HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/20/1956 I I I 'I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 527 DAc,:.,mhp-:r 20 19~ ..., . '"'"", ...... "moo..., '''''"" ..... ..... The City.Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Neer. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Mayor Neer, Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Matthieu, McFadden and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns <lnd Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting.be approved. Seconded by Councilman M~tthieu and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, bids for the City's liability insurance during the year 1957 were received as follows. Smith Insurance Service, J. Lyle Beam, Inc., 5,616.81 and Farmers Insurance GrOup by ~. C. Gellor & Son Agency, Aldwell & Wenner Co., Deposit Prem. ium plus premium for physical damage 2,393.76 $ 6,586.93 4,464.03 4,274.72 LengthYdiscussion f~llowed regarding association membership, differential in bids sub- mitted, and, inability of certqin companies to file complete breakdown of items, It waS moved by Councilman Sandison that,hearing on insurance bids be continued until Thursday, December 27th. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and'carried. One bid was received f~om M. H. Rhodes, Inc., to furnish parking meters. Amount per meter, $47.00, F.O.B. Destination. It was moved by Councilman Smith that bid be approved and accepted. Seconded by Cmuncilman McFadden and carried. , Motorola Communications and Electronics Inc., submitted the only bid to furnish the City 'jtwo-way FM radiotelephone equipment in amounts of: Item 1, Three Motorola Model T41GGV-l , ' frequency"transmitter, unit price $417,30, Total $l,251.90 Item 2, Same as Item 1, with exception of 120 KC Channel spacing. Unit Price $408.00, Total 1,224.00 It was moved by Councilman ~atthieu that bid be accepted at discretion of the City Manager~ Seconded by Councilman SmIth and carried. Fixed Estimate Claim was filed by Richard Thorgrimson of Preston,Thorgrimson and Horowitz, Bon8ing Attorneys, in amount of $2,014.30 for service~ rendered in issyance of bpinion as to validity of $509,537.76 of warrants and $247,029,38 of bonds for L.I.D. No. 167. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that Claim be approved and warrant issued in payment of the same. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Under the head of new business, owners of Tugboat Tavern and Palace Tavern appeared re- questing perrnssion to extend closing time for dancing until 2:00 O'Clock A.M. New Years Eve. The State Liquor Board having approved, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that the City also comply with request. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. Claims paid December lOth and 11th were approved in total amount of $10,276.54. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that claims be approved as paid. ',Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. Attorney Severyns submitted opinion as to responsibility concerning sidewalk on Second Street between O~k and Cherry Streets. It is the opinion of Mr. Severyns that the City has no legal responsibility for maintaining the walk on private property although the City , would be liable !f the walk is left,accessible to pedestrians. 'The Attorney will invest- igate further to ascertain if the City can demand removal from private property. Minimum prices on sale of property were requested as follows. Lots 1 to 14 InCl., Block 450, Townsite. I It was moved by Councilman Smith that minimum be fixed at $1,400.00. man Matthieu and carried. . " Lots 9 and 10, Block 155, Townsite, It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that minimum be fixed at $360.00. man McFadden and carried. Seconded by.counCilj Seconded by Council- Council authorized publication of c;lls 'for bids to furnish the City during the year 1957 gasoline, diesel, fuel oil and lubricating oil, bids to be opened January 17th. It was moved by Councilman Smith that bids be published. Seconded by C04ncilman McFadden'and carried. Council discussed whether or not it is feasibl~ tm invest surplus City funds in bonds of L.I.D. No. 167. ~'!.Lt.h~flini~r.._'Le.!.ge_e!.,_tl:!At_t_h~(;.uaranty Fund shoul~p_t intact although $55,000.00 of Light Funds might be aV<lilable ifflroper series of bonds are obta inabl e. It was iiiOved~byCounc ilmanSilli th that$-557000 ;""o.o-oiLi ght_FundsJie-) rwested. ' Seconded-by COUrlcilman_Matth,i'eu and ca6"ied._-' - --- --- - ~ - - - The following Resolution was introduced and read in full, providing for PurChase. RESOLUTION NO. 42-56 A RESOLUTION authorizing and directing the Treasurer of the C~_ty~ort An.geles to invest s urp'l us fundsoftiieTi'gh-CDep.art'iiieilt. -_.- .. It waS moved by CounCilman Smith that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. A proposed agreement between the City and Clallam County for installation of a storm sewer at Franklin School waS given due consideration. It w~s moved by Councilman McFadden that ~~irr~~~r be authorized to execute such agreement. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and Mayor Neer officially accepted an Award of Honor from Automobile Club of washington, this being a certificate of honor citing the City, there having been no fatalities in pedes- trian-traffic accidents in six years. !, Council discussed whether or not the City Hall shouid be closed December 24th. City 528 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 20 Continued 19~ City' Manager Vergeer reported essential work needed to be performed December,24th. Council~ man Smith moved that City Hall remain open for business. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and tarried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on second and final reading. ORDINANCE NO. 1381 AN ORDINANCE transferring budget appropriation withi~ the 1956 budget which items are not within the same budget" classifications as provided by the laws of the State of Washington, I'and making an emergency appropriation of $135.00 to cover Social Se.curity expense in the Judicial Department of the City of Port Angeles. The City havi~g adopteQ by resolution ISocial Security for its employees, which Social Security. became retroactive to January I, :1955, and the amount of liability not having b~en established pripr to the adopti5n of the I budget and, , lIt was moved by Coun~ilman McFadden that the f~regoing Ordinance be passed second and final Ireading and finally ~dopte~. ~econded by Councilman Smith and carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and re~d in full for Council consideration. ORDIN~~CE NQ. 1382 . , AN ORDINANCE fixing the annual salaries, compensation and wages of the various classifi- cations of employment applicable to the different officers, assistance and employees of ,the City of Port Angeles, and determining the, time of payment thereof and fixing hourly I Irate for certain CIa, ssifications of employment and providing funds for temporary emplOyeeSj It was moved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. ISeconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. ' , f/icouncil conside,red an Oi-di[lance prepared for the purpose of amending'Ordinance No. 1114, I which would reduce the rate as provided for collection of Admission Taxas. It was moved C ".by Councilman McFadden that the Ordinance be tabled indefinitely. Seconded by Councilman ~.j'Sandison and carried. ' Mayor Neer, on behalf of the Council, extended tm all a very Merry ChristmaS and Happy, 'Prosperous New Year. , I Nor further business appearing, the me:ting was declared j - (j t: ~, , ,(/City Clerk adj ourned. QL /j/l ?~ Mayor Dece~ber 27, 1956 I The City Council met ih special session at 7:39 P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Neer. Officers present were: Mayor Neer, Councilmen Smith; Sandison, Matthieu, McFadden 'and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. I ' , P',lrsuant to continuation of ~earing from December 20th, bids for the City's Public Liability !Insurance "fere again cO\lsidered. I ~anager Vergeer informed that,the bid by Aldwell and Wenner Co., is the low bid if the same is legally acceptable. It was the opinion of Attorney Severyns tha~ bid is legal and con- ~tract wou~d be binding. After due consideration, it was moved by CounCilman McFadden that ~he ~ow b1d by Aldwel! artd Wenner Co., be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carrled. . I -The following Resolut:i:on 'was introduced and rea'd in full: I I A RESOLUTION aCcepting bids and awarding a oontract for liability insurance on benalf of the City of Port Angeles, Washington for the year 1956 to I 'It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu an'd car'ried. I ' fhere being no further business, the meeting was declared I , RESOLUTION NO. 43-56 9 (;" ';;L ev-V' (J City Clerk adjourned, ~. Mayor }(~~ ~ ~NOTICE OF SALE LEGAL PUBLICATION REAL PROPERTY I NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE is hereby given that. NOTICE is hereby given t h ft't the City of Port Angeles w1ll sell s~a..led bids will ,b~ received by to the highest' and best bIdder the ~rig~~ ~~el&c Ofc1r~; :i~\1 gr ~~tJ ~:~i1'~g descl.'Jbed. real property, City, Wlti15:00'o'clock P. M., Jan- t505tsTO~ns~~ M~mu~l~rfc~ i nary 17, 1~57. to .Jurnish for the a1'l fj'l:ed by City Co u n c j 1 ''ft:~Y'~c~~Y~J7~'e~~i~~W:;e d~r~~ $360.00. ' R~~ebBio~~~e, i6Wga~~~nf~lt~: se~~r~ds is ~y{~~~ !~Xi~~~ to; fiJercih 4d~~~v~ra~bo~ ~o geia;~ ~~& s~~l~c~t ~~~ M~,lt~a~:~~y~V~ I Fire Hall and Chlldl'en'S-.Hall, and 19!57 a:nd no," ..later, Bid must be i ~~':;t~~~n~e Od~ ~11 'pCd~redE~~~: ,r;~Ornr:O~bYr g;;:tOS~~ a%o~t Wagon prIce basis and exclusive: bid or .th9 Of~r WIll n~t ibe con. ~~ic~:ra~O orMa~J;C?~~es c~bo~~: ,:', ~~~t~e r~j~tCaO~C~~ ~1fe~ki~~ tlans. 'TIle City Council l'eserves I .. ,J. E. LAW ~e :l\&~~ld~ ~~Ct~t ~~~';~eC~te!l~~ ;P~b::Y5~~. ~~.r~956, Jan. 4, 1957T separntely at their discretiol1. , ~j~~' c~:r.": l Pub: Dee, 28, 1956, JIUi. 4,1951T l '5.\Q~> "'~ 't.'f..\'-~\\~~ ') I(; f/1ort" ..>-\~ 0'( ~).e;c ~ o~\l>'"'' ?' e ..,~,"" I I I, I