HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/19/1957 I I I I L Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 19 19~ ,.,"' . ""M". ...,~. ''''."'"'. ..."....... .... The City Council met in regular seSS10n at 7:30 P.M. and was of officers showed.the following present: eouncilmen Brown, Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call Sandison, Matthieu, Wolfe, Mcfadden and It was moved by Councilman Sanidson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved., Seconded by Councilman Wolfe.and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, the hearing on final assessment roll for L.l.D. No. 173 was opened. Objections were as follows: JESSIE M. JOONSON, lots 3 and 4, 1110ck 155, Townsite: VICTORIA ANDERSa;, Lot 18, Block 155, TownSite: VINCENT KELLER, Lots 12 and 13, Block 114, Townsite; WILLIS MARTIN, ,Lot II, Block 114, Townsite; FLOYD OAKES, Lot 14, Block 114, Townsite. There havinll been no other objections made or filed, it was roved by Councilman Brown tha t hearing be c1lsed and final assessment roll conf irmed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Pursuant to previOUS request and investigation concerning sale by the City of Lots 5 to 10 inclusive and Lots 11 to 15 inclusive, all in Block 314, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that minimum be fixed at $50.00 per lot for group in parcel. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Council considered acceptance of offer by Alclwell and Wenner for extension of present liability insurance. The Insurance Association having recollllllended that acceptance would be highly advisable and to City's ad- vantage, it was moved by Councilman Mcfadden that offer for extension of liability.insurance be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Mr. Vergeer read report of Industrial liater Line inspection and stUdy by Duffy, Lawver, and Kwnpf, and con- clusions resulting from stndy. Report shows no justification for line repair at this time. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the Manager be authorized to meet with Representatives of Industries regarding water supply, IUId that copies of the report be released to the industries. Seconded by Council- man Sandison and carried. Undetctlle,.bed,iofrnewrbusiness, claims. paid December 9 and 10 were approved in total amount of $26,292.36. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu tha t claims be approved as paid. Also monthly bud,et reports of City Departments and the City Treasurer's Financial Report be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. Council considered request for extension of closing hours for liquor establishments New Year's Eve, to 3:00 A. M. This being in conformity with State Liquor Board regulations, it was moved by Councilman Matthieu that permission be granted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Mr. Vergeer read report showing present cost of water service installations and was instructed to prepare breakllown comparing present cost to previous years. Councilman Mcfl4den spoke regarding recent appointment of member to Civil Service Commission and considered same witbout sufficient consideration and too basty. He thenn>oved that appointment be reconsidered, I Councilman Sandison reminded that he had suggested further conSideratiOn. until return of Councilman McFadden. Councilman Wolfe assured that aPPointment was not made be~ause Councilman MCfadden was absent, being only one absentee, as the Mayor had planned to be away during December. Also, due to coming election the vacancy on Civil Service Board should be filled. Councilman Mcfadden cited recommendations received as being ignored which sbould have had more consideration. Tbe Attorney Wall questioned as to legal procedure and was not definite as to he ar ing required or removal for cause. MurrllY Randall informed that he had never asked for reappointment, having served for twelve years, Oltbougb the Police, Fire Depts. and many others had requested tbat he continue to serve; Mr. Randall further stated that he is not a candidate and would not accept if asked. Tbe motion was seconded by Coum:ilman Maxfield III d unan- imously carried. . George Sylvia told Council tbat in September of 1956 he found linemen setting deadmen and guy wi res on his property and ordered them off, their reply being tbat they were instructed to install said equipment. During. the installation two of his copper tubing lines were broken and in repairing the sallie, his oil tank was punctured, draining over 300 gallons of oil. He demanded that light equiJllllent be removed or be will bring legal action against tbe City. Mr Sylvia presented bills showing the City paid $47.02 for replacement of tubing. Council assured that the matter will be further investigated. Harry Hunt of Carpenter's Local, complained regarding construction at Morse Creek water intake being done by Water Dept. employees instead of Union carpenter labor, /oIr. Vergeer advised that only a certain anount; is appropriated in budget for repair and water employees are also construction workers, not maintenance only. - . William II. Gwynn asked if Council has decidedrion an answer to his former inquir1es. Mr. Vergeer read excerpts of meeting at which State and loe al ealth Departments were present and refused approval of 1I0re sewer connection. until some progress is evident for pOllution control. Mr. Gwynn .said if this is considered directive, he wants copy. He also read letter from the State Department of Health stating no directive and asked if Council ever saw letter or report on bacterial test. Myron Scott stated that tests have been made and Rayonier, Inc. has reports on same. Mr. Gwynn then read letters concerning tests and samples, how made and what each covers. In his opinion, only one test was taken at low tide and at outlet of sewers. Clayton Stratton asked if all Council Proceedings were pilblim ed. The News Editor answered that it is not possible to print eaCh word or quotation. William B. Bucknell of 429 West 4th read letter to Council stating that Wm. li. Gwynn and Wm. H. Smith are on the right track. Also cited State Safety code and use of City property for personal purposes, re- minding of penalties and informed of antenna attached to light pole at fourth and Ennis Streets. Mayor Smith read answer to letter to the Bditer of Port Angeles Bvening News by Wm. H. Smith regarding damage to fire engine. suspension of Harold F. Thompson and hearing conducted before the Civil Service Commission. The answer confirmed that investigation was conducted including the fire Chief and firemen concerned. The City Manager made the suspension as result of Council hearing. The Council was informed at all times concerning procedure.. suspension and rescinding of the same.. after which hearing of appeal was held. Mr. Thompson being completely exonerated at Civil Service hearing, this is final conclusion that the City must accept according to lawful procedure and investigation reveals that previous charges against the City Manager had no basis of fact. Under tbe head of introduction of Resolutions the following were introduced and read: RESOLUTION NO. 31 . 57 A RESOLUT~ON fixing,time for tbe hearing on petition for the vacation of the South 3 feet of the alley between f1fth and S1xth Streets and running through Block 167 of the Townsite of Port Auge les and 'f\..... 573 .., ....... 574 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ne"'tI'I"bftf 19 <"^9'll+1"U..(lI 19-R "., . """,., ..m., "'''_'', ...."....... ..... extending from Lincqln Street on the ,West to Laurel Street on the East. It was moved by Councilman Mcfadden that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.. RESOLUTION NO.3:> - 57 , A RESOLUTION authorizing tbe transfer of $:>,8:>8.35 from the Local Improvement District Revolving Fund to the Local Improvement ,District No. 171 Construction fund created by Ordinance No. 1369, and providing for the repayment of the ~same from,said Local Improvement District No. 17l Fund as created by OrdinllDCe No. 1369. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Cnder tbe head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1408 AN ORDINANCE establishing City datum and repealing Section:> of Ordinlll ~e no. 433 a1 d all other ordinances in conflict herewith. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. ORDINAl'CE NO. 1409 AN Ol\DlNANCB fixing the annual salaries. compensat ion and wages of the various classificat ions of employ- ment applicable to the different officers, assistance and employees of the City of Port Angeles, and determing the time of payment thereof and providi ng funds fur temporary employees. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and ad9pted. Seconded toy Councilman Brown and unanimOUSly carried. There being no further business, the meeting was declared a4journed. {J, e. X-~ (I City Clerk I ~ALLroR. BrnS , J r BJds will be received up to '5:00 t ~d~l()ek P.M;, .Jl\nuary Hi, U68 at.thel .~.,f/~~i ~1~r:~t~ ~~\~'t c.i-;:ele~:OW~~~:'t ~ ~':t~~~n'byeOt~e:I~fiY ~1 r~:l~ f-d~~ 1 . seQ.a1'l a.utomobllcs llritb. 8 cylinder lentlM, ' automo.tfo tta.n, "", '.8sion. 1 ':2() min. horsepower 11.5 lU('h wheelbase '$0 amp ~en('ratQI' (Lee8 Nevnle) '7Z a.rnperf' haul' hea\'Y duty ba.tteryi 12 v~t. I Deluxe heatel"' and ~dr0'8ter . ArrorQ&tll an_d visor both I!ides BncR:-t1p lights Oll tl1t(;)" Wln(l(lW wMher. f Spu 1 1 lih 16 wi th red lens / I ,ii~~~~,;l Jli\':h~~~~ta~~a~~~;1s- -, , Hllrllllie-- ",hock Moor-ber_Vinyl! . trim 1n1e1'101"' ancl floor mats I ! ~am wn\lel ana 1Il'6 ~ ~1~~I~:I~~ ;~g:~e(]CI::if[:.ood light I llt;~l?d~~tJ ~~~le_1~d~1~e I~r ~: g~J"; I !l5:\ 8 eyn.der, four do[)r 'Bedao. which may" 5een at the pollee de- partment. BJdder shall turni:5h and' ~han In~l1J.1I all above equipment. mdt1er 'will remove all poUce eq- ulDmf'nt from, the trade-In car, ex- eelll- rn.:llo I)f)ulllmenl. Il.ml re-Jllsta.ll on onl:! [)f Lllll two cars purch~ hereunder. Clly reserves. the right to wt6I'" said 8peciflcatlO:lls, to accept O'f"_fre- joel ant- proltnsal and bhh:len; '\Wid a.ny claim as to iFrelfula.rlt}" or jbJd M~('t'Jlted. _.;a~~~~~I~~ r:1l~~~ b~n~ec!~~ic~t ~~: \ (lllf) oul~ 1958 Hllrl~y Davidson Po- ~ Ilee HI1T\'I.Car ef)ullJ]Jtlfl with: Dlrr,C[jonal signals nr:~=:,f:rjS. guard H.ear IHJf..llI)(:'r Deluxe sllddln J<'rnnt wheel and hand-controlled s1r'n PUI"l<uh Ilcht--oi'le white. one red nlcldcT tn furnIsh .uJd install a. tWO-WilY ccmmunlcaLpn rndio to OP- eralll on a. fr6cluency of 39.18 mega,.- cYd~ ~Id nullo to opera, le from CY- j elft-. Ie rattiI' a.ull ba.ttery fOl"" con- tJ Itr.lU$. emi-tJon cOlllDletely mounted a,TI~ld(fer T;:~rr ~~~Ica.te the. trade.iu lLilt)Wanee<.',lIl one onl}" 1953 Harley na"I'. '''. oUce SCTvi.car ~esl'> PO, Bee tJqul . ThlH SE!rvl-Car may be lleQn . PorL Angele" Police" De- j part ~, . . elL 'will fllrnl:!!b f'XP.mpttol1 eertl- , i1Ji"e~:JflJ~rt,;r:~o~~e~~~;~~~ lLll_ 'T~I~m~lIta.~n:l~~~~g E'~:~~ ~~t~ :;l r. 'tery and I;CIU~rator to accommodate I la.tel' radio jn8ta.~.~~n~RG1liER I City Manager P\lbHt'lhfltl:JU~ual'Y .e and; 3'~ 1958. 1 " 1 I I I I . I .'1' I,