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Port Angeles, Washington
December 18, 1990
Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 6:05 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Cornell, Hallett, Lemon, Nicholson
(arrived 7:10 P.M.), Ostrowski (arrived 6:20 P.M.), Wight.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S. Brodhun,
M. Cleland, B. Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey, J. Pittis, B.
Coons, S. Hursh, J. Abram.
Public Present: E. Hansen, C. Alexander, J. Bondy.
Mayor Sargent adjourned the meeting to executive session at approximately 6:06
P.M. to discuss labor negotiations and litigation for approximately one hour.
The Council returned to open session at approximately 7:05 P.M.
Mayor Sargent unveiled a variety of pictures of previous City Councils having
served the City of Port Angeles. The photos had been stored in City Hall and
were recently framed and mounted at City Hall by the City's 100th Birthday
Celebration Committee.
Subsequently a presentation was made to the City Council by Harriet U. Fish
wherein Ms. Fish presented the fourth issue of Fish Tales of Port Angeles, which
was compiled for the Port Angeles 1990 Centennial celebration. Ms. Fish
presented complimentary copies to members of City Council and staff.
The regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Sargent at approximately 7:10
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Sargent.
At this time, "Robbie" was introduced to members of Council and the audience
by Fire Marshal Bruce Becker. "Robbie" is a robotic tool used in educational
demonstrations by the Fire Department for the youth of the City. "Robbie" was
obtained via a grant from the Northwest Burn Foundation and has already proved
helpful in educating children in a non-intimidating environment. Fireman Jeff
Abram assisted in the demonstration by exhibiting "Robbie~s'' capabilities and
audio talents.
Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
December 4, 1990, and the special meetings of November, December 1, and December
11, 1990, as presented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cornell.
Councilman Cornell offered a correction to the minutes of November 30, page 2,
paragraph 3, wherein reference is made to "Councilman Cornell was interested
December 18, 1990
in considering the funding of the Fire Department increase via the moneys in
reserve." "Moneys in reserve" should be changed to read General Fund.
Mayor Sargent referenced the minutes of December 4, 1990, page 5, second to the
last paragraph: During the testimony offered by Robbie Mantooth, the minutes
should reflect Ms. Mantooth is a County resident.
A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously, approving the minutes
as corrected.
1. Request for progress payment to Hoch Construction of $15,201.04 and
retainage of $739.35 for reroof of City Light Building
Councilman Wight requested that future progress payment requests be inclusive
of the total contract amount and the percentage of completion to date.
City Light Engineering Manager Steve Hursh noted this contract is approximately
98% complete; the original contract amount was approximately $50,000.
A motion was made by Councilman Hallett and seconded by Councilman Nicholson
to authorize the progress payment to Hoch Construction for the reroof of the
City Light Operations Building in the amount of $15,201.04 with retainage to
escrow of $739.35.
A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
2. Request for progress payment to AA Painting of $7~411.42 and retainage of
$390.07 for painting of street light standards
A motion was made by Councilman Nicholson and seconded by Councilman Ostrowski
to authorize the progress payment to AA Painting for painting of the street
light standards in the amount of $7,411.42 with retainage to escrow of $390.07.
City Light Engineering Manager Hursh reported this particular contract is 100%
A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Cornell moved to accept the items as presented on the Consent Agenda,
including: (1) Setting a public hearing of January 15, 1991, for Appeal of
Conditional Use Permit (CUP-88(09)18 HO - Williams) - extension granted by
Administrative Hearings officer; (2) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor
Control Board; and (3) Vouchers of $347,808.50. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hallett.
Following discussion of some of the items as presented, the motion was voted
on and carried unanimously.
Mayor Sargent offered as Item 11 on the Agenda, Consideration of a labor
agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the International Association
of Firefighters Local #656. Mayor Sargent added as Item 12, Discussion on
Second Street/Peabody Creek RV Park Bridge repairs.
1. Presentation/Status Report on cable television by 3H Cable Communication
Mayor Sargent reported 3H Cable Communications had contacted the City earlier
and requested they be excused from this meeting due to weather conditions.
Attorney Knutson indicated the consultant has requested this matter be
rescheduled for the January 2, 1991, Council meeting.
Attorney Knutson noted there was an article recently published in the local
newspaper about an FCC proposal to change regulations to give cities a better
opportunity to return to the rate regulation arena. The consultant should be
able to provide more details at the January 2nd meeting as to specifics
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pertinent to the FCC proposal. Attorney Knutson indicated the cable companies
may be expanding the number of off-air signals necessary in order to meet the
effective competition standard. Further, the burden may be placed on the cable
companies to avoid regulation rather than cities having to obtain a waiver to
get into rate regulation. Information available indicates the FCC is looking
toward the end of the first quarter of 1991 to act upon this proposed
Mayor Sargent indicated she receives a number of calls where citizens are upset
with the rates being charged and the fact there will be another increase in
January. Attorney Knutson requested that any questions Councilmembers may have
should be directed to his attention so he can forward them to the consultant
prior to the January 2nd meeting.
Councilman Wight referenced some GAO reports on cable costs nationwide wherein
the inference is made that companies use the rate comparison information as a
ploy to consolidate their ranks and escalate price increases in a "dog chasing
its tail" scenario. He asked that the consultants address this matter in their
Councilman Hallett, in referencing previous discussions at the Utility Advisory
Committee, queried as to whether the City has the criteria which would allow
rate regulation in the absence of effective competition. Attorney Knutson
responded that the course of action the City has chosen was to proceed toward
obtaining a waiver. However, under federal law the City must first attempt to
negotiate an acceptable rate schedule before moving on to the next step, which
would be a hearing before the FCC. In order to establish a case before the FCC,
studies would have to be conducted to determine whether the effective
competition standard is being met in Port Angeles. Such studies have not yet
been conducted. Attorney Knutson indicated the consultant will address the
status of the referenced negotiations. City Council would need to determine
its level of satisfaction with the negotiations before proceeding with the
waiver process. Additionally, the proposed FCC regulations may have a direct
bearing on how the City chooses to pursue the matter.
Councilman Lemon indicated the Utility Advisory Committee had previously
reviewed a price structure not nearly as high as that being presented at this
time. He noted the rates have drastically increased nationwide over the past
several years. Attorney Knutson indicated this is also a matter to be addressed
by the consultant.
Councilman Hallett directed attention to a copy of a letter from the Rector of
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church soliciting the assistance of City Council in
adding a non-denominational religious channel without additional charge. The
Church had communicated this request to Northland Cable via a petition of over
thirty-five signatures. In that no other Councilmembers had received a copy
of the letter, the City Clerk was directed to forward copies to all Council-
members for review. Attorney Knutson offered to conduct research as to whether
this matter should be directed to the Utility Advisory Committee for
MEDIC I RATE INCREASE: Consideration of raising the Medic I rate to $2.00
per month
Mayor Sargent introduced for consideration the proposed rate increase in Medic
I from $1.50 to $2.00 per month. The Mayor opened the public hearing at 7:45
P.M. In that no testimony was offered, the hearing was closed at 7:46 P.M.
Fire Chief Glenn reviewed the history of the charge structure for the Medic I
program with the most recent change occurring in 1986, at which time the rate
was increased from $1.30 to $1.50 per month. Also, in response to an inquiry
from Councilman Ostrowski, Chief Glenn discussed the transport protocols as set
forth by advanced life support versus basic life support scenarios. He noted
all ambulance runs are thoroughly reviewed on a monthly basis by the medical
director to assure compliance with the established protocols.
Councilmembers addressed the proposed increase, expressing confidence that the
increase is justified in order to maintain the excellent level of service to
the community. A question was raised as to when the Medic I Advisory Board will
address the matter of the apartment buildings and associated billing procedures.
Chief Glenn responded the Advisory Board will meet in January and forward a
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recommendation to the City Council in February.
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, increasing the monthly utility
account charge for the Medic I Program and
amending Ordinance No. 2274 and Chapter
8.36 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Nicholson. There being no further discussion, the
motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
First Street: Request for vacation of City right-of-way east of Alder
Mayor Sargent introduced the issue of whether City Council should consider
vacation of a portion of East First Street east of Alder Street. The Mayor
opened the public hearing at 7:55 P.M.
Julie Bondy, Planning Director of NTI Associates, 717 South Peabody, addressed
Council as a representative of the proponent, Priest, et al, indicating the
requested street vacation had received a favorable recommendation from the
Planning Commission. Ms. Bondy expressed her concern that the Washington State
Department of Transportation had not yet responded to Public Worksv request of
May, 1990, for approval of the vacation. However, Ms. Bondy contacted WSDOT
of her own volition and received a FAXed response of approval this morning.
An appraised value has not been established as of this date, yet Ms. Bondy urged
CouncilVs approval of the vacation, conditioned upon the forthcoming appraisal
and determination of cost. She indicated a denial without prejudice is not
acceptable to the proponent. Ms. Bondy expressed the opinion that it is obvious
the State has no problem with the vacation as proposed and, therefore, the
matter should not be delayed any further.
In response to an inquiry from Councilman Cornell, Planning Director Collins
indicated the staff had recommended deferring the matter pending input from the
State. The Planning Commission decided to proceed. The recommendation for
denial without prejudice was made in order to abide by certain RCWs requiring
action on street vacations in a specified period of time. It was intended that
once the needed information was obtained the matter would be returned to Council
for final action. In addition, Director Collins noted an ordinance on this
vacation has not been drafted and an error in the legal description is in need
of correction.
Attorney Knutson clarified the matter of denial without prejudice in that a new
petition would be required with no fee being charged. The matter need not
return to the Planning Commission; however, City Council would need to pass a
resolution establishing another hearing date.
In response to an inquiry from Councilman Wight as to the possibility of
continuing this hearing, Attorney Knutson indicated the State statute requires
action on the petition within twenty to sixty days after the resolution setting
the public hearing is passed. However, in further considering the possibility,
Councilman Wight urged continuation to the January 2, 1991, Council meeting in
that the required action must be taken before January 10, 1991. Attorney
Knutson indicated the process must be initiated again due to the error in the
legal description, at which time Ms. Bondy responded NTI had altered the legal
description at the request of Public Works, and now there appears to be another
change, which is characteristic of the process since the onset. Ms. Bondy
expressed her dissatisfaction with the entire process throughout and she
suggested an alternative of the proponent requesting an extension in order to
address the problem areas cited by the City.
Councilmembers requested clarification as to how the matter progressed and
where certain responsibilities might not have been fulfilled. Lengthy
discussion followed, with the question raised as to whether the vacation could
be approved subject to a corrected legal description and an appraised value.
December 18, 1990
Attorney Knutson responded it is necessary to prepare an ordinance with the
correct legal description before passage. The right-of-way requested for
vacation is vested in the City of Port Angeles but was purchased by the State
and, therefore, the State would receive all funds by this action. The appraisal
must be provided by the State, as well.
Considerable discussion was held as to possible options available in addressing
this matter in a positive fashion. Ms. Bondy was receptive to a continuation
of the hearing to January 2, 1991, and expressed her wish that every effort be
made to obtain all pertinent information necessary for the approval of the
street vacation at that time.
A motion was made by Councilman Hallett and seconded by Councilman Wight to
continue the hearing to the January 2, 1991, meeting of the City Council. A
vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
4. Planning Commission minutes of December 12, 1990
Mayor Sargent addressed the matter of the annexation request - ANX-90(10)i
Freeman, South Albert, wherein it is necessary to set a date for a public
hearing. A motion was made by Councilman Lemon and seconded by Councilman
Ostrowski to set a public hearing on the above-referenced annexation request
for January 2, 1991. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Brief discussion was held concerning Councilman Lemon's intentions concerning
the Housing Advisory Committee. He indicated he has contacted certain
individuals interested in serving on the committee, which he foresees as serving
on an ad hoc basis only and not as an advisory committee to the Planning
Commission. It is his hope the committee can formulate a recommendation for
Council consideration in the very near future.
Acceptance of Minutes
Councilman Cornell moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission
minutes of December 12, 1990. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hallett
and carried unanimously.
Mayor Sargent recessed the Council meeting for a break at 8:35 P.M. The meeting
reconvened at 8:55 P.M.
5. Consideration of adoption of the 1991-92 City of Port Angeles Biennia]
Budget and amending 1990 Budget
Mayor Sargent presented for consideration the adoption of the 1991-92 City of
Port Angeles Biennial Budget and 1990 Budget amendments. The Mayor then read
the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
revising the Budget for the fiscal biennium
ending December 31, 1990, amending Section 2
of Ordinance 2516, and approving and adopting
the Budget for the City of Port Angeles for
the fiscal biennium ending December 31, 1992. "
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Wight.
Manager Pomeranz asked Administrative Services Director Godbey to review changes
made in the budget. Director Godbey indicated the costs for the consolidated
dispatch had not been included in the budget, a matter which is necessary on
the part of the City since it is serving as the lead agency. The expenditure
increase in this regard, in the amount of $324,453, is offset by various revenue
sources totaling $177,626. The net effect is an increase of approximately
Further, Director Godbey reviewed other changes: $15,000 to Administrative
Services for PCs, printers and software; $5,000 to the Fire Department for radio
station start-up costs; $15,000 for the Senior Center architect; $2,500 to the
Chamber of Commerce for 4th of July fireworks; and $8,500 for the City/School
December 18, 1990
tennis courts. The tennis court costs will be amortized over a period of seven
(7) years at 8%. Non-departmental changes involve $8,200 for principal and
interest to the Light Fund; $3,891 for Clallam County Health Services; and
$6,000 for the Public Information Program.
The budget provides for a $67,931 deficit in the General Fund in 1991, which
will be funded out of reserves.
Police Chief Cleland responded to an inquiry from Councilman Wight with regard
to consolidated dispatch. Chief Cleland indicated significant savings will be
realized once Sequim and Fire District 3 are part of the program.
Mayor Sargent addressed the deficit by reminding Councilmembers consideration
will be given to increasing certain fee structures as addressed in the budget
work sessions.
Councilman Cornell indicated he does not wish to see the budget adopted as
presented, based largely on concern over the number of additions and the fact
a deficit is reflected. He reviewed the various revenue increases documented
in the budget which, in his opinion, do not keep pace with the CPI.
Councilman Hallett indicated that budget cuts cannot be made without specific
recommendations and associated justification of those cuts.
Discussion followed, with Councilman Cornell noting it should be possible to
balance the budget before year-end if such a commitment is made. Councilman
Hallett indicated his comfort with the budget as presented, due to the number
of one-time expenses which will not be recurring and the conservative nature
of the projected revenues. He felt it to be a very responsible budget, in light
of the commitment to be fiscally conservative.
Councilman Lemon related his concern with the budget, the unfunded CIP and the
present nature of the economy as it relates to the CityVs spending. Councilman
Wight expressed his support of the budget with the prospect there may be
increased revenues beyond those reflected in the budget. It was his opinion
the City Manager had been extremely conservative in budgeting revenues for 1991.
Councilman Hallett commented the deficit amount represents less than 1 percent
of the total budget, which is very good. Mayor Sargent felt the figures
presented were much more realistic than those presented in previous budget
years. Council conplimented staff with the budget format and presentation.
After further discussion a vote was taken on the motion which carried by a
majority vote, with Councilmen Cornell and Lemon voting in opposition.
In the ensuing discussion, Councilmembers agreed it would be valuable to receive
quarterly financial reports in order to monitor the budget performance. City
Manager Pomeranz agreed it is essential to receive accurate and timely reports
in this regard. Monthly reports will be available in City Hall should
Councilmembers wish to review those documents.
6. Consideration of ordinance setting 6% Utility Tax
Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, establishing a uniform tax
for public utilities within the City,
repealing Section 3 of Ordinance 2126
and Chapter 3.60 PA_MC, and amending
Ordinance 2183 and PAMC 5.80.040.
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell and seconded by Councilman Wight to
adopt the Ordinance as read by title. After limited discussion, a vote was
taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
7. Consideration of modification to Cardboard Recycling Contract
Extension of the Cardboard Recycling Contract with the Port Angeles Recycling
Team was brought before Council, due to the need to have this service continued
pending an outcome of the curbside recycling contract. It is the recommendation
of the Public Works Department that the extension be approved to maintain as
December 18, 1990
much stability as possible in the recycling effort.
A motion was made by Councilman Hallett and seconded by Councilman Ostrowski
authorizing the Mayor to sign the revised contract with the Port Angeles
Recycling Team, extending the current contract to April 1, 1991. A vote was
taken on the motion which carried unanimously.
8. Request for authorization for Mayor to sign contract for Disaster
Mayor Sargent reviewed information pertinent to the proposed contract with the
Department of Community Development for disaster assistance in helping pay for
storm damage that occurred in the City during the month of November.
Councilman Wight inquired as to the time frame in terms of receiving this
assistance. Public Works Director Pittis indicated the response in the form
of financial assistance is tied directly to when the inspectors arrive in Port
Angeles. Hopefully, the inspectors will arrive in the next two week time frame.
In addition, Director Pittis offered clarification in that it has been published
that private citizens are ineligible to receive such assistance. On the
contrary, private citizens are, in fact, eligible and should contact the County
to receive information as to the proper procedures to be followed in the
application process.
A motion was made by Councilman Ostrowski and seconded by Councilman Nicholson
authorizing the Mayor to sign the contract for disaster assistance with the
Department of Community Development and designating the Deputy Director of
Public Works, Ken Ridout, as the City's agent. A vote was taken on the motion
which carried unanimously.
9. Request to set a Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) meeting to discuss
adjustment to electrical rate schedule to allow time-of-day meters
A request was submitted by City Light to set a meeting of the Utility Advisory
Committee in order to discuss adjustments to the electrical rate schedule to
allow time-of-day meters. Accordingly, a meeting was set for Monday, January
7, 1991, 4:30 P.M.
10. Consideration of designation of Sole Sources for Emergency Dispatch and
Consolidated Records Computer and Software
Presented for Council consideration was the request for Council adoption of a
Resolution designating sole sources for acquisition of an additional computer
and software for combined emergency dispatch and record services. This request
is necessary in order to maintain compatibility with already existing equipment.
In responding to an inquiry as to the impact of this system on discussions
taking place at the Data Processing Steering Committee, City Manager Pomeranz
indicated the integrated finance system will be completely separate and distinct
from the dispatch system.
Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles designating the IBM
Corporation as the sole source for
acquisition of an additional central
processing unit (CPU) and Diversified
Computer Systems as the sole source for
software to be operated in conjunction
with the County's existing computerized
system and declaring an exception to normal
bidding procedures.
Councilman Hallett moved to approve the resolution as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Nicholson and carried unanimously.
December 18, 1990
1!.. Approve 1991-1993 Labor Agreement with IAFF Local ~656 and adopt and
establish pay plan
The City recently completed negotiations with the International Association of
Firefighters Local #656 and presented for Council consideration was the proposed
labor contract and salary ordinance implementing a wage increase. Mayor Sargent
read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing a pay plan for the employees
represented by IAFF Local #656 for the
period of January 1, 1991, through
- December 31, 1993, and providing for the
payment thereof.
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the ordinance as read by title. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried unanimously.
Clerk's Note: Council returned to this matter later in the meeting after
realizing it failed to take formal action on the labor contract. Accordingly,
a motion was made by Councilman Cornell and seconded by Councilman Hallett to
approve the labor contract with IAFFLocal #656 as presented. A vote was taken
on the motion which carried unanimously.
12. Peabody Creek RV Park Bridge Damage discussion
Mayor Sargent referenced a letter directed to the City Council from the owner
of the Peabody Creek RV Park, Pat McDonagh, concerning needed bridge repairs
which are required because of November storm damage. The bridge now has a load
limit of 3 tons until the time repairs can be accomplished, which restricts
ingress of fire and aid vehicles.
Public Works Director Pittis provided a status report on planned bridge repairs,
noting the City had initially placed a temporary midspan support under the
bridge which allowed the bridge to maintain the traffic load it was capable of
servicing. During the last storm, however, the midspan support was entirely
displaced. The City cannot replace the support until the time the water and
weather conditions are such that the work can be accomplished safely. It is
realized the timing for the property owner is difficult, but weather conditions
will dictate the repairs.
Director Pittis continued that daily inspections of the bridge are conducted
and Ms. McDonagh has been advised of the repair status as late as yesterday.
Once repairs are initiated, the bridge will be completely out for a period of
time. Emergency repairs thus far will be partially funded by FEMA, and the
subsequent total reconstruction, if determined eligible, would be reimbursed
at 87.5% by combination State and FEMA funds. Estimated reconstruction costs
approximate $50,000.
Manager Pomeranz and Director Pittis will meet with Ms. McDonagh and further
clarify the status of the matter.
Councilman Lemon briefly addressed the subject of the collection containers for
Solid Waste and the possibility of decreasing the size of containers provided
the citizens. He inquired as to the possibility of encouraging as much
recycling as possible by the use of a smaller collection container. Public
Works Director Pittis indicated there are some difficulties experienced in
emptying smaller containers; however, he will conduct a study in this regard.
Councilman Hallett referenced the update on the Comprehensive Plan and the
Advisory Committee survey results. Planning Director Collins clarified the
numbers submitted in the Committee report represent the method the Comprehensive
Plan Advisory Committee utilized in organizing the priorities and issues they
wish to deal with in the Comprehensive Plan update.
Brief discussion was held concerning the Glaubert and Austin cease and desist
December 18, 1990
It was not necessary to reconvene the executive session.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:55 P.M.