HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/16/2003 5113 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 16, 2003 CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order REGULAR MEETING: at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell, Erickson, Headrick, Rogers, and Williams. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, Y. Ziomkowski, S. McLain, G. Kenworthy, D. Dickson, J. Seniuk, and T. Smith. Public Present: J. Pittis, R. Peterson, R. Hoham, M. Wiggins, D. Hudgens, P. Lamoureux, N. Beckett, M. Gates, and C. Kidd. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Wiggins. ALLEGIANCE: PUBLIC CEREMONIES, 1. Proclamation in Recognition of Bob & .lan Harbick for Strait Thunder: PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Wiggins read and presented to Bob & Jan Harbick a proclamation honoring their efforts and leadership in organizing the "Strait Thunder" hydroplane race event. Recognition of Bob & Jan Mr. Harbick expressed appreciation to the community and the City for assistance and Harbick for Strait Thunder support related to the event; plans are underway for the next event which is scheduled for October 1, 2, and 3, 2004. Recognition of EDC and 2. Proclamation in Recognition of EDC and dim Haguewood for Governor's Jim Haguewood for Award for Economic Development: Governor's Award for Economic Development Mayor Wiggins read and presented a proclamation recognizing Jim Haguewood, Clallam County Economic Development Council, for his contributions and leadership in receiving the Governor's Award for Economic Development. Mr. Haguewood indicated this endeavor has been the passion of many people who have donated thousands of volunteer hours and, by working on the process for over a year, the community has created over 400 jobs. Mr. Haguewood felt that everyone in the community should be proud, and he thanked the City for its staunch support. Councilmember Rogers commented on her efforts in working with the Centers of Excellence Grant, and she met with a corporation earlier today and was given the first check as payment of a $10,000 commitment from the corporate sector. Recognition of Bronze 3. Proclamation in Recognition of Bronze Artwork by Duncan McKiernan: Artwork by Duncan McKieman Council, staff, and members of the audience then departed the Council Chambers and gathered in the lobby around the "Faller and Bucker" bronze sculpture created by -1- 5114 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 2003 Recognition of Bronze Duncan McKiernan and donated to the North Olympic Land Trust and the City of Port Artwork by Duncan Angeles Fine Arts Center. Mayor Wiggins read and presented a proclamation honoring McKiernan (Cont'd) Mr. McKiernan and dedicated the sculpture for placement in City Hall. Mr. McKiernan graciously accepted the recognition, noting the sculpture held a fond place in his heart. Attorney Knutson, a member of the North Olympic Land Trust Board, expressed appreciation to Mr. McKiernan for his donation to the City and the Land Trust. He indicated Mr. McKiernan did the "Faller and Bucker" as a fund-raising item for the North Olympic Land Trust; the original goal was to raise $1,200, but the ultimate amount raised was over $2,000. In recognition of the donation, Attorney KnutsonpresentedMr. McKieman with a replica of the sculpture. Parks & Recreation Director Connelly praised Mr. McKiernan' s sculpture, and he shared with the audience the selection of a tree stump to be used as the pedestal for the sculpture. The stump selected by the Parks crew is representative of the timber industry and history of the area. Director Connelly recognized employees Craig Thornburg and Leon Leonard for their efforts in this regard. Jake Seniuk, Fine Arts Center Director, felt it was timely to dedicate this piece of art, particularly as the City is honoring the 100th Anniversary of Esther Webster. He thanked the Land Trust for giving the sculpture to the Fine Arts Center and for the wonderful display. Recognition of Service to 4. Recognition of Service to City of Port Angeles by Council Members Glenn City by Councilmembers Wiggins and Orville Campbell: Wiggins and Campbell The group returned to the Council Chambers, after which Manager Quinn recognized outgoing Councilmembers Glenn Wiggins and Orville Campbell with a historical summary of their tenure on the City Council since 1996. He commented on efforts that have progressed on economic development and diversification, tourism promotion, the promotion of the natural beauty of the area, and the promotion of a climate of success and pride in the community. Manager Quinn highlighted certain issues that have been in the forefront during Councilmember Wiggins' and Campbell's term of service, to include the formation of a Multi-Cultural Task Force, planning for a hotel/conference center at Oak and Front Streets, a request to expand the eastern UGA to Deer Park, the enactment of a Stormwater Utility, the completion of the Valley Creek Estuary, and the completion of the Veterans Memorial Park with funds from the estate of Margeurite Harmess. In addition, work progressed on the Carnegie Library Building, and the City saw the arrival of Admiral Marine and Westport Shipyard under their watch. Also during their tenure, the City has worked on water rights, Elwha Dam removal, and various other challenging issues. Manager Quinn discussed ongoing efforts to close the Landfill in 2006 and the associated long haul options being considered. He noted that, during their service, the Downtown Forward vision was brought to life, and most of the projects identified were predominantly completed. Also during their term, the Light and Public Works Departments merged, and the Rayonier rmll closed, presenting a potential economic development project. Manager Quinn provided an overview of new technology gained over the recent years, the progress being made on the Gateway project, Clallam Networks, and other issues. He informed Councilmembers Wiggins and Campbell that they have set a legacy of momentum, a legacy for clear vision, and a legacy of value. He felt they had shown true community leadership and had seized the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the quality of life for Port Angeles. Thanking them for their commitment and leadership, Manager Quinn related that the legacy of Councilmembers Wiggins and Campbell would become the foundation of future Council efforts. Manager Quinn presented Councilmembers Wiggins and Campbell with a commemorative plaque, and Attorney Knutson presented them with pictures of the "Faller and Bucker". Councilmembers Headrick and Rogers and Finance Director Ziomkowskithenhonored the two Councilmemberswithhumorous anecdotes and gifts. CITY COUNCIL MEET1NG $115 December 16, 2003 Break The meeting was recessed for a reception honoring Councilmembers Wiggins and Campbell at 6:58 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:20 p.m. WORK SESSION: None. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Authorization to Submit Grant Applications to the Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board: Authorization for Grant Applications to Washington Economic Development Director Smith reviewed the City' s efforts in working with the State Community Economic Clallam NetWorks Program, whereby opportunities have been identified to expand Revitalization Board industry clusters in the pursuit of an aquaculture project and the development of cold Resolution No. 13-03 storage facilities. The Community Economic Revitalization Board invited the City and the EDC to submit two feasibility study grant applications and, in order to apply for the grants, the applications must be sponsored by an agency such as the City. Mr. Smith indicated there would be no matching funds required of the City. Jim Haguewood, Executive Director of the Economic Development Council, informed the Council that a feasibility study on the aquaculture project is needed in order to gather further information and to clarify and quantify what is anticipated to be a very large market potential. He indicated that Port Angeles has some unique advantages for such a project, but there are still many unanswered questions. The application regarding the cold storage facilities came about through the marine and agriculture areas, as many of those products are leaving Port Angeles immediately due to lack of storage. The feasibility study will help identify facility costs, users, and location. Mr. Haguewood indicated the EDC has also looked at the possibility of a fiber mill through a $50,000 feasibility grant. He expressed the hope that the Council would approve the grant applications, emphasizing that the EDC would provide oversight of the projects and would enter into agreements with consultants to be overseen by the cluster teams. Councilmember Rogers noted that the aquaculture project would be non-salmon related, and the total cost of the project is $125,000, with the private sector providing $75,000 toward the project. Mayor Wiggins inquired if there is a commitment of City staff time, and Mr. Haguewood responded that the efforts will be totally administered by the EDC. He summarized the process used by the State in awarding grant funds, noting that CERB now has a permanent funding source. Mr. Smith added that staffwill have some responsibility in monitoring the grants, since the application would be submitted by the City. Councilman Williams observed that the City's name was being used to leverage outside funds, something that he felt could serve as a model in the future. Mr. Smith then corrected the amount of the grant funding request for the aquaculture project to be $50,000, with the cold storage facility at $25,000. Jack Pittis, 127 E. Park, advised the Council of his service on the CERB Board. He offered clarification in that CERB does not, in fact, have permanent funding. Rather, CERg is currently using interest generated from the Public Works Trust Fund and is looking for permanent funding beyond 2008. Mayor Wiggins read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 13-03 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing two separate applications for funding from the Community Economic Revitalization Board to conduct feasibility studies for an aquaculture project and a cold storage facility. Councilman Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. -3- 51 ] 6 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 2003 LATE ITEMS TO BE Mayor Wiggins added a report on the Elks Fire as Agenda Item 1.2, and he added a PLACED ON THIS OR report on WRIA 18 as Agenda Item 1.3. FUTURE AGENDAS: Ruth Hoham, 520 South Peabody, addressed the Council on the matter of the Bill of Rights and an associated resolution in defense of civil liberties in the community directly related to the Patriot Act. Information concerning the Patriot Act and a proposed resolution had been provided previously to the Council, and Ms. Hoham indicated the County had passed a similar resolution earlier in the day. Mayor Wiggins felt this issue would be more appropriate for consideration by the new Council, and the Council agreed by consensus to defer the matter to the first of the year. FINANCE: Parametrix Contract Amendment: Parametrix Contract Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler reviewed the information provided on a Amendment proposed amendment with Parametrix for engineering support services for landfill and solid waste tasks. Additional work at a cost of $30,000.00 is necessary, all of which was delineated by Director Cutler. He indicated that the agreement with Parametrix expires as of January 31, 2004, and staff will either be returning with a proposed extension or a new contract. Following brief discussion, Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No. 1 in the amount of $30,000.00 with Parametrix, Inc., for a total contract amount not to exceed $242,322.00. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember Erickson moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council Minutes of December 2, 2003; 2.) Expenditure Approval List - December 5, 2003 - $311,255.47; 3.) Electronic Payments - December 5, 2003 - $1,282,019.71; 4.) 2003 Tree Trimming Contract, Final Acceptance; 5.) Appointment to Board of Adjustment; and 6.) Finance Dept: Travel Exceeding $1500. The motion was seconded by Couucilmember Rogers. Brief discussion ensued, and Councilman Williams inquired as to whether staff had considered tree removal as opposed to tree trimming with respect to Item No. 4. Director Cutler responded the issue is addressed on a case-by-case basis, and trees considered to be a threat were removed under this particular contract. It was acknowledged there is an issue of ownership as pertains to plantings in the right-of-way. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL Councilman Headrick reported on his attendance at a Parks & Recreation Committee COMMITTEE meeting with Steve Zenovic on the proposed skateboard park. Erickson Playfield has REPORTS & been selected as a location of choice for a skateboard park, and plans were developed CALENDAR: for the comer directly across from the YMCA. However, a public hearing on the matter resulted in some suggestions being made to select an alternative location at Erickson, perhaps the comer opposite the Civic Field parking lot. Grant funds are being sought to help defray costs, the project total of which is $200,000 - $260,000, and the Rotary Club has pledged funding in cash or in-kind services. CouncilmanHeadrick also attended the public meeting on the 8~ Street Bridges, during which time the consultant provided information on the project. Another meeting has been scheduled for January 15th to discuss the project design with civic groups. Councilman Braun attended the Parks & Recreation meeting, as well as the unveiling of the Nippon sign. He also attended the Christmas party and a Clallam Transit Authority meeting. Councilman Braun provided accolades on the addition of the traffic light at 5th & Race Streets. CouncilmemberRogers will be providing testimony in a court martial Wednesday. She informed the Council that the Washington State Hotel & Lodging Association has scheduled a meeting in the City Council Chambers on Thursday, December 18th, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. State Auditor Brian Sormtag will present the program, providing an CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5117 December 16, 2003 CITY COUNCIL overview of intended uses, best practices and legal requirements related to hotel/motel COMMITTEE tax revenues. Because she had other commitments, she asked that other REPORTS & Councilmembers consider attending the meeting. Councilmembers Headrick and Braun CALENDAR: (Cont'd) indicated their plans to attend. Councilman Williams attended a Chamber of Commerce Board retreat, and Valerie Fox assumed the role of Chamber President. He also attended the Transit Board meeting and the Real Estate Committee meeting. He related a conversation held with a resident who was quite pleased with the Council's leadership and foresight in extending the Trail. Ctuncilman Campbell shared information from a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting held Monday, at which Randal Ehm was present to provide a project update on the conference center and hotel. Councilman Campbell felt it was important to note that Mr. Ehm has engaged the services ofa fmancial consultant to help obtain financing and, further, Mr. Ehm has started the process of getting the building permit in order. He felt the most important report will be that scheduled for March. ORDINANCES NOT Council Compensation Ordinance: REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Manager Quinn introduced and reviewed the matter of the proposed Council compensation changes and benefits as set forth in the packet memorandum and as Council Compensation recommended by the members of the Finance Committee. Council compensation Ordinance would remain at the current level until January 1, 2006; the purpose of enactment in Ordinance No. 3153 2003 is to enable all seven Councilmembers to be eligible for the changes at the same time. Manager Quinn referenced information obtained from other cities as relates to their council compensation and benefits, and he noted the comparable cities surveyed were those typically used by Port Angeles during labor negotiations. The data revealed an average monthly compensation of $545 as compared to Port Angeles' compensation of $400. Manager Quinn noted the increase scheduled for 2008 would bring the City Council in line with the current 2003 average. Discussion followed, and Councilmember Rogers discussed the level of responsibility of the current Council as compared to ten years ago. The workload on committees and subcommittees has increased tremendously, and she spoke as an advocate to set policy on Council compensation for coming years. Councilmember Erickson, having supported these changes in the Finance Committee, felt that increased compensation was appropriate; however, she preferred to see access to medical insurance provided without City payment toward the premium. She expressed concern with the impact to the budget, and she then subsequently directed attention to the language of the Ordinance feeling it had been worded incorrectly. Councilman Williams offered input as to language of the Ordinance and, following further discussion and debate, Attorney Knutson assisted in rephrasing the Ordinance. The Councilmembers offered opinions as to the merits of the proposed Ordinance, and Councilman Campbell expressed concern with the timing of the proposed changes, particularly in light of the co-payment for medical insurance just negotiated with employees. He felt that money saved by this co-payment would then be reinvested in Council compensation and benefits. Mayor Wiggins shared similar concerns, especially since there would be no cost controls on medical benefits. Discussion and debate followed, and Councilmember Rogers pointed out that past raises for the Council have been seven and ten years apart. Councilman Braun suggested that each issue be voted upon separately. Attorney Knutson provided additional changes to the language of the Ordinance based on the discussion: Section 1. The salary for any person elected to office in the City of Port Angeles the term of which office began prior to, orbegins on or subsequent to, January 1, 2004, shall be as follows ... -5- 5118 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 2003 ORDINANCES NOT Section 2. Effective January 1, 2006, the salary for any person elected to REQUIRING PUBLIC office within the City of Port Angeles, the term of which office began on or HEARINGS: subsequent to January 1, 2004, shall be as follows ... (Cont'd) Section 3. Effective January 1, 2008, the salary for any person elected to Council Compensation office within the City of Port Angeles shall be as follows ... Ordinance Ordinance No. 3153 Councilman Williams moved to approve the changes as set forth by Attorney (Cont'd) Knutson. Councilmember Eriekson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. The Council then directed its attention to the medical and dental benefits in the Ordinance and discussed the merits of a co-pay versus a totalpremium being paid by the individual Councilmembers. Councilman Headriek moved to provide access to dental coverage, with the Couneilmembers paying their own premium. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and carried unanimously. Following further brief discussion, Couneilmember Rogers moved to provide access to medical insurance coverage, with the Councilmembers paying 100% of the premium. Councilman Headriek seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. In keeping with the motions just passed, Attorney Knutson clarified the following: Section 4. Effective January 1, 2006, members of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles shall become eligible to participate in the City's authorized medical and dental insurance plans; provided that said participation meets all policy and eligibility criteria governing such plans and the Council Member pays 100% of the premium. Councilman Headrick questioned the effective date since the Councilmembers would be paying their own premium, suggesting the date be changed to January 1, 2004. Attorney Knutson added language following the City of Port Angeles, "whose terms begin on or subsequent to January 1, 2004, shall become eligible ...". Also, the effective date of January 1,2004, wouldbe noted at the beginning of Section 4. Mayor Wiggins read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 3153 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, establishing salaries and benefits for the elected officers (City Council) of the City of Port Angeles and repealing Ordinance No. 3023. Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title with the changes noted by the City Attorney. Councilman Headrick seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. RESOLUTIONS: 2. Resolution Setting Public Hearingfor Vacation ofRight-of-Way- City ofPort (Cont'd) Angeles - Portion of Unnamed Right-of-Way Located East of the City's Landfill North of Milwaukee Drive; Resolution Setting Public Hearing for Vacation of CommunityDevelopment Director Collins summarizedthe need to set a public hearing Right-of-Way - City of for February 3, 2004, for vacation of the subject right-of-way. Mayor Wiggins read Port Angeles the Resolution by title, entitled Resolution No. 14-03 RESOLUTION NO. 14-03 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of an unnamed 100-foot-wide right-of-way north of Milwaukee i6_ CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5119 December 16, 2003 Resolution Setting Public Drive east of the City's landfill site. Hearing for Vacation of Right-of-Way - City of Councilman Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion Port Angeles was seconded by Councilman Campbell and carried unanimously. Resolution No. 14-03 (Cont'd) OTHER 1. Information from Property Owner Regarding Developrnent Proposal for l O l 3 CONSIDERATIONS: Golf Course Road: Information from Property Director Collins discussed the abatement of a derelict residence at 1013 Golf Course Owner re. Development Road, relating that the developer of the property was ill this evening and was unable Proposal for 1013 Golf to attend. A representative of the developer was present to answer questions. The Course Road. seller of the property has been hospitalized and, based on that information, staff has recommended the matter be continued to the next meeting. Councilman Braun moved to continue the matter to the January 6, 2004, City Council meeting. Councilmember Erickson seconded the motion. In the ensuing discussion, Councilman Williams understood this has been an issue for quite some time. He noted the property has been listed in the multiple listings system, and there may be some possibility for a purchase and sale agreement in the furore. However, the property is still listed as actively for sale, is not under contract, and is still under current ownership. He felt the City could proceed with abatement in that the house has been an ongoing problem for quite some time. Councilman Williams felt the house should be tom down, with related expenses placed as a lien against the current property owner until sold. Director Collins concurred that the house has been a problem, partly because the owner has been difficult to reach, but he was uncertain as to whether adequate notice had been provided to the current owner for this evening's meeting. Nason Beckett, 527 E. Third, approached the podium to answer any questions the Council might have. Councilman Headrick asked about the status of the property and the purported sale. Mr. Beckett responded he was not representing the seller but, rather, the developer. He was uncertain as to the status of a purchase and sale agreement. In responding to Councilman Headrick, he was also uncertain as to when the building might be demolished. Mr. Beckett clarified that he was only representing the prospective development of the property. Councilman Williams asked if mutual acceptance has been achieved on the property, and Mr. Beckett did not know. Director Collins advised the Council that staff has preliminary plans for a PRD on the property and understood the developer was in a position of ownership. A notice of this abatement meeting was sent to the purchaser of the property, and Attorney Knutson stated that Director Collins' information indicated that the City had not initiated the abatement process properly, so an extension to January 6th would be appropriate. Councilmember Rogers clarified that an abatement notice should be sent to the current property owner. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Report on Elks Fire 2. Report on Elks Fire: Fire Chief McKeen, aided by PowerPoint slides and video clips, provided the Council with a report on the Elks fire this past week. He reviewed the time lineof the fire, as well as resources utilized, noting it was fortunate that no one was hurt. ChiefMcKeen indicated the Fire Department has been fighting this fire for many years through training, mutual aid, and prevention. He sunm~rized the economic and personal impact of the fire and summarized the organizations involved in the teameffort: Fire Districts 2 & 3, Red Cross, Salvation Army, Tesoro, and City departments represented by Police, Street, Light, Building, Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater. ChiefMcKeen discussed the effort of working toward built-in fire protection in the downtown area. Councilman Campbell asked about sprinklering in the downtown area, and Chief 5120 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 16, 2003 Report on Elks Fire McKeen indicated this is an area of concentration and is definitely something that will (Cont'd) be discussed with the Elks. He referenced the previous fire above the Cornerhouse Restaurant, the rebuild of which included a sprinkler system. In addition, during the construction of the new watermain system, stub-ins were included, better enabling the installation of sprinkler systems downtown. Chief McKeen felt the Fire Department personnel had done an excellent job, a comment echoed by Councilman Braun, who observed the Fire Department did everything correctly in fighting the fire and saving the building. Report on WRIA 18 3. Report on WRI,4 18: Councilman Campbell reviewed the Council's past review of Chapter 3 of the Watershed Plan, as well as the development of a list of veto items and other changes that were felt necessary to improve the quality of the Plan. The City wanted to make sure that all references to the State Manual were removed. This past week, what was to be the final meeting on reaching agreement on the Plan was held and, after a lengthy discussion, it was obvious the deadline wouldn't be met. Another meeting has been scheduled for January 8~h to continue the process. Although further language changes need to be made, Councilman Campbell was reasonably confident that the City's concerns and the Council's veto items would be adequately addressed. He felt the timing on when everything would come together was an open question. Director Collins provided follow-up on the timing issue, as the mandate from the State was that this project would be complete by the last day of fall, 2003, which is December 20. Unfortunately, there were no October or November meetings, although some of the major issues were being worked on, but progress was slow. The State, who has participated in the process, acknowledged that a continuation would need to be requested from the State, which may affect the timing of some of the funding for the next phase. Director Collins agreed with Councilman Campbell that most of the City's items have been or will be addressed, and he felt the Plan would satisfy most of the Initiating Governments. Director Collins suggested this would be a good opportunity to appoint Councilman Campbell to continue as the City's representative in this endeavor. Councilmember Erickson moved to have Orville Campbell continue to represent the City in this process. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. QUASI-JUDICIAL: PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. OTHER: INFORMATION: BPA Settlement Agreement: Power Systems Deputy Director McLain, with the use of PowerPoint slides, provided the Council with a briefing on the BPA Lawsuit BPA Settlement Agreement Settlement. A settlement agreement has been proposed between the various public utilities, investor owned utilities (IOU's), and BPA over lawsuits filed in 2001 concerning the level of the IOU benefits in the 2001 BPA rate case. Deputy Director McLain indicated that, if the City chooses to support the settlement, the City Council would need to approve the signing of several documents no later than January 21,2004, a date by which all litigants must sign in order for the settlement to be valid. He reviewed in detail the IOU subscription contracts, rates, and buydowncontracts, as well as the settlement proposal for the 2003 - 2006 rate period and the 2007 - 2011 rate period. Deputy Director McLain showed graphs depicting the forecasted rates for 2004 - 2006 with and without the settlement, noting that Snohomish PUD and Clallam PUD had decided against settlement. The matter was submitted for information only at this point and will be returned to the Council for action at the January 20, 2004 meeting. Manager Quinn advised the Council that business and industry in the area would be heavily impacted whether or not the settlement is finalized. -8- CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5121 December 16, 2003 INFORMATION: Manager Quinn reported he would attend the latter portion of the meeting scheduled (Cont'd) for Thursday on lodging taxes. Manager Quinn reviewed the Goals and Objectives project update, noting the listing contained 134 projects, 55% of which have been completed. Over 30% have been worked on substantially and will be further addressed this coming year. Brief discussion followed. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:54 p.m. to consider an item of litigation / real estate and a personnel evaluation for '/2 hour to 45 minutes. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 11:04 p.m., after which Mayor Wiggins SESSION: moved to approve the two-year employment agreement with the City Manager. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun and carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:06 p.m. -9-