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Port Angeles, Washington
December 16, 1986
Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Hallett, Hesla, McPhee, Quast,
Schermer, Stamon.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Anderson,
P. Carr. M. Cleland, R. Orton, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn,
J. Pittis, D. Wolfe, S. Roberds, L. Cochrun, B. Coons,
B. Becker, S. Hursh.
Public Present: H. Haubrick, J. Ward, M. Pfaff Pierce, M. Martin,
L. Leonard. Mr. Mrs. W. Schilke, C. and A. Alexander,
B. Bishop, M. Lemon, J. Cornell, K. Sweeney, D. V.
Frizzell, R. Wright, D. Alwine, C. Reandeau, K. Wright,
J. Murphy.
Councilman Schermer moved the Council accept and place on file as received
the minutes of the regular meeting of December 2, 1986. Councilman Hesla
seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion
carried, with Councilman Hallett abstaining, as he had been ill and was not
present at that meeting.
Councilman Stamon then moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
special meeting on December 4, 1986. Councilman Hallett seconded. Coun-
cilman McPhee wished to insert statements he had made during that meeting.
Councilmen Stamon, Schermer, and Hallett concurred that it would be inap-
propriate to insert statements of one Councilmember in these particular
minutes, as they did not include statements made by any Councilmembers.
Following discussion, Councilman McPhee agreed to add his statements in
another fashion. On call for the question, the motion carried.
Councilman Hallett moved to approve the minutes of the December 5, 1986,
meeting. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
special meeting of December 6, 1986. Councilman Hesla seconded. Council-
man Stamon pointed out that Councilman Hallett had arrived at approximately
9:10 P.M. On call for the question, the motion to accept the minutes as
amended carried.
Councilman Hesla moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
special meeting of December 9, 1986. Councilman Stamon seconded and the
motion carried.
Councilman Quast noted that the minutes of December 4, 5, and 6 represented
171 hours spent by the Council and staff debating and discussing the
1. Payment Authorized to Riddell, Williams
Councilman Quast moved to authorize payment of the December 1, 1986,
Riddell, Williams bill in the amount of $10,212.22. He commented on the
approximately $200,000 already expended in an effort to protect the
ratepayers of the City of Port Angeles. Attorney Knutson pointed out
the actual amount expended was almost double that over the last three
years. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman McPhee attempted to make
comments and statements about the 1987 -88 Budget. Councilmembers urged him
to make his statements under the appropriate Agenda item, as a point of
order. On call for the question, the motion carried.
2. Approval of Work and Final Payment for SCADA Project
December 16, 1986
Councilman Stamon moved to declare the contract complete and authorize the
95% payment of $1,838.04 to Olympic Electric. She pointed out publicly the
Light Department had found the work to be very responsible and profes-
sional. Councilman Hallett directed staff to draft a letter to the con-
tractors commending them for their performance. Councilman Hallett then
seconded the motion, which carried.
Councilman Hallett moved to accept the items listed under the Consent
Agenda, including: (1) Request progress payment to Long Services for
asbestos removal at Vern Burton Memorial Community Center of $20,275.24
(corrected amount); (2) Request permission to call for bids for culvert
cleaning project; (3) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control
Board; and (4) Vouchers of $1,632,694.64 and Payroll of 11 -30 -86 of
$213,642.55. Councilman Stamon seconded, correcting the amount of the
progress payment to Long Services for asbestos removal at Vern Burton
Memorial Community Center. The Council discussed with staff a request to
call for bids for culvert cleaning. On call for the question, the motion
Councilman Stamon requested the Council place Item No. 11 of the Informa-
tion Agenda, a Merry Christmas Resolution, on tonight's regular Agenda as
Item No. 18.
1. Planning Commission Minutes of December 10, 1986
A. Conditional Use Permit Jones /Priest Denied
The Council reviewed the request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a
phased fill of property to exist in the ACD, Arterial Commercial District,
located at 1122 East First Street. Councilman Hesla moved to concur with
the Planning Commission's recommendation to deny the Conditional Use
Permit, citing the following findings: (1) Filling of the Ravine will
encourage the intensive development of an area with severe physical con-
straints, contrary to Open Space Policy No. 2; (2) The Ravine and Creek
should be preserved as a unique environmental and topographic feature, in
compliance with Open Space Policy No. 3 and Land Use Objective No. 2; (3)
White Creek Ravine is a unique environmental feature and natural resource
which should be preserved to maintain its hydraulic function in the drain-
age basin and to preserve the existing wildlife habitat, in accordance with
Open Space Policy No. 3; (4) The proposed culvert may cause environmental
damage to White Creek and abutting properties downstream from the site; (5)
Given the natural beauty of the site and availability of commercial land
within the District, retaining this segment of White creek Ravine furthers
Land Use Objectives Nos. 1 and 3. Councilman Schermer seconded and follow-
ing lengthy discussion with staff, the motion carried.
B. Shoreline Management Permit Thunderbird #2
The Council reviewed the request for a Shoreline Substantial Development
Permit to construct a retail sportfishing tackle and supply store in
association with a sportfishing charter boat service, located just east of
M R Timber and west of the Port Angeles Boathaven, on Marine Drive, prop-
erty legally described as Block 117, Townsite of Port Angeles. Councilman
Stamon inquired if there was someone in the audience to verify, for the
record, if an agreement existed between project proponents and the Port of
Port Angeles regarding additional parking; stipulating that if needed,
proponents would work with the Port to establish additional parking south
of Marine Drive. Ken Sweeney, representative of the Port, preferred to
have the applicant verify this. Don Frizzell stated there was a letter of
understanding attached to the lease.
With that on the record, Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the Plan-
ning Commission's recommendation to approve the Shoreline Substantial
December 16, 1986
Development Permit, citing the following findings: (1) The proposed tackle
shop and charter service is a water- and shoreline- dependent use, in ac-
cordance with Use Activity Policy F.1.a and General Regulation C.1; (2) The
Development will locate in an already developed shoreline, in compliance
with General Regulation C.1 and C.4; (3) The Boat Haven area is also de-
veloped in commercial uses; therefore, the proposed development complies
with Use Activity Policy F.1.b; (4) Pursuant to General Regulation C.5, the
proposed development will not significantly alter or irreversibly convert a
natural shoreline; (5) The proposed structure will not reduce the physical
or visual access of the general public to the shoreline, in compliance with
General Regulation C.2 and Land Use Element D.2. Councilman Hesla
seconded. Councilman Hallett inquired as to who would make the determina-
tion of whether additional parking was needed. City Planner Carr said he
understood this would be between the Port and the applicant. He stated
there currently was not a specified number of parking spaces required for a
marina in the Code. Following further discussion at length, the motion
Upon suggestion from Councilman Schermer, acceptance of the Planning
Commission minutes was postponed until consideration of Items No. 2 A
through 2 F on the Agenda.
2. Public Hearings
A. City of Port Angeles Rezone Request RZ- 86(10)7 Fifth and
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the
audience. Mary Pfaff Pierce, 218 East Seventh Street, attorney represent-
ing owners and parties of interest of Lot 16 of Block 170, referred to a
memorandum of argument she had submitted to the Planning Commission. Ms.
Pfaff Pierce addressed the Council at length and requested the Council
declare this property exempt from the rezone classification.
Councilman Quast mentioned the Real Estate Committee had been unable to
locate the true owners of the property. Councilman Hesla reported on a
Real Estate Committee meeting held October 21, 1986, with Councilmen
Schermer, Quast and Hesla (Committee members) and parties of interest in
the property, Larry Colwell and Marilyn Hicks. Councilman Hesla stated
that at the meeting, Mr. Colwell had indicated an interest in a trade for
property located on Seventh Street. Councilman Quast explained the City
had entered into an understanding with North Olympic Library System to hold
the property on Seventh Street until the end of May, 1987, pending results
of a new bond issue and that the City was interested in either purchase or
trade, if the parties of interest could wait until that time. Councilman
Quast stated under no circumstances should the PBP rezone be interpreted as
an attempt by the City to devalue or depreciate the property. He suggested
either the owner have the property appraised or the City could do so, and
stated the City was willing to pay the appraised value as the property
exists with the OC zoning.
It was Ms. Pfaff Pierce's opinion that rezoning this property at this time
was premature, as no monetary figure had been put en the table. She felt
if the City purchased the property, the rezone would be appropriate. She
stated, for the record, that Jerry Austin was the current owner of the
property and Larry Colwell and Marilyn Hicks had an earnest money agree-
Marilyn Hicks then addressed the Council. Upon inquiry by Councilman
Quast, Ms. Hicks stated she would discuss with her partner and legal
counsel the possibilities of waiting until May to consider a trade or sale
of the property.
Larry Leonard, 1030 Olympus, speaking as a concerned citizen, felt it would
be improper to rezone the property PBP. Mr. Leonard inquired if there
would be inadequate parking for the new City Hall facility without property
recently purchased from Mrs. Crumb or the property in question tonight.
Councilman Quast answered the City did have sufficient area for parking but
would like to preserve certain areas as park that are now being converted
to asphalt. He stated a little more green space around the new City Hall
was desired.
Councilman Stamon stated that it was her clear understanding this property
would be purchased for future expansion, not present use. She wanted to
make it very clear that the purchases were not being made to meet present
Upon inquiry by Councilman Schermer, Attorney Knutson and Public Works
Director Pittis stated they were aware of nothing that would delay con-
struction of the new City Hall if a decision on this rezone was postponed.
Councilman Quast confirmed with Ms. Hicks that there was no intent to build
an office complex on the property within the next two months.
There being no further
In order to allay any
decision on the rezone
inquiring if Ms. Hicks
should do so. On call
comments, Mayor Whidden closed the public hearing.
ill feelings, Councilman Schermer moved to delay
until a future date. Councilman Quast seconded,
would like to acquire an appraiser or if the City
for the question, the motion to delay the decision
Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize the Real Estate Committee
to hire an appraiser so there might be two appraisals of the property.
Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried.
B. Office Commercial Rezone RZ- 86(1)1 Race /Laurel and Peabody
Following discussion, Councilman Quast moved to separate consideration of
the rezone of Race Street from the remaining two issues and conduct two
separate public hearings, as Councilmembers Schermer, Stamon and McPhee had
concerns with the appearance of fairness on the rezone of Race Street and
indicated they would abstain. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion
carried. Attorney Knutson asked if anyone in the hearing room had any
objections to these Councilmembers remaining in the hearing room during the
discussion of this item. No objections were expressed.
B -1 OC Rezone Race Street
December 16, 1986
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Mrs.
Gordon Bunnell, owner of property at 711 South Race Street, supported a
rezone, stating the residential zoning had been a detriment in attempts to
sell her property. Larry Leona 1030 Olympus, felt it was high time this
area was rezoned. Connie R N$ 904 East Seventh Street, owner of prop-
erty next door to the Bunnells, also had been unable to sell a residence
there as it was not zoned commercial. She supported the entire zoning
Carl Alexander, 1712 East Fifth, was not in favor of rezoning the area,
citing a number of reasons, one being that Race Street was a designated
City center by -pass. He felt that commercial development along Race Street
would severely impact the integrity of the neighborhood. Herbert Haubrick,
702 East First, Apt. #2, did not see where anything would be gained by
keeping the small area in question residential. There being no further
comments, Mayor Whidden closed the public hearing.
Following additional discussion, Councilman Quast mowed to limit the rezone
to the two lots on the southeast corner of Race and Seventh Streets. Coun-
cilman Hallett seconded, clarifying that this had been the recommendation
of the Planning Commission. On call for the question, the motion carried,
with Councilmen McPhee, Schermer and Stamon abstaining.
Attorney Knutson recommended incorporating in the motion the findings of
the Planning Commission, as follows: (1) The rezone would create a strip
commercial area adjacent to an arterial which is discouraged by Commercial
Policy No. 4. The proposed rezoning of two lots does not create strip
development, but does complete a cluster of OC uses; (2) Race Street is not
part of the commercial "T" and the proposed district will not have a
cluster configuration. The rezone does not comply with Commercial Policy
No. 2; (3) Professional offices adjacent to Race Street are not similar to
or functionally related to the residential land uses adjacent to it. Thus,
the rezone does not comply with Land Use Objective No. 2. Councilman Quast
B.2. OC Rezone
Mayor Whidden opened the
Cornell, 824 West Fourth
Laurel and Peabody
public hearing and asked for comments. Jerry
Street, representing the Downtown Association,
December 16, 1986
encouraged the Council to adopt Alternative No. 2 of the Planning Commis-
sion, stating this would create a larger Office Commercial area; while
Alternative No. 1 would create more of a commercial strip on either side of
a CSD zone.
Dennis Alwine, 1765 Highway 112 West, having an interest in property at 519
South Peabody, also supported Alternative No. 2. Linda Wells, 329 East
Ninth Street, having an interest in property on Fifth Street, urged the
Council not to create strip zoning along Peabody, Chase and Laurel. She
urged them not to prohibit small businesses in the area. She suggested
opening it up to both. Carl Alexander, 1312 West Fifth Street, again
speaking as a concerned citizen, addressed the Council at length in opposi-
tion to the proposed rezones, citing a number of reasons, feeling these
proposals were not in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. He felt
that existing commercial land could be used in better ways, but would not
be, so long as the City continued to rezone additional residential land.
Mayor Whidden then read a letter received from Dossey McLain endorsing a
rezone, using Alternative No. 1. The letter stated that Mrs. McLain was
the owner of Lot 15, Block 202. City Planner Carr reported that he had
received a telephone call from Jim Phillips the previous week, voicing
particular concern for the impact on the Downtown area. Mr. Phillips had
suggested infilling. There being no further comments, Mayor Whidden closed
the public hearing. Councilman Schermer suggested that Mr. Alexander would
have a better avenue by going to the Planning Commission with some of the
concerns he had voiced tonight. Councilman Schermer favored Alternative
No. 2. He favored not rezoning to Office Commercial, Laurel, south of
Fifth. Councilman Stamon supported Councilman Schermer's recommendation.
Following further discussion, Councilman Schermer moved to accept the
recommendation of the Planning Commission, Alternative No. 2, except for
the Laurel Street portion. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Quast
felt the proposed rezone should be evaluated after construction of the new
City Hall in order that traffic patterns might be studied. He first moved
to amend the motion, withdrew his amendment, then spoke against the motion.
Councilman Hallett shared Councilman Quast's concern and favored referring
the matter back for later consideration, after completion of the new City
Hall. Councilman Schermer felt designating this area OC at this time was
wise, as it was in closer proximity to governmental complexes. He referred
to the rezone of the area surrounding the Hospital to a use related to the
Hospital. Councilman Stamon added that the OC Zone does clearly allow
residential use and therefore, people currently occupying residences in the
area would not be negatively impacted. Following further discussion, on
call for the question, the motion failed, with Councilman Schermer and
Stamon voting "Aye" and Councilmen McPhee, Hallett, Hesla, and Quast voting
Councilman Quast then moved to 4aia le--tite met ieli aa41. refer the matter back
to the Planning Commission. Councilman Hallett seconded. Councilman
Hallett thanked the Planning Commission and the Planning Department for
this exhaustive effort. Following further lengthy discussion, on call for
the question, the motion carried, with Councilman Schermer voting "No
Councilman McPhee temporarily left the meeting room and was not present
during this vote.
C. Street Vacation SV- 86(12)9 Cunningham
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Howard
Cunningham, 2309 South Pine Street, applicant for the street vacation,
offered to answer questions of the Council. Upon inquiry by Councilman
Quast, Mr. Cunningham stated this vacation would not affect the ingress or
egress to the alley. Mayor Whidden asked for further comments. There were
none. He therefore closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by
title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating that portion of Vine Street
abutting Lot 10, Block 16, PSCC2.
Councilman Quast then moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title,
inserting $1 as the amount of compensation. Councilman Schermer seconded
and the motion carried.
D. Street Vacation SV- 86(12)8 Schilke
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Warren
Schilke, 812 East First Street, petitioner for the street vacation, made
himself available to answer questions from the Council. Councilman Quast
inquired as to the location of structures on the property and the appli-
cant's reason for requesting the street vacation. Mr. Schilke clarified,
upon inquiry from Councilman Stamon, that he did not currently have the
property listed for sale. There being no further comments, Mayor Whidden
closed the public hearing and read the ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating the west 10 feet of Lincoln
Street abutting Lot 20, Block 24,
Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, inserting
$1,500 as the compensation amount. Councilman Hallett seconded. Following
discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried.
E. Street Vacation SV- 86(12)7 Port of Port Angeles
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the
audience. Ken Sweeney, 338 West First Street, explained the street vaca-
tion petition was initiated by the Port to re- establish public truck scales
in the City. He further explained the street vacation request and asked
Council to grant the request. Mr. Sweeney answered Council's questions.
Mayor Whidden asked for further comments. There were none. He therefore
closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating the portion of the 6/7 alley
abutting Lots 9 and 12, Block 160, TPA.
Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, inserting
$500 as the amount of compensation. Councilman Schermer seconded. Coun-
cilman Quast amended the motion, stipulating the implemention date of this
Ordinance would be subject to receipt of the first promised payment. On
call for the question, the motion carried.
F. Street' Vacation SV- 86(12)6 Arthur Hill Application
Councilman Hallett moved to accept the withdrawal of the petition for
street vacation by Arthur Hill. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion
Planning Commission Minutes Accepted
Councilman Quast moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission
minutes of December 10, 1986. Councilman McPhee seconded and the motion
3. Residential Fire Sprinkler Ordinance Adopted
Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, requiring the installation
of automatic fire sprinklers in all new
residential construction, and creating
Chapter 14.26 in the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
December 16, 1986
Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council-
man Schermer seconded, amending Section 3, page 2, "that for single- family
December 16, 1986
residences and duplexes, this requirement shall become effective February
1, 1988 He felt it was important to receive public input by means of a
public hearing a year from now. Councilman Schermer thanked Fire Chief
Glenn for putting together this proposal and emphasized that he was not
speaking against the Ordinance, but in support of public input. Councilman
Stamon was hopeful that individuals in Port Angeles would comply with these
proposed regulations during the next year when constructing residences, and
would come forth at the future public hearing to share actual experiences.
Councilman McPhee felt the removal of certification of an installer, if
said installer did not install a sprinkler system in six months, was a
severe restriction. On call for the question, the motion carried, with
Councilman McPhee voting "No
Councilman Quast noted it was now 10:00 P.M. and moved to recess the meet-
ing until either tomorrow or Thursday, in order to consider Items 4 through
17 on the Agenda. This motion died for lack of a second.
Councilman Schermer then moved to continue with items on the Agenda, but
limit the meeting until 10:30 P.M. with the exception of the Executive
Session. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
4. Ordinance Adopted Amending 1986 Budget
Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending the budget for the City of Port
Angeles for the Fiscal Year 1986 and
amending Ordinance 2366.
Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Hesla seconded. Councilman McPhee inquired if this action was required of
the Council. Attorney Knutson confirmed that it was required by law. On
call for the question, the motion carried.
5. 1987 -88 Biennial Budget Ordinance Adopted
Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
'approving and adopting the Budget for
the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal
biennium ending December 31, 1988.
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council-
man Stamon seconded. Councilman McPhee stated for the last several meet-
ings he had counseled financial restraint and that there was not a
consensus on the budget. He stated this budget was up $2.3 million in the
last three years. He further stated that during the hearings, he had given
eight areas in which he recommended the Council look at ways to save money.
Councilman McPhee stated there was a 30% heavier trash load at the Solid
Waste Landfill subsequent to the installation of the mechanized collection,
which, in his opinion, translated into a $70,000 a year cost for the new
pit required for the additional growth. Councilman McPhee also said he was
disappointed that staff or the people who sold the City the equipment had
not discovered similar problems elsewhere. He referred to the Medic I
Program, stating it was a good program but that currently, taxpayers are
allowed to subsidize insurance companies. Councilman McPhee was opposed to
building a new dispatch center and favored combining with the County's
dispatch center. Councilman McPhee also expressed disappointment that no
capital improvement plan existed yet.
Councilman Quast raised a point of order, stating that Councilman McPhee
was discussing items which had already been discussed by the Council in
three previous public hearings. Mayor Whidden commented that he had re-
quested Councilman McPhee submit written figures to substantiate his state-
ments and that Councilman McPhee had not done so. For the record, Council-
man Schermer indicated that every item staff had presented had been dis-
counted and discredited by Councilman McPhee. Councilman Schermer noted
there had been 17 hours of public hearings spent discussing these issues
and Councilman McPhee had now taken 15 minutes of the limited time remain-
ing for the agenda tonight.
Councilman Quast stated he appreciated Councilman McPhee's role as it pre-
vented group think among the other six Councilmembers. He felt Councilman
McPhee had pointed out sufficiently to the public that he had a different
conception of the budget than the majority of the Council. Councilman
Quast pointed out that staff had checked with other solid waste companies
and had reported to the Council exactly what could happen. He stated the
only problem was that their percentage figure had been surpassed by 6
Councilman Stamon reit- erated that Council had discussed the matters of
the budget for over 17 hours and noted her extreme disappointment more
members of the public had not attended the budget hearings. She felt all
Councilmembers should be afforded the opportunity to comment so they could
have recorded in the minutes their feelings and opinions on the budget.
She stated she personally would give up that opportunity tonight in order
to move on with other business the City needed to consider. She then
called for the question. The motion carried, with Councilman McPhee voting
Councilman Quast moved to allow Councilman McPhee to make his comments in
writing, supply the supporting and substantive figures which underlie his
comments, and attach them to the minutes of this meeting. Councilman
Hallett felt the same privilege should be afforded every other member of
the Council. Councilman Quast concurred. Councilman Hallett seconded the
motion, which carried.
6. Ordinance Amending Business License Regulations Adopted
December 16, 1986
Mayor Whidden reviewed a background memorandum from the City Attorney and
read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending the business license regulations
for private security firms and peddlers
and amending Chapters 14 and 15 of
Ordinance 2050 and Chapters 5.56 and
5.60 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council-
man Schermer seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the
motion carried.
Manager Flodstrom then indicated to the Council that Agenda Item Nos. 11,
15, and 16, would require action at tonight's meeting.
Items Nos. 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Continued until January 6, 1987.
11. Additional Cost of Transformer Repairs Authorized
Mayor Whidden reviewed a background memorandum from City Light Director
Orton. Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of the
Light Department and authorize the Light Director to sign a change order
with Eastern Electric Apparatus Repair in the amount of $43,041 for the
additional work. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman McPhee clarified with Light Director Orton the location of the
cottonwood tree which had caused the damage to the transformer. On call
for the question, the motion carried.
Items Nos. 12, 13, and 14
Continued until January 6, 1987.
15. Proclamation Drunk and Drugged Driver Awareness Week December 14th
through 20th
Mayor Whidden proclaimed the week of December 14th through December 20th,
1986, Drunk and Drugged Driver Awareness Week in Port Angeles and urged
December 16, 1986
fellow citizens to engage in activities that reduce the number of deaths,
injuries and collisions caused by intoxicated drivers and to inform them-
selves about the problem and become involved in the solution.
16. Proclamation World Peace Day December 31, 1986
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Proclamation as written. Councilman
Quast seconded and the motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 10:30 P.M. for the
purpose of discussing personnel and real estate. Estimated length of the
executive session was one -half hour.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 11:00 P.M. and was
adjourned at approximately 11:02 P.M.