HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/18/1935 ,... 350 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 18. 1935 ___193__ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to .order by Mayor Davis. Roll call snowed tre following officers present: Mayor lJavis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plumner and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved'. Under the head of Applioa tiOIlS for Building Permits and Lioenses tre f ollowiIlg were "granted: V. A. Samuelson & Co., Remodel Building, Lot 10, Blk. 17, Thompson & Goodwin Sub. J. M. Sylvia, Construct Dwelling, Lot 17, Blk. 35, Townsite C. W. Carlson, Remodel Building, Lot 1, Blk. 1, Tide Lands West of Laurel St. 4000.00 500.00 75.00 Under the head of reading and passage of Odinances, the following Ordinance was read by title and placed on its third reading: AN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affeoting the publio heal th and safety; requiring expendi tures unforeseen; provi ding fOr the issuance of e mergen oy warrants; aIld declaring an emergency making the ordinance immediately effective. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seoonded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Unfinished Busine ss, The N. e. lJannsen jirilling "ompany sub- mitted the fol lowing proposal to drill wells and guarantee water for domestio and cofllmercial purp oses; December 17, 1935 Honorable Mayor & City Commissioners, I Port Angeles, Washington. Gen tlemen: ISinoe your last meeting on the 11th, we have been making inquiries as to the water pos- sibilities in the vicinity of the wells that were drilled for the Fiber Board Manufac- turing Company of ~our city. We find one of these 'wells were drilled approximately 1000 feet and considerable sand and water enoountered. This in our opinion would make a rather expensive construction but it is our belief however, that a water supply can be had of suitable quality and ;' quantit'yto sup ply your city for an auxiliary wa te r supplY. We therefore are quoting you the following price to undertake the development of such a water supply. These prices are based upon a water or no pay basis. We do not guarantee that we can deliver the amount of water that @ay be required but in oase we do not, there will be no OQ:st to the city. These prices are based upon a minimum of 2,OOO,000'gallons per day with the understanding that should an additional portion thereof be developed from well or wells that the city will accept an additional third million gallons of water at the price herein quoted. The prioe oharged per million gallons of water ino1udes all test borings that may be neoessary to determine the possibilities of a water supply, material, gravel, develop- meIlt work and necessary time required for testing. Ve will furni~ all tools, equip- ment and test pumps. We will run a test for a period of 7 daJlS continuous pumping. MeasuremeIlts of water to be made over a standard wier. We will furnish suoh devices for taking suoh measurements. The water must pass the dtate Board of Health's qualifioations for domestio use. The locations of the wells to be mutually agreed ~pon by your oity engineer and water superinteIldent and ourselves. The oonstruction of well or wells will be determined by conditions encountered after making the necessary tests borings to determine the possibilities of water. We are however, enolosing a set of our specifications for a gravel envelope well. The construction is to be left to us as to the proper size of casting best suited to formation encountered. If awarded a contract we would proceed immediately with the borings of test holes to determine the possibilities of such a water supply. The price the oity will pay us for water developed to be;- $10,000.00 for tne first 1,000,000 gallons of water developed 7,500.00 11 second 1,000,000 gallons of water developed 2 500 00" ~ thii'd 1 000 000" n " " or such portion that ~ay be developed over and ab~ve the 2,000,000 gallons of water. We will file: a bond in the amount of $1,000.00 to protect the Ci ty agains t any lien for material or labor contracted by us. The City may increase this bondif it is found necessary to do so in their estimation. We do not think we are entitled to give a bond for the f1Ul amount of the contract for the reason that this oontract is not a perform- ance contract and we would not wan t to go to the expense of Bonds for the full am ount of the contract, for this reason. The only expense we.woulll1ask the ~ity to absorb is the electric energy for the testing of well or wells and to supply such current at locations of wells. The above is the basis upon which we are willing to enter for an auxiliary water supply for the City of Port "ngeles. Trusting we may be favored with a oontract, we are Very truly yours, ~ (Signed) N. C. Jannsen Drilling Co. 1 I I I I December 18. 1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ 351~ 1 I I I I After duly considering the foregoing proposal, taking into consideration the financial condition of the Water Department, the Commission deferred any further action on the matter at this time. CURRENT EXPENSE,FUND: The Commission examined and allowed the :following claims and ordered war ran ta drawn for same: R. E. Davis Seattle Poliae Dept. puge t "ound Tent & DUCk Co. George Garney City Treasurer Ci ty Treasure r D. A. Masters Willson Hardware Company WATER FUND Puget Sound Navigation Co. , Sea~tle Pl~bing fi SUPRly v~. City Light Dept. ' Willson Hardware Co. Firestone Autm Sup. & Ser. Stores Burroughs Adding Machine Co. N. C. Jannsen Drilling Co. LIGHT FUND \ Union Oil oompany of California puget Sound Navigation Co. Owl Drug Co. Knudson Variety Store Central Motor Parts & Mach. Works General Eleotria Co. Gr~ybar Eley,tric Co. Leon E. Eubanks A. S. Knight Co. General Electrio Sup. Corp. Harris & Schuller P.A. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND VI. H. Rodgers Nettleton Lumber Co. GUARANTY FUND City Treasurer Expense Aocount pa~rol Flllgs Wood stolen Cash advanaed in re00 vering' goods Stamped Envelopes Expense ACCOunt Hose & Nozzle Freight Charges Adapters Meter .l:'arts Lights at Reservoir Material & Supplie s Tires & Tubes Mech. Servi ce Drilling Test Hole Gasoline :!:ax Freight (;harges Flashlight Light Globes Presto Gas Vol tmeter Ma ter ial Servo Entrance Cable Extra Cler ica1 Work Meter Enalosures Material & Tools Repairs Office Bldg. Serviaes Render ed Lumber L.I.D. Assessments .fk 13 C/ 13.75 4.20 4.00 21.00 5.00 10.52 8.24 6.75 .50 3.12 11.02 9.40 6.72 19.50 oJ.- 7.75 331 273.00 .so 11'1-1 :.-" ,,, +11- There being no fUrther business the Commission adjourned to meet Tuesd~, Deoember 24, 1935, at 10 A,M. ?J. 7mI~AJ7~ City Clerk 7f~~ Mayor 5.04 .50 1.53 1.84 3.20 72.35 30.14 38.46 45.00 34.70 390.74 518.00 '67.50 343.87 94.78 ~