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Port Angeles, Washington
December 18, 2001
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
6:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, T. Riepe, K.
Asquith, S. McLain, G. Kenworthy, and M. Hall
Public Present: C. Field, K. Rogers, L. Lee, J. Tschimperle, D. Winnagren,
T. Price, G. Braun, I. Frazer, and K. Frazer.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Boy Scout Troop 1461, Leaders Peter Lewis and
ALLEGIANCE: Brian Jacobs. Scouts participating were: Steven Lewis, Daniel Howe, Kaleb Mayfield,
Tyler Mayfield, Tom Jacobs, Chris Shively, and Matthew Hall. Following the Pledge,
Mayor Doyle recognized Tyler Mayfield and his preparation of the monument in the
City Park on Ediz Hook dedicated to all who work on the water and to those who have
lost their lives on the water. The Mayor also congratulated Mr. Mayfield on his
completion of Eagle Scout status.
PUBLIC CEREMONIES, Mayor Doyle read a proclamation in recognition of K-Ply Incorporated, commending
PRESENTATIONS AND them for their economic and environmental commitment to the welfare of the
PROCLAMATIONS: community and for their outstanding business presence in the community on the
celebration of their 60th Anniversary. Mr. Ernie VanOgle, General Manager for K-Ply,
accepted the proclamation and informed the Council that he would forward it to be
displayed in the parent company in Juneau, Alaska.
Manager Quirm recognized out-going Councilmembers with a capsulated historical
perspective of the City of Port Angeles and their influence and work in City leadership
over the past eight years. He commented on the completed, as well as the on-going
projects in which Councilmembers have been involved and on their commitment to
improving the quality of life in Port Angeles. The legacy they have created involves
efficiency, effectiveness, and an established support of the values and goals that both
the Councilmembers and staffhold as essential to City management and leadership. On
behalf of the City, staff, and the community of Port Angeles, Manager Quinn thanked
the out-going Councilmembers for their legacy of service and success and presented
each with a commemorative plaque.
Break Following brief responses by Councilman Hulett, Councilmember McKeown, and
Mayor Doyle, the meeting recessed for refreshments at 6:25 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 6:50 p.m.
December 18, 2001
LATE ITEMSTOBE Manager Quinn informed the Council that staff would review the 2001
PLACED ON THIS OR accomplishments prior to the consideration of the 2002 Goals and Work Plan.
Kevin Duncan, Eby Hill Hydroelectric, requested a progress report from the Council
and staff on the Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project, emphatically expressing his
displeasure with the lack of progress made on the project. Director Cutler indicated that
staff has communicated progress reports to Mr. Duncan, and the subcommittee
appointed on this matter has also been kept informed. Staff just recently met with
agencies involved to further meet the intent and requirements of Washington in-stream
flows. Additional work needs to be done, and meetings have been scheduled after the
holidays to progress even further. Mr. Duncan reiterated his frustration with the lack
of progress, disagreeing with the City's position and approach to the resolution of issues
on the project. Mayor Doyle suggested that Mr. Duncan meet with staff to further
discuss the matter. Attorney Knutson explained the FERC requirements and the
Endangered Species Act, noting that the City and the Tribe are currently working with
biologists and Federal and State resource agencies in an informal consultation process
that FERC has allowed in order to comply with the ESA. The delays that the City is
experiencing now are at the direction ofFERC. FERC has not said that the Endangered
Species Act does not apply to this project. Attorney Knutson continued that the FERC
stipulations are in writing and have been provided to the Council subcommittee. A
disagreement exists as to how the ESA applies to this project, but an agreement must
be reached that is satisfactory to FERC because the project cannot operate without
FERC permission. Mayor Doyle asked ifa time line exists wherein the issues might be
resolved. Attorney Knutson responded that, as Mr. Cutler had stated, another meeting
has been set for January of 2002, but no specific date has been established for
resolution. He also added that analysis of the possible sale of the properties in question
has added to and lengthened the resolution. Mayor Doyle then reiterated his suggestion
to Mr. Duncan that he arrange a meeting time with staff. Discussion followed.
FINANCE: 1. Amendment to Landfill Contract with the City of Sequim Amendment
Amendment to Landfill Following the Mayor's reading of the recommendation to approve the Second
Contract with City of Amendment to the Solid Waste Disposal Contract with the City of Sequim,
Sequim Councilman Campbell moved to approve the second amendment to the Solid
Waste Disposal Contract with the City of Sequim and authorize the City Manager
to sign the contract amendment. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Coordinated Prevention 2. Coordinated Prevention Recycling Grant 2002-2003
Recycling Grant 2002-2003
Mayor Doyle read a summary of the recommendation and, following a brief explanation
by Director Cutler, Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the
agreement for Grant No. G0200150 from the Department of Ecology. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
8th Street Restoration. 3. 8'h Street Restoration - Status Report
Status Report
City Engineer Kenworthy reviewed the problems relative to the 8th Street paving project
and explained the process by which repairs would be made in the Spring of 2002 due
to weather delays. Two options were presented regarding pavement smoothness: the
first involved grinding the out-of-tolerance bumps to bring them within specification
tolerances; the second is to accept that grinding would not correct the problem
satisfactorily and to impose a £mancial penalty. The grinding process was selected since
it could meet project specification and improve the overall smoothness. The City will
complete the sand slurry, fog sealing, and traffic markings in the late spring.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) City
December 18, 2001
Council minutes of December 3, 2001; 2) Electronic Payments - November 10-
December 7, 2001 - $430,376.50; 3) Check Register - December 7, 2001 -
$494,990.12; and 4) Payroll information - December 9, 2001. Councilman Hulett
seconded the motion, and following a brief question and answer period, the motion
carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilmembers Hulett and Erickson had no reports. Councilmember McKeown
COMMITTEE reported that she, Councilmembers Williams and Wiggins, and Kathe Smith met with
REPORTS: Parks Director Connelly at the Francis Street Park to tour and consider appropriate
safety precautions.
Councilman Campbell reported on the joint meeting of the Downtown Forward
Executive Committee and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. The recommendation
forwarded to those committees was to pursue the Oak Street proposal for a conference
center. Councilman Campbell also reported on the Atlanta NLC Conference which he
and Mayor Doyle attended and commented on the larger city's expenses and rates
relative to wastewater and stormwater management.
Councilman Wiggins attended the Board of Natural Resources meeting regarding
sustainable timber harvest.
Councilman Williams reported on the Francis Street Park visit; he also attended the
Annexation forum and complimented Fire Chief McKeen and Police Chief Riepe on
their presentations at that meeting.
Mayor Doyle mentioned his attendance at the Energy and Natural Resources Committee
at the NLC Conference, his attendance at the OPS Award ceremony, the EDC Net
Works meeting, the Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours, the City Christmas
Party, and his visit to the Boys & Girls Club facility.
ORDINANCES NOT 1. Adjustment to Daishowa's Monthly Basic Charges
HEARINGS: Mayor Doyle reviewed the proposed adjustment to Daishowa's monthly basic charge,
after which Public Works & Utilities Deputy Director McLain explained the increase
Adjustment to Daishowa's in power costs for Daishowa in proportion to City residential increases. He noted that
Monthly Basic Charges the 2002 City budget has incorporated the increases. Councilmember Campbell
Ordinance No. 3107 commented on the benefits of this adjustment. Mayor Doyle then read the Ordinance
by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the
industrial transmission electric rate and amending Ordinance 2054 as
amended and Chapter 13.12 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilmember McKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title;
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Councilman Wiggins asked if the City
had another industrial customer affected by this Ordinance, to which Deputy Director
McLain responded in the negative. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
OTHER 1. Approve Labor Contract for Fire Fighters Union
Following Mayor Doyle's summary of the one-year contract and reviewing the
Labor Contract for Fire recommendation to approve the labor contract between the City and the IAFF #656 for
Fighters Union 2002, reflecting a cost of living adjustment of 3.15%, Councilman Campbell moved
December 18, 2001
OTHER to approve the labor contract between the City of Port Angeles and the IAFF #656
CONSIDERATIONS: for 2002 reflecting a cost of living adjustment of 3.15% and authorize the Mayor
(Cont'd) to sign the contract. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried
Labor Contract for Fire
Fighters Union (Cont'd)
Revisions to 1996 2. Revisions to 1996Agreement with Coast Guard Air Station - Port Angeles
Agreement with Coast
Guard Air Station - Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided in the packet, and Fire Chief McKeen
Port Angeles advised the Council that the revisions include having a unified command center in the
event ora significant emergency involving Coast Guard facilities, plus the two agencies
will work cooperatively in developing a pre-fire plan. The new agreement will be
automatically renewed unless there is a desire to terminate with adequate notification.
Petty Officer Scott Lundgren, Acting Fire Marshal with the Air Station in Port Angeles,
expressed his and the Guard's support for the agreement with the Port Angeles Fire
Department. Councilman Wiggins moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the
agreement with the United States Coast Guard Station Port Angeles. Councilman
Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
2001 Report Card and 3. 2001 Report Card and 2002 Council Goals & Community Work Plan
2002 Council Goals &
Community Work Plan Following Mayor Doyle's introduction, Manager Quinn noted that every one of the
projects are currently included in the Work Plan, as well as the Budget adopted for
2002. He briefly summarized the goals and community work plan for the year of 2002
and explained the proposed perpetual endowment fund for the cemetery addition.
Councilman Wiggins mentioned that he and Councilmen Williams and Campbell
thoroughly reviewed the goals with Manager Quinn, and it was that these goals could
be used as a work sheet. He hoped that the new Council would use this list for the
upcoming year. Councilman Campbell then mentioned that they all considered it a
dynamic document which can be adapted as the Council moves forward into the new
year. Councilman Campbell moved that the Council adopt the Council Goals &
Community Work Plan as presented for 2002. Councilman Wiggins seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Temporary Trail Easement 4. Temporary Trail Easement Through Former Rayonier Mill Site
Through Former Rayonier
Mill Site Following Mayor Doyle's summary, Director of Parks & Recreation Connelly
referenced a revised copy of the map distributed that day and drew attention to the
revisions from staff regarding the improvements and easement approval. Displaying
a map of the area on the overhead, he explained the dimensions of the route of the
proposed easement, showed the paved portions, mentioned the need for a temporary
bridge at Ennis Park, and explained the one-side fencing. Mr. Connelly added that
Rayonier may choose to close the area for a period of time for modification, but will
notify the City two weeks in advance for publication. The earliest possible date for
completion will be May or June of 2002. Following brief comments by
Councilmembers, Councilman Williams moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the
temporary easement agreement through the former Rayonier Mill Site.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Council Committee 5. Council Committee Reorganization
Following Mayor Doyle's reading of the recommendation, Councilmember McKeown
addressed the issue of the three out-going members voting on an issue which would not
affect them and stated that she would be voting no on this issue. Manager Quinn then
explained the proposal in terms of this Council's experience and organizational /
December 18, 2001
OTHER operational functions of the committees. Remaining Councilmembers Williams,
CONSIDERATIONS: Erickson, and Campbell agreed that more explanation is required and that deferring the
(Cont'd) issue until 2002 would provide the necessary time to better study the reorganization.
Councilmember McKeown then moved that the reorganization plan be tabled until
Council Committee the next Council meeting in January for the new Council's review. Councilman
Reorganization (Cont'd) Hulett seconded the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried 6 - 1,
with Councilman Williams voting in opposition, as he would have preferred to
have a presentation on the plan. Following further discussion, Councilman Williams
opted to vote in favor of the motion which, therefore, carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda Proposal 6. Consent Agenda Proposal
Mayor Doyle, after explaining his reluctance to change procedure on the Consent
Agenda absent input from the new Councilmembers, asked Manager Quinn to explain
the proposal. Manager Quinn briefly addressed the reasons behind changing the format,
mentioning that the proposal was written based on the experience and expertise of the
current Council. Councilman Wiggins moved to table the Consent Agenda Proposal
to the next meeting. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: Manager Quinn noted that the next Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,
January 2, 2002, because of New Year's Day. He then gave recognition to Karen
Haugstad who is retiring from the City after many years of service, and Police Chief
Riepe then complimented Karen on her service.
Manager Quinn mentioned the Value Estimates for improvements approved for the
Lincoln Park Athletic Fields, as well as the inclusion of the departmental monthly
EXECUTIVE SESSION: The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 8:32 p.m. for approximately one hour
to discuss potential litigation and an item of persormel.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to Open Session at 10:26 p.m.
Councilmember McKeown moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract
amendment for the City Manager to receive a 3.15% COLA and a 2% pay
increase. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Erickson and carried
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:28 p.m.
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