HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/17/1951 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 203" December 17 19~_ "., . "..... '''''''. ...._'.. ..,...... ,.... <411)> The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M. , and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Tay-tor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approveq. Under the head of "Pplications for building pennits and licenses, the follc:wing were granted: BUILDING PERMITS: ;L.< /dO, ~ , 2 J. F. Woods Build one duplex, Lot 10 (S ), Blk. 203, fownsite Del Guzzi Bros. To construct warehouse and office, Lots 3,4,5,6,7, Blk. l28, D. W, Morse Addition To construct 5;;lroom dwelling, Lot W 36'- 16 - East 23' 15 Blk. 334, Townsite To construct 5 room dwelling, Lot 6, Block 387, Townsite $4,100.00 Del Guzzi Bros. 15,000.00 . ll,ooO.oo Di'ck lvray 12,000:00 LICENSES: [;2,.90 Pport Angeles Marine Supply , al.terson Hotel Jack's Barber Shop Olympic View Barber Shop TIre Coff e e Bar TIre Coffee Bar The Habit Cleaners Gebrge I s DelUJ[e Barber Shop Woodie I s Cafe Woodie I s Cafe Duck Inn Ctiick's Marina Cliff Schiel Plb. and Htg. Co. Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Soft drink Hot.el operator 5 rooms Barber shop Barber shop Restaurant Soft drink Dry cleaning and pressing Barber shop Restaurant Soft drink Restaurant Restaurant Master plumber Dry Cleaning 5.00 5.00 3.00 1.00 0.50 2.90 .5.00 2.00 12.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 13.50 5.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish for the Street Department one truck cab, and . chassis, and dump body ani hoist, were submitted as follows: Port Angeles Motors, G MC., A3,028.20, trade-in, $528.20, net $2,500.00. Samuelson l'.otor Co., Ford, $2,840.78. Trade-in, i500.78, net $2,340.00. Body ani hoist complete, $1,784.99. Schreiner Chevrolet Co., Chevrolet, $3,120.54. Trade-in $920.54. Net, $2,200.00. "iken Olds-Cadillac Co., International $2,948.05. Trade-in, $600.00, net $2,348.05. Tower Super Service- dump body ani hoist, $1,648.00. Janish Motor Ce., Dodge, $2,888.77, less trade-in, $588.77, net $2,300.00. Dump body and hoist, $1,892.28. It was moved by Commissioner Ta,ylor that the bids be referred to the Engineers Department for consideratim and checking until 4:00 P.M~ JI.otion seconded by Hay-or Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids to furnish during the year 1952, Premium and Non-Premium gasoline and diesel for operation of city equipment, also fuel oil for city buildings, were submitted by the following companies: Fuel Oil: City FuelcCo'A F~el Oi~ No.5, $3.435 per bbl. (.0818 per gal.) Fuel Oil No.2, (Diesel) .121 per gal. Fuel Oil ~l \Stove), .136 per gallon. Tidewater Assocuted. Diessl Fuel, posted pnce less .01. Present price .111 per gal. Truck deliveries, 200 to 399 gallons, add .005.per gallon. 4fJ to 199 gallons, add .01 per gallon... Less than 40 gallon, add .05 per gallon. Euyers price as of date shall be maximum. Peninsula Fuel Co., Standard Fuel Oil p.S. 300, local market price, $3,436 per 42 gallon bbl. or .0818 per gallon. E. A. Jensen, Shell Jobber: Equipment and heating diesel,posted price at time of delivery less .01. Union Oil Co., posted price less .01. Minimum delivery of 400 gallo,... 40 to 199 gallon, add .01 per gallon. 200 to 399 gallon, add .005. Quoted price as of date .lll. Standard Oil Co: Posted price at time of delivery). or present listings: 400 gallon or over, .121; 200 to 399 gallon, .126, 40 to 199 gallon, .131. "or deliveries of less than 40 gallon add .04 per gill on. Allen Distributing Co., Mobilluel diesel, .141 all taxes included. Gasoline: Tidewater Associated, Premium, .233 per gallon. Non-premium. 213. Prices fi~ as quoted. E. A. Jensen, Shell Jobber: Premium, posted price at time of deli very, less .01 3/4 per gahon. Non- premium, posted price at time of deli very less Ii ~ per gallon. ~lPfob~ig~~~g~~~~Mt.posted price at time of delivery, less .017 on Mobilgas premium and less .015 Standard Oil Co. of California., net posted price at tirr.e of delivery. Present prices quoted. .243 and .223. Union 0il Co., posted price at time of delivery less .01 per gallon. Present price quoted, .238 and .213 per gallon. It was moved by Commissioner Ta,ylor that all bids be filed for checking and tabulation until-4:00 P.M. Seconded Qy Mayor Feeley.. All voted Aye. Motion carried. One bid was received frdm Sam W. Sturgeon in amount of $250.00 for purchase of Lots 5 and 6, Elk. )16, Trnmsite. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid be accepted. Secpnded by Ma,yor Fee;tey ana carried. Bob Scanlan appeared regarding Ordinance regulating radio and TV antenna installations, citipg the inconvenience of obtaining permits and inspections when sets are installed on trial basis onlY. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that any dealers having suggestions, consult the Ligtt. Superintendent. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of !lei' business} Commissioner Taylor requested that all departments file inventory by Janurary 1 and so moved that tne dl'l'artment heads be informed. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . . It was moved by Commissio~er Robinson that the City Hall remain open December 22, and 29 and closed December 24 and 31. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . I' Unier the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and convenience of the City of Port Angeles, requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds, providing for the issuance of .... ,.. 204 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193...L "."""~""","',"'._...'"'""""''' ~ December 17 (eontinued) emergency warrants, and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be ed by Hayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I passed first and second reading. Second~ CURRENT EXPENSE: S73, 'lip The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same: lFrank A. Feeley ,Olympic Printery Olympic Tri<>une iCity Treasurer ,Pacific Tel:. & Tel. ,'Ro'8ert L. Schoettler !JlllfHngton and Giles Zellerbach Paper Co. iOlymPiC Laundry and I Cleaners ,The Texas C'o. '':''M O~1T.p'ic' Electric 'Pearson Music Co. :Willson Hdw.re. Co.; Traveling expense Ruled legal sheets Legal publication Water Phone services Radio service Light bulbs Tissue and towels Blankets cleaned GLcoline Plugs LabOr on radio Bolts ~i t.- ,. J .",. ~~ CITY STREET FUND: .2.3~,t I "' City Treasurer Water, license6 Angeles Gr~~~~~nd Sand, brick Olympic Tdbune Legal publication Nailor Lbr. Co. Nails We6tern Tractor Washer Thos. W. Roeser 23 hrs. truck rental CITY SHOP FUND: . Dobson Auto.Electric WATER FUND: I +~,n Olympic Printery Evert Seward Olympic Tribune Ci ty Trea~urer Rensselaer Vaive Co. Western Utilities Angeles Machine & Welding Works LIGHT FUND:.2/5,SiJ Remington Rand, Inc. City Treasurer Westinghouse Electric Line Material Co. Thermostat,.hose, coil, rotor, points, caj:S Office supplies Refund water chgs. Advertising Cash for licenses Hydrant parts Repair clamps Rods and nuts ~ Chair casters Cash for licenses. Tools "lire SANITATION FUND: 31' . 7' C! Earl Davidson November mileage D & B Battery Poiuts, pump, etc. LIBRARY FUND: Pacific NW Library Association PARK FUND: .,ttJ /. '<5" Willson Hdwre. Co. City Shop Dept. Angeles Gravel & Supply City Treasurer Membership Shackles, links Repairs, gas, oil, diesel. Concrete, cement Light, water, garb~ge I PARKING iOOER AND TRAFr'IC CONTROL FUND: I~' ''I fa City Treasurer Postage on parking meters City Treasurer 1952 CX licen;;e Petersen and Craver Plywood CEMETERY FUND: City Treasurer Water FIREMEN'S. PENSION FUND: II?, /0 Clallam Co. Med. Service Dec. md. <:ees ',alter H. Madsen Medical service and supplies L. I. D. GUARANTY FUND: O~pic ifribune Legal publication L. I. D. GENERAL FUND: Olympic Tribune Legal publications 23.96 13.80 33.01 21'1Q..25 58.62 7.50 2.2' 23.15 18.03 121* 93 . l.ft 7.2 f.<?~ 68.08 13.24 2.70 3.09 .57 145.13 8.~ 27.50 1.15 1.26 9.00 88.01 9.21 9.68 ~ 5.15 9.00 3.58 197.77 27:51 _ .7.39 10.00 6.40 46.17 55.39 93.19 2.07 1.50 .9.8.9 10.00 33.00 83.10 1.~6 9.21 I Jon motion qy Commi~sioner Robinson, the_~~~::~~=~~~=~~~~~~~d until 4:00 P.M. :::>00,,;n03r 17, 4:00 P.I~. I IThe COmmission reconvened pursuant to recess declared. i ! ,Commissioner Taylor infonned that in checking of Truck Chassis bids, the offer 1-.1 Schreiner Chevrolet Co. at' ,$2,200.00 net is the low bid, but due to failure to include gertified check or bid bond, the same cannot be laccepted. It was then moved by Commissioner Tay-lor that on recommendation qy the Engineer, mechanic and ..... I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 17 ( continue d) 19_2.L "., . "".... .m".. ...",,". .".".. m.. ..... Street Foreman,. the bid by Aiken Motor Co. for Internat.ional at $2,384.05 net, be accepted. Seconded by Hayor Feeley.' On roll cali, all voted Aye. Motion carried. It was then moved by Commissioner Ta;v.lor that the bid by Tower Super Service to furnish dump body and hoist, complete and installed at $1,b48.00 be acc~pted. Seconded by flayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carri.ed. The Commission considered tabulation of bids for gasoline and diesel fuel for city equiP!)lent. The Tide Water Associated Oil Co. having submitted the only firm bid at .213 and .233 per gallon for gasoline and posted price less .01 for diesel, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. 'Y~tion carried. Commissioner Taylor then moved that the bid to furnish light fuel oil for ci t;r buildings be awarded to the City Fuel Co. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Mohon carried. iThe Commission discussed replacement of a power pole at Laureland R. R. Avenue which belongs to the 'Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company ana used by the City. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Light llepartment co-operate with the TelephoneCompany concerning required replace...nt and changes. Secon~ed by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. r~tion carried. There.being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~t' I! (~ (~AAj'-, City Clerk tfud4Lr ./' Mayor 205 " ......