HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/20/1962 Proceedings of tne City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Wasnington DECEMBER 20 19~ . . . "'"'''G .G, ...,," ..... Officers present were: Mayor Maxfield, .J and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, Attorney MOffet~I' It was moved by Counc'ilman Willson that minutes of the previous meeting be accepted, as received, [ and placed on file, Seconded by Councilman vlolfe and carried. . The Chief of Police reported that after study and observation, he feels that installing parking 1\ meters in front of and adjacent to Gil' s Radio and TV, 408 South Lincoln, will solve the loading "1 prob.lem. After considerable discussion, it was moved' by Councilman Willson that on recommendation[, of the Police Chief that parking meters be installed in this area. Seconded by Councilman Thorne 'I' and carried. i , . The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Counci.lmen Smith, Thorne, Haguewo?d, Cornell, Willson and Clerk McNeece. , After discussion regarding the installation of a City Center Mote.l sign on City property adjacent !I. I to the new Municipal Library, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that a council committee be appointed to go to the site of the sign with the City Manager and discuss the location with the motel operator and report back to the counciL Seconded by Councilman vJillson and carried. The i I Mayor appointed Councilman Haguewood, Willson and Thorne on this committee. I The City Manager reported the estimated cost of installation and recommended the purchase of the overhead system from PUD at a tota.l estimated cost of $3,915.00, so as to service the four resi- dential units and a saw mil.l on the south side of .16th St. on Pine Hill. It was moved by Council- man Wolfe that the City proceed with acquiring the necessary installations to service this area , with electricity. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimous.ly carried. The Chief of Police and the City Attorney having gone over the Model Traffic Ordinance submitted I the Council for study, and feeling that the original ordinance drafted by the City Attorney covers I the requirements of the City, it was decided to reconsider this . ordinance at the next meeting-- " the Council to be furnished copies of the re~itten ordinance in the meantime. ~ The following bids to furnish gasoline, diesel oil and PS 300 fuel oil for the City of Port Angeles during the year .1963 were received: Mobil Oil Co., Regular gasoline, $.2125 per gallon, Ethyl, \' $.2425, Diesel PS 200, $ .1171; City Fuel, Diesel PS 200, $ .17.1 per gallon, PS 300 Fuel O,il, $ .115; ]1 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., regu.lar gasoline, $.2215 per gallon TIW, $.2185 TIT, Ethyl, $.2565 T/W;' I Peninsula Fuel Co., PS 300 Fuel Oil per gallon; $.098; Olympic Fuel Co., regular gasoline, $.2.1J9pet I' gallon, Ethyl, $.2419, Diesel PS 200, $,ll59; Richfield Oil Corp., regular gasoline $.2132 per galf, long, Ethyl, $.2429, Diesel PS 200, $.1122; Texaco Inc., Regular gasoline, $.2097 per gallon', Ethy.\., I $.2394, Diesel PS 200, $ ..1141; Tidewater' Oil Co., regular gasoline, $.2114 per gallon, Ethyl, $. 24~4, Diesel PS 200, $..1147; McMahan Fuel, Inc., Diesel PS 200, $.1249 per gallon, PS 300 Fuel Oil, $.10$. I: Diesel> PS 200 ," Seconded by I It was moved by Counci.lman Smith that the bid for Gaso.line be awarded to Texaco Inc, to Richfield Oil Corp. and PS 300 fuel oil to Peninsula Fuel Co. as per their bids. Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. No bids were received for Lots 5 to ,10, Block 356, Townsite. Price as established by the Counci.l was $1,800.70. The Pub,lic hearing on the vacation of certain alleys in the City of Port Angeles was opened for j comments for, or against, vacation. The Mayor read description and location of alleys concerned, ' I all being north-south a.lleys and not in use. Also informed that in vacating these alleys, the I' I property owners immediately adjacent to them, acquire one-half of the alley, except for the right of way reserved for utilities and repairs to utilities. After discussion, there being no objectio.' to the vacation of the a.lleys, the meeting was closed. The following Ordinance was then introduced and read in fU.ll: ORDINANCE NO. 1497 Seconded by II, I I A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles fixing the time and I place for hearing upon the assessment ro.Ll for Local Improvement District No. IBO. II It was moved by CounciLman Willson that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Council-" man Smith and unanimously carried. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating certain alleys. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the foregoing ordinance, as read, be passed. Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried. The fO.llowing Resolution was introduced and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 15-62 The Mayor reported on the meeting of the Finance Committee held December .18, to discuss possible transfers of funds to the Current Expense Fund and the Swimming Pool Construction Fund. The anticipated over expenditure of the Swimming Pool Construction, as of December 3l, being $7,134.66 due to extras and additions authorized during construction of pool, it was recommended that $7,200[: be transferred from the Park Dept. surplus cash balance to take care of this deficit. The transfe~ to be paid back in 1964. A $30,000,00 transfer from the Light Department surplus cash balance to I the Current Expense Fund was recommended to forstall any deficit in that fund, due to some esti- mated receipts from the State which have not yet been received, This amount also to be paid back in 1964. A .lengthy discussion was had concerning the necessity for these transfers and why the Current Ex- pense Fund is so near dep,letion, Councilman Wolfe pointed out that Some of the difficulties seem , to arise from an over estimate on receipts into the Current Expense Fund, the budgeting for ex- penditure of all estimated receipts, and the lack of direct taxation millage in the fund the past i two or three years to keep a "working capital" balance built up in the fund. ....... I I I I I I I I Proceedings of tne City Commission of tne Ci~ of Port Angeles, Wasnington 14'7 ., I DECEJlIBER 20 19B- I." H_P~INTIHC co. ~~__z.zu_ ~ After more discussion, the following Ordinance was introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles declaring an emergency, and making transfers between certain funds. The City Attorney pointed out that the $7,200 transfer from the Park Department into the Swimming Poo,l Construction Fund constitutes an emergency, and pursuant to State statutes governing, must be introduced one week before fina.l date of passage. The $30,000.00 transfer from'Light Department to Current Expense is an interdepartmental transfer and not an emergency. Friday, December 28th, at 5:00 p.m. was set for date of voting on the passage of the ordinance. Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting, December 18th, were read. The commission unanimously recommended that the City Council approve the app.lication of Mr. F. P. Fisher for permission to construct a garage building approximately 18' x 24' at 531 W 7th Street to be used to conduct a small saw and lawn mower sharp~ning business in addition to storing his car. The application to be approved by a revocable permit that would take effect should any interference arise from his operation, also the usual six months within which to start construction be applicable. It was moved by Counci~an Cornell that the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval of Mr. Fishers application, be approved. Seconded by Councilman Willson:and carried. The P.lanning Commission also recommended that the application of the pun of Cla.llam County for permission to construct a warehouse facility and pole yard in Lots 119 and 120, at 18th and M Streets, be approved. It was moved by Councilman Willson that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the application of PUD accepted, Seconded by Councilman Smith and Ii carried. It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the Planning Commission minutes be approved and placed on I file. Seconded by Counci.lman Willson and carried. A communication was received from the City Engineer recommending that the retained per cent <$9,54$.30) be paid Randall Kilmer Construction Company, as the thirty day period since completion and accep"' I' tance of work done and material furnished on the Alley Paving in Lower Peabody L.I.D. No. 180 has 1 elapsed and no incomplete or defective work has been discovered for which the City of Port Angeles, makes claim. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the retained per cent in amount of $9,548.30 I I' be paid to Randall Ki.lmer Construction Co. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried" II . Notice that "Notice of Hearing Resolution of Intention" has been mailed to reputed owners of each I lot, tract, or parcel of land, listing the portion of the total estimated $15,752.65 cost of LID i No. l85 to be borne by each was received from the City Engineer. The method of financing the new sewer project LID No. 185 was discussed. A memo from the City Manager informed that the Firemen's Pension Fund can finance the project if the council so desires and recommended that this method of financing be used. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the LID No. 185 project be financed by interest bearing warrants purchased by the Firemen's Pension Fund at an interest rate of 4-"3/4%. Seconded by Coun- ci.lman Thorne and unanimously carried. The Light and Power Department and Water Department Work Reports were presented for approval. It I was moved by Counci.lman Haguewood that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Wi.llson and carried. I Claims payable were presented for approval in amounts of: Genera.l FUnds, $92,256.44; Water Fund, $2,581.55 - warrants No. 11811 - 11831; Light Department, $66,217.25 - Warrants No. 11541-11569; Pipeline Fund, $733.73 - Warrant No. 361. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the claims in total amount of $16l,788,97 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. Counci.lman Thorne abstained from voting on motion. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the payroll for November in total amount of $66,249.82 be approved. Seconded by Counci.lman Thorne and unanimously carried. The Mayor reported that a request has been received from Mr. John Glann, Supt. of Schools, as to what rate the City would charge to supply e.lectricity to the new Junior College. In a memo, the City Manager gave an outline of the cost of required installations and pointing out the power factor and peak load demand involved, and expressing the opinion that the lowest rate the City should agree to supply the electricity would be 6 mills. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Willson that the City Manager be authorized to notify the School that the City will give the 6 mill rate plus demand factor charge, subject to possible revision.at time of 1 the City's new contract with Bonneville Power Adm. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. An invitation was received from H. T, Rogers, Chief Probation Officer of Clallam and Jefferson Counties, to the City Council to attend an informal meeting with the Clallam County Commissioners, local legislative representatives and .local professional people to discuss a proposal for the es- tablishment of a full time Child Guidance Center and a district Juvenile Parole office in Port Angeles. The meeting to be held January 2, 1963, at 7:30 p.m. in the board room of the General Administration Building of School District 21, 216 E 4th Street. I i II I I. II II \ ...... There ",'"' "" [0","" "",in"" '", .."in, ..~. hi /1 ~ 72~ AUO//~ CITY CLERK ___ ~ MAYO 11/1 ~y;.L ,~ {J