HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/15/1981 216 . '. . - CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 15, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING The special meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to interview candidates for appointment to the Port Angeles Planning commission. Councilwoman Boardman was absent. II PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS The Council interviewed the following applicants for the. Planning Commission I... :.. vacancy: Mr. Jerry Cornell, Mr. Ray Ross, Mr. Dick Wight, Mr. Floyd Young and Mr. Mike Libera. Applicants under consideration, but previously interviewed were Mr. Todd Holm and Mr. James Hulett. A recess was called at .6;50 P.M. III CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING The r~Jular meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:00 P.M. IV ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Hagt;tewood, Councilmen Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast and Whidden. Members Absent: Councilwoman Boardman. staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller; Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr., M.'Cleland, L. Cosens, D. trizzell, L. .Glenn, J. pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose, R. French, G. Booth,-T. Smith and B. Rudolph. -' Public Present: J. Christian-Juvenile Diversion, K. Sweeney, R. & C. Anderson, F. & P. Feeley, W. Parsinen, J. Cornell, D. Fryer, D. Kelner, R. Gerberding, S. Brothers, .J. Fairchild, B. McCrorie, M. Wagner I E. Tinkham, P. Kassowitz, H. Kassowitz, G. Austin, W. Rader, -P~ Bragg, D. Rudolph, B. Leach, D. Miller, J. LaRue, E. Christiansen, W. Whiddier and R. Wight. . V MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the December I, 1981 meeting and the December 8, 1981 special meeting; Councilman Whidden seconded. Councilman Quast requested an amendment to the December 8~ 1981 minutes to Register page No. 215, fifth paragraph; the second sentence is therefore deleted and replaced with the following: "Acting upon a request from Hrs. Dyar Rob'erts, Councilman Quast inquired of Mr. Hansmire ,.,hat degree of demolition was proposed for the Conrad Dyar Memorial Fountain. He then requested a conference call be'placed to Mrs. Roberts by Manager Flodstrom, s. MCLaughlin .and S. Taylor to inform her that the proposed demolition was 100%. Upon completion of the call, S. Taylor stated that Mrs. Roberts had no objection to enhancing the area around the fountain but did obj ect to a change in the basic mewDrial fountain. Co~'cilman Quast also commented on maintenance costs for the 1st and 2nd phases of the DOw~town Beautification Project, stressing that he hopes the improvements will be maintained." On call for the motion to approve the ~inQtes as amended, the motion carried. vr C0NSSNT AGENDA Cow,cilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent I Agenda including vouchers 0= $438,119.76 and Payroll of $169,508.81. The motion. ...,-as seconded by Counci1rna., Polhamus and carried. _ VII FIN:\.NCE 1. Corporation Yard Hayor Haguewood redd a rilernorandurn from Public '/lorks Director Pittlsadvising the Council that Adv~nced Building Systems, Inc. had completed constr~ction. C.ouncillnan Duncan then moved the Council approve and accept the work performed at. tt>" Corporatiorr :Card, ,'Illd approve final payment of $58.222 _ 22, Councilman Q~a3t seconded and aft~r further discussion, the ~otion carried.. VII VIII I ,.1 December 15, 1981 ~ ~ 217 NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS PUBliC PRINTING NOTICE 15 HEREBY GiVEN i that s.ealed bids will bej FINANCE (con t. I received bV tho Pori Angel.s I CilV Clerk, CitV Hall, 140 Wesl ' Front Street, POl"1 Angeles, I 2. 1982 Official Printing ~;s~;~;~n8,u~~~tr.:/i~~ I official printing for Ihe Citv of . Mayor Haguewood read a letter from The Daily.News out1i PorI Angeles for 19B2.. .. ...... I Publications to be published the~r bJ.d fOl: the C~ty s off~c~al pr~ntlng fOl: 1982. Th in regulor issues 01 Ihe received. COWlcilman Hordyk then moved the Council awax newspaper awarded said . .. . I contract. Bid!/. to be submitted Da~ly News; COWlcl1man WhJ.dden seconded and the rnot:I.on ton 0 "chorge per column j"c:h" bo:!>>is. I The City reserves the right ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA 110 reject onv or all bids. i Marian C. Parrisn CilV CI e,k Jean Fairchild, member of the Downtown Improvement Group Pub.: Nov. 24. 29.1981 Council regarding the December 8; 1981 meeting on the 2da .Phase of-t~-' Downtown Improvement Project. She then: 1.) apologized to Eric Anderson and Gerald Hansmire of Makers, Inc. for uninformed comments directed at their proposals; 2.) noted the restrictions placed on the use of the funds; 3.} stated that the Downtown Improvement Committee has considered the maintenance costs; and 4.) clarified her position regarding the article which appeared in the December 9, 1981 Daily News. Jim LaRue, representing the Local Chapter of the Washington State Nurserymen's Association, offered advisory assistance regarding landscaping proposals for the 2nd phase of the Downtown Improvement Project, '. "",. IX ITE.t\fS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA'.: .".+-- Planning commission Vote . ,:.::..... .-..~-.- ..-.",--~.." ..-- ~'''4.-__. ~."'.._""-.._. ..~~-,.--- .....-..............-......--- -.- The COWlcil voted~for .ap1anning commission member to fill the vacancy created by C. Whidden's resignatiorr. Under consideration were J. Cornell, R. Ross, D. Wight, F. Young, M. Libera, T. Holm and J. Hulett. On the third ballot, the Council obtained a .majority vote (4 votes) for Dick Wight. Mr. Wight's term expires March 1, 1986. Councilwoman Duncan reported to the Council the significant events of an EFSEC meeting held December 14 and 15, 1981~ .EFSEC moved to: 1.) extend the due date of Northern. Tier' s completed application to June 27, 1982; 2.) take no action on rumors until the hearings are reopened; and 3.) schedule the following meetings: January 13 - Exceptions. and Replies to Exceptions; January 22 - Arguments: and January 28 - Final Recommendations to the Governor. x Councilman Quast requested item .#1 on the information agenda, "Health Insurance Coverage for Councilmembers", be placed as item #23 on the legislation agenda; congratulated Police Chief Cleland for apprehending BB gun vandals and requested a report on the court action for this case; questioned if a smoke/fire alarm is situated in the fire hall workshop; and should .4@ EFSEC hearings be reopened,. requested a letter be sent urging the President to read the EFSEC't~ptimqny_andlor, participate in a local public hearing on this matter. . 1224 NOTICE OF ACTiON BY CITY OF PORT ANGELES Pursuent to the. provisions of Chapler 43_21C RCW, notice is hereby given Ihot: The City Council .of the City of Port Angeles. did on the 15th day of D9C--embQr,',~61, take the action de'Scribed below. .. Any action 10 !:let Cl!~ide. enjoin, review. or otherwise chollenge such action on the grounds ot non(:cmpliance witt! the provisions of Chcpler 43.21C RCW (Slcte En",ironmental Policy Ad) i sholl be- commenced within ~ ni"aty {90) dovs or be barred. I The action taken by the City J of Port Angeles. notice of . which is hereby gi....en, was os I ill'! ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending section. follows: of the !?arki,ng Ordinance (Ordinance No. 1588., as amend, NoL2~~oPlion 01 Ordinance, to sp""cify off-street parking requirements for day car( 2. Said Ordinance amended j. Sectiol"l 5 of Ordinance 1588, centij:rs. the Port Angeles Parking . t Ordinance. by specifying. 1 . ..', oHstreet porking. Counci1mar.. HordYK moved the Councll adopt the forego:I.ng Ordlna.nce (,.q~irements 10' doy core l tit le; COli.'12ilman Duncan seconded and the motion carried. ~cenfers as defined in Chapter 3B8-73 WAC. I 3. Said action pert(lined to I property located within the -corporate limits of fl1e City of Port Angeles. 4. Pertinent docurnents may be .examined during regular business. tlours at the office at the Planning Director, 107 Norttl Oak Street, Po rt Angel as. Woshin9ton, DATED: December 23. 1961. CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: Poul D. Carr. Planning Director Pub.: Dec. 24. 31.1981 LEGISLATION 1. Public Hearings: A. Parking Ordinance .Amendment - Day Care Centers Clayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department re amen~~ent to the Parking Ordinance recommended by the Planning Co opened the public hearing, requesting comments or questions from or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing waS clos Hague\vcod then read Ordinance No . 2184 , entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2184 VIII I ~I December 15, 1981 allJIJo.ool'lpnOl18dQl N\fdd\f~ I i3Xn13a '3I\~HVSwr6 ilfIlll't'lOOfUl pile tKIIPal'lllO;) :)INOS\fN\fd . "PO,QUD:ll3l'l\Od'.l;)l.UJl"UJW1Jr :)INOS\fN\fd l~:'~~:~~'~ L :)INOS\fN\fd ?' 217 VII FINANCE (cont.) 2. 1982 Official Printinq Mayor Haguewood read a letter from The Daily.News, outlining the terms of their bid for the City's official printing for J.982. This was the only bid received. Councilman Hordyk then moved the council award the bid to The Daily News, Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Jean Fairchild, member of the Downtown Improvement Group, addressed the Council regarding the December 8, 1981 meeting on the 2nd Phase of the Downtown Improvement Project. She then: 1.) apologized to Eric Anderson and Gerald Hansmire of Makers, Inc. for uninformed comments directed at their proposals, 2.) noted the restrictions placed on the use of the funds; 3.) stated that the Downtown Improvement Committee has considered the maintenance costs, and 4.) clarified her position regarding the article which appeared in the December 9, 1981 Daily News. Jim LaRue, representing the Local Chapter of the Washington State Nurserymen's Association, offered advisory assistance regarding landscaping proposals for the 2nd Phase of the Downtown Improvement Project, ." . "~.,~ ~'.- IX IT&'lS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA. ~.,.;.,. .:."~,,,, Planning Commission Vote ,'~ ,i-"""""~-:- ""'"~-_. ~ -~. The Council voted: for .aplanning Commission member to fill the vacan by C. Whidden's resignation. Under consideration were J. Cornell, R D. Wight, F. Young, M. Libera, T. Holm and J. Hulett. On the third the Council obtained a majority vote (4 votes) for Dick Wight. Mr. term expires March 1, 1986. Councilwoman Duncan reported to the COuncil. the significant events 0 EFSEC meeting held December 14 and 15, 1981. EFSEC moved to: 1.) e the due date of Northern.Tier's completed application to June 27, 1 2.) take no action on rumors until the hearings are reopened; and 3) the following meetings: January 13 - Exceptions and Replies to Exce~ January 22 - Arguments; and January 28 - Final Recommendations to t~ , COuncilman Quast . requested item III on the information agenda, "Heal~ Coverage for Councilmembers", be placed as item 1123 on the legislat: congratulated Police Chief Cleland for apprehending BB gun vandals i a report on the court action for this case; questioned if a smoke/f. is situated in the fire hall workshop; and should ~Q? EFSEC hearin( requested a letter be sent urging the President to read the EFSEC.~ participate in a local public hearing on this matter. '- j i I i I X LEGISLATION 1. Public Hearings: A. Parking Ordinance Amendment - Day Care Centers ~layor Hague.vood read a memorandum from the Planning Department regarding an amenQ~ent to the Parking Ordinance recommended by the Planning Camrnission. He then op8n~d the public hearing, requesting comments or questions from the audience or staff. There ....~ere no cormnents and the public heari.ng was closed. Mayor Haguewcod then read Ordinance .No. 2184, entitled ORDINANCE NO, 2184 ill\! ORDINANC::: of the City of Port Angeles amending Section 5 of the Park~ng Ordinance [Ordinance No. lS88~ as amended) to specify off-street parking requirements for day care centE1cs. cOlillcilrnan Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title; COli.'l.cilman Duncan seconded and the motion carried. 218 ( "'~- CITY COUNCIL I~ETING December IS, 1981 X LEGISLATION (cont.) 1. Public Hearings: (cant.) B. L.B.R. Subdivision Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department regarding the preliminary plat of the L.B.R. Subdivision and opened the public hearing requesting comments or questions from the audience or staff. Mr. Rick Anderson, principal owner.of L.B.R.,addressed the Council regarding the planned develop- ment for the area. W. Whiddier, K. Sweeney and W. Rader also spoke in favor I of the replat, stating that. the development would create well built but afford- able housing. D. Logan, 1738 West 14th Street, and A. Christiansen, 1319 South K Street, opposed the replat as it would result in overcrowding of the neighborhood .,.,., and devaluation 'of adjacent properties." After the public hearing was closed, the Council requested clarification of the lot size of the replat and Councilmen Polhamus and Quast expressed reservations towards a high concentration of smaller homes on redu.ced lots. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the replat because:' 1.) public use and interest would be served by approving the plat because the lot layout will be consistent with the development pattern currently existing in the area; 2.) appropriate provisions for public health, safety and general welfare, drainage ways, streets, alleys,' water supply and sanitary wastes have been made; and open space, sites for schools, school yards, parks and playground are currently met in this area; 3.) . the proposed plat complies with the Subdivision Regulations; and 4.) the proposed plat complies with the Comprehensive Flan. Councilman Duncan seconded. 'Councilmen Hordyk- and Duncan voted "Yes." r Councilmen Folhamus and QUast voted "No" and Councilman Whidden abstained. Mayor Haguewood voting to break the tie, voted "Aye" and the motion carried. 2. Flanning Commission Minutes of November 24, 1981 and December 9, 1981 Mayor Haguewood reviewed the Planning Commission minutes of November 24, 1981 and December 9, 1981. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Flanning commission minutes of November 24, 1981 and December 9, 1981; scheduling January 5, 1982 for the Baker Rezone public hearing _ Councilwoman Duncan seconded and the motion carried. 11 ., ~Joint Use Agreemen~- Austin Councilman Quast.moved this.item be removed from the table; Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve Mr. Austin's request for a joint use agreement and Councilman Quast seconded. The Real Estate Committee recommended the 8th/9th alley at the intersection of Race Street be made one way going west for all vehicles. On call for the question to approve Mr. Austin's request, the motion carried. 4. Ordinance: 1982 Budget Mayor Haguewood read Manager Flodstrom's memorandum regarding.the1982 proposed Budget. J. Christian andW. Parsinen of Juvenile Diversion and S. Brothers of Project Informationeddressed the Council regarding.their 1982 funding requests and ~2yor Haguewood read a memorandum from S. McLaughlin regarding the Park; Division's approval of the 1982 proposed budget. During. discussion of the Juvenile Diversion program, the co~~cil regarded funding for the program a responsibility of the County, ,but recognized the severity of the budget cutbacks proposed for the program in 1982. Councilman Quast moved the Council budget $5,000 for the Juvenile Diversion program for .1982. Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion carried with councilmen Hordyk and Polhamus voting "No". The Councilmen voting "No" indicated .they would prefer having the appropriation be $9,500. ~~yor Haguewood then read Ordinance No. 2185, entitled ~ ORDINANCE NO. 2185 AN ORDINANCE. approving and adopting the budget for the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1982.. Councilman Hordyk moved the Co~,cil adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by ,title, including a $5,000 allocation for Juvenile Diversion; Councilrna~ Quast seconded and the motion carried_ .. ORDINANCE NO. 2185 , ' AN,ORDINANCE approv1ng and adopting the Iiudget fa, . the City of Port Angeles lor the fiscal year 1982, THE CITY COUNCIL O!' THE CITY OF PORT ANGUE5 DO ORDAIN oS follows: I ~ That .he budget for the City 01 Port Angeles for the year 1982, os prepared by th. ; City Manoger for said City, and finally amended, fixed and d.termined 01 fa every item by .he t City COlJncil ofter Public Heoring having been held on Toesday, Oecember 1. 1981, and noUc:.of , soid ~.crir'l;g having been given and pubfished in the manner provided by law, It Is hereby adopted, approved and confirmed. "I ~ That the following Is a summary o' the total. of estimated revenues and ap- propriations for each separation fund and the aggregate total for all su,h futlds combined. , Fund Balances Estimated Expenditure ~ DeportmBnt or Fund ADProDr!atRd ~ ApprQDriotions i A. General Fund City Council City Manager City Attorney Plannln9 General Adminlsfration Fire Police Parks Administrative Services Public: Work$ Administration Engineers \ ~~. ..----.. . t ' I TOTAL, GENERAL FUND 10,~1~ 4,554.747 B. Special Revenue iFunds 18,004 671,565 Street Arterial City Street 97,745 Foderal R-evenue Sharing ~ 245,803 TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS REVENUE 91,425 1,015,113 c. Debt S.rvice Funds 1977 Water- Rev. Bonds 44,321 96,500 Revenue Bonds, 1960 Wate, Rev&t'lue 199.765 145,712 1978 G.O. Bond Pier ~ 174,363 .. IOTAL DE8T SERVICE 301,427 416.575 FUNDS D. Ent.erDrise Funds 13,449,100 ' Light Solid Weste 34.927 677 ,000 Water/Sewer 397,939 1,380,014 TOTAL ENTERPRISE 15.506,114 ~ 432,866 E. Intra-Go\lernmental Funds Eqvlpment Rental 240,230 ~ IOTAl INTRA-GOVERN- 240,230 827,360 I MENTAL FUNDS f. TrustondAQ'El'nc:v Funds Self Insurance Fvnd 49,145 289,176 Conventlo" Center 384.060 S4,500 Firemen's Pension 500.259 114,920 IOTAL TRUST AND 488.596 AGENCY FUNDS 933.46-1 TOTAL FUNDS 2,009 826 22 BOB 505 Total Expenditures for Basic AccQt,mts: 510 General Govornmentol Services 520 Securi ty Qf Persons & Property 530 Physkal Environment 540 Transportation 570 InteUecfuel Environment 590 IlltrClgovernmental Services Total I 10,963 I 82,337 118,353 , 94.682 . 583,275 . 606,852 1.289,870 BOol,977 553,061 I 116,518 265,n8 I ~,526,666 689,569 97,745 I 319,224 1.106,538 I . 93,500 125,714 172,363 . 391 ,577 ' 13,4~9, 100 t 655,080 , ~I I 15,577.088 I I ~ 754,001 130,610 I 21,300 I 68,610 j l 220,520 .1 22,576,390 ~, 2,373,992 , 1,896,722 16,7604,361 787,314 .0. .. 754,001 . n.576,39O ~Thebudget referred to in Seclion I above is on file in the afficeaf the City Clerk at the City Hall, 1..0 We'Sf Front Street in Port Angeles, Washingfon. and is odorted by reterence. Section.c. The-City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a complete copy a the final budget all odopfed by fhis orainance to the DivisIon of Municipal Corporations in the office at the State Auditor and to 'I-le Association of Washington Cities. Section 5. This OrdlnClnce sholl be in full force and effect after its jpQ5aoge. approval and publication as- provided by law. .. PASSED _by f,he 9~v Council of t~e.qtyrot~p':!.J.)n.g~~!s;...ot".a ,regular meeting a'. the Couneih held on the 15th day 01 De,ember, 19B1.. . . Samuel J, HClQuewood . MAYOR ATTEST: Marian C. Parrish. City Clerx APPROVED AS TO FORM: (,olg l. Miller, City Allomey Pub.: Dec. 23, 1981. .~__.. __. -........~-- ---..--.-..--...- offer. Includes 1 yr. service contract, .452-7018. ORTA8LE dishwasher. hard. ly used, paid $420; Sacrifice lor $175 0' offer! 452-2980 ORDiNANaNO.2186 AN ORDINANCE 01 the. City of Po"'An'~Ie. establishing a flJnd'3'hlif 5.1f~lnsuronce.~ of health.' and w.lfdr-e obligations, and providing for the odmin~s.trQtion thereof. WHEREAS. the City 01 Port Angeles hos determined Iflat It is cost effective to 581f- insure it! employee health .gnd welfare benefit programs; NOW. THEREFORE. be it ordained by the City Council ~ of tl1e City of Port Angeles 0$ follows: Sectior. 1: Self.lnsurance Fund. rl1ere is hereby created (I special municipal fun-d in the City Treasury which 'Shall be called Health and Welfare , SeH.lrJo$-\.Il"ance fund. SQld flmd is e5tabl ished for l"e following purposes: 1. Accounting for re-venues ~c-(umiJIQted for tne paYMent of eligible claims against the l City. or establishing reserves fOT eligible but unpaid claims. 2, p(Jymet'lt of e)(penses for- los5 control or ri~k control programs designed to reduce exposure to loss or liability, 3. Paymertlt of e)(penses for professional services h)r claims administration and loss control; including em- ployment of a municipal staff position 10 provide risk. management when and if 1he employment of such- a position is deemed feasible cmd nec:essol'y by the Port ~ Angeles Cay Council, 4. Payment of premium expenses for surplus or excess insurance coverage which may be associated witll the se1f.insurClnce programs. 5. Payment o~ expenses associated with employee I participation in th:e City of Port Angeles Health Incentive Program. I Section 2: Transfer of Funds ~:~~;:ci:;re~~ud~:.ted for 1 The City Council may, at its discret.on, tron.s.fer funds which Cite budgeted for health and welfere insun;mce prem.ums to tile Se1f~ lnsurorlce Fund establis-l'aed in : Section- l above, to provide . monies. for the administration of self. insurance programs; or make supplemental ap. propriotion$ from o1her sources to the Self.lnsurance Fund as deemed necessary. Section 3: Interest Eornings. and Gains. on Sale of In- vestments Interest earnings or gains on soles of investments shalt accrue fa 1he Self-Insurance I Fund to support claims and I adS:~~:~f~a~~eT~or~~~ation of . Self.lnsurance. In the, .event .that soelf. insurcmce progrCms for the- City's heal1h on.d welfare- ~_.. r 1 j obligations is d...rmine~ to be no long or cost ollechve. \ l ony moni., accrued to the ~. b-ertlefit oi the 'Sel~.ln,urQnc.e Fund estoblished by th.. ord.nonce sholl, of!e-r payment of all outsto~dln9 . liabilities. be made avo,!oble t for 1he (lcquisltion of private medical iMurance contr~cts. or other feasible ~u~stltute progroms for the City s seLf. insufonce pions. Any mOl'lies accruing to 1he Self.lnsurance Fund created by this ordinance which ore specifically designoted for eyment of emplore,e benefits. under the City s heolth illc.entlve program stl(J" ~ frozen and preiJe-rved to dis.charge ttlose obligations wtlen they become due. Section 5: FiscCl1 Respon. $1b~gZ Director of Finance and Adminis.tfo11ve SEI",:ic?s shan administer ttle C...... $e, s~~; insurance progrQm~ : heo1ttl and welfore>> benefIts, and operation of the Se\f~ .nsuronce fUlld. -I PASSED by the City Councl of ttle City of Port Angeles .at a regular niH-t1ng o. the City Council held on this 1 Sl~ doy 01 December. l'1al AClmuel J. t1ag~;';O: ~~~~~:c. Porrish. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig l. Miller, City Attorney Pub.: Dec. 23. 1'181 -ORDINANCE No.:o;a1 AN ORDINANCE 01 the City \::ouncil of tho. City of Port. Angele..... . W1oshlngton, Quthor'i;l:ing tli'eCity Director I ot Finance ond Ad. ministrotive Services. to use bank Ch9Cks for purposes of paying claims Ggoil"lsf the ~7'S ~:~i:hsur:~:r~ P~~Yf:~ benefits.. WHEREAS. the Ci1y 01 Port Angeles hQS ente-red in.lo on agreement with John A. Soderberg Company, 0 firm in the Stote of Washing1on, for providing admjn~stratl"e services 11"1 support- of the I f~;Y's ~:~I-:~sur:nnJe ~~?;:: \ benefits; and, , WHEREAS. 1~e City desires to minimize service charges .:lnd administration procoedures related to ttle self.instJrance system; and, WHEREAS, the use of bank che,cks. i"steed of wClrranls carries It:$$oer bol\king service fees; and the election for the use 0' bank checks is per. mitted by RCW 35A.40.020; NOW. THEREFORE. be it ordained by the City Council of th-e City 0' Port Angt;:les. Washington. as 'ollows: S.c:tiO!1 1. The- City Director ot Finance (Jnd Ad. \ . ministrotiv. Service. 11 outhorll:ed to us. bank ch.cks fo' tho poymon1 of J heohh claims in octordonc~ . wlt~ RCW 35AAO.020. . , Section 2. The firm. Rainier .. NatioJ1cl Bank of Wasl11ngton, Is deSignated as the bonk ~ whereon such chGc1u. are to ~ be drown. ~ Section 3. The following .; employees of the John A. . SClderberg Administration I Compony of Seo1t~e, Wos.hl.ngton, ore hereby authorized to .xecut. checks ; on be~olf of the City 01 Port , Ang-eles for paymen' of l c10ims incurred against the City's eml)loyee health and ~ ,welfare $elf-insuronce .. program: f 1. Lowrence C. lhompson. t Vice-President for Employee ~ Benefits. i 2. Mary Anne Dohr. Ac. I count Rep-res.entative. . I 3. Nydo Moy. Claims Manager. .4. Jocqule R. May, AccotJnt I Representative. . Such employees shoH be , bonded. 11'1 c minimum I omount 01 $10.000. PASSED by 1he City Council; 01 the City of Port Angeles 01 I a regular meet1ng of the Council held on 1M 15th doy , of Dece~:~~el~~lHagUewood MAVOR ~~~~~~:C. Porrish. City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Croigl. Miller, City Attorney PUB.: Doc. 23. I'1Bl .. I I I I 'I CITY COUNCIL MEETING' December 15, 1981 n,(\ ~i.<J X LEGISLATION (cant.) 5. Downtown.Beautification Project - phase II 14anager Flodstrom indicated that as a result of the objections raised to project elements at the December 8, 1981 special meeting, he, Mayor Haguewood and Council- man Quast met with Mrs. Roberts at the firm of Makers, Inc. to discuss an agree- able design for the improvements .to be made at the foot of Laurel Street. Eric Anderson of Makers later presented to the Council the new design which incorpor- ates many of the aspects of the original proposal but retains the basic elements of the Conrad Dyar Memorial Fountain. Director of Public Works pittis also out- lined the modified project elements for the 2nd phase of the Downtown Improvement Project. After further discussion, Councilman Quast moved the Council grant.... permission to call for bids for the 2nd Phase of the Downtown Beautification Project.; Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. 6. Self Insurance -Ordinance Establishing a Fund and Ordinance Authorizing Bank Checks Mayor Haguewood read by title Ordinance No. 2186, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2186 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a fund for self-insurance of health and welfare obligations r'1. '. and providing for the administration thereof. Councilman Hordyk moved, the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title; Councilwoman Duncan seconded. Attorney Miller advised the Council that Section 1, Subsection 5 "adopted by Resolution No. ~"land Section 4, second paragraph "established by Resolution No. _" be' deleted as the Resolution had not as yet been drawn up. The motion to adopt the Ordinance as amended carried. Mayor Haguewood then read by title Ordinance "No. 2lB7, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2187 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Director of Finance and Administrative Services to use bank checks for the purposes of paying claims against the City's self-insurance program for health and welfare benefits. Councilman Hordyk.moved the COuncil adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title and Councilman Quast sec9nded. Councilman Hordyk then requested the Ordinance be amended to stipulate that those employees executing checks be bonded. .The motion to adopt the Ordinance as amended carried. ~BPA Energy Conservation Agreement Mayor Haguewood read a mernorandumfrom Power Manager Booth recommending the Co~,cil authorize a contract with BPA for energy conservation. After discussion of the contract Mayor Haguewood read Resolution No. 44-81, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 44-Bl A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor and Clerk of the City to execute an agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the Bonneville Power AcL'1linistration for energy conservation. Co\.mcilman Hordyk moved for adoption of the foregoing Resolution' as read by titl~; Councilman IfJhidden seconded and the motion carried. ~~_?ar~ir.g Petition - Queen of Angels Church This i.tem was removed from the agenda. 9. Proposal .for Racquet Fac; lity at Erickson PLlyfield Mr. Daniel Kelner and Mr. Daniel Fryer, representatives of Peninsula Racquet Cl1lb, addressed the Council regarding their proposal to lease City land for con~;t.ruction and operation of an indoor racquet facility at Erickson Playfield. ';'"," c:>uncil discussed pros ilnd cons of the proposal and Councilman Quast then "'.('?~L' that City staff, in conjunction with the Park Board, pursue further the 220 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1981 x LEGISLATION (cont.) 9. Proposal for Racquet Facility at Erickson Playfield (cont.) possibility of a cooperative agreement with the petitioners'for the establish- ment of the proposed racquet facility; Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. 10. Utility Billing System Finance Director Orton' explained his memorandum which requested the City revert to monthly meter reading due to several problems eiltperienced with the bi-monthly program implemented in May. ,of 1981. Councilwoman Duncan then moved the Council approve the proposal to revert to a monthly meter reading system and for staff to make arrangements for immediate conversion of the sys_tem. Councilman Quast seconded and after a'discussion of the cost impacts, the motion carried. I Nayor Haguewood noted the time was beyond 10 :00 P.M.; Councilwoman Duncan moved the Council meet in extraordinary session; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. . 11. Chamber "Loop Drive" Promotion -.,. ....--- ..... ~ Nayor Haguewood read a letter from Gaye Shannon of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce requesting an appropriation of $2,000 to support the-development and distribution of a regional concept advertising brochure to attract tourists to the Olympic Peninsula. Councilman Quast moved the Council appropriate the $2,000 from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund to support the Chamber's promotion of the Olympic Peninsula region; Councilman Polhamus ,seconded and after further discussion, ,::",. ,the motion carried. "',! .., :i'~ l2. DNR Land Exchange Mr. Don Miller requested the Council consider an exchange of an 80-acre tract I of DNR land in the Valley Creek area for City owned land in the Morse Creek Watershed. Counci~man Quast moved the Council refer this to the Real Estate Committee for consideration; Counciman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 13. Pearce Request to Purchase City Property Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department recommending approval of Mr. and Mrs. Pearce's request to purchase a portion of Lot 15, Block 129, Townsite of Port -Angeles, with the exception of a IS-foot strip as measured from the top of the bluff. The Real Estate Committee recommended the land be sold to the pearces at the $2.00 per square foot view property price. Councilwoman Duncan moved the Council accept the recommendation of the 'Real Estate Committee to sell the land to the petitioners; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 14. Little League Field Renovation Director of Parks and Recreation Frizzell reported that the Little League Board and the volunteer group had decided to delay field renovation at Lincoln Park until after the end of the next baseball season; they will however, continue to work over the winter in. conjunction with City staff to finalize plans for improvement of the facility. 15. "Think Tank" - TQui'isrn Promotion special meeting to participate I' 1982, 7:00 P.M. at Hague~~ood's, seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Quast moved the City Council schedule a in the "Think Tank" session b2ing held January 14, to discuss tourism promotion. Councilwurnan Duncan 16. Reserve k~bulance Proposal Fire Chief Glenn reported on the Dece~ber 10, 1981 EMS meeting and the Council determined no action could be taken until the details of the proposal were finalized. , ~~... 221 " CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 15, 1981 X LEGISLATION (cont.) 17. Clallam - Jefferson public Defender Contract Mayor Haguewood read Attorney Miller's memorandum recommending the Council accept the Public Defender's services bid of $7.500 for 75 cases, plus $100 for each case over 75, for the year 1982. Councilman Quast moved the Council accept the bid and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the City and the Clallam-Jefferson Public Defender for those services. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. I 18. Shillington Temporary Street Use Permit ,( No action was taken on this item~ 19. IIHelp Young America WeekU Mayor Haguewood declared the week of December 13th -c.19th "Help Young America Week" at the request of the Juan de Fuca Council of Campfire, Inc. This will be in conjunction with a civil service project the Campfire Youth will be working on at that time. 20. \'IPPSS - December 11, 1981 Participants' Meeting Councilman Hordyk reported on the WPPSS Participants' Meeting and the Council determined to delay a decision pending receipt of the final draft of the co"- tract and a legal opinion from the City Attorney. 21. Oath of Office Deputy Clerk Lannoye administered the oath of office to new Councilman Rex W. Gerberding and.re-elected CoUncilmen Dorothy Duncan, Samuel J. Haguewood and John Hordyk; t'heir terms of office will commence on January 1, 1982. I 22. Lincoln Park Longhouse Storage Mayor Haguewood read Resolution No. 45-81, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 45-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles establishing fees and regulations for use of the Lincoln Park r.Onghouse for fall and winter dryland storage. Councilman Hordyk moved for adoption of the ~foregoing Resolution as read by title; Councilwoman Duncan seconded and the motion carried. 23. Health Insurance - Councilmembers Council and staff discussed participation of Councilmembers in the City's health insurance program, referring.to Finance Director Orton's memorandum to that effect; no action was taken. XI LATE ITEMS Councilnan Hordyk no~ed the lack of seating capacity in the Council Chambers and req~~sted staff investigate enlargement of the facility. I Cou,cilwoman Dlli~can reqcested letters be sent to Senators .Gorton and Jackson requesti~g the support of federal agencies and the current administration of the EFSEC process with regard to Northern Tier. COlmcilman Quast requested the monies received from the sale of the City property to the Pearcesbe earmarked as a doem payment for purchase of the Martin property_ XII ADJOUP~~~~T TO EXECUTIVE SE3SION The meeting adjourned to an executive session at 11 :00 P .r-1. XIII Return to Op~n Session and Adj~u~nment The meetins returned to open sp.ssion and adjourned at 11:20 P.M. CONCRETE PUMPING SERVICE-~' C0l1cr81e p"mp, 10' boom, 150' line. No job too small. ~57-().4~3. CARPlNTRY CUSTOM, Quality work All phases construction and concrete. Rock bottom prices I Free Estimates. 452. 9863, Jim. EXCAVATION EVERGREEN CONSTRUCTION Septic systems, road build. ing, house exco....ations. perk holos. Licensed and bonded. "57.0701, EXCAVATING, land dearing, rood building, demolition. Pit run gravel. fill dirt, Dan Lawson, ~52- 4925. JIM'S TRUCKING & ex. CAVATING Grading, land. clearing, rood building and groveling. Roads & driveways graded. Backhoe work. Basements, fill dirt & gravel. Building demolition. Madlinery hauling, clump- truck rental. 30.yard, semi- dump trlr. 457-8897, SHOP where the bargains are. . today's Classified FENCING AND LANDSCAPING CEDAR RAILS, posta, snaga, for landscaping, farming 451.377". ANGELES FENCING SYSTEMS, INC. Free Estimates, ~57.1665, FLOORING OLYMPIC Hardwood Floo slnc@ 1946. New floors in stalled. Old floors refinish ed. licensed and Bonded Neal H"ffmon, 683.5753. HANDYMAN HANDYMAN, yardwork. $5 per hr. 683.2130. RON'S Handyman Servlcel Carpentry, pointing, remodeling, home repairs, free estimates. ~52.2883. CLEANING Penlns"la Chimney Service Cleaning & InSfallation 457.13.<10 INCREASE The Life Of Your Roof! De.Mossing & Treating. ..52.2883, CONSIGNMENTS SKIS, coats. "Encore," 3Q6W. ht.. No. 4. ~52.B209. 222, ' CITY COUNCIL ~ffiETING December 15, 1981 ~c?~ City Clerk ~!md[ .4-- "aS~ < . I ~ ., --;;;;;;~~;;'8:-- -- '\ AN ~~~~:~9C~e~ft:~~ ;:r'h~P;:;::-~ge'e~ . .. O,d,"on,e IO,dmon,eNo, 1588: .,omended) . to specify f:;~:~ecto~:r;~~~.:r~Uirements I~'~ WHEREAS, the requirements of Chapter 43.21C RCW hove been mel; and , , WHEREAS. the City Council finds itla be in the best Inferests of the City of Pori Angeles; now, :1 therefore, BE 11 ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES os follows: J1! Section 1. Section S'ofOrdinonce No. 1568 is hereby amended foread as follows: I,~'f "Section 5 PARKING SPACE REQUIREMENTS. For 0 new building or structure, or for tl'1e\'! enlargement or increase in size of ony existing building or structure there sholl b. established . and maintained a permanent offstreet parking Orea within one hundred (100) feet of the land'" use, The minimum number of parking spacos withIn said areo shall be 0$ follows: ~~: ~ Section 5.0:1 Bonks, business, professionol and go....ernmentol offices Bowling alleys Child core services/Day care centers (os defined in Chop. 388-13 WAC) Churches, mortuaries, · f J~~;:~~irsomes Drug stores Food $tores, markets and shopping centers Hotels ond motels laboratories, research, bio-chemical, X.roy, dental Medical, optometrical and dental clinics and/or offices Othar retail establishments, such as furniture, appli. once, hardware stores, h.ouslI!hold equipment, service shops, clothing or shoe repair shops Restaurants, taverns, any establishment for the sole ond consumption on the premises of food, alcoholic beveroges or relreshments Skating rink and other com. mercial recreation places Telephone exchange Theaters Trl:'cking and transportation terminals Wholesale stoms, wore. houses, storage buildings, motor "ehides or mochinory soles , Manufacturir1g u~es, includ. ing creameries, soft drink bottling estoblishmetlts, bakeries, canneries, print. ing and angroving shops NUMBER OF REQUIRED PARKING SPACE5 ; . Commercial 1 for eoch 200 sq. ft, gross floor orea of the building 6 for eocn alley 2 plus one unloading space far tnose serving 12 or fewer children; 1 per employee plu! 2 spaces for un. . : loading for those serving more than . ; 12 children . 1 for each 6 &eals In the chapel , I ., -I " .,.; ',-'.~ :--L,\ ';'1 I """"'Iflll!'t ..,' .r " . 1 -for .each 50 square fell'1 of grO!ifi floor oreo of the building 1 for eoch 200 sq, ft, gross floor areo 1 for each 200 sq. ft. of gross floor area of the building, minimum of 10 : ;~~ :~~~ ~e:~~?t~~;'gross floor oreo 6 for each doctor 1 for each 200 sq. ft. of gro55 floor area of tne bu~ldlng, minimum of 6 spaces I lor each 100 sq. ft. of gross floor area of the building, minimum af 10 spoces 1 for each 100 sq. ft. of gross floor area of the building 1 tor each employee, minimum of 6 spaces I for each :3 theater seats Minimum of 10 spaces 1 spoce for eoch;l employees, mini- mum of 10 spaces Section 5,04. Industrial ,-"" 1 for each 3 employees, minimum of 10 spaces ,~ ,~ ~:',: ~;....~ '...'~~ > '~l 1:'I,j ;1 ,~ ~.ol! ."~ '> .) " ,~.... \ ~ ,: [.~;):I 'C:'.;:.I, .::'~ . ".,t Saction 5.06. Fublic and IMtitutional - ...............____...-.f Clubs, fraternal 5adeties, 1 for eoch 50 square feet of gross pieces of assembly, extlibi. floor area of the building tion l'1alls, without fixod seats Hospitals i Libraries Museums Outdoor sports area or parks without fixed seafS Parks, playgrounds Preschool and klndergarlen Public and private golf clubs Public swimming pools Riding academies Schools: Elementary Junior High Senior High Junior college Stadiums, sports areas, auditorh.lms, and other places of assembly Dormltorie~, apartment dormitories Rooming and lodging houses Sanifariums, convalescent homes, nursing homes and resf homes, homes for tho elderly Single family, fwoand three family dwellings. apartment buildings Troiler pork 1 for each bed 1 for each 200 sq. ft of gross floor area, minimum of 10 1 fOf each 300 sq. ft. gross floor area Subject to revlew by Planning Commission Subiect to ro"iew of Planning Commission Minimum of 10 spaces Mitlimum of 40 spaces 10 for each 1,000 sq.lt, of pool surface areo 1 for each 100 sq. ft. gross floor stable areo 2 for each classroom 3 for each classroom 6 for each closs room 8 for eocn classroom 1 for eoch 3 seats Section 5.08 - Residenliol 2 for each sleeping unit 1 for each sleeping unit 1 for each 3 beds 2 spaces per dwelling unit 2 lor e<lch trailer spoce I' ,:.,.t- I ,,--;j :'~~~ --' '\ Sedion :1. ni, Ordlncmce sholl be effective Januory 1. 1982. PASSEO by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said CounCil held on ihe 15thdny of December, 1981. Samuel J. Haguewood MA VOR ATTEST: Morion C. Perrls, CitV Clark APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig l. Miller. City Attorney Pub.: Dec. 24, 1981.