HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/16/1954 ,.. 422 Deeembel' 16 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19---1)4 ,,<<. ..".u. .Un< ",""~,,, ""''''"' "". ~ 1 The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call stiowed the following Officers present: Ma,yor Smith, Councilmen Bro>m, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe and Mc- Fadden, City Manager Vergeer, Attoi'ney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. man Brown. All voted Aye. 1,lotion carried. Under the he~d of unfi;Ushed business, bids for cons~ruction of 'I'unn<ater ac.cess ~, ment and Front Street extension were received from the following. contractors: Osberg COQStruction Co., Unit A. Tumwater Road Seconded by council-1 I Y",rine Drive improve- I Pieler Construction Co., Unit B. Unit B., Marine Drive' Lagoon Bridge rtnnwater Road Front St. and Alley F. H. Jarnigan, Tumwater Road Front St. and Alley Valley Constroction 90., TUlIIIiater Road Front St. and Alley Del Guzzi Bros. Construction, Inc. Tumwater Road Front St. and Alley J. p. Surace Construction Co. 1'umw'ater Road Owens Bros. Eng. and Const. Co. Vlarine Dirve Lagoon Bridge Hugh GoY an, Cont ractor TUlIIIiater Road Manson-osberg Co., It<m 3, 63~ per sq. yd. !ten 4, Unit C ,37~ per cu.' yd. General COMtruction Co., Item 4, Unit C @ 55i per Cu. Yd. M'ter tabu~tion by the Engineering De~rtment and due consideration, contracts be awarded as follows: Osberg Const. Co., Pieler Const. Co., Pie1er Const..Co., F. H. Jarnigin, Less Manson.and OSberg, Manson and Osberg, Tumwater Road,. Unit A. V.arine Dri ve, Uni t B, Lagoon Bridge , Unit. B Items 3 & 4, Unit C. Item 3 Of Unit C. J;tem.4 of Unit C. Total of bids for L. I. D. 167, $471,414.01 Engineer's Estimate, $487,671.64 It was moved by Councilman Brown that bids be awarded as recommended. unanimously carried. $174,759.18 167, 0J,2. 78 27,261.45 215,950.52 105,770.85 212,206.32 92,383.28 195,901.44 95,819.53 222,948.72 117,633.53 186,690.73 183,351.86 28,333.58 I 182,131.13 15,278.76 20,153.16 Manager Vergeer recommended that 174,759.18 167, 0J,2. 78 27,261.45 66,918.68 15,~78.76 20,153.16 liability, including fire and theft coverage on vehicles, Seconded by Councilman McFadden and I I I were Bids for City insurance, comprehensive, public received as follows: Aldwell and trenner Co., $5,802.38 Smith InSurance Service,. 6,379.96 It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid by Aldwell and l'fenner Co. man Wolfe. All voted ~e. Motion carried. be accepted. Seconded by Council- I John Selby, President, Chamber of Commerce, cited improtance of retaining Coast Guard Base and pledged all possible ass:it.ance of that organization toward betention of the base. Mayor Smith read letter of recommend I ation and resolutions from Civic Organizations, pledging their support. Manager Vergeer expressed hope that with all community support and cooperation the Coast Guard will be retained. It was moved by Councilman : I McFadden that the City Council go on record as advocating clearance of all hazards as soon as possible, I 1 thereby eliminating possibility of comments concerning hazard romoval. Motion seconded by CounCilman Brown. I All \Oted Aye. Motion carried. l . ! I The Council discussed improvement of alley through Blks. 13 and 14, Townsite, and obstruction of said alley b by existing buildings. It was moved by Councilman Brown that owners. be instructed to remove portions of ,buildings protruding in alley to be improved. Seconded by CouroilJnan Sandison and carried. . I I . Under the head of new business, Qlaims paid November 26, 30, December 1, 2, 6, and 13, in total amount of ' 1$78,652.55, iteril filed for approval. It was moved by Councilman Powell that all claims be approved. Second- ed by Councilman Brown. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. The City Treasurer's report for November was also filed for Council ppproval. It was moved by Councilman McFadden'that report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Nolfe and carried. Don Morrison, Olympic Health District Sanitarian, introduced A. G. Koch, State Health Engineer atxl Richard I Boughner, of the State Pollution Control Commission. Mr. Koch enphasized the polluted condition of harbor I water caused by sewage dumping. Also cited the danger, of epidemic starting and speeading and urged the Council to consider action on plans providing for sewage disposal as submitted by Heath, Hannnond and Collier. Consulting Engineers. Mr. Boughner cited results of survey and explained how this City has best conditions for disposal of any in State. Also advised setting up background for control and financing the same. Did I not reconunend more service connecting until proper disposal is provided, but admitttld his Department is, I not pressing and connections are permitted in emergencies. Ra,y Heath atxl William Collier, ,Consulting IEngineers were also present. Mr. Heath explained in detail, plans incorporated in their report providing I for disposal and pollution control. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the report be accepted. -Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . IMayOr Smith advised of il1Vitati~n extended the Council to meet with board members of School District No. 1111' December 30th, concerning development of schoolsite at 8th and M Sts. .... I I ,I I, I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington nee eJIlber 16 Gel'ltiooea 19~ '"'' . ".... .."n.. .""...... ....'"........ 4IP>o I ~.Iil_._.,~,_..~ '..n...i~!!..li--_i"l _.,."od'>."",.,_1.ll-"~._.!iI~_, Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following were introduced and read for consideration by the Council: RESOLUTION NO. 8-5lt " A RESOLUTION terminating the Cumulative Reserve Current Expense Fund, Local Improvement District Spec~a1 Revolving.Fund, Accident Fund, City Jail Building Fund and Erickson Pla,yfieldFund and l'ransferring' the balances remlin1ng as of Decenber 31, 1954 of. the Erickson Pl~field Fund. to the Park Fund and the ' ' balances in 'the other funds to the Current Expense Fund of the gity of Port Angeles. . , ' WllEREI\S, there is no further need for the Cumulati ve Re~erve Current 'Expense Fund, Local Improve- ment District Special Revolving Fund, Accident Fund, City Jail Building Fund and Erickson Playfield Fund and the same as now standing serve. no. purposes; now, therefore, - , . ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF'lHE CITY OF PffiT ANGEI.E3 at its regular meeting held this da,ythat. .. . ,-....... 1. All balances r~ining in the Cumulative Resl!lrVe eurrent Eq,ense Fund, Local Improvement District Special Revolving und, Accident Fund, and City Jail-Building Fund as of December .31, 1954 be, and the same are hereby transferred to the .Current Expense Fund of the City of Port Angeles. 2. That any balance remaining in the Erickson Playfield Fund as of December .31, 1954, be, and 'the same is hereby transferred to the Park Fund of the City of Port Angeles., .3. That the Treasurer be, and she is hereby authorized and directed to cancel and eliminate the Cumulatl.ve Reserve Current Ex:pense Fund, Locl'l Improvement District Special Revolving Fund, Accident ~und, City JaU Building Fund and Erickson Playfield Fund and transfer the balances remaining as.of January 1st, 1955 to the proper fund in acCordance with this resolution. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing resolution' b~ approved and adopted. Secondea by Councilman Sandison. All voted~. Motion aarried. RESOLTuION NO. 9-'4 FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS WIT'tilN FUNDS .' ' WHEREAS IT APPEARS, that requirement s of certain departmmts for the year 1954, made necessary the expenditure of sums of money greater than the appropriation therefore, and, ~IHEREAS~ the amount provided for other:lLems within'the same legal classification had not been exhausted and portions of said appropriation can be transferred wi thin the same legal classification and, i 1'fHEREAS, those requirements could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparation ! of the budget, ' NOW THEREFORE, BE I!' RESOLVED, the following transfer of funds be made, towit: CURRENT EXPENSE 'FUND: CIERKS D:E1'ARTMENI' From Travel Expense To Office Supplies 50.00 ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT From Travel-Expense To City Matching C.E.R. 60.00 GENERAL ADlillrISTRATIVE From Ad. Cost,.C.E..R. .Fund To Election Expense 138.87' STREBT FUND: From Maintenance, Material and Supplies To Equipment Rental 300.00 LIGHT D:E1'ARTHENT From P.U.D.. Severance Charge From P.U.D. Severance Charge From P.U.D. Seyerance Charge From P;U.D. Severance Charge Fro~ P.U.D. Severance Charge To Power Purchased To Assessments Due City To Collection Expense To State Tax To Adv. and Miscellaneous 52,000.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 600.00 53,300.00 500.00 400.00 400.00 u..89 1,311.89 WATER Dl!1' ARTMENT From Equipment .Rental From Small Tools, Etc., From Maint., Bldg., Dam, ftc., From Maint., Bldg., Dam, Etc., To Truck and Car Repair To Utility Charge To Utility' Charge To Assessment 7th and Peabody FlREDl!1' ARTMENT From Travel :Expense From Truck Operation To Radio and Fire !lam To Bldg. and Dept. Supplies 38.49 ~ - J.8O.99 POLICE D~TJ.ENl' From Prisoners Medical 'to Prisoners Meals 230.00 !t was mOlred by Miss Powell that'the'foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Secorrled by Councilman Sandison and carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 0., &, (j Lcuu- City Clerk 7/7-. ~'"~~ Mayor - 4231 ......