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Minutes 12/16/1980
CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 16, 1980 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast. Alembers Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. J. Pittis, P. Carr, D. Frizzell, A. Rose, K. Rodocker, L. Glenn, R. Morgan, L. Cosens, R. Orton. Public Present: R. Anderson, H. Berglund, R. Owens, R. Cockrill, J. Shefler, W. Hatch, E. Tinkham, L. Torres, D. Rudolph, N. Turner. ~~ III MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the December 2, 1980 Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA County Commissioner Harry Lydiard addressed the Council in regard to the pro- posed City/County Jail Agreement. Commissioner Lydiard submitted several amendments to Section 2 of the proposed agreement (Prisoner Confinement Daily Fee},. Subsection "a" of Section 2 was amended to read that "until July 1, 1981, City agrees to pay $23.06 for each day or portion of a day for each City prisoner. and Subsection "b" of Section 2 was amended to read that "after July 1, 1981, City agrees to pay County quarterly for the actual cost to the County of the services provided to the City based upon a minimum daily prisoner count of 65. ." Subsection "b" also provided a cost for services formula beginning January 1, 1982. During discussion on the proposed amendments, Mayor Haguewood suggested a counter-proposal which would set jail rates at $23.00 per day until July 1, 1981 when some kind of methodology would be renegotiated; Subsection "b" would be deleted entirely. During further discussion on both proposals and the need to reach a compromise, Councilman Buck moved that the City agree to the amended language in Section 2, subsection "a" and that subsection "b" be amended to read "After July 1, 1981, City agrees to pay County quarterly for the actual cost to the County of the services provided to the City based on a methodology determined between now and July 1." The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. During discussion on the motion, Commissioner Lydiard reiterated that if the jail population increases, the cost per prisoner to the City will be reduced. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council with Councilmen Hordyk and Polhamus voting "N0." Councilman Quast then moved that the Council insist on maintaining the compro- mise reached on employment of City jailers within the County jail complex. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Commissioner Lydiard then indicated that he will submit the City's counter-proposal. to the other Commis- sioners for their consideration. V ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Duncan suggested the Council schedule a joint meeting with the Port of Port Angeles to discuss mutual concerns. Manager Flodstrom will check with the Port to see if January 27th or 29th is convenient for them. Councilman Duncan informed the Council that the company which ownes the Scandia Team, a tanker which caused a certain amount bf air pollution in September, 1980 while moored in the Port Angeles harbor, has been fined and is appealing that fine. The appeal has been scheduled to be heard in Lacey, Washington. Councilman Duncan moved that staff draft a Resolution for Mayor Haguewood's signature, requesting the appeal be heard in Part Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. e CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 1980 ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman puast suggested a letter be drafted to KOMO News in Seattle com- mending them on the series done last week on the Northern Tier Pipeline Company. Councilman Ouast and Manager Flodstrom also discussed the possibility of ob- taining a videotape of the series. VI LEGISLATION 1. STREET VACATION: DR. ROCK Councilman Polhamus moved the Council acknowledge receipt of the letter from Dr. Rock's agent withdrawing the petition for vacation of portions of Second and Chase Streets, and terminate consideration of Dr. Rock's request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 2. NORTHERN TIER NEGOTIATIONS: TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS Mayor Haguewood read in full a letter dated December 12, 1980, from Mr. Cortlandt S. Dietler, Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for the Northern Tier Pipeline Company. Mr. Dietler's letter read in part". . This is to confirm that Jim Hodge, as an officer of the corporation, is authorized to sign stipulations with the City of Port Angeles on behalf of Northern Tier Pipeline Company. Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing on the City's position paper on Transportation Impacts and requested comments or quetions from the audience or staff. Councilman Duncan then pointed out a portion of Attorney Miller's letter to Gary Smith, dated August 25, 1980, which states in part ". .Normally speaking, absent a separate resolution of the Board of Directors, only the signatures of the president and secretary of a company, together on a document, are sufficient to bind the company. , The Council and Attorney Miller discussed this matter at length, with At- torney Miller pointing out that there is still a question which could be raised regarding the validity of Mr. Hodge's signature by Northern Tier or Northern Tier`s successors. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council put off dealing with this issue further until the Council receives a letter from Northern Tier which the Council can be sure of. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus. During discussion on the motion, Council- man Buck suggested the City's next letter to Northern Tier regarding the validity of Jim Hodge's signature, be specific as to what the City wants. On call for the question, the motion was passed unanimously'by the Council. Ms. Evelyn Tinkham then addressed the Council to read into the record a letter to her from the former Mayor of Valdez, Alaska, in regard to the oilport facility in Valdez. Ms. Hattie Berglund and Rosemary Cbekrill also commented on the City`s decision regarding Mr. Dietler's letter. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. 3'. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of December 10, 1980 with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Hopper Short Plat Councilman Hordyk moved the Council table this agenda item until more information and data is received from the Planning Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. B. Rezone Hearing: DanMac Enterprises Councilman Hordyk moved the Council schedule a public hearing date of January 6, 1981 for consideration of this matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. C. Conditional Use Permit: VanWald Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mrs. VanWald's request for extension of a conditional use permit to operate a fashion design and alteration business as a home occupation at 708 Caroline, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no com- ments and the public hearing was closed. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 1980 VI LEGISLATION 3. Cont. 1 1 9 Councilman Boardman moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve a two year extension to the VanWald conditional use permit, subject to the original conditions, and if she locates commercial property within that time to advise the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. D. Parking Variance: Albertson's Inc. Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Albertson's request for reduction of off-street parking spaces from the existing 195 to the proposed 182 spaces, located on the southeast corner of Sixth and Lincoln Streets, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. Planner Carr then informed the Council that he had received additional information from Albertsons indicating that they would prefer not to provide the trees on Lincoln Street until such time as other trees are planted. There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the requested reduction subject to the following conditions: (1) the drive- way on Lincoln Street is removed, or at a minimum, reduced to 35 feet; (2) the fire lane is marked "No Parking", as indicated on the site plan; (3} no storage of materials occurs in any parking space or the fire lane, unless appropriate permits are obtained; (4) appropriate landscaping to be provided, staff using the following as a guideline in reviewing the site plan; (a) interior landscaping in those areas of the parking lot not designated as parking spaces; (b) a hedge of evergreen shrubs with a minimum of three feet mature height on the perimeter of the property from the store westward; and (c) along the Lincoln, Sixth, Chase and Seventh Street property lines, where possible, sycamore maples, spaced at the same intervals as those used in the Downtown L.I.D.; and (5) applicant work with the City Engineer on the signage and access for the driveway on Lincoln Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Planner Carr, Public Works Director Pittis, and the Council discussed the possibility of trees obscuring the vision of drivers exiting on Lincoln; maintain- ing the trees and sidewalks on Lincoln; and the advantages of a barrier on Lincoln Street barring left turns. Councilman Ouast then amended his motion to state that Condition No. 1 and No. 5 be turned over to the City Engineer for proper resolution. The amendment to the motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. After further discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the driveway on Lincoln Street, the motion, as amended, was passed by the Council. ~ E. Shoreline Permit: Port of Port Angeles Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Port of Port Angeles' request for extension of a Shoreline Permit to cover 1800 square feet of existing dock and to make a dock addition on existing piling located at Terminal #2, Railroad and Laurel Streets, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Ouast then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve extension of the shoreline permit for a one year period. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. ' F. Temporary Use Permit: Floyd & Orr Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Floyd and Orr request for a temporary use permit to manufacture, distribute and sell Cedar-A1 pet pillows at 232 West Eighth Street, and requested comments or ques- tions from the audience or staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the temporary use permit for a period of one year, hased on the fact that while the use is not neighborhood-oriented, it can be compatible in this area and zone because of the low intensity of the activity and the infrequency of manufacturing-type delivery operations; provided that the premises meets the fire code. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. ~0 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 1980 VI LEGISLATION 2. Cont. 4. 5. 6. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of December 10, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 3. RENEWAL OF OILPORT TASK FORCE AGREEMENT Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the ' Oilport Task Force Interlace) Agreement for 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 0109 ~NQTICE OF HEARING 9 PURPA HEARING ~ Before the Hearing Officer gqdesignated by th• Covncif6f jtha City of Port Angeles, Port Mayor Haguetvood read a memorandum from FiriAngales, washington; In the regarding the PURPA Hearing scheduled for December 17, }Imarrar of consideration of armed the )adoption of standards under Council that Evergreen Legal Services, intfhe Public Utilities Regulatory 1PA proceed- ings, has requested more time to prepare ~PouriesAdof 1078, t611.S.C• 'he Hearing Sub section 2601, of seq. Officer (Attorney Miller) has ruled that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, as ~eting Wlll convene to hear statements by limited app~fouows , if any are resent. No direct s t. on Tuesday, February. p presentation will be m~ to, t9Bt comrriitrdFS§ of 7:0o at the hear- ing, rather it will be continued until JaIhP•rn:, a public hearing will be imony of the ihald in the City Council intervenor will be available on December f Chambers of the City of Port Angeles, }31 West front Street, Port Angeles, RESOLUTION: PURPA EXEMPTION; SECTION 133 Washington 98362, to con- sider the adoption by the City Ma or Ha uewood introduced and read b ti of Port Angeles of certain Y g Y standards under the Pvblic ~5-80 entitled, _ litilit'res Regulatory Pol'rcfes Act of 1978, as follows: Resolution No. 35-8 SECTION 111: Con- . sideration and Determination I Respecting Certain A RESOLUTION authorizing the Lighti Ratemaking Standards: to apply for an exemption from Sect Specifically, PURPA. 113 {dJ (1} Cost of Service ~ , lti (d) (2) Declining Block f Rotes 111 (d} (3} Tima-of-Day Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt Rates ~ution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion ' t 11 (d) {q Seasonal Ror•s ~cilman Polhamus .111 (d) (5) Interruptible . and carried. Rates 1.11- (d),.(6} .Loud. Monog- i em•nt T•chnigws ~ MELODY LANE ANNEXATION Public comm•nl will 'be provided at this h~aring Mayor Haguewood read a letter dated Nove p•rtinem eo th• adoption of ntaining seven signatures, regarding the petition for anf th.s• standards. Th• hwring dy Lane area. The letter read in art". .After considt commenced at the dote end -d su ested A time above noted Is subject to gg costs for this overall project, plus our ~ adjournment to a Toter time tin some in- advertent manner become involved in the ~anddafe. r le al action P 2. Position of the city staff g against the City, we are not able to obta conceming the adoption of tion support at this time. We therefore feel it would such standards will ba the resent available for public in- P time to continue this effort. spection and copying beginning January 20, 1981, m City Hall, 1~0 West Front Councilman Ouast then moved the Council a! Srreer, Port Angeles, gr from the i Washington, during the hours property owners of Melody Lane, thanking I of 8:00 o,m. to 5:00 p.m., rts, and with- draw the annexation petition. The motion) Monday through Friday ~ncilman Duncan excluding holidays. and Carried. 3. During The hearings, the ' city staff will present reports, STREET & UTILITY DEDICATION: AIRPORT INDU! and testimony will be ~, received concerning the standards from intervenors ' Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Pu uppepaecnces making'IimRed pittis con- cerning the City's acceptance of construc+ ~• Persons desiring ro make of streets and Ilmiied appearances for utilities within Phase I o£ the Airport T purposes of prasenting oral ring discussion on the memo, Manager Flodstrom explained or written statements during this dedica- tion, and Councilmen Ouast and Buck disc the hearing may do so by 5xcise tax on filling out a 'Memorandum ofd businesses located in the Industrial Par ' Appearance" prior ro the start of the hearing. Memorandum of Appearance Councilman Buck then moved the Council a ' forms are available from the ~: work done on Phase T of the Air art Industrial Park a office of the City Clerk at the uewood to P address noted below. Per- g sign the Dedication Agreement. The motio sons who do nor execute a uncilman 9uast Memorandum of Appearance and Carried. pprior to the hearing wlll not be allowed to speak during Ih• hearing. ' 5. 1n the interest of time, the Hearing Officer may limit or disallow presentations by limited appearance par- ticipants, if testimony rx•ivd .is repatitlous or attempts to broaden the issues under consideration. 1~~7V V~ yrruar^ rvrr~r~+ ~ ~ . 6. INr~tten 5tGtements w~~l ~ be re~e~-red ey the City of any tune, from the date of this notice until th$ floss of the hearing. . ~. Any person desiring to intervene in the hearings must gave notice to the City Council by completing ar~d filin a Reti#io~ to Intervene in t~e prescribed #arrnr no ~Qt@r thQr~ 5.V~J P.NI., Nlondoyr Jon~ory 1 ~. 1 ~8t . Persons granted permissior# to in- tervene may present testimony and cross examine all other writnesses_ Petitions may be obtained ffom the office to the City Clerk at the address noted below. Petitions to Intervene shall be personally delivered or serst by regulaf mail to the office of the City Clerk. Untimely petitions v+~ill not be ac- cepted. ~. Persons granted in- tervention status v+rili be required to pref ile their testimony proposed to be offered at the hearing by Januflry ~~r 1981 in ac- cordance with the Rules of PrQCtice and Procedure governing these hearings. ~. The Hearings Officer will rtuie on petitions to intervene on Tuesdayr January 131 191. 10, This hearing will be governed by.~ules of Practice and Procedure adaptad ~y the City Council of tha Cit1r of . Post Ar~+~~l~s on October ~1, 1 ~~. (reuised pecembar 1$1- 19~p}. Copies ~# these rules and ~rotedures may be Qbtalr~ed f~~n the o##ice of the City C~ertk, 14~ 1es# Front ~treetf P. 4. gox 11r Port Angeles, Washington 98~6~. ` llAarian Parri$hr Clerk City of Port Angeles 19$1 ub. Jan. 8. 191-_ ~~`~~~dOE•E ~~ ~ os ~ I 4M ~ i4' " ~NI e+u '~apuug snaps alPpeg -a[S uaalnry 'uolse 'f ;46no,y[ 10 a 1,r0... , l " O CITY COUNCIL MEETING +` altfaea et eA December 16, 1980 {eN © Pair` (lIV ©~E;S MOJJOW eflwq,un e VI ® sIW O N Mao18 ?iS ® 'swl9 luaus J uelpa ~o woa snow H® VI LEGISLATION ie~© epuoytf rauuop I c - ~~ ~ ..NqS uoleaH - i 2. Cont. SIN®oo~s u0 fFil (l Iced , leg m Feme sum ,aly6nel 111 ® spualie Awaua w~ Councilman Buck moved the Council accept an iPPOM looyas awes ayl o Planning ,~} ynl ~wa,a'1 Commission minutes of December 10, 1980. lieq© .g'$ed by s 0e° Councilman Duncan and carried. PfA® g,,,,, 1 ragm PNOM. 3. RENEWAL OF OILPORT TASK FORCE AGREEMENT rvl® eelo ~ n ,yl~ Pep 'uowalled e lo8'mp ~slsan~ Ila,pueyy Councilman Buck moved the Council authorizrsl~ano [ sign the ' Oilport Task Force Interlocal Agreement fo;Bri ~ .was seconded ~ ® ~`° Mouow by Councilman Duncan and carried. ~ n 4. PURPA HEARING I}ii ~ xeZ uana[g ,Q ~~ M~ 6ep MeN moAe p ® 'wanopoy, a6. Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Firlaina ..~-~ ,,,.~_ ~____ regarding the PURPA Hearing scheduled for December 17, 1980. Mr. Orton informed the Council that Evergreen Legal Services, intervenors in the PURPA proceed- ings, has requested more time to prepare for the hearings. The Hearing Officer (Attorney Miller) has ruled that the December 17th meeting will convene to hear statements by limited appearance participants, if any are present. No direct presentation will be made by either party at the hear- ing, rather it will be continued until January 7, 1981. Testimony of the intervenor will be available on December 29, 1980. 5. RESOLUTION: PURPA EXEMPTION; SECTION 133 Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 35-80 entitled, Resolution No. 35-80 A RESOLUTION authorizing the Lighting Department to apply for an exemption from Section 133 under PURPA. , Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 6. MELODY LANE ANNEXATION Mayor Haguewood read a letter dated November 26, 1980, and containing seven signatures, regarding the petition for annexation of the Melody Lane area. The letter read in part". .After considering the problems and suggested costs for this overall project, plus our concern that we might in some in- advertent manner become involved in the present Jack Z. Miller legal action against the City, we are not able to obtain the required petition support at this time. We therefore feel it would be inappropriate at the present time to continue this effort. . Councilman Ouast then moved the Council acknowledge the letter from the property owners of Melody Lane, thanking them for their efforts, and with- draw the annexation petition. The motion was. seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 7. STREET & UTILITY DEDICATION: AIRPORT INDUSTRIAL PARK PHASE I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director Pittis con- cerning the City's acceptance of construction and dedication of streets and , utilities within Phase I of the Airport Industrial Park. During discussion on the memo, Manager Flodstrom explained the consequences of this dedica- tion, and Councilmen Ouast and Buck discussed the leasehold excise tax on businesses located in the industrial Park. Councilman Buck then moved the Council accept as complete the work done on Phase I of the Airport Industrial Park and authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the Dedication Agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilman 9uast and carried. CITY COUNCIL [FETING ~~ Legal Notices ~~ December 16, 1980 ~ 1;)t6 I' ADVERTISE.NENT f-0R BIDS f - CITY OF PORT ANGELES I i DATE OF BID OPENING- _ December 10, 1980 (10:00 VI LEGISLATION a.m.) Sealed ~bida .will ~be y { received by the office of the City Manager, 140 West Froni 8. RE UEST TO RENAME PARK Q Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. until 10:00 a.m., 10 December Mayor Haguewood referred to a letter and' 1980, and not later, and will Cathy Sheridan, grand-daughter of Mrs. Hazel Porter Kiel; be opened publicly at shot and Laurel the City Council i Pla round be renamed the Hazel Porter Ki, Yg n ume Chambers. r Haguewood also noted that the Park Commission had d MarineSicence r and reeom- Laboratory mended a ravel of the name Chan e. Coun PP 4 Detailed plans and =d the Council approve the renaming of the 13th and Laur i apecificationa may be ob- I Hazel Porter tained from the office of the Kiel Playground. The motion was seconded City Engineer, City of Port nus and carried. Angeles, upon payment of a I ^O"refundable fee of 20 9. MARINE SCIENCE LAB: CONSIDERATION OF BIDS Dollars. ' Bidders shall be qualilled . Councilman ast moved_the Council concur ~ ' for the type of work proposed. A Bidders Con- ion of Public r Works Director Pittis and award the bid f srruction Experience Form is e Marine Science Laboratory on the Municipal Pier included in the Contract ~ pocuments. ~neral Con- struction, with a bid of $147,970. The m o All Proposals or gilds shall Councilman th e ~ be submitted an Duncan and carried. Other bidders include prescribed form and in the I~$154,107; manner as indicated in the i Construc- Peninsula Block $156, 211; Creelman Compan* _ tion $160 000• O.M. Hendrickson Com an t Proposal Requirements and r ~ P y i Conditions and said Proposals Construction Company $176, 278. Architect's estimate w~ or gild shall be accompanied , hiers ' , by a certified or cas check or a bid bond in the 10. JOB SHACK TRAILER: DELGUZZI CONSTRUCTION amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of the ', Proposal or Bid, said bid bond Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Grant Si shall be issued by a surety :intendent on the Downtown L.I.D. #203, requesting the jo• ssuhe rsa'd bonds inethe State =ently located on Oak Street adjacent to First Fed of Washtngton. in, be allowed to remain because of its proximity The City of Port Angeles ,t. reserves the right to oaept - the Proposals or Bids and During discussion on this request, Councilmi°M'Ord contracts ro responsible bidders which on the complaints received in regard to the trailer are in the best interest of the narking spaces, and moved the request be denied. T}city; to postpone the °C' led b Y nce of Proposals or Bids t _ a cep Councilman Buck. During discussion on the i and the award of the con- and Public tfaCtS fat a period not t0 Works Director Pittis discussed alternate 11 shack. On exceed thirty (30) days; or to call for the question, the motion was passel reiecr any and au Proposals or Bids roceived and further ~ Advertise the project for bids. 11. TUMWATER BRIDGE PROJECT The City of Port Angeles reserves the right to award the contract on the basis of Councilman Duncan moved the Council approve the Base Bid or the Base Bid ete the work done on the Tumwater Bridge Project by O. M. plus any or all of the ad- The When awarded ~dttives. motion was seconded by Councilman Ouast. Fc cororacrs, the succesaFui ussion on the wooden bulkhead where the bridge meets 7 biddershallpromptlyexecute seams on the nd shall furnish contracts a bridge, and the lighting on the bridge, the, bonds o4tanhtulperformance for and the motion was passed. ,-... ~,~...._ of the controls in the full ~~ amount of the contract prices. NOTICE t Bids must be sealed with ET 12. ORDINANCE: 1981 BUDGET ` ~ ANi the outside of the envelope marked 81D OPENING DATE: _ NOTICE IS HER (December 10, 1980) Ter of Port Ma Or Ha UeWOOd introduced and re Angeles has Filec PROJECT: Marine Science year 1983 3, Y g with the City Clet Laboratory. Nome and od- et ma be y obtained from the dress of the bidder should ess hours , of ° cost of 55,00 p also appear on the outside of ordinance The budget hec the envelope- Bids should be es will be - t held Tuesday, De, addressed to the City Clerk, ,e Counul AN ORDINANCE approving and Chambers at 134 V 140 West Front Street, P.O• opear and Port Angeles, t provide written , gox 1150 e ti , qu s ons the City of Port Angeles fC. concerning the ent yashington 98362. t revenue sharing entitlemen Andrew J. Rosa The Cify intends City Engineer Ticipated Councilman Quest moved the COl1nC1 entitlement of §24L Pub. Nov. jb, 19, 23, 26, 1990• ~ loan - ~ by t 519 155; Data Proce title by Mayor Haguewood. The me - -- a+ .600; CPR '~5• Dock Payment -540,000; Civic Field Parking Lot Payment - Zed During the d1SCUSSlOn which fOllc 576,500: and miscellaneous Departmental Capital Outlay -- the changes made in the prelimina Items-5715,660, and The following summary shows the proposed appropriation thod each Council member commented on of revenue sharing entitlement in wpport of the following by which the preliminary budget V City Departments: e need for Department Heads and spt;` Admin. General Current Total 1- Serv. Admin. -Ex A paprop- 1dneOllS spending; other alternat_' Pro'ect Dept. Dept- Fu d Z9 95 or Museum and Heritage Board; uncomj `euA Loans 519,755 ~ S19 D t P i a a rocess ng $49,600 49,600 g Citizen Energy Credit Program. ~ Capual outlay ~ St57 942 157 342 , , passed by the Connell Wlth COW7C1 CPR Dock Payment Sq0 Opp 40 000 .nCil- Civic Field 5761500 16.500 ~larl.e5 man Buck stated he was not SatiSf Total Approp. 549,600 575,655 5157,342 5282 597 i , and personnel costs have yet to 1 Marian C. Parrish ~ted that he was "disappointed" in tht^ ssy.. ~ u_,r~^ _ _ City Clerk police and Fire) could have received more, and he opposes the Senior C3tizet~->nergy Credit program because it is discriminatory and a direct subsidy. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 1980 VI LEGISLATION atonlud good o Fa asn ayt lab Aeyl Itl enol 11!^0 SdDI Bf1CIA 'SE66-LSV •006'eSS 'p~oA azo~-Rsoa bLL 4N^0 Pe,tm •a6ouo6 Boa •L Paz7s~ano •taay nlut~ala 'uay~t!'I s6io1-oztxe 'ytoq tuawt~odwo~-E 'wooupeq -E 'pooyuogy6leu 1N3113JX3 11 8. REQUEST TO RENAME PARK 1 Mayor Haguewood referred to a letter and enclosures from Mrs. Cathy Sheridan, grand-daughter of Mrs. Hazel Porter Kiel, requesting the 13th and Laurel Playground be renamed the Hazel Porter Kiel Playground. Mayor Haguewood also noted that the Park Commission had considered this matter and recom- mended approval of the name change. Councilman Huck then moved the Council approve the renaming of the 13th and Laurel Playground to the Hazel Porter Kiel Playground. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 9. MARINE SCIENCE LAB: CONSIDERATION OF BIDS Councilman Quasi moved the Council concur with the recommendation of Public Works Director Pittis and award the bid for construction of the Marine Science Laboratory on the Municipal Pier to the low bidder, General Con- struction, with a bid of $147,970. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. Other bidders included: F. R. Bourgault $154,107; Peninsula Block $156,211; Creelman Company $157,700; DelGuzzi Construc- tion $160,000; O.M. Hendrickson Company $165,000; and Amdal Construction Company $176,278. Architect's estimate was $140,400. Z0. JOB SHACK TRAILER: DELGUZZI CONSTRUCTION Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Grant Simpson, Project Superintendent on the Downtown L.I.D. #203, requesting the job shack trailer presently located on Oak Street adjacent to First Federal Savings and Loan, be allowed to remain because of its proximity to the L.I.D. project. 1 During discussion on this request, Councilman Hordyk commented on the complaints received in regard to the trailer taking up needed parking spaces, and moved the request be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, the Council and Public Works Director Pittis discussed alternate locations for the job shack. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 11. TUMWATER BRIDGE PROJECT 1 Councilman Duncan moved the Council approve and accept as complete the work done on the Tumwater Bridge Project by O. M. Hendrickson Company. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ouast. Following a brief discussion on the wooden bulkhead where the bridge meets Tumwater Creek, the seams on the bridge, and the lighting on the bridge, the question was called for and the. motion was passed, .- _ _ ~ _ s. NOTICE OF FILING OF PRELIrod~aA:~Y BUDGET 12. ORDINANCE : 1981 BUDGET { V ANp NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARFNG CITY OF PORT ANGELES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Manager of Port r Mayor Haguewood introduced and re` Angeles has filed the Preliminary Budget for the year 1981 9, with the City Clerk. Copies of the proposed budget may be ' obtained From the City Clerk during normal business hours, Ordinance O1 ° cost of $5.00 per copy, on ov tuber 20. 1980. The budget hearing for the City o Por ngeles will be t held Tuesday, pecember 2, 1960 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council AN ORDINANCE approving and Chambers at 13d West Front Street. Citizens may appear and F provide written and oral comments and osk questions the City of Port Angeles fc concerning the entire budget and the relationship of revenue shoring entitlement funds to the entire budget. The City intends to utilize its Revenue Sharing anticipated 3 by COUriCllmari QuaSt moved the COUnei entitlement of $240,9]5 for Debt Service on the EDA loan --- title by Mayor HagU2WOOd. The me $19,155; Dato Processing Conversion Project-$49,600; CPR 1S. Dock Payment-$40,000; Civic Field Parking Lat Payment - Zed During the discussion which f011d $16,500; and miscellaneous Departmental Capital Outlay the changes made in the prelimin~ Items--5115,660. and The following summary shows the proposed oppropriation thod each Council member commented On of revenue sharing entitlement in support of the following by which the preliminary budget ~ City Departments: e Admin. General Current h need for Department Heads and spE Serv. Admin. Ex Total laneous Spendlri P• Approp- g; other alternat Pro'ec~ Dapr. Dept. Fund ; Museum and Heritage Board; uncom~EuAloans $19,155 X79,155 or Citizen Ener Credit Pro ram. ~ Data Processing $49,600 ,. a9,600 s gY g Capitol Outlay $157,342 157,342 passed by the Council With Counc~CPR Dock Poyment $gp,OpD 40,000 .riCil- Civic Field $ 6.5p0 5 man Buck stated ha was not Sati S.~ Total Approp. $49.600 575,655 5757,342 $281 x,597 larieS and personnel costs have yet to i Marian C. Parrish ~ted that he was "disappointed" 'in the^S~ay.,a-U_.,t^^_~ _ City Clerk police and Fire) could have received more, and he opposes the Senior Ctizen-vnergy Credit program because it is discriminatory and a direct subsidy. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 1980 VI LEGISLATION elonud ' food °;o asn eyt tab Aeyl ,}! anol II!n~ sd lH anOA 'S6V6-LS- Opb'~ 'p+oA auo~-Aloe 'OLL 41!M pa+iM •a6o+o6 uo~ 'L Pens+ano ';oay ~ut?e!a 'ueyo+!>• e6JOl-o+}xe 'ytoq tuewt+odwo,.E 'wooJpaq -g 'pooyJOgy6!eu 1N3113~X3 ~~ 8. REQUEST TO RENAME PARK :] Mayor Haguewood referred to a letter and enclosures from Mrs. Cathy Sheridan, grand-daughter of Mrs. Hazel Porter Kiel, requesting the 13th and Laurel Playground be renamed the Hazel Porter Kiel Playground. Mayor Haguewood also noted that the Park Commission had considered this matter and recom- mended approval of the name change. Councilman Buck then moved the Council approve the renaming of the 13th and Laurel Playground to the Hazel Porter Kiel Playground. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 9. MARINE SCIENCE LAB: CONSIDERATION OF BIDS Councilman Quast moved-the Council concur with the recommendation of Public Works Director Pittis and award the bid for construction of the Marine Science Laboratory on the Municipal Pier to the low bidder, General Con- struction, with a bid of $147,970. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. Other bidders included: F. R. Bourgault $154,107; Peninsula Block $156,211; Creelman Company $157,700; DelGuzzi Construc- tion $160,000; O.M. Hendrickson Company $165,000; and Amdal Construction Company $176,278. Architect's estimate was $140,400. l0. JOB SHACK TRAILER: DELGUZZI CONSTRUCTION Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Grant Simpson, Project Superintendent on the Downtown L.I.D. #203, requesting the job shack~x -"°- ~ located on Oak Street adjacent t Noi~rl H M jo 3;v1s pg6L 'vl'c'^DN - q" allowed to remain because of °N „µts!Q 1 During discussion on this req complaints received in regard spaces, and moved the request ; Councilman Buck. During discus Works Director Pittis discusser call for the question, the mot# ll. TUMWATER BRIDGE PROJECT Councilman Duncan moved the Coui done on the Tumwater Bridge Pro; motion was seconded by Councilms the wooden bulkhead where the br bridge, and the lighting on the . motion was passed. ~.gp-'ZZ9190L) vL1 ououoxp3 VM'aPtoag a,!n+a51 a„a 6wpbn9 not+oN ~wo!II!M Pot~e off 4tauuag s o ~ II° }° o!q JoyM +asoyt 11 asysn+l.Apo+O -H -uo!su' 086E • ~} A}n; ~631tl6 ~elos s ea;s°Ji eyl 6ullop!Von u~ Jo} spuno+6 +ado+d Auo }o +an!oM o u! gnsa+ Aow IlnsMOl 0 y,ns 6u!+q of a+nl!oj Oos aZitu!o~s a o; t jons+nd.aD 6u!eq Aay+ n5 M° II suop,elgo asoyl o} so p+oay aq of At!unt+oddo uo pap+°}}o aq II!^` JenaosLO4N` spuno+6 Auo uo alos s!yt of suoyoal ,qo Auo 6u!noy auoAutl %k +sa -At+adwd P uq! +layt enogo a4t u! tseJel 6no+y ~ 'Aq PI 4 nude puo +oWo+6 a papa}}e a41 IIiM elos ayt } -xa 1a6P^q P!os ;su!o'.1 +o .ol p}aay aq puo toa'a. Joaddo Aow +aAodxoy a Inblic •+oaA oo ,s la'086L 4 uo!sua+xa ;a6pnq o tdopo p~ On x!; aw!t toy! to IL!M puo Oai. 'SL +aqu'anoN 'Aopsenl 'w 0£ 9 t° uot6u!ysoM •~~olPc asno}I +1 c •quo+notaew II!"` uot6u!yso; ayt u! 1 'V41 •o •puesurnol Nod p!ns1~ ao!nna5 louo!to~nj Lo s+oPa+!Q }o p,oog ayl? WOrk ~N1atl3H aLlana ~0 3auo1~ on ~Ni133W0 i tl1~3d5 t 1 the 0 q Ogbl•L'noN '•q`! the. ~,ep Ati7 u°!+oW ysl++od ~ +a wenopl:aye, 0861 L q •losodo. s~yl uo uo!u!do nays ssa+d+ No. 2110 entitled, ~ llln ~alosayt 12. ORDINANCE: 1981 BUDGET of +o!+d aw!t ~u otOtuawa~ is puo slsm Il } auo duo Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance Ordinance No. 2110 AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the budget for the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1981. 1 Councilman Quest moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus. During the discussion which followed, Manager Flodstrom briefly summarized the changes made in the preliminary budget during the budget hearings, and each Council member commented on the 1981 budget allocations and the method by which the preliminary budget was put together. Comments included the need for Department Heads and special agencies to hold down their miscel- laneous spending; other alternatives for funds for the Clallam County Museum and Heritage Board; uncompleted labor negotiations; and the Senior Citizen Energy Credit Program. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council with Councilmen Buck and Hordyk voting "NO." Council- man Buck stated he was not satisfied with the format of the budget - salaries and personnel costs have yet to be finalized, and Councilman Hordyk stated that he was "disappointed" in the budget because he felt the reserves (Police and Fire) could have received more, and he opposes the Senior Citizen Energy Credit program because it is discriminatory and a direct subsidy. 1 ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 1980 VI LEGISLATION 13. PLANNING COMMIS52ON VACANCY Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department submitting Mr. Steve Lamb's formal letter of resignation from the Planning Commission, and two applications for the vacant position. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council accept Mr. Lamb's resignation and direct Manager Flodstrom to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Lamb for his work on the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ouast and carried. 14. PARK BOARD RESIGNATION: A. ALWARD Parks Director Frizzell informed the Council that Mrs. Agnes Alward had submitted a verbal resignation from the Park Commission due to poor health. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council accept Mrs. Alward's resignation with regret and instruct Manager Flodstrom to write Mrs. Alward a letter of appreciation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 15. REPORT ON TRIP TO YAKIMA Mayor Haguewood, Councilman Quast and Parks Director Frizzell gave a brief report on their recent trip to Yakima, Washington, to view their Convention Center. Councilman Quast pointed out several areas which will need to be given consideration if the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center is to be renovated into a convention center. Some of those areas included: (a) restroom facilities; (b) storage areas; {c} "heavy-duty" exhibits; (d) meeting rooms; and (e) a citizen committee which would work with the Park Department to operate the facility. Parks Director Frizzell also commented on the revenues generated, the expenses, and the operation of Yakima's convention center and the "Convention Bureau" which operates the facility. The report concluded with Parks Director Frizzell informing the Council that approximately six proposals have been received to date on the reno- vation of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center. 16. RESOLUTION: REVISION OF STX YEAR STREET PROGRAM Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director Pittis ex- plaining the proposed revision to the Six Year Street Program. Mr. Pittis explained that the Urban Arterial Board is considering the Race Street and Boulevard Bridge Widening Projects as a single project in their priority array system. They have requested that the cost estimates be updated to more closely reflect current costs. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read~by title Resolution No. 36-80 entitled, Resolution No. 36-80 A RESOLUTION amending Resolution No. 22-80 by updating the cost estimates for certain proposed Urban Arterial Board projects within the adopted Six Year Comprehensive Street Program. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. VII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. Don Rudolph addressed the Council to inquire about why Port Angeles .was not chosen for the Eagles Club Convention. ~ L. VIII FINANCE 1. L.I.D. NO. 203: PAYMENT TO DELGUZZI CONSTRUCTION Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize payment of $92,039.80 to DelGuzzi Construction Inc., as the fifth, November estimate of work done and materials furnished by said contractor on L.I.D. No. 203, the Downtown Beautification Project, as certified by Public Works Director .Jack Pittis. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 1980 ~3 IX LATE ITEMS 1. STATE AUDITOR REPORT 1 Mayor Haguewood referred to the conclusion of the State Auditor's post- audit examination report of the City of Port Angeles which read in part ". . Except as noted herein, our examination indicated general compliance with legal requirements. In our opinion, the accompanying financial state- ments present fairly the financial position at December 31, 1979 of the Funds of the City of Port Angeles and its associated utilities and the results of operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding period."~ Mayor Haguewood then commended Finance Director Orton and his staff for the fine work done. CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $174,751.92, L.I.D.'s of $87,437.80 and Payroll of $156,603.48. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. XI STAFF/COUNCIL REPORTS Manager Flodstrom: Reminded the Council that their attendance at the December 17th PURPA hearing is discretionary. Requested a Councilmember be appointed to attend upcoming meetings of the Northwest Public Power Bill.. Councilman Hordyk was appointed, with Councilmen Polhamus as an alternate. Announced that a meeting of Port Angeles restaurant and tavern owners has been scheduled for Thursday, December 18th at 2:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers to discuss what can be done to curb the recent violence in those establishments. Reminded the Council of the joint meeting with the Planning Commission scheduled for January 21, 1981. Pointed out an interesting item in the Informational Packet - pre- filed testimony of Mr. Arnold Tussing in regard to the Northern Tier issue. i Councilman Duncan: Thanked all who helped on the Northern Tier meeting sponsored by the Oilport Task Force which was held on Monday, December 15th. Councilman Polhamus: Discussed the 1976 Special Advisory Ballot with Finance Director Orton. XII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:4D P.M. 1 City Clerk ~~~ Mayor