HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/17/1953 ,.. 368 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington December 17 53 19_ T~"" . .....~... U"Tl.l. '''IIO_E"'. ~""'TI". Z'De. .... J. The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 F.N. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Counci1lllen Brown, Neer, . Sandison, Powell, 110lfe, and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman l~Fadden that minutes of the previous meeting be, approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All voted !.;te. Motion carried. . . Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furniSh el.ectMcal equipment for the Light Dept. were con- sidered., ,Manager Vergeer advised that after careful study and consideration he believes it to the City's advantage if bids are awarded as follows: Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Corp., ScheduleB and C, 7500 KVA and Switchgear, $64,609.00, Sales Tax:, $1,938.27. Pacific Electric Mfg. Corp., Schedule A., Substation Structure, $17,930.00. It was moved by Councilman Bfown that the reconnnendation be accepted and bids awarded according to the, same., Seconded by Councilman Neer and unanimouslY carried. One.bid by Stanley E. and Clara Foster was submitted for purchase of Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block 66, C. C. leighton's ,Subdivision in amount of $75.00. The bid having read Block 57 instead of 66 as advertised" presumably in error, it \<as moved by, Councilman Wolfe that the offer be accepted subject to correction of block number. Seoonded by Councilman McFadden. ,All voted Aye. Motion carried. Bids to furnish gasoline, diElsel, lub:t;icating oil and fuel oil for City Departments during the year 1954 were received as follows: Tide Water Associated Oil Co., gasoline, posted price, less .0151~ents. Posted price, 24~ and 262~. Maximum,. .224fJ and .2469. , Motor oil: Tydol, .667 and .717. Tydol H.D., .667 am .717. Tydol H. D. S 1, .7345 and .7845. Cadel H. p." .65S am . 70S. Oycol" .5005 and .5505. .Grease, Veedol Chassis 100. .1375, .1475, .1525. Veedol High Pressure, .1375, .1475, .1525. Multigear lubricant, .135, .145, .15. Superfilm lub., .135, .145, .15. Transgear Oil, .13, .14, .145. Traclube "C", .1325, .1425, .1475. U. 'II. Lubricant"Light, Hedium and Heavy, ,.17, .18, .185. All purpose greav8,.17, .1S, .185, Diesel Fuel, Associated Motor,Diesel Fuel, .135, .14, .145,.185. , THE TEXAS CO., gasoline, posted price, .282 and .26 Jdaximum .247 and .225. Also .252 and .23. Diesel Fuel, maximum, .13, .135, .14, and .18. Lubrication oils and greases, sellers posted prices in ~ffect at time ~d place of delivery. RICHFIELD OIL CORP. Gasoline, posted price less .0101 per gal. Maximum, .2299 and .2519. Diesel fuel" pOsWd price, maximum 14~ . Lubricating oil, posted price, maximulJI, .725 and. 775. UNION OIL CO., Gasoline, posted price less .01 per gel., but not to exceed .263 and .23. Domestic diesel, posted price at tim" and place of delivery. Present /4U.tations .15, .145, and .14. Lubricating oil, . 729, ~594, .6525. . Grease, red line A. p. Gear Lubt., .1305, .1395, .144. Red Line Worm Gear Lubt., .126, .135, .1395. Unoba A-O .1575, .1665, .171. Unoba A-l, A-2, 1,2,;, .1665, .1755, .18. I1ENERAL PETIIDLEUM CORP:, Gasoline posted price less .01. Present price, .26 and .282. Motor oil, .6885, .6210, .7875. STANDARD OIL CO. OF CALIFORNIA: Gasoline, posted price at time and place of delivery less .01. Present po.md price, .24 and .262., Haxim,um prices as quoted. Standard diesel fuel, 14~j Lubricating oil, R.P.M. Deleo Special .725. Deliveries of 10 to 19 gal., add. .05 per gal. ~: CITY FUEL CO. Diesel oil, 14~ per gal. Fuel oil, (P.S. 300) .0849 per gal. PENINSULA FUE:L CO. 'p.S;';OO'(fuel oil) .08 per gal. furruuie oil.14 per gal, The Zoning Ordinance was considered and amending the same. J-lanager Vergeer advised that the Planning Connn- ission is making study of provisions in certain districts, "ill make decision and recommend to the Council. Any action concerning an amending Ordinance was postponed antil a later date. Manager Vergeer reported that damage to the utilities during the recent storm amounted to approxi1nately $1,68; .00. Also cited the need for splitting the west end circuit and assured that this ./ill be done. Mr. Vergeer also informed that estimate of cost for enlarging and extending water main as reques,ted by J. R. MlDonald is in excess of $10,000.00. As yearly revenue is $216.00, the impl'ovement \<as not recommend- ed on business basis. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that arv action be deferred to future time. Second- ed by Councilman Brown., All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~ Under the head of nel" business, the Council "as requested to set minimum price for Lots 17 to 20 inclusive, Block 356, Townsite. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the minimum be set at $175.CO. Seconded by jCOUnCilman Mcfadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Request for transfer of beverage licenses "ere as follows: Roses Place, from David W. Anderson to ;Charles Binkley, It was moved by Councilman Brown, secon4ed by Councilman Powell, that request for transfer Ibe approved. Motion carried. Claims paid December 7, were approved in total amount of $39, 195.49. It was moved by Councilman Brown that ',the claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Pm,ell. ,ul voted Aye. ~rotion carried. IThe City Treasurer filed for approval, her financial report for the month of November. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the Treasurer's report be accepted and approved. Seconded gy Councilman I I 1 'I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, WashingtoD 369 December 17 conti nued 19~, "<".'"'^',.""''''',,.,,',.",.,,.......~ " lSandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IClaims agsint the "1953 Street Improvement Construction Fund" Fixed estimste expense, were filed for ,approval as follows: , ' I Fred L., Crosby, car rental, October ~10.CO Port Tie and Lumber Co., stakes & hubs ,61.80 "It was moved by Councilman Brown that the claims be approved and warrants issued in payment of same. Second. fed by Councilman Mc~adden and unanimously carried. ,I IA petition signed by property, owners was submitted for COW1cil consideration, requesting that a Local, Improve- ,'ment District be established for construction of curbs, gutters and drainage. on W. 8th st. from C Street ;to E. ,Street and C Street fl'Om 8th St. to 9th St., this to be in conjunction with proposal previously petit- ioned for the same on Sth St., from TumNat~r ~ridge to C. Street. Managcr Vergeer recommended favorable, . 'actioll on the petition, and it '<as move\! by Councilman Wolfe that the petition be accepted and recolllIIlendation ~approved, Local Improvement District to be established ,at early date. Motion seconded by Councilman powell. 'All voted Aye. Motion carried. i , rThe Council discussed opening of 16th Street between Band C Streets and complications involved, the street :having been vacated by Ordinance previously adopted. . The man"ger authorized to acquire deeds from abutting 'property owners, thereby enabJ,il)g the City to proceed with street improvement. Council also authorized the inanager to conduct survey of C Street and ascertain if prevailing lines are irregular causing utility servi- rces to be on private property. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the survey be doncuteq. SecOlued by Councilman ~lolfe. All :bated Aye. y",tion carried. I ..' Gq1inc:ilman Brown reported on meeting attended at McClay School Building concerning study and control of Bangs l)isease among local dairy herds. All farmers appear. to be. interested and in favor of control. Tests rare now being made and by July ,quarantin~ will be made on all herds infected. Alsq that the Health .Dept. lwill no doubt report to the Council as the project proeeeds. IAttorney SeverYns'informed that it will not be possible fqr him.to .attend the meeting of January 7. Absenc~ 'of the attorn~ was granted. I ,Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the follGling was introduced: ! RESOLUTION NO. I' Resoiution ~f the City of Port Angeles, prescribing .notice and fixing date of hearing on assessment roll ,of. I,ocal Improvement District Np. 163 of the City of Port Angeles; I " WHEREAS, the assessmmt roll for Local Improvement District,No. 163 has been filed with the lCityof Port Angeles and is na.r on file in said office; . , , r N011 THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles: I "I. That Thursd'll', the 21st day of January, 1954, at.the hour of 7:30 o'c:!,ock P.M. of said aate, the council chamber. of the City Hall, on the, corner of F;ront and Qak Streets be .fixed as :the time and place ff hearing on said assessment roll. ' , ' I II. That the Clerk of the Cityof Port Angeles be and h~ is hereby directed to publish notice of aaid hearing at, least two times in the official newspaper of the ~ity of Port Angeles, the last publication ~o be at least fifteen days before the date fixed herein for said':hearing. I III; That notice of such hearing shall be mailed to the owners or reputed owners of tpe prpperty whose name, appears onthe assessment roll at the llddress shown on the, tax roiUs of the County Treasurer for .each it= of property described on the list, said notice to be mailep. at least fifteen days before the date herein fixed for such hearing, I It was moved by Councilman Mcfadden that the foregoing Resolution be approved fmng date of hearing Jan. iu, 1954. Seconded by Councilman Brown and unan:llllously carried. I Under the head of introduction and reading of ordinances ,the following was introduc ed and read in full for ~on.sideration by the Council: I " ORDINANCE NO. 1.319, . l AN ORDINANCE fixing the annual salaries" compensation and wages of certain officers, assistants and !'"'Ploy-ees of the City of Port 1iIl;eles, and determining the time of payment thereof. Clerk of the .1 J.n i:t was moved by Counci~. McFadden that the' foregoing ordinance be Councilman Sandison. All members voted Aye. Motion aarried. 1 There being no futher business, the l1lSetillg was adjourned. I " i appr9ved and adopted. Seconded by NOTICE 0:1' KIIABING ON ASSES- SMENT BOLL CITY or POB'r yf.L15+-~, , Mayor . (j IL ~(/r; . tJ 8lert ANGELES L. J. D.' NO, ]63 IMPROVEMENT of C" street et aJ. by the c:on;'trnetion and installa.- tion of a.Dd R.aphalt eon- crete a.nd the mstaJ.la.- tiOD BS a.uthor1l!:- ed .b 1295. NOT GIVIDN tha.t the' assessment roll r Loool -Im- pr;overnent DlstrJct No, lEi3 under Ordinance No. 12~5 for the improve.:- men! ~ of "G"S.treet et al. by the rc"onsttllCti.On and~afJa.tion of ce- I~ent and asphalt eoncretc 'pavemen f"md the lnstallation of storm sew- Grs and "by doIng sucll other wor ns' may. be incidental thereto a.nd r.ecelSlSary. in CClnnection therewith is: now 011 file at the offlce of tile Oit). . rP'''''' Said roll has heen sct down for hearing at a meeting of' the City Council to be held at tlle C'lt)-. Council Room, 120, North Oak St" I~~n~:~', Pi[)5~: ~n pt~;o~~S~~aYrn~~ 1'dCSirc to object to said a.sscssments are notified to maliC l'luch objcctlon in writing and to. file the c:-amc with .f~~Siti~;I:~~hath~~rr~~~l,' to ,. the date A t the time lIne'! place tlxNl and <It SI](',!l ,ath..r tImES us thO} hearIng mny bO} cont1nued to, the Couilell vlll slt as a Board of. Equalization ror thO} purpose of. comadermg_ ,lUell :011, an~ at such hearing, <:11' b-eal"- lIngs, W, ,u",",n',lder such Objections made thereto, ,or an;y pal"t thereof, and will. correct, revise, lQwer, ,cll::lIlge or'mod)!y SUCh rolJ, or any ,part thereof, or set aside sceh roll and order Ulat such .aSgeS!f1ment may 1)e made de ~OYO, as tQ such booy ~~:~l ~~~~~dJ~t,~g:tI~~UI~~~I\aa~~ IJ}' ordinance. d~\'lI\t-\r>.i\Ot<l "3 ()............~ ~ ."M~ ~~tl O~..,..... h 9 Jvro,,q.' e~ "c ~",iJ.\',\,\L~ !rl~\C. NO'1'[CE 01' SALE :REA%. PB01'EBorY NOTICE is hereby given that the Cltv of Port AnKeles wlH sell to the hig-hest and best bidder the f<,li<n\'- lug 11escribed real property, to'-Wlt: LotS' 17, 18, 19, 20, in Blook 356, Townsite. Xotlce i8 further J;;iven that seul- ed bids for the same will be re~ C(:j,re(l by the ClL}' Clerk at the City Hall until 5:00 o'clock p, M., Janu- ary 'i, 1964, ami \lot la.ter. Each bi.d must be 8.~_CGmpanied by a depos:t of not less thRn 10% of amOtu'lt bid or the offer wHl. not be considered The City Coum:ll reseryes the right to re3ect an;y or all bids. J. E. LAW, City Clerk publ!shed: Decemup.r 31, 19[j:J and Ja.nuary 7, 1954. .T. E. LA'V, CIty Clprlc Published: Decembel' 24 and 31, 1~53