman Ross' request were L. Sunny, H. Berglund, J. Jacobsen, R. Cockrill and J. Ward, N. Turner read into the record a letter from R. Richards supporting the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance to ban an oil port. Following comments from the above noted individuals, Councilman Ross asked that this issue be continued until after the Council meets with Port of Port Angeles officials regarding their recent visit to Portland, Maine, to observe an oil port in operation. Councilman Hordyk stated his reasons for not agreeing that Council action should be delayed on the proposed amendment. Following the discussions, Mayor Olson declared the hearing closed. Councilman Anderson moved the Council amend the City of Port Angeles Zoning Ordinance No, 1709 to prohibit an oil port in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District of the City of Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. Mayor Olson then read by title Ordinance No. 1894 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1894 AN ORDINANCE amending section 12 of Ordinance No. 1709, the Zoning Ordinance of the City o~ Port Angeles. by prohibiting an oil port in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District of the City of Port Angeles. On called vote on the motion before the Council to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1709 by adopting Ordinance No .1894 as read by title by Mayor Olson, the motion carried with Councilman Ross abstaining from voting under protest. 5. REZONE ORDINANCE, PUBLIC HEARING. The public hearing on the proposed rezoning of the harbor area from Oak Street to Lincoln Street from M-2 Industrial District to CBO Central Business District was opened by Mayor Olson. Manager Whorton explained that the purpose of the proposed rezone of this portion of the harbor area was to upgrade the waterfront area from an industrial use to a commercial business area, Various Council members discussed with Manager Whorton the effect the proposed rezone would have on existing industrial businesses, with Manager Whorton advising the Council that existing industry could continue to operate. No expansipn would be allowed, however, and should an existing industry cease operations for a period 'of one year, that industry would not be allowed to reopen business operations in this area. . Mayor Olson asked if anyone from the audience wished to express their views on the proposed rezone. After receiving no response from the audience, Mayor Olson declared the public hearing closed. r.l'i .5 gJ,g (I ~g. ~ ~2 W~::; ...._4)~.!l::::~ w I;~~= ~ ~ = ~ :-1j 1;;. ...:. ,s;=l ~ '" '......' . . w ;.:.;,O,-~~~~~~j I . ~_~uL.C Z -:E v -E 0 0 .:: Co. ~ Ii ~---- ., " ..,. 5 ~ <.> - 0:::> .,. Q., oS '" '" <' C,s - "!lIJu -, <.> - ...- ., '" Q ,;:s. .. ~!l: >."0 .. <'>,.Q l< 'C'<::""'" 0: 0 ~,2.5...., ~ &; rtt ~ ~~ ~1a ~ ~ ~:5 5:: w ~.~ ~ ~ cu ~~ iii ~ -c~ ::;: !lIJ '" ::: 1ii 'E .'i: 'S: ,s ,- Q 2) "".c .c:!lIJs :0.. 1ii 'H.,.,:g Q: i:! to .. a: ,- >- ,5 -g.- ;:!.'" ..: ~.g !lIJ '" '" '" <.> ~ '0 _ !!l ~ "'~; c .. ':::, oil "'s e '" E 'Ii> ~ !lIJ 0 S -- -- - :; != S,;:: .. . 0 ~.,.- 0 :c '" - C S .. .. ~c~s8~I~J~!l:0~~~!lIJs.8i..i.8~~S~~6~E03"'i ",,,,0"'5 C CQ<.>. Ol'- "...P'<!lIJ Q"""''''gcu",,,,,,,>... .c iwoU..c::: rn = CI~~.5 S ~~ fIl,t1S '&'j ~ ~'SO --= -S.5~! I ..... D < I..... -- ... , - .... - ". - - o :z - .1 I I 219 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1976 V I LEGISLAnOl~.1 4. dated December 2, 1976, which indicated that the Coast Guard neither supports of opposes the proposed zoning code amendment since the proposed amendment has no foreseeable impact upon the Coast Guard's ability to perform assigned roles and missions. After reading the letter, Mayor Olson requested the Council and the audience to express their views on the proposed amendment. Councilman Hordyk commented that the November 2, 1976, General Election advisory vote of the people indicates the direction the Council should take in this matter. Speaking on behalf of those citizens who favor an oil port in our area, Councilman Ross requested the Council to take under consideration all the latest information on this matter prior to taking any firm action on the proposed amendment, Speaking in opposition to Councilman Ross' request were L. Sunny, H. Berglund, J. Jacobsen, R. Cockrill and J. Ward. N. Turner read into the record a letter from R. Richards supporting the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance to ban an oil port. Following comments from the above noted individuals, Councilman Ross asked that thi s issue be c0nti:nued unti 1 after the Counci 1 meets with Port of Port Angeles officials regarding their recent visit to Portland, Maine, to observe an oil port in operation. Councilman Hordyk stated his reasons for not agreeing that Council action should be delayed on the proposed amendment. Following the discussions, Mayor Olson declared the hearing closed. Councilman Anderson moved the Council amend the City of Port Angeles Zoning Ordinance No. 1709 to prohibit an oil port in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District of the City of Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. Mayor Olson then read by title Ordinance No. 1894 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1894 AN ORDINANCE amending section 12 of Ordinance No-. 1709, the Zoning Ordinance of the City Of Port Angeles, by prohibiting an oil port in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District of the City of Port Angeles. On called vote on the motion before the Council to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 1709 by adopting Ordinance No 1894 as read by title by Mayor Olson, the motion carried with Councilman Ross abstaining from voting under protest. 5. REZONE ORDINANCE, PUBLIC HEARING. The public hearing on the proposed rezoning of the harbor area from Oak Street to Lincoln Street from M-2 Industrial District to CBD Central Business District was opened by Mayor Olson. Manager Whorton explained that the purpose of the proposed rezone of this portion of the harbor area was to upgrade the waterfront area from an industrial use to a commercial business area. Various Council members discussed with Manager Whorton the effect the proposed rezone would have on existing industrial businesses, with Manager Whorton advising the Council that existing industry could continue to operate. No expansion would be allowed, however, and should an existing industry cease operations for a period .of one year, that industry would not be allowed to reopen busin n~~~~~~_ i . -- ". I en --Qt 'CCflCDj~>EQ)o zQ)->QJ~ooln-c..s::c: t:~= !:o- o.~.~o2co '-~m E-c('!~~~:J.D.~ ~..cc~~~ ....~~g.Q. ~i; of v::g lU 'E rS ~ 1: &. ;n Q..:.~ t1) D ... QJ - - = ~ In t:,- .~ g en ~ : 0 CII = .a z '" 0. '" CD.- <I> C ~ ~, . '5 ..r:: CD e = 2? C) ~ C CD._ 0 U ..!: CD 0 ,!:: -= -", . C> wCD oElu EO'o ...o.cc. ~- 0>::><= Cl.. CD - .. 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C 0.-';:._ ...Ud' Z~UL uO.Sa.. <..... ~ :>.... :> '\~------ o '- 220 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 5. Mayor Olson then read by title Ordinance No. 1895 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1895 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No, 1709, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, by rezoning the harbor area from Oak Street to Lincoln street from M-2 Industrial to CBD Commercial Zone. I Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and unanimously passed by the Council. 6. FRANCHISE - PORT ANGELES TELECABLE. Mayor Olson opened the public hearing on a proposed increase in Port Angeles Telecable rates. On Mayor Olson's request for comments from the audience, G. Rasmussen expressed the view that an increase in customer service, by providing a master FM antenna, additional channels, and a general upgrading of equipment, would entitle Port Angeles Telecable to a rate increase. Attorney P. Niichel, representing Port Angeles Telecable. spoke to the Council at length explaining the Company's serious financial condition, that increased rates would enable the firm to improve its system and equipment, compared local rates with state and nation-wide averages, and requested the Council to set up a format for regulatory practices. The Council discussed with Mr, Chapman the requirements of Ordinance No. 1799 I that the telecable system be tested on an annual basis' by a qualified electro- nic technician, the firm's annual financial statements, the franchise fee, and special rates for the elderly. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council approve a $0.75 increase in telecable rates. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. Following a brief discussion on the motion on the floor, the question was called for. Council- men Haguewood, Hordyk. and Wray voted "Aye", Councilmen Anderson, Buck, and Ross voted "NO". Mayor Olson voting to break the tie voted "No". Motion denied. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and approve Port Angeles Telecable's request to increase subscriber rates by $1.40 per month. Councilman Buck's motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Ross moved the Council allow Port Angeles Telecable Inc. to increase subscriber rates $1.00 per month. The motion was seconded by Council- man Anderson and carried with Councilman Buck voting "No". Mayor Olson then read by title Ordinance NO. 1896 entitled, ORDINANCE No. 1896 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1799 which granted to Port Angeles Telecable, Inc. a non-exclusive franchise to operate and maintain a community antenna television system in the City of Port Angeles as amended by Ordinance No. 1818 and 1870 by amending Section 14 of said ordinance and fixing a new maximum rate schedule to be charged by said corporation. I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously carried. 7. PUBLIC HEARING - 1977 REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATION. The second public hearing held by the Council on the proposed allocation of 1977 Revenue Sharing funds was opened by Mayor Olson, with Mayor Olson then asking for comments from the audience. I I I G~l. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1976 VI LEGISLATION 7. PUBLIC HEARING - 1977 REVENUE SHARING ALLOCATION. (cont.) L. Sunny spoke in support of using a portion of the 1977 revenue sharing monies to acquire a small bus to transport the elderly free of charge. Dolores Neal of the Citizens Committee for Port Angeles Greenbelts spoke in support of the Council retaining in the Revenue Sharing Budget the $10,000 proposed allocation for the purchase of greenbelt properties. As there was no further participation from the audience, Mayor Olson declared the public hearing closed. 8. EIGHTH AND RACE INTERSECTION REPORT, This agenda item was passed over. 9. GAMBLING TAX EXEMPTIONcREQUEST. Councilman Buck moved the Council take from the table the Clallam ~ounty Fair Association's request that the Council consider exempting the Fair Carnival from paying the gambling tax on their gaming devices. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried, D. Woodside, representing the Fair Board, spoke in support of the Council waiving the gambling tax for Fun-tastic Shows Carnival during its operation at the Clallam County Fair. Councilman Buck moved the Council grant an exemption from the 10% Gambling Tax to Fun-tastic Shows on operation of gaming devices at the Clallam County Fair. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson. During discussion on the motion, certain Council members expressed the concern that by granting this exemption to Fun-tastic Shows, a precedent may be set. The Council also felt a clarification of the gambling tax imposed by Ordinance No. 1847 was in order. Councilman Ross moved this matter be tabled. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 10. 1977 ARTS IN ACTION FAIR. Councilman Wray moved the Council approve Arts in Action's request to use Laurel Street for their annual Arts Fair to be held July 17th and 18th. The motion was ;seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. It is noted that no comments were received from any Laurel Street merchants regarding Arts in Action's request of November 29, 1976 for Council permission to use Laurel Street for their 1977 Fair. 11. 1977 BUDGET ORDINANCE. Mayor Olson read by title Ordinance No. 1897 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1897 AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the budget for the City of Port Angeles for the fixcal year 1977. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and unani- mously passed by the Council. 12. ORDINANCE RE-ESTABLISHING FUNDS. Mayor Olson read by title Ordinance No. 1898 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1898 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Ordinance No. 1838 pertaining to the merger and abolishment of cer- tain funds so as to meet the requirements of the State Auditor's Report for the year 1975. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and unanimously passed by the Council. z22 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1976 VI LEGISLATION. 13. REMODELING PROJECT. Mayor Olson read Public Works Director Flodstrom's memorandum relating to the proposed remodeling at City Hall, Senior Center, and the Street Barn for the purpose of accommodating the new full-time City Attorney, a Legal Secretary, and Assistant Planner, and in addition provide a badly needed conference to accommodate the Civil Service Commission, Planning I Commission and the Board of Adjustment. . Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the proposed remodeling project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. 14. RESOLUTION. Mayor Olson read by title Resolution No. 23-76 entitled, RESOLUTION No. 23-76 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles confirming the appointment of Chet Walrath as City Attorney for the City of Port Angeles on a full-time basis. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. 15. MANAGEMENT GROUP ORDINANCE. Mayor Olson read by title Ordinance No. 1899 entitled, ORDINANCE No. 1899 AN ORDINANCE establishing and setting salaries and fringe benefits for Management, Technical and Administrative Personnel (non-union) employed by the City of Port Angeles for the year 1977 and providing for the pay thereof. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously passed by the Counci 1. 16. REPORT-LICENSE APPLICATION. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Clallam County Humane Society November 1976 Report and approve the Lady Lions Liquor License Application for a Class J. Special Occasion Wine Tasting Fund Raiser to be held on February 5, 1977 at the Harrington's Town House, 120 North Laurel, Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 17. LATE ITEMS. Work Session. A City Council/Planning Commission work session is scheduled for January 11, 1977. One subject to be discussed in the Ellington property. Resolution. Attorney Taylor presented Resolution No. 24-76 providing for the formation of an LID on Valley Street from Second Street to Tenth Street for signature. It is noted the Council approved formation of the Valley Street LID by Resolution at the December 1, 1976 Council Meeting. RESOLUTION No. 24-76 A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the City by grading, paving and draining the streets therein installing curbs and gutters and extending the water main and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith and fixing a time, date, and place for the hearing on this resolution of intention. I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1976 VI LEGISLATION (cont.) 17. Resolution No. 24-76 (cont.) ,J p.r.n!) IS'o:) 99 Pl!q Ifi.lO!d.lIlH lUllS '4"'1:,1'."''''1 PUl1tl/pm; sqOOl? PUl1sauor UJ ., u.oo...OS "'II pl?al OJ r If;)!O 'UO!S!^!P pUO;) V:)I\IA 11: lau fl P!!tf uOllaw aoi 223 S',UOS1JaqfY OIL I SUO!1 W!nb.s mr PUl? UOSJajad Pl1q 1Il?;)1~ ',.IPsn'uU'A Pll1s11011 '99 lfl rraJ.ma pUl? 69 pi NOI S '^ lOB aUl?d 1l1d!d r UO!S!A!P jS.IJJ alfl ui' es l?[d lau !dOl S,.\flPUns' s.uoS's-rIN .~ .r!V Uo....;,! ua1 '~!Oe III !lfSUI a IC pllq PDCl ~"'H I."!~ PUO;)as aql' P ,I ff uqor Ifi!!d UOIS1A pU's .~'IH , al UOS.lapUllS If;i,o'' ,[o:):)l! o/rec pllq uoqJIlW ao ' -,.!PIOo aAillS PUll IC pll [' PUl? au.{e '..a_D'~"'_'__"M"'" ,q PPllf~a~57.,!llj Resolution No. 24-76 provides for a City Council public hearing to be held at the January 19, 1977 Council meeting. II VII STAFF REPORTS. 1. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council accept and place on file the following staff reports: The October 1976 Financial, Revenue and Expenditures, Expenditures, and Treasurer Reports; the November 1976 Fire, Parks and Recreation, Police, Municipal Judge and Utilities Reports; and the Fire Department's Out-of-Town Report. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Civil Service Commission December 8, 1976 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. ~- ~ -~ I ~-...... !_1I.,a".... "if ...~....- ....... c _ ~~...oc:~ c" - <> ~;.a.~. !-a-e. ": -:='0 ~~~ge f ~;"tla"'n!1"',,-- ;: ~:o I ~ i: . -:IE' - ~ g ;:;r !!. ~ :..: go ;;"~ ==~~ ~,,:: r3..~e ClI ~""O -. - :::11:II CD- -. _. 'OJ.9 0" ~'.~a r CD :I:ao II ~~...~ ~ ~ l~=g .~i!CD en ~ - ~:'- l:~:I;!: s.~:'~ E2. "';:::: 11 irD .j' ;:a~r .~~1I i-:!i ,...,c::t~g I. ~ ::-: !.~"'O i;s.;~~-pPJZ ... ::ItJ~~tj;! IS !i ~ ~ fEEg- G -"CI'" cu :1:1III---< ~ ~c:,,~ ~ gft_ ...": i..i"g...~S"~ ~ :::1!!3& ~;:. Q ~m .. I"PI 0_ C:::_ce ~o! _ ~Q.~ -:c i fJ" ~ ~U~~U~n=_L~~~~ ~SF ==! ~-~-=-- 2.'Councilman Wray: 3. Councilman Haguewood: 4. Councilman Anderson: I 5. Manager Whorton: 6. Attorney Taylor: VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. I ~/~ City Clerk Commented on amounts charged for grazing land and on the number of speeding citations issued by the Police Department during November. Requested Public Works Director Flodstrom to report on the final bills for LID No. 198, with,Mr. Flodstrom reporting that the final assessments will probably be mailed to the property Owners in February. Commented on the hazardous visibility con- ditions that exist at First and Ennis Streets, 5~h and Pine Streets, and 8th and Cedar Streets. Pub1ic Works Director Flodstrom reported this situation is being worked on to improve visibility at these locations. Requested Council direction regarding the scheduling of meetings in January 1977 with benefiting harbor area agencies to discuss cost sharing on the Ediz Hook Beach Erosion Control Project. Extended his gratification to the Counci1 on their choice of Chet Walrath as City Attorney On a full-time basis and extended compliments to the Council for their legislative efforts, to Manager Whorton and to-the Staff. ~~7~/ ~~~!;;-L~ =~<__~:?LM' ~.., - '&'l;:k ~ I ff/?h --'-- - >~~~~~~~~OL~>-~ ~~ :ii~~:&~;~E;~~~ ~~ ~~~~~Q~5~~~~S~i~ ~u zW~<~~~QC~. ~EL~ ~~ tL~I~~~::!:~t Q.;;.,j' ra";;( 5 uure LL 0 <( ., 11:> .. E - 8. u ~ Ii:: = E c: '" ~~~~~~c~~)g~~;~~~o ~ : ~~u-m~D~~tc~~L~~~t~.~. ~ ~o- _D=~'-~~~~'-~-~~~ i 0 ~ z~w:~~:~~~t~~s~~~: ~ o ~~-~g~oc~c~ LE ~f ~ ~~ffi~uE~f~-~:o;g~> 0 ~>_>~~~L ~f~v~~~ ': ~~=w~>~=~~E~8~~ ~ __ uQ._> 0 IU lJj IV' c "tIt:ct:;: c.. IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO, 24:76 223 VI A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City ot Port Angeles, Washington. declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the City by grading, paving and draining the streets. therein installing curbs and gutters and extending the water mein and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time, date an<! place for the hearing on this resolution of intention. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ot portl Angeles, Washington, as fOllOWS: Secfion 1. It is the intention of the City Council ot the Ci'y of portl- ,Angeles, Washington, to order the improvement of the area '-deScribed In E)(hibit A. attached hereto, .and incorporated by~ R 1 t. N 24 76 ( I reference herein, by gradingJ draIning and paving the streets "I eso Ulan o. - cont. j therein, installing curbs and gutters, and extending the water~ . main, and doing all other work necessary in connection with the . ~ improvements described in this resolution. l No. 24-76 provld( Secfion2, The area described In ExhibllAshall be improved bY, J 19 197' grading, paving and draining ",e streets described in Exhibit B,' anua ry , i allached hereto and incorporated herein, and by doing all work1j I necessary in connection therewith. including the installation of r curbs and gUllers In such streets and by extending the water main I as shown in said Exhibit. I Section 3. The City'S engineers are hereby directed to submit to, . the Council at or prIor to the date fixed for the hearing on thiS.:, Councll man Haguewood moved tht resolulion a statement ot the estimated cost and expense of such! f 011 ow i n g s ta ff rep 0 rts : The \ ~fr:;~vteh~~~~~~:J'f:;:~~~~:~ue';.~ ~~~~r'I~t~~~~~~~a~Yi~~r~~~~~~ j Expend i tures Expendi tures an district assessments outstanding and unpaid against the property i F. P' , ' ltherein, and the aggregate ac'ual valuation ot the real estate'l 1 re, a rks and Recrea tl on, Pc including 25 per centof the actual valuaflon of the improvements in Reports' and the Fire Departme' the proposed disfrict according tO,the valuation I~st pla<:ed upon it, , ~ for the purposes of general taxation, together With a diagram or: was seconded by Counc i 1 man HOYi\print showing ,thereo~ the lots, tra~t,s, parcelS of .Iand and other".", property WhICh Will be speCifICally benetlted by said Improvements, and the estlmBted amount of the cost and expense Counci lman Hordyk moved the Co thereof to ~e borne by each I~I, tract or par~el ?tland or other! , ,. . property Within "'e proposed Improvement dostroct, ,S of the C1 v 11 Serv 1 ce Commi ss i 0 Section 4. All persons who may desire to obiectlo the formation d d b . 'of such improvement district are hereby notified to appear and was secon e y Councl1man Buo presenl5uch obieclionsat a rneetingofthe City COuncil to be held,.. I in the City Councii Chambers, 134 W. Front Sfreet,' Port Angeles,\ Washington, at 7:00 p,m. on January 19. 1977, which time and place I I are hereby fixed tor hearing 01 matters related to said proposed i ng ~improvemenls and all objections therelo, and for determining the' , !method of paying for said improvements. tatlonS g i~~~O~:~~ ~i;ru~~~~a;?;~~~';,:~::~:~~e~~frc:';~~~f~epare and g PASSED by the Council Of the City of porI Angeles. Wash ington, I, I:~i~ ~~f~~Vy~tb~~~~:lt';~6~ regular meeting of said Council , Carleton B, Olson trom to Ii ATTEST: Mayor-II9S, . Marian C. Perrish City CierI< I fi na 1 f APPROVED AS TO FORM: ) the I St~~i;y~to:na:~or ~ EXHIBIT A I VALLEY STREET LID NO. 200 \DESCRIPTION OF DISTRICT, _ con- Beginning at a point 290 feet east 01 cenlerllne of Valley Street on I St the north margin of Second Street; I reets, , Thence southerly parallel to the centerline of valley Street to the 'I r ! south margin of loth Street; , Thence westerly alonllthesouth marginof 10th Street. a distance '; rom ,of 580 feet; "d t I Thence northerly parallel to the centerline ot valley Streetlo ,he.. on 0 , north margin of Second Street; - I i Thence easterly along the north margin of Second Street, a , distance of S80feetto the poinl Of beginning, II VALLEY ~~~~B~i ~ID NO, 200 ,the STREET FROM TO I' with ~eY Street Second Street , ,lOth Stree,t C Pub,: Jan, 4, 11, 1977. USS ................... ...,.....,., ll';j VII~I.rII~' .~..... I' -JIVVK-Dt;dcn~c..rosi on Control Project. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1976 LEGISLATION (cant.) 17. Resolution held at the 1- VII STAFF REPORTS. 1. 2. "CoLlnc i 1 man Wray: 3. Councilman Haguewood: 4. Councilman Anderson: I 5. Manager Whorton: 6. Attorney Taylor: Extended his gratification to the Council on their choice of Chet Walrath as City Attorney on a full-time basis and extended compliments to the Council for their legislative effor.ts, to Manager Whorton and to the Staff. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. I ~/~ City Clerk ~~~~/ &~A-,k-~~ =~~~~~~L!.e 1Il>-"',,"_IQ~;;c:-co'O..z:a:..Eoi2,"'_'.c_._~. """-"".... .:t::L= ~ OJ _ _"_ ~'" "'-c--"'ll- ,'" '-"'>' ,1" ...- o:~~~a~~~~g~~;~t5 m~_~goo~~w~~~u~~ >~~~~~o-~i~~ ~~~v KO~ L~~ ~~~~",L&~..~_5t&_~~~~Eu~ wm~..~~~f,,~~~o~~,~_ ~w+-5EQJ .&.~Q;)~f~:Ea~~. zwc("O.Qu o,..~oov_~:,>- ~a:'c5iiiou....,ca.a.OH. ~~I""1.Jf;=~~~.E l'Oo.OcnUO~ lL.-:r:_gEG.1~E'= ';'>oiso -~.o zLLlc:(~.ou_o;'~ec:-;: ~w~ :=~s~n~~m~~~~~ ~ ott ~~~~ ~c~ ~cn-vu~ ~-x-oE~~e~ nC~ ~ ~ M o~ n - - 9w'w< ~=O~EM~~~~~U,,~~'_~i ~ wo<(~ )U"e~c3:~_~~.._= o_~Z-.c"jCl~-.c~~~CO",L~~~..L N - 0 - ~ < _~ __ SUX~QJj ~~~~gc~oc~~ N ~ww. =o-~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ;~'~~~-~l~~2~~~ ~ ~~u-~ ~-_fg~o;~~~i ~~X~~i ~~QJ&~~aJ zW~=~~~~~~Cl~~~t~~ u ~O~ ;~f~~ c!~:~DE ~ ~b~ __~~+-=%&c E ~_ O~~i C~._-WNC QJ zm~~~~~~~~ ~CO~~ J z~w~~~o~Lc~~E ~~zo _~ __>o=<~ 0 ~ -o~~~-~~~QJNe> ~ m ~~~~~O~ ~ ~ OW ~~E;~~ ~~<u ~~zu -~ ~~~E.~~ 0 ~U-~~~t-Di~&- z~~~~~~~t~o~EO ~ OW~~Et~~L~~EI ~~ZUU;D_~~>:: ~o~~6~~~~~a~e ~ z~~~~~!~:~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~t~~~~~~ :--Uln a..::E nJ-;{!::~ CL ;:;5 5.2:G~ ~~~.~~~ .- ----"-.- "4 -"'>' "L '~D ~~.a ()U" ~ ~ .~ ~ ::i: 2 D :> n.