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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
n~r.emh~r 21, l~~R
The Conunission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call
showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Conunissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney Conniff
and Clerk Hawkins.
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted:
Bill Willaims, Construct Home, on Suburban Blk.54, Townsite
John McFadden, Construct Home, Lot 18, Elk. 283, Townsite
O. J.. Hulse, Remodel Dwelling, Lot 20, Blk. 425, Townsite
J. J. Tower, Restaurant
Nathan Cohen, 2nd Hand Dealer
Olympic Recreation, 1 Amusement Machine Device
SOD .00
Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following Resolution was introduced:
WHEREAS, The City Commission of the eity of Port Angeles is mindful and appreciative of the importance
and value of adequate recreational facilities for its adults and children, and,
WHEREAS, It also realizes the necessity of an organized personnel and a comprehensive plan in connection
with its recreation program,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that there be and there hereby is appointed what shall be known as the
"PORT ANGELES RECREATION~OUNCIL" to consist of thirty-six (56) members, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That those who are appointed on said Council to act for the third year, ending
December 15, 1959, and until their successors~appointed, shall be the following:
Mrs. Chas. Heckman
Mr. W. C. Adams
W. A. Saari
Leslie Belton
Al Lamoureux
N. ltuth Fint
M. J. Senz
Leon G. Sutton
C. U. Gagnon
C. W. Headrick
Harry Stockinger
J. C. Karstetter
A. B. Crowley
'red Radke
Mrs. Kate Needham
Urs. W. Bruce
E. O. Groves
Pete McGoff
Mrs. J. It. Eldridge
Mrs. W. G. Taylor
William Rose
Clifford R. Winston
Ernest Wardaugh
Wilbur Bailey
Henry Charnell
E. C. Lemley
N. D. Kennedy
Mrs. Alex Geis
Mrs. .l'ete Mc"off
W. D. Welsh
E. C. Steele
Clayton Hay
Rollin Bowles
Ralph Smythe
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Council shall elect for each year during its existence the
following officers: A President, a 1st Vice-Prssident, a 2nd Vice-President, a 3rd Vice~President, a
4th Vice-Prseidnet, a Secretary-Treasurer and an jtxecuti ve Conuni ttee composed of eight members of which
the Mayor and City Attorney shall be ex-officio members; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Council shall act in an advisory capacity in connection with all
matters concerning recreation and shall have power to make recommendations concerning the same to the
City Commission of Port Angelee.
It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Co~~ssioner
Henson. On roll call all members voted ~e. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
The Recreational Council submitted a set of By-Laws which were read and ordered filed.
The Conunission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same:
DorotllY Taylor Stenographic services ...' 25.00
V. A. Samuelson &Co. Repairs ;>\\ ./ 3.20
Water Department Pay Roll 228.00
Association of Washington :Cities Membership 200.00
Grange Warehouse Seed,' etc. 6.00
Grange Warehouse Seed >-<> 15.90
Johnson & Berk Paint, etc. - 6.50
Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following ordinances were read in full and placed on
their first readings:
AN ORDINANCE repealing No. 1018 of the City of Port Angeles, entitled, "An Odinance relating to the
rates and charges for the use of electric energy and water of the City of Port Angeles and declaring an
emergency, II and declaring an emergency.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
December 21, 1938
13 "
AN ORDINANCE a'llending Ordinance No. 1028 of the City of Port. Angeles, relating..to the use of electric
current furnished and distributed by the City of PortlAngeles and prescribing and fixing charges and rates
for the sale of the same; providing a discount for the prompt payment of bills for electric current used;
providing for the termination of service for non-payment for electric current used; providing for and
declaring an emergency; placing this ordinance in" full force and effect after its lawful publication.
There being no further business the Conunission then adj9)JI'ned.
City Clerk
/'\ ~< Mayor