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Members Present:
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Public Present:
Port Angeles, Washington
December 19, 1989
Mayor McPhee called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 7:07 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Kathy Monds' Campfire Adventure
Group; members, Jessie Monds, Lisa LeVeaux, Stephanie Stoner, Christina
Clapshaw, Sarah Hines, Katie Boggs.
Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Lemon, Ostrowski,
Sargent, Wight.
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Maike, S.
Brodhun, M. Cleland, B. Collins, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, B.
Titus, D. Wolfe, G. Kenworthy, G. Beck, D. Dickson, B.
P. Lauch,
Smith, R.
Hansen, M
Walker, S.
V. Leinert, R. French,
Doty, J. St. Claire,
Morrill, L. Beil, C
H. Doud, S. McPhee, H
E. Hansen, H. Brunner,
G. Braun, E. Jaquins,
Rausch, M. Merrick,
Berglund, R. Gruver,
Mayor McPhee congratulated Councilman Gabriel on his new baby girl, born
December 16th.
Councilman Lemon moved to approve the minutes of the special meetings of
November 30, December 1 and December 2, 1989, and the minutes of the regular
meeting of December 5, 1989, of the Port Angeles City Council. Councilman
Hallett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
1. Consideration of Bid Award for Landfill Chippinf' (Contras: and Emu?.pment)
(Tabled 12 -5 -89)
Councilman Sargent moved that the Council concur with Public Works
recommendation and accept the equipment bid from Uti1*ity Equipment, inc., for
$13,882.20, and authorize the hiring of a new employee, and further that the
Council authorize the Public Works Department to enter into a contract with
Redmore Corporation for service to chip tires at the Cemetery, providing the
project can be put together within the 1989 Budget of $68,000. Councilman
Hallett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilman Hallett moved to accept the items as presented on the Consent Agenda,
including (1) Request permission to call for bids for legal publications for
1990; (2) Consideration of interlocal agreement with Klickitat County for bid
sharing; (3) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (4)
Vouchers of $229,151.23. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion.
Following discussion of some of the items as presented the question was called
and the motion carried unanimously.
Erl Hansen, representing the Chamber of Commerce, 121 East Railroad Avenue,
requested to speak on Legislative Item No. 5.
Councilman Sargent pointed out the picture of the first City Council now hanging
on the Council Chamber walls. She noted that sweatshirts and pins for the
Centennial Celebration are now for sale.
1. Farewell Message Mayor McPhee
Mayor McPhee wished to make a few remarks, as this was his last official meeting
as Mayor of the City of Port Angeles. He discussed the condition of the City,
stating that it was in good shape; that the City needed to be taken care of so
it would continue to be in good condition in the years to come. He expressed
concern that it was starting to get more expensive to live here than it needs
to be and if people agreed, they should become involved in local government.
He urged the involvement of citizens in local government, as it was a duty of
citizens to speak out whether they were in agreement or disagreement with
decisions being made. He thanked the people who have supported him in the past;
he thanked his adversaries; and lastly, he thanked his wife, Susan Jo McPhee
for being there when he needed support. He then proclaimed December 20, 1989,
as Susan Jo McPhee Day.
2. Public Hearings
A. Zoning Code Amendment CBD. Oak Street Property
December 19, 1989
Manager Flodstrom noted for the Council that a recommendation has been made by
the Planning Commission to postpone action on the rezone of the property, based
on the outcome of the Port's hearings amending its Comprehensive Plan and the
Planning Commission's review of those recommendations made by the Port
Commission; as well as a letter from the Port Commissioners and the Clallam
County Economic Development Council requesting that a postponement be
considered. The purpose of the postponement would be to allow a committee to
be convened under the direction of the EDC for further review of the property,
as well as other properties in the immediate area of the Central Business
Planning Director Collins reviewed the issue before the Council, stating that
the Planning Commission chose to continue review of the issue to the January
24, 1990, Planning Commission meeting. Much of the Planning Commission's
decision reflects a request by the Port and the Economic Development Council.
The options before the Council are to consider rezoning the property from M -2
to CBD and take action on the rezone, or to modify the rezone request and send
that information to the Planning Commission.
Councilman Lemon asked Attorney Knutson whether it would be proper for the
Council to send modifications to the Planning Commission without a public
Attorney Knutson responded that the Council could surd back a modification to
the Planning Commission, as the Zoning Code provides that in order for the
Council to approve a revised version of the rezone from what is proposed in the
public hearing notice, it has to return to the Planning Commission for its
Mayor McPhee opened the public hearing at 7:27 P.M. There was no public
Councilman Wight then moved to continue the public hearing to the February 6,
1990, City Council meeting. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion.
Council discussed for clarification the need to continue the public hearing.
Councilman Hallett questioned the request from the EDC and the Port of Port
Angeles to have the Council become part of the committee to reach a consensus
on this issue. He questioned whether this would be precluded because of the
continued public hearing.
Attorney Knutson responded that the Council is precluded from participation in
that type of process, in his opinion, because of the appearance of fairness
December 19, 1989
doctrine, and suggested that the Council designate staff members to participate,
such as the City Manager and /or the Planning Director.
Councilman Hallett asked how the Port's Comprehensive Plan presently designates
the property.
Planning Director Collins responded that it is designated as a cargo storage
area and is similar to the City's M -2 uses, which is the City's current zoning
on the property.
Councilman Hallett asked whether the Council and Planning Commission would be
able to hear reports from the staff members who attend the committee meetings.
Attorney Knutson suggested that the Council wait and see what happens as the
committee progresses. When the Council has a quasi- judicial matter before it,
the input must be restricted to what information comes through the public
hearing process.
Councilman Hallett expressed his frustration on this issue, as this is a
critical decision to be made and the Council is a major player.
Manager Flodstrom stated the Council must realize that it has the final say on
the proposed use, and ultimately will make the final decision on the Shoreline
Permit. If the Council, as a body, chooses not to agree with the
recommendations of the committee, it is within its right and responsibility to
do so, based on the testimony received in the public hearing process.
Councilman Sargent felt that the Council was dodging the decision. She asked
if Council has the final say, would participation in the committee be
jeopardizing the Council's position as far as the quasi judicial decision?
Attorney Knutson stated yes, because the committee will be recommending a
specific use of the property. If it should require a rezone, the Council will
have to make the decision and will have participated in a group which is making
a specific recommendation which the Council will be called upon to decide.
There are appearance of fairness cases close enough on point that Attorney
Knutson felt it was very clear the law would preclude the Council's
participation because the members would be expressing pre judgment on the
Following further discussion, the question was called and the motion carried
Councilman Hallett moved that the Council direct the City Manager and the
Planning Director to be part of a committee to work with the Port, the Port
staff, a representative of the Downtown Business Community, a representative
of organized labor, a representative of the timber industry, a representative
of the tourism industry, a representative of the Chamber of Commerce, a
representative of the State Department of Natural Resources, and an ex- officio
moderatpr appointed by the EDC, and to authorize staff to be part of the
committee. Councilman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Street Vacation Request STV- 89(9)7 Port Angeles School District
(Continued from 10 -3 -89: 10- 17 -89: and 11 -89)
Manager Flodstrom explained to the Council that Shelter Resources, the agency
attempting to buy the Lincoln School building and requiring a street vacation,
is in the process of pursuing funding and they are not ready to proceed with
the street vacation request. Shelter Resources has requested that the Council
postpone the issue indefinitely.
Mayor McPhee closed the public hearing, which had been opened at the October
3, 1989, Council meeting, at 7:48 P.M.
Councilman Lemon moved to postpone the street vacation request indefinitely,
without prejudice. Councilman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried
3. Planning Commission Minutes of December 13. 1989
December 19, 1989
A. Shoreline Management Hearing SMA- 89(12)105 Port of Port Angeles
Reauest for a Shoreline Permit to allow a Ferry Terminal to be located
on property located west of Oak Street between Oak /Cherry Streets,
north of Front Street
Councilman Sargent moved to accept withdrawal of Shoreline Management Permit
Application SMA- 89(12)105 for the Port of Port Angeles. Councilman Gabriel
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Conditional Use Hearing CUP 88(09)18 HO German Reauest for
extension of a Conditional Use Permit to allow continuation of a day
care as a Home Occupation. located in the RS -7. Single Family
Residential District. Location: 3131 Regent Street
Attorney Knutson stated he and Planning Director Collins had received an inquiry
from a citizen about whether or not there is an appeal process for a Home
Occupation Conditional Use Permit extension. They had informed the citizen that
there is a 10 -day period within which an appeal may be filed after the
recommendation of the Planning Commission. He explained that the 10 -day period
has not expired; however, it was his understanding that an appeal may be filed.
He has not seen the filing of the appeal; it must be filed with the City Clerk
and it would be the recommendation of the Attorney and the Planning Director
that the Council continue the item to the January 2, 1990, City Council meeting.
If no appeal is filed, then action can be taken.
Councilman Hallett expressed his concern that there has not been an appeal
filed; that someone may call only to delay the process. Further, if the Council
should act on this and an appeal is filed, could there not be an appeal of the
Council's decision.
Attorney Knutson stated that the appeal would be to the Superior Court and if
a decision was to be made by the Council at this meeting, the Council will have
eliminated one of the remedies of the citizen who wants to appeal.
Councilman Hallett stated that due process has been followed to this date. The
dates of the Council meetings are known, and it was his opinion that unless an
appeal is on record, the mere fact that someone may file an appeal does not
provide sufficient reason to postpone action on the issue.
Councilman Lemon moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission for approval of the Conditional Use Permit for an additional one-
year period, subject to the following conditions: (1) The proposed "family day
care center" shall conform to the development standards as set forth in the Home
Occupation Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 17.86.040); (2) This
Conditional Use Permit allows the applicant to operate a "family day care"
center with the number of children not to exceed State guidelines. Hours of
operation will be from 6 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Friday. All indoor and
outdoor,play areas shall meet all State Department of Health requirements for
a "family day care center (3) State and local fire codes shall be complied
with, including smoke alarm, fire extinguishers, and approved fire exits. The
premises shall be inspected yearly by the Fire Department and shall comply with
UFC requirements; (4) If, in the future, the City or other appropriate
regulatory agency finds that the "family day care center as approved at this
site, requires greater on -site parking facilities, the applicant shall provide
such on -site parking, subject to the City's Planning and Public Works
Departments' approvals; (5) If substantive complaints regarding this "family
day care center" are received, the authorized hours of operation may be reduced
and /or other control measures required, as determined by the Planning
Commission; (6) Fencing be placed around the children's play area to ensure a
protected play area and separation from traffic using the easement and driveway
to the residence; and citing the following findings and conclusions: Findings:
(1) Complaints have been received concerning the day care use; (2) There is an
increase in traffic from the Home Occupation; (3) The width of the existing
roadway is 10 feet and requires continual maintenance; (4) The children's play
area is not protected from vehicular traffic; (5) Home occupation shall not be
injurious or detrimental to adjoining or abutting properties; shall not endanger
the public health, safety, morals, and welfare; shall be in the public interest;
and shall not significantly increase local vehicular or pedestrian traffic; (6)
The City's Comprehensive Plan stated that a goal of the City will be to propose
"A community of viable neighborhoods and a variety of opportunities for personal
interaction, fulfillment and enjoyment, attractive to people of all ages,
December 19, 1989
characteristics and interests. Conclusions: (A) The day care is operating
with on -going public complaints; (B) A day care activity can be approved with
conditions to provide adequate access and protection of the children's play
area; (C) The use is consistent with the Home Occupations Chapter of the City
Zoning Ordinance (Article IV, Section 17.86, Ordinance 1709, as amended), as
well as goals of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Gabriel seconded
the motion.
Councilman Hallett asked Planning Director Collins what the recommendation of
the Planning Department was on this issue.
Director Collins responded the recommendation of the Department was to approve
with an additional condition, a seventh condition, that the roadway used as the
main ingress and egress of the residence, be improved to a 20 -foot width and
maintained to alleviate traffic congestion and associated problems for the homes
in the area, or in a manner acceptable to the Public Works Department, stating
the staff rationale was the conflict on the neighborhood over this particular
Conditional Use, as related to problems with the roadway. It would be the
responsibilities of the property owners who use that roadway to provide the
Councilman Hallett stated in the previous year's discussion of this Conditional
Use during the public hearing, one of the decisions of the Council was to
monitor this Conditional Use Home Occupation for complaints, and according to
the documented record, there have been a number of concerns expressed by the
residents. He shared the concerns of the Planning Director with regard to the
roadway improvement, stating because of the deletion of that condition, he
would not be in support of the motion.
Councilman Lemon noted that the Fire Marshal has concurred with the
recommendation of the Planning Commission; secondly, this day care has been in
operation for several years and is approved by the State. However, they were
not aware of due process with regard to the City's Home Occupation permit.
Following further discussion about the complaints which have been received on
this Conditional Use and the upgrading of the road, the question was called
and the motion carried, with Councilman Hallett voting "No
C. Shoreline Management Permit SMA- 89(11)104 K -Plv
Planning Director Collins stated because of the mitigated Determination of Non
Significance on the project, he recommended action be deferred to the January
2, 1990, City Council Meeting because the Council's 15 -day waiting period will
not have been met until the end of the December.
Councilman Sargent moved to continue action on Shoreline Management Hearing SMA-
89(11)104 K -Ply, to the January 2, 1990, City Council meeting. Councilman
Lemon seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
D.. Conditional Use Permit CUP 89(12)23 First Presbyterian Church.
138 West 8th Street Request to expand an existing church facility_
in the CSD -C1. Community Shopping District
Councilman Sargent moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission to approve the Conditional Use Permit, citing the following findings
and conclusions: Findings: (1) Churches and Sunday schools are allowed as a
conditional use in the CSD -C1 and RMF zoning districts; (2) The subject site
is zoned CSD -C1 (Lots 11 -14) and RMF (Lots 7 -8); (3) The proposed design for
the new addition does not meet the bulk requirements of the CSD -C1 District for
maximum building height and of the RMF District for maximum lot coverage; (4)
Classrooms are proposed for Sunday school, pre school, kindergarten, elementary,
middle, and high school classes; (5) A Church official has stated that the
intended purpose of the 7,266 square -foot addition is only for Sunday school
uses and not for a day school (i.e., K -12 school); Conclusions: (1) Churches
and Sunday school activities are recognized as compatible uses in the CSD -C1
and RMF zoning districts. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried
E. Acceptance of Minutes
Councilman Hallett moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission
minutes of December 13, 1989. Councilman Sargent seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Planning Director Collins introduced the new
the Council.
4. Request from Mrs. Virginia Leinhart
Involvement in Recycling Programs
December 19, 1989
Associate Planner, Grant Beck, to
to Speak on Behalf of Citizen
Virginia Leinhart, 3002 South Peabody Street, spoke on behalf of citizens who
are ready to begin recycling within the City of Port Angeles. She requested
that the Council begin a realistic and effective recycling program. She spoke
at length on the issue, asking Council several questions regarding curbside
recycling, the implementation of programs, media campaigns, the meeting of the
Recycling Committee, when the Council would be expected to act on any proposals
for recycling, and made five requests: (1) That the City Council make
aggressive recycling a top priority; (2) That the Council begin to research
successful recycling programs in other communities, suggesting beginning with
the City of Bellingham; (3) That the City Council implement within 1990 a
realistic and effective curbside recycling program, as well as a first -rate
destination /separation facility; (4) That the City Council launch a campaign
to go along with Item 3, emphasizing re -use and source reduction; and (5) That
the Council provide the Solid Waste Superintendent an assistant for the
recycling program. She asked that the City Council have a written recycling
policy by January 15, 1990.
Councilman Hallett said that the Council's Goals and Objectives adopted in 1989
addressed the need for recycling, stating that the Council will be updating
its Goals and Objectives the first part of 1990 and encouraged Ms. Leinhart,
and any other citizens to take part in that activity. He stated he shared the
concerns voiced by Ms. Leinhart, as did some other Councilmembers.
The Council discussed this item at length. —T....
Fart in the Committee mcctin roi their appreciation fur bringing Chi
iccuc before the Council, a--a her e ffort No formal action was taken on this
5. Consideration of Adoption (by Ordinance) of City of Port Angeles 1989
1990 Revised Mid Biennial Budget
The Council reviewed the proposed Budget by Departments to make amendments as
City Attorney: Councilman Sargent moved to add $500 to books and $500 to the
travel line items for the City Attorney's Budget. Councilman Hallett seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Planning Department: Councilman Sargent moved to add $2,200 to the Planning
Department Budget for overtime /call -back. Councilman Wight seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Police Department: Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the Police
Department request to add $25,003 for a second records word processing position.
Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion.
Councilman Hallett stated he believed this would be a more cost effective method
of immediately gaining more valuable patrol time, rather than adding a single
sworn officer; that the Council would be well served by adding this additional
staff position. During the review of Goals and Objectives, the Council can
identify a long -range plan which makes best use of the City's resources to reach
the needs the Council will have to address with regard to the Police Department.
Chief Cleland explained that the addition of these moneys would, in effect,
add two additional people in 1990, as one has been requested in the Budget
proposal. These people would do the typing for the Patrol Division, in effect
adding one and one -half hours to each man. This will allow better use of the
Patrol Officers' time.
Councilman Sargent was opposed to the addition of a second clerical position.
She felt this should be assessed after one year.
Councilman Ostrowski was convinced the clerical help is needed, as it will
relieve the Patrolmen's time.
Councilman Sargent invited Ms. Leinhart to take part in the Committee meetings,
voiced her appreciation to Ms. Leinhart and the others accompanying her for
bringing the issue before the Council.
December 19, 1989
Councilman Gabriel expressed his concern as he felt this addition of a person
should wait.
Councilman Hallett stated there is documented need to increase the Police and
Fire Department personnel. He urged the Council to take a leadership role to
assess the need for public safety.
Following a lengthy discussion, the question was called and the motion failed,
with Councilmen Sargent, Lemon, Gabriel, and Mayor McPhee voting "No
Councilman Hallett, Wight, and Ostrowski voted "Aye
Councilman Hallett moved to approve the requested 1990 budget for the Police
Department of $1,930,000. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried
Fire Department: Councilman Sargent moved that the Council add to the Fire
Department Budget $4,000 to replace the fire door and $7,500 to remodel the Fire
Department building to provide office space for the Fire Prevention and Public
Education staff, thereby adding space to the reception area to consolidate file
cabinets and copy machines, making it a more accessible and workable area.
Councilman Lemon seconded the motion.
Councilman Sargent also stated the Council needs to be looking at the
replacement of the second fire door in 1991.
Councilman Hallett offered as a friendly amendment the replacement of the other
door and further, the addition of a Firefighter /Paramedic position to the Fire
Department, this person to be added in 1990, which would add $40,000 to the
Budget, but would also reduce the Department's overtime budget from
approximately $62,000 to $40,000, making the net increase over what has been
proposed by $22,000.
Councilman Sargent did not accept the friendly amendment. She stated it was
her understanding that the second fire door is used about one quarter of the
time as the fire door to be replaced; therefore, it was her reasoning to wait
until 1991 to replace it. She urged the Council to look closely at the addition
of a Firefighter /Paramedic in 1991, as she was concerned about the excessive
overtime and possible burn -out.
The question was called, and the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Hallett moved to add a Firefighter /Paramedic position to the Fire
Department so the Council could address the problem of excessive overtime hours,
adding $40,000 to the Budget. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the motion.
Councilman Hallett again reiterated the cost versus the savings of the
overtime /call -back in the addition of the Firefighter /Paramedic position.
Councilman Ostrowski expressed his concern about the overtime and possible
burn -out, urging the Council to add the position in 1990.
Councilman Wight agreed with the motion; however, he was concerned that the
Council should bite the bullet, wait until the construction of a possible new
station in the future, looking toward the goals and objectives plans, and wait
until that time before acting on this issue. In the meantime, he suggested
restructuring of the response requirements for off -duty firemen to, in the short
term, help overcome the perceptions of over burdening and burning -out personnel
and overtime recall. He was not in favor of the motion until the Council worked
further on this problem.
The question was called and the motion failed, with Mayor McPhee, Councilmen
Sargent, Lemon, Gabriel, and Wight voting "No and Councilmen Ostrowski and
Hallett voting "Aye
Convention Center Fund: Erl Hansen, Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce,
121 East Railroad Avenue, stated the money given to the Chamber is to promote
Port Angeles and the growth of Port Angeles. He discussed with the Council the
increased costs they have incurred over the past year. When the Council offers
the same amount of money as they have in the past, they are, in effect, giving
less because of increases. He urged that the Council increase the dollar amount
to be given to the Chamber for the 1990 year.
December 19, 1989
Councilman Hallett noted that in 1989 the request from the Chamber was $39,000
and the Council had allocated $49,000, stating that the Chamber and the Tourism
Convention Association do a lot of advertising, some of which overlaps. He
asked if possibly the Chamber could coordinate their advertising programs and
brochures with other organizations.
Following further discussion on the issue of coordinating advertising and over-
lapping between the Chamber and TCACC, Councilman Lemon moved to allocate
$55,925 to the Chamber of Commerce for 1990. Councilman Gabriel seconded the
Councilman Lemon, in speaking to his motion, stated because of the contractual
arrangement between the City and Chamber of Commerce, he saw a lot of
volunteerism going on at the Visitor's Center with the Senior Center. It is
a combined effort of the business people, the City of Port Angeles, with the
City, itself.
Councilman Hallett spoke in opposition to the motion as he felt the increase
was not warranted and $49,000 was a more appropriate amount.
The motion was voted on and carried, with Councilman Hallett voting "No
Tourism Convention Association of Clallam County: Councilman Hallett moved that
the Council fund the Tourism Convention Association of Clallam County in an
amount of $13,600 for 1990. Councilman Sargent seconded the motion.
Councilman Wight stated he felt the TCACC's budget presentation had shown the
Council some very good uses of the money which was allocated to it in 1989 and
he believed the Council should reward them for their efforts.
Councilman Sargent concurred, then offered as a friendly amendment to give
$2,000 more to the allocation of the TCACC. Councilman Hallett concurred.
Councilman Lemon stated in order for him to be in support of the motion, there
should be a stipulation which requires funds to be used for advertising only.
Councilmen Sargent and Hallett concurred.
The amended motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
Councilman Lemon stated he believed the request from the Port Angeles Downtown
Association for $2,950 for the Downtown walking brochure should be consolidated
through the Chamber of Commerce request. Councilman Sargent concurred.
Councilman Lemon moved to add $2,950 to the advertising budget of the Chamber
of Commerce, to be allocated for the walking brochure. Councilman Gabriel
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Derby Days: Councilman Hallett moved that the Council allocate $5,000 to Derby
Days for 1990. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried
Councilman Hallett moved that the Council not fund Port Angeles Light Opera
Association. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion. .4
Councilman Wight stated the Council has discovered that the Port Angeles Light
Opera Association's cash reserves are quite high. They have a tendency to
under estimate ticket sales. Therefore, they may not need the modest amount
of money they are requesting, and it seemed appropriate to him that money should
only be requested when it is needed.
Councilman Sargent noted that during the last budget hearings, the Light Opera
Association had come before the Council because they were to have increased
costs in rental fees for the auditorium. However, they were able to negotiate
with the School District and did not have to pay as much for rent.
The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra: Councilman Lemon moved to allocate $2,500 to
the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra to be designated $1,500 for rent, $1,000
for benefactor. Councilman Sargent seconded the motion, which carried
December 19, 1989
Arthur D. Feiro Marine Lab: Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the
allocation of $9,432 to the Marine Lab for 1990. Councilman Wight seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Clallam County Museum: Councilman Ostrowski moved that the Council approve the
allocation of $10,000 for the Clallam County Museum. Councilman Sargent
seconded the motion.
Councilman Ostrowski stated there is no increase over last year's request and
he felt this to be a real attraction within the City of Port Angeles.
Councilman Hallett stated this has been an on -going request; that in past years
the Council has been told that this would not be an on -going request, but that
the Museum would be exploring grant funding. He then expressed his concern
that the Museum should be exploring other avenues for funding.
Councilman Lemon suggested that the Museum request funding also from Clallam
The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
Clallam County Fair Association: Councilman Lemon moved that no funding be
granted to the Clallam County Fair Association. Councilman Gabriel seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Olympic Peninsula Tourism Association: Councilman Hallett moved that no funding
be granted to the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Association. Councilman Lemon
seconded the motion.
Councilman Hallett stated it was the direction of the Council to funnel these
types of requests through two organizations.
Councilman Lemon felt the advertisement was very expensive; it was not appealing
for Port Angeles as it had a picture of the ferry.
Councilman Sargent stated she would be in favor of not funding this request;
however, she would like to see it handled through the Chamber of Commerce; and
also that the picture be changed to a picture of the Chamber of Commerce with
the flowers in bloom in the front of the building.
The motion was voted on and carried, with Councilman Lemon voting "No
Councilman Sargent moved that the Council add $2,000 to the Chamber budget to
include the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Association brochure, with the request
that the picture be of the Downtown flowers, showing the Visitor's Center.
Councilman Wight seconded the motion.
Councilman Lemon was concerned because the request was for $2,500. If the
Council were to allocate $2,000, will the ad be able to be completed.
Councilman Gabriel preferred to see the Chamber use its own discretion as to
whether they think advertising in this organization is appropriate.
Councilman Sargent restated the motion, that the Coundoil allocate $2,500 to the
Chamber of Commerce appropriation to be used at the discretion of the Chamber
of Commerce for the Olympic Peninsula Tourism Association brochure. If the
brochure is to be used, the Council would prefer a picture of the Downtown
flowers and the front of the Visitor's Center.
Councilman Lemon offered a friendly amendment that the money should be used
strictly at the Chamber's discretion for the OPTA ad or left in the Hotel/Motel
Tax Fund reserves.
Councilmen Sargent and Wight accepted the amendment.
The amended motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Convention Center Hotel /Motel Tax Fund
as amended and that the remaining amount be allocated to the reserve fund.
Councilman Wight seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
It now being past 10:00 P.M., Councilman Hallett moved to continue the items
on the agenda Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried
Mayor McPhee recessed the meeting for a 10- minute break at 10:00 P.M. The
meeting reconvened at 10:12 P.M.
Eauipment Rental Fund: Councilman Lemon expressed his concern with the possible
overlap of the additional position upon the return of the Head Mechanic from
sick leave, and did not see the justification of putting the moneys in the
budget of seven and one -half months' worth and requested a recalculation of two
or three months.
Councilman Lemon moved that the figure of Equipment Rental include two months'
compensation as it pertains to the extra mechanic. Councilman Gabriel seconded
the motion.
Following discussion on the issue, the question was called and the motion
carried, with Councilmen Ostrowski and Hallett voting "No
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
revising the budget for the City of Port
Angeles for the fiscal biennium ending
December 31, 1990, and amending Section 2
of Ordinance 2516.
Councilman Lemon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, as amended.
Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
6. Request for Authorization for Mayor to Execute Sate Grant for Secondary
Sewage Treatment
This item was continued to the January 2, 1990, meeting.
7. Consideration of Ordinance Establishing Drug Task Force Fund and Solid
Waste Financial Assurance Fund (Continued from 12 -5 -89)
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing a Drug Task Force Fund and
a Solid Waste Financial Assurance Fund,
for the administration of municipal funds.
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
December 19, 1989
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and to direct
publication by summary. Councilman Sargent seconded »the motion which carried
8. Consideration of Ordinance Authorizing Interim Financins for DelGuzzi
Drive LID and Purchase Contract (Continued from 12 -5 -89)
December 19, 1989
Director of Administrative Services Wolfe made note that on Page 3 of the
Ordinance the interest rate should be 6.25
Councilman Hallett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and authorize
publication by summary form. Councilman Sargent seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Councilman Lemon moved to approve the purchase contract. Councilman Hallett
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
9. Consideration of Ordinance establishinE 1990 Salaries for Employees
Represented by AFSCME Local 1619
Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled
Councilman Sargent moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and to publish
in summary form. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion, which carried
10. Request to Set Public Hearings for Final Assessment on Alder Street. Sixth
Street. and Recent Street LIDs
Mayor McPhee read the Resolutions by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
authorizing the issuance and sale of
Local Improvement District No. 211
Bond Anticipation Notes in the
principal amount of $750,000 for the
purpose of paying the cost of
construction local improvements in
Local Improvement District No. 211;
providing the form, terms, conditions,
and covenants of said notes; providing
for the sale thereof; and providing for
the disposition of the proceeds of the
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing a pay plan for the employees
represented by AFSCME Local #1619 (Schedule
A), for the period of January 1, 1990,
through December 31, 1990, and providing
for the payment thereof.
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington, 4,
fixing the time and place of hearing
upon the assessment roll for Local
Improvement District No. 209.
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
fixing the time and place of hearing
upon the assessment roll for Local
Improvement District No. 210.
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, Washington,
fixing the time and place of hearing
upon the assessment roll for Local
Improvement District No. 212.
Councilman Hallett moved to pass the Resolutions as read by title. Councilman
Wight seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
11. Discussion of Establishing Procedures for Incoming and Departing
Councilmembers Mavor McPhee
Mayor McPhee suggested that the new Council establish procedures for incoming
Councilmembers. He felt it would be appropriate to recognize outgoing members
of the Council because of the tremendous amount of time that Councilmembers give
to the City of Port Angeles, to give a dignified recognition, possibly in the
form of a certificate.
Councilman Sargent suggested this subject be brought before the Memorial
Councilman Hallett concurred.
No further action was taken on this item.
Manager Flodstrom provided information to the Council on the Tozier Marine
Parkway Trail. A trail access is being gifted by Mr. Tozier from approximately
Masters Road traveling along the railroad right -of -way into the City of Port
Angeles, just east of ITT Rayonier. This gift would allow the City to add
approximately one mile to the Waterfront Trail.
Councilman Hallett moved that the Council accept the easement as presented by
Mr. Tozier and the Tozier Trust, and authorized the Mayor to sign the documents.
Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Sargent requested that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr. Tozier.
Councilman Sargent requested that Information Agenda Item No. 19, the letter
from the Association of Washington Cities regarding the sale of weapons
legislation, be placed on the January 2, 1990, City Council Agenda.
Councilman Gabriel moved for adjournment. Councilman Hallett seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M.
December 19, 1989