HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/16/1975 58 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 16, 1975 CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by Mayor Basom at 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson, Ross, Wray. I Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. J. Warder, p, Reed, H. Kochanek, H. Henderson, J. Hill, T. Honnold, R. Parrish, P. Carr, D. Frizzell, K. Rodocker. Guests Present: II I MI NUTES E. Anderson, H. Buck, L. Attwood, J. Bryant, E. Candell, J. Chapman, D. Duncan, R. Ellsworth, P. Fernandez, A. Haugstad, J. Haugstad, D. Lannoye, G. Lycksell, J. Mercer, R. Moll, C. Rudolph, L. Sprout, D. Stephens, L. Switzer, S. Warren, C. Whidden, T. Wilcox, F. Wilson, J. Whipple, J. Tangedahl, M. Matilla. Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the December 1 and 2, 1975 meetings be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Olson and passed by the Council. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Consideration. a. I NOTICE OF CALL FOR BI DS PUBLIC PRINTING NOTICE is hereby given Ih~I seated bids will be re<:elved by, b he PorI Angeles City Clerk, . -Cily Hall, 1~0 W. Fronl SIreel, Port Angeles, Washington, ~I'\III :00 P.M. December 10, 1975. 'for the official prlnt1ng for the Cily of PorI Angel es for 1976, P~blic.lions to be p~bllshed In eg~l.r iss~es of Ihe newspaper warded said conlracl, Bids lOj' be submitted on a "charge per folio (100 wordS)" basis, The C11y Council reserves the' righl 10 reie<:.:...:~~~~.a~la~;~;h . Cily Clerk C. P~b.: Nov. 21, 28. 1975, N~ Dill! P.O. 1'101 I limo Cily Reg, ~~~s.a lot of i8lated, feature Dies'urther 6i'ttesk Is Co~liIt was Oec~. aythIng, P~b. ~ I SCooTI i I sports flshennej with some sort reduction is comi) could be three fll two chinook per dl. U boils down to!, and commercial reduced before ti; we'll be faced agj closures and wet rP.lllllations........J Councilman Olson moved the Alarm Annunciator bid subject be taken from the table at this time for Council consideration. Councilman Hordyk then recommended this matter remain on the table until the January 6, 1976 meeting stating that in his opinion the importance of this iss~to both the City and the subscribers requires further research and clarification of the subject matter prior to any Council action. Following Councilman Wray's concurrence with the recommended suggestion, Councilman Olson withdrew his motion and the subject remained on the table. The Council next considered Manager Whorton's memorandum concerning ,the bid received from the Daily News for printing the City's legal publications during the year 1976. Councilman Ross moved the Council accept the Daily News bid of $4.20 per folio (100 words) for the first publication and $3.15 per folio for each subsequent insertion. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried by the Council. This bid did not reflect any increase over 1975 printing charges and was the only bid received. Consideration of bids received for furniShing petroleum products to the City during 1976 was the next order of business, Subsequent to Mayor Basom's reading of Manager Whorton's memorandum informing the Council that the only bid received on gasoline, diesel fuel and lubri- cating oil was submitted by Standard Oil of California, Manager Whorton reported that the Federal Mandatory Allocation Program regulations I continue to pre-empt other local suppliers from bidding on these items. Councilman Lukey then questioned the City~s bid procedures with' Ma-nager Whorton i nformi ng the Counci 1 that the bi d ca 11 notice is published once a week in two regular issues of the newspaper with at least a two week interval between the published bid call notice date and the bid opening date. It is noted that in this particular instance an "invitation to bid" sheet and a copy of the "Notice of Call for Bids" which the newspaper published were mailed to local suppliers immediately following the first publication of the call for bids. 58 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 16, 1975 I CALL TO ORDER II ROLL CALL The meeti n9 was called to order by Mayor Basom at 7: 30 P.M. Members Present: Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson, Ross, Wray. I Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. J. Warder, P. Reed, H. Kochanek, H. Henderson, J. Hill, T. Honnold, R. Parrish, P. Carr, O. Frizzell, K. Rodocker. Guests Present: III MINUTES E. Anderson, H. Buck, L. Attwood, J. Bryant, E. Candell, J, Chapman, D. Duncan, R. Ellsworth, P~ Fernandez, A. Haugstad, J. Haugstad, O. Lannoye, G. Lycksell, J. Mercer, R. Moll, C. Rudolph, L. Sprout, D. Stephens, L. Switzer, S. Warren, C. Whidden, T. Wilcox, F. Wilson, J. Whipple, J. Tangedahl, M. Matilla. Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the December 1 and 2, 1975 meetings be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Olson and passed by the Council. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Consideration. a. I NoVICE OF CALL FOR BIDS PUBLIC PRINTING NOTICE is hereby given that ,sealed bidS will be received by b 'he port Angeles City Clerk. . 'City Hall. 140 W, Front Street. Port Angeles. Washington. until 2:00 P.M, December 10. \97S, "or the official printing lor the ,City 01 Port Angeles lor 1976. publications to be published In egular issues 01 the newspaper awarded said contract, Bids to, be submitted on a "charge perl folio (l00 words'" basis. The City Council reserves the right to reiect any or all bids.j Marian C. parrish]" City Clerk C. Pub.: Nov. 21. 28, 1975. . Councilman Olson moved the Alarm Annunciator bid subject be taken from the table at this time for Council consideration. Councilman Hordyk then recommended this matter remain on the table until the January 6, 1976 meeting stating that in his opinion the importance of this iSSLe to both the City and the subscribers requires further research and clarification of the subject matter prior to any Council action. Following Councilman Wray's concurrence with the recommended suggestion, Councilman Olson withdrew his motion and the subject remained on the table. The Council next considered Manager Whorton's memorandum concerning the bid received from the Daily News for printino the City's legal publications during the year 1976. Councilman Ross moved the Council accept the Daily News bid of $4.20 per folio (100 words) for the first publication and $3.15 per folio for each subsequent insertion. The motion was seconded by. Councilman Hordyk and carried by the Council. This bid did not reflect any increase over 1975 printing charges and was the only bid received. Consideration of bids received for furnishing petroleum products to the City during 1976 was the next order of business. Subsequent to Mayor Basom's reading of Manager Whorton's memorandum informing the Council that the only bid received on gasoline, diesel fuel and lubri- NOT 11775 . bmi tted by Standard Oil of Ca 1 i forni a, Manager Whorton >', .ICE OF CALL FOR elos i d All' Pl' ~OTICElSherebygIVenthatsealeclbidswlllbereceiveclatthe., Fe eral Mandatory ocat10n rogram regu at10ns I OftlCeOftheCityClerk.CitYOIPortAngeles. 140W, FrontStreet;np t other local suppliers from bidding on these P.O. Box 711. PorI Angeles. Washington, 98362 until 2:00 P.M. and .. , . not later. De~e,:,ber 10.1975, and will be opened publicly at thatn Lukey then quest10ned the C1 ty ,s b1 d procedures time lor lurrllsh,ng gaSOline, d,esel luel, and lubrkating oil to theton i nformi ng the Counc i 1 tha t the bi d ca 11 noti ce Cily 01 Port Angeles during the year 1976 R'I Approxlma'eQuantities ia week in two regular issues of the newspaper with of,;ls~la~~~soline ~~;gg~ g:::~~~ '=k interval between the publ i'Shed bid call notice date Lubricating Oil 37,50 Gallon Barrels ilg date. It is noted that in this particular instance S,E, Mo'or Oil No. 30 b' d" h d f h "N' f C 11 f 13,50 Gallon Barre!s I 1 S eet a~ a copy 0 ~ e ot1 ce 0 a ,or MIL,L.45199A Senes 3 ?WSpaper pub 11 shed were mall ed to 1 oca 1 supp 11 ers Diesel Fuel,Morse'Creek Dam: 3.500 Gallons "ling the first publication of the call for bids. The <:,ty reserves the rlghl to reiect any or all proposals. ' OffiCial. acceplance, relewon. or continuation by the Cityl Council w,ll be made In the Clly Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M,; 1 December 16. 1975, Marian C. ParriSh Pub.: Nov, 7. 14. 1975. ' City Clerk I I I City Council Meeting December 16, 1975 59 ... IV FINANCE 1. Bid Consideration continued. 2. c. Succeeding a brief discussion regarding the City's petroleum needs, Councilman Olson moved the Council accept Standard Oil's per gallon bid of $0.481 for regular gasoline, $0.382 for diesel fuel, $1.296 for SE No. 30 lubricating oil and $1.467 for Series 3 lubricating oil. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried by the Council. As in our 1975 contract with Standard Oil, these net prices are subject to escalation without notice and the maximum allocation on each distillate is subject to the Federal Mandatory Allocation Program regulations in effect at time and place of delivery. d. The next subject taken under consideration by the Council was the lincoln Park Baseball Field Fencing project, a 1975 budget item. It is noted that the City received no response to its call for bids on this project in October, 1975, which resulted in the Council authoriz- ing management to negotiate directly with the prospective supplier; subsequently, a tentative agreement was reached with Northwest Fence Co., Sequim in late November, 1975 and the Council authorized manage- ment to enter into a formal contract with this company at the December 2, 1975 meeting. By memorandum dated December 3, 1975, which Mayor Basom then read in full, Parks and Recreation Director Frizzell in- formed the Council that the formal contract with Northwest Fence failed to materialize and, as the time frame is critical, recommended the City purchase the two needed backstops and foul-line fencing materials out of the remaining 1975 budget with installation in early 1976 by Park crews. After Manager Whorton indicated his concurrence with the recommendation, Councilman Olson moved the Council approve the purchase of the materials from 1975 budgeted funds with installation of the materials in January-February, 1976 by Park crews. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. Bid Call Authorization. Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize the Light Department to call for bids for approximately 10,800 feet of No. 1/0 triplex service con- ductor and approximately 4,500 feet of No. 2/0 triplex service conductor, The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried by the Council. 3. Truck Road at Marine Drive Signalization Project. Councilman Ross moved the Council approve payment of $591.43 to Harstad Associates, Inc., for engineering services on the Truck Road at Marine Drive Signalization project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 4, Cedar Street Project - Engineering. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the final payment of $1,004.13 to CH2M/Hill for engineering services from October 24 through November 25, 1975 in connection with Cedar Street Arterial Realignment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried by the Council. 5. Voucher Approval List and Payroll. Councilman Olson moved the Council approve payment of $336,895.90 Vouchers Payable and $97,805.31 Payroll. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. 6. Peabody Heights L.l.D. No. 198 - Construction. Councilman Olson moved the Council approve payment of $112,109.02 L.I.D.s of which $112,000.00 is progress No.7 payable to Del Guzzi Construction, Inc., Port Angeles, Washington as the November estimate of work done and material furnished by said contractor on Peabody Heights L.I,D. No. 198 as established by Public Works Director, J.B. Warder, in his Certification letter dated December 11, 1975. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lukey. At the request of Councilman Lukey, Public Works Director Warder then reported to the Council concerning the ".-.. 60 City Council Meeting December 16, 1975 IV FINANCE 6. Peabody Heights L.I.D. No. 198 - Construction continued. progress to date on L.I.D. No. 198 which included an estimate of percentage of project completion, an estimate of total construction costs, and a comparison of the total estimated costs to the contract bid amount and the engineers estimate. On call for the question, the motion was unanimously carried by the Council. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON AGENDA - None, 1. The next agenda item related to severe flooding problems experienced by residents in the 200 block of Forest Avenue during recent heavy rainfall in early December, 1975. Mayor Basom read the Director of Public Work's report concerning this matter. In addition to reviewing the pertinent historical and current data relating to the Forest Avenue sanitary sewer, Mr. Warder reported on the emergency action taken by City field crews on the night of Decmeber 3, 1975 at approximately 11 :00 P,M. upon receiving a radio report that a drainage problem was occurring in this area which was causing serious basement flooding. Upon investigation it was deter- mined there was a stoppage in the sanitary sewer trunk in Cherry Street between Forest and Fogarty, which was subsequently eliminated by the sewer rodding machine, resulting in the immediate receding of the flooding man- holes, according to Warder's report. Manager Whorton then proceeded to brief the Council on the circumstances surrounding this flooding incident including information gleaned from emergency 911 system transcripts, the condition of storm drainage overload into the sanitary system, the relation- ship of L.I.D. No. 198 construction to this incident, and the actions taken to date with the City's insurer. Considerable discussion was devoted to this matter durtng which several area residents in attendance explained their flooding problems to the Council. Possible solutions for resolving the problem and possible corrective measures for improvement of the drainage condition in this area were also discussed. The Council concluded the discussion by directing Manager Whorton to pursue this' I matter by working with Public Works Director Warder and representatives of the involved Forest Avenue residents in resolving this problem. I VI LEGISLATION 2. Mayor Basom next read the minutes of the Planning Commission December 8, 1975 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council. The first item the Council took under consideration and discussed, was the request of David Stephens to dedicate a 45' right-of-way for a street on the east side of Peabody Street between Viewcrest and Vista Streets. NOTlceroF ~:1 The Planning Commission recommended the Council accept the right-of-way NOTI~~Lli:e~~b:~?vSenlhal dedication only if a 60' right-of-way and 80' cul-de-sac is provided as sealed, bids will bllreceivedby per staff recommendations. After the Council discussed this matter at the C,ly Clerk" City 01 Porl'. . Angeles, 140 W. Front Stree', great length w1th Mr. Stephens, who was 1n attendance, and Manager Whorton, ~~hi~~~:1i83~~:~~ng~~. Councilman Haguewood moved Mr. Stephen's request be referred back to the .P.M"T,~~"Jan,'Y:n97~,and Planning Commission for further analysis and solution. The motion was nol later;: and will be opened d d . R " p.blicly.,at Iha1time lor secon e by Counc11man oss.' On call for the quest10n, the mot10n ~~~~~~~tg andl~~ ;;;:f~~fa'tng carri ed with Counc i 1 man 01 son and Hordyk vot i ng "NO". , 9 reels 01 approximately 1200 , ~~~d~~~~r "~n~ri~le~e~T~Vi~~ Counci lman Wray moved the Counci 1 concur wi th the recommendati on of the approximalely. 1500 feel each 2- ,. Pl anni ng Commi ss i on and approve granti ng a CUP for one year to John H. o Triplex serVice conduclor. , " . . Bid specifications may be Bryant for the operatlOn of a sawf111 ng shop as a home occupatlOn at 519 ~~~ai~~ent'~~ce~~e24oLJje~:' E. 9th Street in the RS-7 zone. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fr""t Street, PorI AngerllS,' Hordyk and passed by the Counci 1. \I1iashingl"" 98362 A cerrilled check or bid bond I for 5 perce,nt of Ihe amount 01 Council man Wray moved the Counci 1 concur with the recommend at i on of the Ihe bid shaU accompany eac~ Pl' C ., d . f J k M' 11 ' ~Allbicbtolncludedellvery anmng ommlSS1on an approve a one year extens10n 0 ac 1 er s w' h~' I Port Angeles, CUP to operate an upholstery service as a home occupation at 1424 E. 4th ~~dsng'::i7i be opened and Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the 'aburaled for Ihe City Co.ncll Counci 1 lor consideration by said . Countil in sess.ion Tues., Jan. 20. 1976, The Council reserves the righl to consider delivery lime .and to acceptor to reject any or all bfds or any part Ihereol. Pub,: Oec, 19, 26, 1975, I I I City Council Meeting December 16, 1975 61 VI LEGISLATION 2. Continued. Councilman Olson moved the minutes of the Planning Commission December 8, 1975 meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by Mayor Basom. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried by the Council. 3. Councilman Olson moved the Council table for delayed consideration the application received from K. John Jones for a position on the Planning Commission due to the intended resignation of Ross Maloney to be effective December 31, 1975. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. 4. Mayor Basom next introduced the Ordinance for the adoption of the 1976 Final Budget for the City of Port Angeles. Manager Whorton then presented a brief explanation of the financial condition of the 1976 Final Budget concluding with the recommendation that the Council approve the 1976 Budget as presented. Councilman Olson then moved the Council approve the 1976 Budget and adopt Ordinance No. 1865 to effect same. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. Mayor Basom then read Ordinance No. 1865 by title: ORDINANCE NO. 1865 AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the budget for the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1976. On the Mayor's call for discussion on the motion before the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 1865 as read by title, the discussion continued with limited audience participation from representatives of the Water Department and the Alcoholic Referral Program. Manager Whorton responded to their inquiries by providing an explanation of the questioned items contained within the budget. It was also noted by Councilmen Lukey and Haguewood that the Council's primary concern was to attain a balanced budget for 1976 City operations, if at all possible, and the 1976 budget as presented accomplishes this goal. Councilman Ross also commented that the City has social areas which require further research and analysis and assured the attendees that these areas will be explored. On call for the question, the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1865 as read by title was unanimously passed by the Council. 5. The public hearing for the purpose of providing an oppourtunity for interested persons to express approval or disapproval of a proposed increase in Port Angeles Telecab1e, Inc., subscriber rates was opened at 9:20 P.M. by Mayor Basom. On the Mayor's call for comments from the audience, J. Chapman of Port Angeles Telecable, Inc. addressed the Council and stated the firms position relating to the proposed rate increase. As there was no further participation .from the audience, Mayor Basom declared the hearing closed at 9:25 P.M. 6. Mayor Basom then read the title of the Ordinance to effect the proposed rate increase in Port Angeles Telecab1e, Inc., subscriber rate schedule. After a brief discussion it was the consensus of a majority of the Council that this matter required further public response. Councilman Haguewood then moved to table the Ordinance until the January 6, 1976 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO". 7. Light Superintendent Honnold's memorandum relating to an "Amendatory Agre~ment" to the City's Power Sales Contract with Bonneville Power Administration was introduced by Mayor Basom. Pending the presentation of an authbrization Resolution for Countil consideration, Councilman Olson moved this subject be tabled and deferred to the next Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. ~ 8. The "Appointment to NOLS Board of Trustee due to the resignation of Robert Green" subject was passed over for delayed consideration. 62 City Council Meeting December 161 1975 VI LEGISLATION 9. Councilman Olson moved the minutes of the Civil Service Commission November 13, 1975 meeting be accepted and placed on file. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 10. At Councilman Hordyk's recommendation, the Council took under considera- tion a matter not on the agenda. After a brief discussion relating to the U,S. Postal Service's selection of a local site for a new Post Office, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council direct Manager Whorton to notify the U.S. Postal Service by letter of the City's policies and procedures re- garding the City's Planning Commission as it relates to a site selectionl by said Federal agency. The motion was seconded by Councilman lukey and carried with Councilmen Haguewood and Wray voting "NO". 11. Another matter taken under consideration by the Council that was not an Agenda item related to problems the pulp and paper mills are ex- periencing in meeting the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency's standards for discharges into salt receiving water. Councilman Wray moved the Council direct Manager Whorton to write letters to U.S. Senators Jackson and Magnuson encouraging our representatives to initiate and support new legislation to amend the Federal Pollution Control Act to better enable industry to meet the requirements of the Act, The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and passed by the Council. VII STAFF REPORTS 1. A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the November staff reports of the light Department, Municipal Judge, Park and Recreation and the Utilities Billing Report; and K. Morgan's Out-of-Town Report. 2. Councilman Ross: Effectiveness of woman dog catcher; Extended the Council's appreciation to Bill and Clara Dennis for their gracious I efforts on behalf of the Senior Citizens during the holiday season. Requested status of the "Connections on the Morse Creek Water Transmission line" matter; Manager Whorton reported an -Ordinance will be presented at the January 6, 1976 meeting for Council consideration. 3, Councilman Haguewood: 4. Councilman Lukey: Notified Council that Councilmen Ross and Lukey are on the Port of Port Angeles Agenda on Thursday at 3:00 P.M. re: the Clallam County Truckers Assn. request for the improve- ment of "L" Street. 5. Manager Whorton: Confirmed for the record the dates of the January, 1976 Council meetings as a regular meeting on January 6, with a special meeting on January 12, and a regular meeting on January 20, 1976j reported on meeting with State officials re: water problem on Thursday, December 18, 1975; Sequim Mayor Hamilton will also be in attendance, VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M. I 1J~e~ City Clerk ~~ZJ~~ o ..-- L~ - - ~~s:iu~;'S~~o ~t~ ~~:~...,..-----~~~ . vY. - 5L';~=c& l:ij l!) g~8U. ~8.~ ~ :. > ~..--.o;:---: _. .-::-.~". 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