HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/18/1958 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington December 18 58 19_ ~615'" 1AIC~ " "'ij~A". 'fA'''~. .rntOl<lA,. ..tk'!AI ~~... .... 'The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Richardson. other officers pres.nt were: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, Randall and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded ~ Councilman Sandison and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, bids for purchase of Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block G09, Townsite, were received as follows: Anthony F. Glaza, Jr., $226.00 per lot, total, $678.00. Del Guzzi Bros., $116.00 per lot. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the highest bid of $678.00 be accepted. Seconded bY Councilman Maxfield and carried. Pursuant to notice published, the public hearing on final assessment roll for loI.D. No. 178 was opened. Objections filed were as follows: Joseph D. Baxter, Lots 4, 5, 6, Block 456, $ 422.82 Conrad A. Anderson, Lots 1 and 2, Block 414, 346.24 ~Villiam Randklev, Lots 18, 19; 20, Block 440, 519.36 1. D. Teitzel, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 428 1,384.92 Mrs. George Rand asked why her property is assessed when sewer line is already connected to previous installation. Engineer Warder informed that the Rand service crosses the street, runs through private property, and subject tto removal with future street improvement. Also that the Rand property has never been assessed for previous installa.tion. No other objections having been made or filed, it "/a5 moved by Councilman Thorne that hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. IThe City Engineer filed notice that time has expired since completion and acceptance of work done and 'material furnished by Paine and Gallucci in L.I.D. No. 178, recommending that the 15% retained, or 1$11,124.21 he paid the contractor. It was roved by Councilman Smith that recolllDlendation be approved and 'warrant issued in payment of amount retained. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. IBids to furnish gasoline, diesel and fuel oil f or city departments during th year 1959 were received as follows: Gasoline-Net P.S. 300 P.S .200 " " Premo Reg. Fuel Oil Diesel RICHFIELD OIL CORP. .246 .211 .125 STANDARD OIL CO. .2595 ,2295 .133 TEXACO OIL CO. .2321 .2095 .1318 TIDEWATER ASSOCIATED .2519 .2219 .1304 UNION OIL CO; .248 .218 .1293 E. A. JENSEN, SHELL JOBBER .2595 .227 .13 PENINSULA FUEL .09 MCMAHAN FUEL .09 CITY FUEL CO. .10 All bids FIRM. The bid by General Petroleum Co. was not considered, having been received two days after date specified as '-per publication. It was moved by Councilman Randall that all bids be referred to the City Manager for jtabUlatiOn, the bid to be awarded at the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. IThe City Manager submitted a written report relative to progress to improvements to the Municipal Vlater System. He stated that four consultants had been requested to submit quotations for consulting services 'and that the engineering department was performing certain surveys of the water lines tllat would be used 'by the consultant tlhen retained by the City. I It wllS pointed out that a number of right-of-ways would have to be secured, that when the original supply " 'line 'Was installed in 1925 no easements were secured in a number of cases a.nd that easements would have ~ ..... Ita be secured by the C1ty puor to relapng or renew1ng the I1.ne. ,The City Manager assured the Mayor and Council that they would be kept advised of action taken and the !need for legislative action when the time came. 1 ('I'he City Attorney read report concenning the legality of the City to adopt an Ordinance prohibiting the ~excavation of gravel, creation of a gravel pit within the City Limits, or requiring the filling of sUeets (to their previous existing natur&! grade when there is no interference with public easement. It was the ,opinion of the City Attorney that if rights of adjoining property owners are invaded, said owners have a (remedy by Civil Action. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the Manager meet with cOlllDlittee of ;property owners and try to work out agreement. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carded. I 'Mr. Herman Gravel having requested easement for power line across City property in the Elwha area, it was ~oved by Councilman Caldwell that easement be granted. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I 'iPursuant to previous request, the Manager advised that twelve directioral signs are now installed pointing route to the Airport. ~ report was submitted regarding the increasing of the City's Public Liability Insurance at additional 'cost of $392.06. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that proposed coverage increase be approved and the Manager enter into proper negotiations for same. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. I :The Manager read communication from Don Lannoye asking Council to reconside. action of the previous meeting :on petition for improvement of East Second Street. Mr. Lannoye and John Goneis also appeared regarding 'same. Councilman Randall stated that numerous petioners signed for paving only and now want no part of it. Mr. Randall also reminded of prohibitive cost to property owners and proposal for drainage is still ,tawaiting r~comm.endations from the Planning Commission" It was agreed that drainage is modiPlptJrtant and ~ill await report {rom th~ Planning Commission. I Under the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Smith that call for bids be publiShed to furnIsh one station wagon for the Engineer's Department. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison a.nd carried..., t ;The Park Board having requested that a street in Ocean VIew Cemetery be vacated. it was moved by Councilman ~2ndal1 that the Council authorize said vacation. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. 1 'It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the City Attorney be authorized to pubJ.ish call for bids for the 'codification of City Ordinances. Seconded by Councilman Randa.ll and carried.. , I Council approved cJ.aims for payment in amounts as follows: General Funds, $8,107.04, Water Fund, $727.44; fLight Fund, $30,588.67. It was moved hy Councilman Maxfield that cJ.aims be approved and paid. Seconded I .146 '" V''''. 1/>11 f v ~ ,.. 616 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 18 continued 19~ ,"~"",...mm,,,,,,,"''''''"'''''''''_ I by Counc ibJ;an S andisoD and ca.rried. Council accepted and approved the foll.owing deplLrtmentlLl reports: Treasurer's Financial, Monthly Budget, Fire, Police, WlLter lLnd L1ght. It was moved by Councilman Smith thlLt all. reports be llCcepted and plllCed Ion file. Seconded ,by Councilman Cddwell. and curied. Under the helld of introduction and rellding of Urdinances, the following was introduced and relld in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1428 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, lLpproving lLIld conf irming the assessments and assessm.ent roU of Locd Improveme)lt District No. 178 for ,the improvement of, lL certain lLIelL within the City by the construction and instlL)llLtion of slLnitary trunk sewers, sanitary laterlLl sewers and sanitary sub-s~ers. including manholes, lamp holesJlwyes, and all other work, necessary in connection I therewith and incidental thereto; levying and assessing the lUIlounts thereof against the several lots. , trac,ts, parcelS of hnd lLnd other property as shown on sll.id assessment roll., and providing for the I payment of such assessments into the Local Improvement District No. 178 Fund as created by Ordinance No. 1418. I It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the foregoing Ordinance be appro;ved and lLdopted. ,Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and ~arried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared lldjourned. Q, e. ?Law-' /I Ci ty ClerK ~dfl~ I I I , I i I I , CA:.r~T;~ O:IDS ~~CEp:::p::t~~ .1\'otlc~ III hereuy gIven that l;ealed ::-fOTICB i:::l iltOrcby given that the bids w1l1 ill) mcelvmj llY tile ell)' Ci ty of Port AnJ;ele.s will ~eH to the COllnl'll of the City of Port AngelES h.ighest 8.11d beo;t blader the follow. at the City Hall of sai('[ cay, until i11g aescrllJed real property. t(}.wit.; ~~~o t~~C~~~~nSatrJn ~ib:l~~~.:t,e~ ~~~~ ~=nJtotoM1~DlI~.,p~~c:s ~~ f~~~~;~~~ Sj~'ee;c~;:J~~c~as;~'thto t~~ ;~r ~~t. the City COlUlcil $219.01 plans and :o;peclfl~tionFl on fOe in 80TICE Jg further given tlmt the ofUcc of the City Mana~er. City sealed bid!; will he received for the of PortMngelcll, ''''ashlngtoll, same at .the Clt}' Hall until 5:QO All bids ghall bc open('d and com- .P.::.!. Febl'uary 5, 195!), aml not kiter puted by the CIt~.. Man~gel' rind SUll- Hid mu:,;t be accompanied by deposit ~i~\~den~h;ti~lltKt rl~~~'~~uh::~t~l:~trne~ ~~ ~~l~ ]~~tQ~h~I:O:lrt ~~ ~~~~j~~:~~ of' 8[11.d Coullcll to be held JII the The Cltv Counen I'cservQS tho right f~3~n~~~IO~l(laJI\~rFe.b~~;?;.eG~111~r.:J,llt I to reject all~ J,r ~,IIL~{~~: Cit~; Clerk I rjJ~c toC~~'ccp~Ob~C~~je~;S~~l~.esor ~W Published: Jnnullr~' S and Hi, H5f'. ! bida alld do the work by day labOi"i which cver way the Council fecls !s in the hc!;t Jntere~t of the CJty, All work .shall b~ ulHle(" Lhe Illr!'r! supervision C1f Ule City Engineer or hJ s re P1'O..';C)1 (.,"11 i \'I~. M. W. ST..ANKARD. City Manager Publh-;II/Od: .lalllmry 8, 15 an(i 22, 19l>~ ,& 1, QaA'b'l_~~ ~(" , "- /?./I [,: ri1;'M,'~~/1 ~t" (L., q CI//.^!./~/~ ...1--- ....... I I I I ! I,