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Port Angeles, Washington
December 15, 1998
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilman Wiggins.
Staff Present: Manager Ibarra, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becket, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis,
T. Smith, and G. Kenworthy.
Public Present: R. Coram, Jr., L. Lee, and K. Sweeney.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilman Hulett.
CEREMONIAL Presentation of Washington State Public Works History Book Published by the
MATTERS/ American Public Works Association
Public Works Director Pittis gave a history of the American Public Works Association,
Washington State Public and in so doing, he presented a book developed by that Association which provides a
Works History Book history of Washington State Public Works. The proceeds from the sale of this book will
go toward an endowment fired to provide scholarships for Public Works professionals
in the State. It was suggested that the book be placed in the public library.
WORK SESSION: Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by Timothy Smith, Economic
Development Director. Manager Ibarra stated this was a very important moment in the
1999 Economic history of Port Angeles, as it launches the Economic Development Program. He stated
Development Work Plan his first priority was economic development and setting goals for restoration of the local
economy. Manager Ibarra met with others involved in improving economic
development, and it was felt an Economic Development Director was a necessity. It
was determined that Timothy Smith was the perfect candidate, as Mr. Smith had been
involved in the Port Angeles Works! Committee which had been focusing on economic
development and the Rayonier site.
Manager Ibarra stated the Plan which will be presented this evening is a summary of the
efforts and by-products of meetings with Port Angeles Works! and other agencies that
deal with economic development. This will allow the City to be a stronger advocate and
more active participant in economic development. The Plan will focus on current
efforts, business retention and expansion, business recruitment, and marketing of Port
Angeles. Manager Ibarra stated periodic progress reports will be given at subsequent
Council meetings.
Director Smith introduced Karen Rogers of the Port Angeles Works! Steering
Committee; Dick Coram, Dept. of Community, Trade and Economic Development;
- I -
December 15, 1998
WORK SESSION: Mike McLear, President of the Clallam County EDC; Bart Philips, Executive Director
(Cont'd) of the EDC; and Arla Holzschuh, Port Angeles Downtown Association; all of whom
have been connected in the effort to develop this Plan.
1999 Economic
Development Work Plan Director Smith stated that, through the efforts of the Steering Committee, parameters
(Cont'd) were drawn and the purpose of the program was decided. Working with staff, an
implementation strategy was developed to devise a work plan for the first year, ..
including goals and objectives, and how this program would relate with other existing
programs within the community, as well as with the community at large. He felt a solid
foundation would be laid to carry the City into the year 2000 and beyond.
Director Smith then gave a brief background of the program, which started with the
$300,000 Rayonier grant and the forming of a Steering Committee. The Steering
Committee wrote a Mission Statement and then posed and discussed questions
regarding the City's assets, available sites, infrastructure, workforce, zOning, industry
types desired, and the community's strengths and weaknesses. The Committee
deliberated these questions for a long time, and then focused on certain ideas for Port
Angeles Works!, which included communication, City services, addressing deficiencies,
marketing enhancement, and annexation.
Director Smith explained that the Focus Ideas became the 1999 Work Plan and
proceeded to review the Plan's parameters and purpose which included 1) Establish and
Economic Development Program specific to the City; 2) Promote and enhance
economic development and employment opportunities; and 3) Direct resources for
maximum return on investment. Director Smith stated Implementation Strategy for
Year One covered five "building blocks" which establish the foundation for program
development, and which guide program services during the first year of operation. The
1999 Work Plan has five overall goals, which Mr. Smith reviewed and explained.
Manager Ibarra stated that in speaking to other community groups the question arises
as to whether the City will be cooperating with other, agencies, such as the Port,
regarding economic development. Manager Ibarra stated he stresses the positives and
felt that by the City 'increasing its efforts, the chances for success for Port Angeles are
greater. It will not necessarily constitute an intrusion upon the efforts of the other
agencies, but will speak of the City's commitment to economic development.
Mr. Smith then provided an explanation of how the Plan folds into the current contract
with the EDC and how the EDC contract supports the 1999 work plan. Mr. Smith stated
ongoing progress reports will be presented throughout the year. He reviewed the
Summary and time lines for the 1999 Port Angeles Works! Work Plan and the 1999
City/CCEDC Contract.
Councilman Campbell commended the efforts of Director Smith in making tonight's
presentation. Discussion followed, and Manager Ibarra and Director Smith responded
to questions posed by the Council and provided additional clarification on several
issues. Councilman Doyle noted that $250,000 has been budgeted in 1999 for
economic development. He felt this should be closely monitored before budgeting
again in the year 2000. Manager Ibarra stated he and Finance Director Godbey had
worked with Director Smith to define the first year's budget. Some flexibility was _
worked into this budget, as in the first year it is hard to know where all the expenses
will be. Manager Ibarrra stated that, in order to be successful in economic development,
the City must provide the necessary funding. The community wants to see results, and
that is what is being targeted.
Councilman Campbell suggested setting measurable parameters, such as the increase
in jobs, to provide accountability for this budget. Director Smith stated this could be
done. Further discussion ensued, and Councilmember McKeown felt that the jobs
December 15, 1998
WORK SESSION: obtained through these efforts should be family wage jobs.
MayOr Braun suggested that consideration of the 1999 contract with the Economic
1999 Economic Development Council b.c. moved up on the agenda so action could be taken on it while
Development Work Plan the informatiofi ~fis Si~ii'fre~hin Council's mind.
Other Considerations
1999 Contract with Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Director of Economic
Economic Development Development. Director Smith pointed out that the core funding for the Economic
Council Development Council, as proposed for 1999, remains stable at $25,000. There is an
additional $10,000 budgeted for support of the Port Angeles Works! program for those
issues specific to Port Angeles. Mr. Smith felt it was to the City's benefit to panner with
the EDC in this initial year of operation.
Discussion followed, and Mr. Smith responded to questions posed by the Council. At
Councilman Campbell!s request, Bart Philips, Executive Director of the EDC, explained
the telephone in-kind services provided by the City. Following further discussion and
explanation, Mayor Braun asked Karen Rogers, Community Member of the Port
Angeles Works! Committee, if she would like to address the Council.
Karen Rogers indicated businesses are expanding, but not all of them are in the
forefront of tourism or retail; therefore, they are less visible.
Dick Coram, 40 Blueberry Place, Sequim, Washington, wished to address job creation
from economic development efforts. He reviewed the State's criteria for judging
success in economic development. In Clallam County, a living wage is considered to
be between $18,000 and $20,000 per annum.
Councilman Doyle moved to authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with
the Economic Development Council for 1999, providing the City's 1999 is adopted
as written, and including the words "and commercial" along with industrial
inventory of sites. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried
FINANCE: 1. Award Bid for Fire Station Canopy
Fire Station Canopy Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works and Fire
Departments. Director Pittis indicated that Public Works Department is providing
support services on the project, and he referred to Page 12 of the packet, a bid
withdrawal for Mathews Glass Company due to an error in their bidding.
Using the overhead projector, Chief Becket described the details of the project and what
would be accomplished. He responded to questions and provided additional
clarification. Manager Ibarra further clarified that the canopy was necessary in order
to protect the structure from further damage.
Counciimember McKeown moved to award the contract for construction of a
canopy at the Fire Station to Hanna Construction in the amount of $27,198.61, plus
tax. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Following further discussion
regarding warranty of the work, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried
December 15, 1998
PUBLIC HEARINGS - Municipal Code Amendment- MCA 98-06-Binding Site Improvement Plan (Continued
OTHER: from 12/]/98) .
Binding Site Improvement Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. Director
Plan Collins dislxibuted a replacement to Page 115 and gave an explanation of the correction
Ordinance No. 3003 to that page.
Mayor Braun opened the public hearing at 7:10 p.m.
Ken Sweency, Planning and Environmental Manager for the Port of Port Angeles, 338
W. First Street, distributed a map to illustrate the remarks he would be making. Mr.
Sweeney explained the background of the Port's airport industrial park development
and stated that the Port is supportive of the Binding Site Improvement Plan. Mr.
Sweeney and Director Collins responded to questions posed by Councilman Doyle.
There was no further public testimony, and Mayor Braun closed thc public hearing at
7:20 p.m. He read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
establishing a binding site improvement plan process as
an alternative method of land division in commercial and
industrial zones, amending Ordinance 2789 as amended,
and amending Chapter 3.70 and creating Chapter 16.10
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Attorney Knutson explained that shopping malls would be another example of where
this binding site plan approach is better suited for land use development regulations,
rather than the normal subdivision regulations used when dividing up property.
Discussion followed.
Councilman Campbell moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing
Findings 1 - 8 and Conclusions 1 - 4, as set forth in Exhibit "A', which is attached
to and becomes a part of these minutes. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
FINANCE: 2. Authorize City Manager to Sign Contract for Pile Driving at City Pier
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Parks and Recreation
Pile Driving at City Pier Department and asked Director Brodhun for a definition of "fender pile" which he
provided. Couneilmember MeKeown moved to authorize the City Manager to sign
a contract with Manson Construction in an amount not to exceed $25,000.
Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Doyle moved to accept the Consent Agenda which included: 1. Minutes
of the regular Council meeting of December 1, 1998; 2. Landfill Cell 3 Expansion
Payment ~4 and Construction Change Orders 1 and 3; 3. Reconsideration of Street
Vacation 98-02 - Olympic Memorial Hospital; 4. Nyhus dedication of property to City;
5. Check list - December 15, 1998 - $756,558.03; and 6. Reappointments to Law
Enforcement Advisory Board. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. With
regard to Page 3 of the minutes, first paragraph, Councilman Doyle noted that the
SeaMount subdivision was the first to have "curved" streets, not "curbed" streets. He
also asked for and received an explanation regarding the expense for the Teen center
expansion. Councilman Campbell noted the generous gift from Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Nyhus, who are donating property valued at $155,000 to the City, for use in the Valley
Creek Estuary Project. Director Brodhun reminded the Council tha,t this was in addition
December 15, 1998
CONSENT AGENDA: to land donated by Leo and Frances Konopaski several years ago, which will allow for
(Cont'd) preservation of the ravine for future trail development or stream restoration. After
further discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Doyle attended Real Estate Committee and Utility Advisory Committee
COMMITTEE meetings. Councilmember McKeown represented the City at the opening of the
REPORTS: Evergreen Family Village and the kick-off for the renovation of the Lee Hotel.
Mayor Braun attended a dinner honoring the Chamber of Commerce volunteers, the
installation of new officers for the Port Angeles Business Association, and the Mayors'
meeting, which Manager Ibarra will address in detail later in the meeting. Mayor Braun
was the guest speaker at an Eagle Scout ceremony, and he attended the Port Angeles
Community Leaders meeting. Mayor Braun noted the letter of praise of the Coast
Guard Cutter Active.
Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Adopting the 1999 Budget 1. Ordinance Adopting 1999 Budget and Amending 1998 Budget
Ordinance No. 3004
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Finance Department. Director
Godbey reminded the Council that the regular property tax increase was $.025 per
thousand. Councilman Campbell, referring to the budget amendments noted on Page
70 of the packet, asked if downtown sidewalk and watermain and landfill cell extension
projects had been budgeted. Director Godbey responded and explained. Mayor Braun
read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles revising
the budget for the fiscal year ending December 31,
1998, adopting the budget for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 1999, amending Ordinance 2978, and
authorizing an increase in the regular property tax
Councilman Campbell moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Economic Development 2. Ordinance Creating Economic Development Fund
Ordinance No. 3005 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Finance Director, and Director
Godbey provided further input. At Councilman Doyle's request, Attorney Knutson
explained the paper trail for abolishing an ordinance. Mayor Braun read the Ordinance
by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
creating the Economic Development Fund, abolishing the
Governor's Rural Economic Summit Fund, and amending
Ordinance 2890 as amended and Chapter 3.15 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
December 15, 1998
Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: None
Other Considerations
Daishowa America Lease 1. Consent to Assignment of Daishowa America Lease on Ediz Hook
on Ediz Hook
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's Office and
asked Attorney Knutson for additional input. Attorney Knutson stated he understood
this change would not effect the way Daishowa America operates in Port Angeles.
Brief discussion ensued, and Attorney Knutson responded to questions.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Consent to
Assignment of the Daishowa America lease of Lease Lots 1 and 2 on Ediz Hook.
· Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Regional & Emergency 2. Revised Scope of Contract with CH2MHi!l for Regional and Emergency Water
Water System Analysis System Analysis
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department and
asked Director Pittis for additional input. Director Pittis explained that the City and
PUD would not split the cost 50/50, but it would be based on water usage.
Councilman Campbell suggested the report be entitled Elwha Dams Removal Mitigation
Facilities Report rather than Elwha Dams Mitigation Facilities Report. Discussion
ensued, and Director Pittis responded to questions and provided additional clarification.
Councilman Doyle stated the Federal Government should be informed they would be
expected to build a treatment plant, if needed, in the event the Elwha Dam is removed.
Director Pittis agreed. Manager Ibarra stated this has been expressed to Senator Murray
and Congressman Dicks and will be brought up at the meeting with Senator Gorton next
Following further discusSion, Councilman Doyle moved to authorize approval of a
scope revision to the current Port Angeles water supply study contract with CH2M
Hill to provide a regional water supply entitled "Elwha Dams Removal Mitigation
Facilities Report". Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried
Contract with Waldron 4. Request to Authorize City Manager to Sign Contract with Waldron &
& Company Company
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Manager. Manager Ibarra
reminded the Council that funds were requested during the 1999 budget process. This
is the same fnm utilized in the last two City Manager searches, and it comes highly
recommended. Manager Ibarra referred to Page 102 of the packet, which contained the
proposed time frame.
Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the City Manager to enter into a
contract with Waldron and Company for professional services for the recruitment
and selection process for the Public Works and Utilities Director in the amount of
$15,000 plus expenses. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
INFORMATION: Manager Ibarra stated there were two items which were not included in the City
Manager's Report. He read aloud a thank you letter from a resident regarding the recent
watermain break. The second item was a letter of support to the Mayor of Forks
regarding the Quillayute Airport.
December 15, 1998
INFORMATION: Manager Ibarra stated an Executive Session was necessary to discuss his review, and
(Cont'd) he reminded the Council that he would be out of the office from December 24, 1998,
through January 4, 1999. He recommended that Director Pittis be placed in responsible
charge during his absence.
Referring to Page 133, Manager Ibarra asked for Council concurrence in waiving or
reducing fees for the restoration of the Lee Hotel. If Council concurs, an amendment
regarding the disposal of solid waste will be prepared for the January 5, 1999, Council
meeting. Discussion followed regarding reduced rates for charitable organizations.
Council concurred with Manager Ibarra, and the ordinance will be forthcoming.
At Mayor Braun's request, Director Godbey reviewed a request from the Employees'
Association regarding a donation from the Council for a raffle prize. Mayor Braun
asked for a $5 donation from each member, to which the Council agreed.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 8:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:20 p.m.
ADJOURN TO Mayor Braun adjourned the meeting to Executive Session at 8:20 p.m. to discuss a
EXECUTIVE SESSION: personnel matter for approximately ten to fifteen minutes.
RETURN TO The meeting returned to open session at 8:40 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
l~ecky J. uPt-~ ~-~q Cl~'k ~r-- - \ Gary~raun, M;yor
Exhibit "A"
1. The City Planning Department's policy is to note areas of concern or error contained
in those regulations that deal with land development within the City of Port Angeles
and to bring these issues to the attention of the City Council through the Planning
Commission for review and possible amendment.
2. It has come to the attention of the Planning Department that there is a desire to
designate industrial property for development in a manner not inconsistent with the
State's subdivision standards, but which the City's subdivision standards do not
permit at present. This type of development was previously permitted under a
specialized permit, an M-1 (Industrial) Permit. The M-1 Permit standards were
removed from the Port Angeles Municipal Code in 1985 with the introduction of the
Light Industrial Park zone.
3. The proposal is to allow one or more parcels of land to be operated as a single
development site for the purposes of shared facilities and common management,
subject to a City approved binding site improvement plan. While ownership of the
entire property remains intact, structures within the site could be offered for sale or
4. The state's subdivision regulations (58.17 RCW) provide for an alternative method
of land division referred to as a "binding site plan". "A city, town, or county may
adopt by ordinance procedures for the divisions of land by use of a binding site plan
as an alternative to the procedures required by this chapter. The ordinance shall be
limited and only apply to one or more of the following: (1) The use of a binding site
plan to divisions for sale or lease of commercially or industrially zoned property as
provided in RCW 58.17.040(4);..."
5. The amendment will allow for developments of mixed commercial and/or industrial
businesses that share facilities and are organized by some common management. A
business and office park, an industrial park, a corporate campus, and a shopping
center are typical examples of such commercial or industrial centers.
6. The following goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan are most relevant
to the proposal:
Land Use Industrial Policies Goal "G .... To create and maintain a healthy and
diverse industrial sector for a balanced and stable local economy."
Land Use Industrial Policies Goal "H .... To provide opportunities for industrial
development in a manner which efficiently uses the community's various attributes
and natural resources, has minimal impact on the environment, and contributes to the
City' s quality of life."
7. Urban services will be required for all industrial and commercial areas as required by
the Capital Facilities Element concurrency policy.
8. Infrastructure which makes sites attractive and ready to develop, including
transportation facilities and utilities, will be required for industrial parks and
commerial developments.
1. The provisions for binding site improvement plans will allow flexibility in the design
and use of commercial and industrial properties.
2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's
Comprehensive Plan including but not limited to Land Use Industrial Goals and
Policies Goal G. and Policy G. 1; Goal H. and Policy H. 2.
3. The proposed use requires development consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance
4. The amendment is in the public use and interest.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of December 15, 1998.
Gary l~raun, l~ayor
BeCky J. Up~l~,, ~ity ~ierl~- --