HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/21/1982 . I I 373 City Council Meeting Port Angeles, Washington December 21, 1982 I SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Duncan called the special meeting to meeting is to conduct an "Agenda Review". The meeting is open to the public. order at 6:30 P.M. The purpose of All councilmembers were present. II CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the regular meeting of the Council to order at 7:00 P.M. II I ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus and Quast. Membe rs Absent: Councilman Whidden. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L.Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, R. Morgan, M. Campbell and G. Booth. Public Present: S. Fahnestock, D. Price, D. Zanon, P. Simpson, R. Levin, D. Bragg, L. Sunny. R. Wright and J. Drain. IV MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved minutes of the December 1982 regular meeting. the Council accept and place on file as received the 3 & 4, 1982 special budget meetings and the December 7, Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. V CONSENT AGENDA VI Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including Washington State Liquor Control Board correspondence, vouchers of $1,011,273.59 and Payroll of $176,547.39. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I that sealed bids will be received at the Office of the . City Manager, 140 West 1. Permission to Call for Bids for 1983 Petroleum Fuel Products. . Front Slreet, Post Office Box : 1150. Port An-geles, Wash. ,ington 98362, until 2:00 P.M. Orton I on February 17, 1983, for H d ,I furnoshing J>I"oleum prod. or YK ucts for public Qgen('Les within CloHam (ollntY'. Washington, during ihe year I ~~~~O(t documents. indoo- ~ ing -Notice and Inslructio~s 2 , to Bidders, Proposat, S.peerl- Mayor Duncan summarized Light Director Cosens memorandum recornmenc icolions, ond ConlrOCl, ore' gotiate an agreement with Schuchart and Associates to perform a feal ~~~il~~~~ko~+'~:eO~ii;~eoif:~::-1 on the Morse Creek Hydro Proj ect. Councilman Hordyk reported on bE Angeles, 140 Wesl Fronl Utility Advisory Committee and moved the Council authorize staff t~ Street, Port Angeles, Washington, agreement with Schuchart and Associates to perform the Feasibilit] 8ids will be opened and, Mors Cr k H d P . t for a a 0 t ot t ed $49 300 COI tabulated at 2:00 P.M. on e ee y ro rOJec n m un n 0 exce ,. February 17, 1983, lor con. Gerberding seconded. Councilmen Haguewood and Polhamus qUestioned1 siderotion by the City Co~n' (. conducting the feasibility study at this time. Council discussed cil 01 ils regular meellng I March I, 1983. ' at length and on call for the question, the motion carried with Co~ The City reserveS 1he right ' Haguewood and Polhamus voting "No". , 10 accept or rejec1 any or 011 ! bids or any port tl1ereof. David T. FlodSotrom City Manoger Pub" Feb, 9. lqB3 FINANCE Councilman Quast moved the Council approve Finance Director call for bids for 1983 petroleum fuel products. Councilman the motion carried. 2. Proposals for Feasibility Study of Morse Creek Hydro Project. , 3. Bid for Official City Printing. Councilman Quast moved the Council award the bid for the City's 1983 official printing to the Daily News,. the sole bid r-eceived. Councilman Gerberding . I , 373 City Council Meeting Port Angeles, Washington December 21, 1982 I SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Duncan called the special meeting to meeting is to conduct an "Agenda Review". The meeting is open to the public. order at 6:30 P.M. The purpose of All councilmembers were present. II CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the regular meeting of the Council to order at 7:00 P.M. I II ROLL CALL Memb ers Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Polhamus and Quast. Members Absent: Councilman Whidden. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L.Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, R. Morgan, M. Campbell and G. Booth. Public Present: S. Fahnestock, D. Price, D. Zanon, P. Simpson, Bragg, L. Sunny. R. Wright and J. Drain. J on; ~ n -. '9l911-~ ') pue 41GI ~ 'Sa)UDllddo 'JeAJp/J6LJSDM i "J9 Z 'A,uedn>oo 31'0'1031'/1'/1' LZ9l'Z~t , 'H!ld 'IZ AJfllueJ '~91$ I o~ 06$ WOlf S~lI&WI)OdO sno ~!JO^ 'UO!'O~O, NM01NMOO; "a^" G981'l~t "led I ou "llnp'lf '061$ '~eO pue i PJE fO J&UJO:> 4D pe4o::l-01 ^IIU9!UeNuo.> ,oJ9 l '9xnl ~ -eo 'S1N31'/1ij'o'd'lf HJ~nHJ OZGL-Z~t 'ow/OGZ$ "J9 Z '3~~'o'1 9~t6' LGt- L 'a.~allo:> IIDJ '~e!nb 'lIo ~DJo 'sHnpo 'ucap Iue^ 'pocIJO:;l I 'AJpUtlDI 'J81...pmMlfS"!p "ow , '08L$ "J9 L 'a6Jol 'ij3M3Ni pelfSIUJn,Un 1..1 '.,ueWI.lDdy If I I IV MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved minutes of the December 1982 regular meeting. the Council accept and place on file as re 3 & 4, 1982 special budget meetings and t! Councilman Gerberding seconded and the mot; v CONSENT AGENDA VI Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under Agenda including Washington State Liquor Control Board correspondel of $1,011,273.59 and Payroll of $176,547.39. Councilman Polhamus I the motion carried. r. . FINANCE ,_ 1. Permission to Call for Bids for 1983 Petroleum Fuel Products. tL:!~~~~S .~~~o,~.n~i~v '__:).~~ Councilman Quast moved the Council approve Finance Director Orton's request to call for bids for 1983 petroleum fuel products. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. 2. Proposals for Feasibility Study of Morse Creek Hydro Proiect. r Mayor Duncan summarized Light Director Cosens' memorandum recommending Council ne- gotiate an agreement with Schuchart and Associates to perform a feasibility study on the Morse Creek Hydro Project. Councilman Hordyk reported on behalf of the Utility Advisory Committee and moved the Council authorize staff to negotiate an agreement with Schuchart and Associates to perform the Feasibility Study on the Morse Creek Hydro Project for an amount not to exceed $49,300. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilmen Haguewood and Polhamus questioned the need for conducting the feasibility study at this time. Council discussed the motion at length and on call for the question, the motion carried with Councilmen Haguewood and Polhamus voting "No". ~-~0127}l;>" ,h_~ NOTICE OF CALL',,' ) fOR BIOS . PU8UC PRINTING . 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN . ,,' thot seoled bid. will be Councilman Quast moved the Council award the bJ.d for the CJ.ty s 196 received by the PorI Angele. printing to the Daily News" the sole bid received. Councilman Ger CityClerk,CityH"II,l~OWe.t Front Street, Port Angeles, I'/".hington, un!il 2:00 P.M, December 16,1992 for lhe of- ficial printing for ttle City of Port Angele, for 1983. Publicotion, to be publi.hO<l in regvl(lr iss'lJOS of the IUtws.poper owarded :said contract. Bids to be submitted on (I "charge per column inc;h" bos.is. The City re'e",e. the right fo reject any or of! bids. Marian C. Parrish Ci!y Clerk I'ub,: Dec, 7, B. 12, 1962 3. Bid for Official City Printing. . , , VIII 374 seconded and the motion carried. 4. Payment for City's Participation in Utility Defense Group - WPPSS Litigation. Council discussed at length with Attorney Miller the payment of $6,990.16 to ~ Riddell, Williams, Bullit and Walkinshaw for the City's 9/26/82 to 10/25/82 participation in the Utility Defense Group. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council authorize the payment of $6,990.16 to Ridell, Williams, Bullit and Walkinshaw; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Haguewood voting "No". VII 1. Items from the Audience not on the Agenda. Robert Levin, Economic Development Council Director, reported the Small Business Economic Revitalization Program has received requests for assistance from 15 businesses in the local community. 2. Items from the City Council not on the Agenda. Councilman Quast noted that of the City's reported budget (I'f $30',000,000,- $24,000,000 of that reflected throughput passed on t6'~~A for power sales. This reflects an operating budget for the City of $6,000,000. He also compli- mented Manager Flodstrom and the leaders of the Downtown Parking Association, Downtown Merchants' Association and Downtown Development Group for their planned merger. LEGISLATION 1. Master Plan/White Creek Park Preliminary Planned Residential Development Following the July 6th public hearing on the White Creek Park Preliminary Plat and PRO, the City Council requested a Master Plan for the proposed development be submitted as required by the original annexation agreement. Consideration of the Master Plan, submitted November 16, was tabled at the November 16th meeting and remained on the table at the December 7th, 1982 meeting. At the request of the developer, Councilman Quast removed himself from consid- eration of the White Creek Park PRD at the July 6, 1982 public hearing; and, upon consulting Attorney Miller, again excused himself from consideration of the issue and left the meeting room for the safety of the record. Mayor Duncan also noted for the record Councilman Whidden's absence from tonight's meeting. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council remove consideration of this item from the table; Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. Planner Carr summarized his memorandum of December 17, 1982 which provided background infor- mation on the White Creek Park PRO application process, and previous Planning Commission and Council action with respect to the PRO. He noted some amendments to the proposed Master Plan submitted November l6th and summarized available options to the Council in considering: 1.) the Master Plan, and 2.) the PRO. Council then discussed with staff elements of the Master Plan and PRO at length. Councilman Haguewood suggested the proposal for the public park to be dedicated to the City should be referred to the Parks Recreation and Beautification Commission for their review and recommendation. Councilman Gerberding also noted that provision for public access to White's Creek Ravine as required in the annexation agreement had been omitted from the Master Plan. Several Councilmembers expressed concern for the impacts the increased traffic flow created by the PRO would have on Porter and Campbell Streets; and discussed with staff the proposal for the sanitary sewer to be installed. Councilmen Gerberding and Polhamus both noted concerns for a lack of working details to address the mitigating measures identi- fied in the Master Plan. Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council deny acceptance of the Master Plan as the Master Plan does not address specific miti- gations to the identified impacts created by the proposed PRD. There was no second to Councilman Gerberding's motion. After further discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the Master Plan as it is in compliance with the original annexation agreement. Councilman Haguewood seconded and after further discussion, the question was called for. Councilmen Haguewood and Hordyk voted "Aye" and Councilmen Gerberding and Polhamus voted "No". Mayor Duncan, voting to break the tie, voted in favor of approval of the Master Plan. . I 375 Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the White Creek PRD and preliminary plat located south of Campbell Avenue; east of Mount Angeles Road; bordering White Creek on the east subject to the following conditions.: 1. The internal dedicated right-of-way, including the southern stub, shall be constructed to a 34-foot wide paved surface, without sidewalks, in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations, Ordinance No. 1631. Onsite sewer, water and storm drainage facilities shall be installed to the re- quirements of the City Public Works Department. Seven fire hydrants shall be installed to the requirements of the City Fire Department. A detailed final utility plan shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Public Works and Fire Departments. 2. Th~ applicant shall provide a storm water detention basin of sufficient size to service the development and the remaining immediate area in the annexation described in Ordinance No. 1972. To determine the most appro- priate design of that storm water detention basin or some alternate method of addressing storm water run-off so that the rate of run-off does exceed the existing run-off for a 25-year storm, and the run-off remains in 'the White Creek drainage basin, the applicant shall provide a detailed storm water drainage study. 3. Porter Street, between the site and Campbell Avenue, shall be dedicated and constructed to a 40-foot wide asphaltic-concrete paved surface with curbs and gutters on both sides. Sewer and water lines shall be extended from the existing City system to the site. 4. Campbell Avenue, between Porter Street and Mount Angeles Road, shall be improved to a 40-foot wide asphaltic-concrete paved surface with curbs and gutters on both sides. 5. The applicant shall provide a sanitary sewer line to Eighth and Frances to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. The Public Works Department shall confirm the adequacy of the line at 8th and Frances. If the applicant proposes alternate improvements, such as the elimination of point source in-flow in the existing sewer line between the site and 8th and Frances Streets, SO that the municipal sewerage system can accom- modate the volumes generated by the White Creek PRD and potential devel- opment in the immediate undeveloped area within the boundaries of the Master Plan, a detailed sewerage analysis of the proposal shall be pro- vided by the applicant. The Public Works Department shall determine the acceptability of such an alternative. 6. Every building shall be accessible by way of access roadway with all- weather driving surface of no less than 20 feet of unobstructed width, per Uniform Fire Code, Section lO.207(a). 7. A detailed electrical service plan, including street lights, for the PRO and connection to the existing system, shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Light Department. 8. All peripheral common areas shall remain in their natural wOOded state along the north border and within White Creek Ravine. Trees and shrubs shall be planted along the west boundary and wherever reinforcement of natural flora is required to provide visual screening. 9. An improved off-street parking area shall be provided for the central public park under the BPA right-of-way, in accordance with Ordinance No. 1588. The number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined by the Planning Commission prior to approval of the final planned resi- dential development plan and plat. 10. , 11. 12. 13. l4. 15. All multi-family dwellings of three or more units and two or more floors must have a fire alarm system as per City of Port Angeles Ordinance No. 2145. This may be either 12 Type AE units of 1 Type BE fire alarm system with automatic detection with zone enumeration on the entrance of the six-plex entering the facility. Premise address identification numbers are required, per the Uniform Fire Code, Section 10.208. Prior to filing application for approval of final PRO plan, the developer shall provide the required detailed studies to the satisfaction of the appropriate City Departments. Porter Street between Campbell Avenue and Park Avenue shall be improved to a 40-foot wide asphaltic-concrete paved surface with curbs and gutters on both sides. The applicant and Homeowners Association shall provide an easement for public access on the trails in the White Creek Ravine. Upon the recommendation of the Parks Recreation and Beautification Commission, the applicant shall either dedicate the central open space area including the tennis court to the City as a public park or retain the central open ~ ~ - L:9~~S-- -- ORDINANCE NO, 2238 AN ORDINANCE of the Clly of Port Angeles amending Ar. tide- IX, Ordinance No. 1709. to tnelude exemption of cer- I .ain str'Uctures from fot I coveroge calculations. IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by I the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The tirst paragraph of Arlicle IX, Or- dinonce No. 1709, is amended to read os loltows: "Section 1 - Foregoing Regulations Subiect 10 this AMide. The foregoing regula- tions pertaining to the severol zones sholl be subject to the generol provisiol1s, conditions and exeptions con. toined in this Article," Sedion 2. The second paragraph 01 Article IX, Or. I dincnce No. 1709, is amended to read as follows; ~ "Section 2 - lot A,.eo Not to be Reduced, ExcepHons. No lot area sholl be 50 reduc- ed or dimini.hed thai Ihe 101 oreo. lot width, yards or other open space! shall be les5 than prescribed by these regulations for. tl1e- zone in which it is located, nor shall the densily of populalion be increased in any monnef" ex- cept in conformity with the regulations. However. for' the purpose of encouraging the construction of offstreet park- ing space under or within buildings rather than in rear, side or front yard!1, the following exceptions to . minimum lot oreO$ sholl be permltted: For eoch 10 1001 by 20 foot 'area to be permanently teserved and us-ed for 0 park~ ing space under or witnin 0 building, a 101 area credit of 300 square leel sholl be per. I mitted. Said lot orea c;redit can be deducted from t"e reo quired mInimum lot area, Qr con be IJsed to increa'Se c pro. portional number of permit- ted dwelling units in motels and multi.family structures. Said lot areo credit. however. I sholl not apply to the reduc- I tion of ony building line setbacks. Section 3, The third paragraph of Article IX, Or- dinan-ce No. 1709, ~s amended to read os follows: "Section 3 - Use of lots or Parcels (on.tQirting More than Minimum Required Lot Area. Wilen a lot contains subston- tially tWQ or more times the minimum lot area required '01" the zone in whic::h it is located. and the owner desires to use each unit of area equl.....alent to the minimum lot orea os a separate building site. pro- vided not more thon four (4) such units result, and no dedication of streets, oUeys, or other public ways. public eas.ements or public utility easements ore involved, such I area units may be so utilized by resorting to the .sptit rot g pro(lJedure~ Os prescribed in the subdivision code. When such units ore tflus defined, ' then all of tne provisions of these reglJlations governrng the use of a lot in the zone in which such property is: locoled shall opply therelo, Eoch resulting unit sholl be required to have frontage upon a dedicated public street or rood," Section 4. The fourttl paragraph of Article IX, 0,- drnance No. 1709, is amended to read os. foUews: "Section -4 - Th~ough.lofs Legals May Be Divided in Certoin In- .tonce., Through.Jols 160 feet or more in depth may be im. proved as two separate lots, with the dividing line midway between the street frontoge$, and each resulting half shall be s-l,lbject 10 the contrQls ap- plying 'to 1he street upon which suc;h helf feces. If each resulting half be below the minimum lot Qre(l 0$ deter- mined by these regulations, then no diviSion moy be made. II the whole 01 any through. lot is improved ~s one building site. the mom building stloll conform to the requirements of the zone of tfle frontoge occupied by !Such main b:uilding, and no -ac- cessory building sholl be located closer to either street than the distonce constituting the required front yard on such stree1. u Section 5. The fifth paragraph of Article IX, Or. dinance No. 1709. is amended to reod os follows: "Se-ction 5 - Measure-men1 of Front and Side Yards. Front yard requirements shal1 be measured from the tront pro. perty line. Side yards abut. ting a street or olley shall be measlJred from the property line that abuts the right-of. way line." Section 6. The sixth paragraph 01 Arlicle IX, Or. dinance No. 1709, ~s amended to read as follows: "Section 6 - Irregular Shaped Lol.., The dislance across the front building line of an irregulor shaped 10f shall be considered 10 be tne lot widtl, of $oid lots." Section 7. Tl1e s.eventh paragraph of Arficle IX, Or- dinance NO. 1709, is amend- ed to read os follQws: "Section 7 - Yard Re- qlJirements fOf" Property Abutting Holf-Slreets or Street Designated by en Of- ficial Control. A building 001" structure s~all not be erected on c lot which abuts a street having only 0 portion at its re- quired widlh dedicoled ond where no part of such dedica- tion would normarly revert to said lot H the street were vacated, unle'Ss the yards provided and maintained 1n connection witn such building Or s.tructure have 0 width or deplh of that portion 01 Ihe lot needed to complete the road width plu. the widlh or deplh of the yards required on Ihe lot by these regula- tions. This section opplies to all tones. Where on official control adopted purusuat to law in- cludes plans for wfdening af existing streets, the conne,,- ting of existing streets, or the establishment of new streets, the placement 04 buildings and the maintenance of yards, wnere required by these regulations, shall relate to the future s1reet boundaries as determined by said omdal control:' ~ Section 8. 'The eighth paragraph of Article IX. 0,. dinance No. 1709, is amended to read as fallow5: "Section 8 - Exception to Yord Requirements. When tt,e side lot line of 0 lot in ony zone adjoins the side lot line of a lot in a more restrictive zone, then thoe adjoining side yard ~or such lot s.hall not be les-s than the minimum side yard required in the more restrictive zone." Section 9. rile ninth. paragraph of Art_!~de IX, _9r- ~- ~ - ...----------- ---. -....... --- I Legals I dtnonc;e No. 1709, is amended f to read 'Os follows: "Section 9 - Yard and Open Spoce Regulalians, Ex. eept os provided in this Arfi- cle. every required yard and open space sholl be open and unobstructed from t"e ground to the sky. No yard or open space provided around any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of these Regl,ltoHons shall be con'Sidered as providing a yard or open space on on ad. ioin i""9 lot or percel whereon a building is to be erected." Seclion 10, The lenlh paragl"oph of Article IX, Or- dinance No. 1709, is- am-ended to reed as follows: "Section 10 - VISion Clearance. In 011 Residential and Residenlial Buffer Districts 011 COrrter and reverse corner lots sholl maintain, for safety vision purpo$es. 0 triangular area within wnic" no tree, fence. shrvb, woll or other physical obstruction sholl be permit- led highe, Ihan thirty (30) in- ches above the established grade. Soid frianglJ lor area .holl be measured as follows: STREET INTERSECTIONS - At any intersection o.f two street rights.of-way two side-s of sa;d triangular area shall exlend Iwenty (20) leel along both righf-of-woy lines. measured from tl1eir point of intersection. STREET AND ALlEY IN- TERSECTIONS - AI any in- tersection of street and olley rights-o'-way two sides of soid triangular area shall ex~ lend ten (10) feet alang bolh rights.of.way, measured from 1heir point of inter$ec1ion. STREET AND DRIVEWAY IN- TEItSECTIONS - at any in. , ter:section of (l street right.of- way Gnd Q driveway, the sides of eoch reqlJi...~d triangular area shall extend len (10) leel along Ihe .Ireet righl.ol.woy line and twenty (20) leel along Ihe edge of the driveway measured from the point of inte:rsection of each side of the driveway and the s.treet right-at-way line. Section 11. The eleventh paragraph of Article IX. Or- dil1ance No. 1709. is amended to read os follows: "Secfion 11 - Driveways. Width location and number of curb-cuts 'or driveways per lot Sohal! be determined by .tondords designed by Ihe ci. ty engineering department:' Section 12 - The Iwelfth paragraph of Article IX, Or- dinance NO, 1709, i. anlend- ed to read 0$ follows: "Section 12 - Accessory Buildings. OetSJ-ched ac- cessory buildings on the feCI" one Ihird 01 the 101 only are permitted not doser tholl 10 feet to rear property or olley line and three feet to the side property lines, except obut~ t;ng 0 s.treet." Section t3,_The_ thirteenlh paragraph of Article IX, Or- dinance Nod. 1709, is amend- ed to read as follows: "Section 13 - Permitted In- trusions into Required Yards. The following intrusions moy proiect into ony reqvirad yards: 1. Fireplace structures not wider Ihan eight (8) feel measured in the general direction of the wall of which it is a port: thirty (30 inches.). 2. Unenclosed, uncovered porches, terraces or londings, when not extending above the first floor of the buildings, ~ may extend not more than six (6) leel in Ihe fronl, eignt (8) feel in Ihe rear and three (3) r feet in the side info any re- quired yard, provided however. on open railing or gri Ilwork not exceeding thirty (30) inches in height may be constructed around any s-uch porch., terrace or lendings:' 3. F-lanHng boxes or masonry planters not ex- ceedIng thirty (30) inches in height may extend a max- lmum of three (3) feet into any r~quired ~r.ollt yard. Legals Section 11. The following new paragraph is added to Atticl. iX, Ord.nonce No. 1709: "Section 17 - Sl,.Ibs-tondord Lal, A legal building or struc- ture may be permitted on 0 lot of record providing it rheets all front. side and rear yard requiremants." Section 18. T~i$ Ordinance sl,oll be effective os provided by iaw, PASSED bV Ihe City Council of the City 0' Port Angere~ ot Q regu lar meeting of said Coundl held on the 21s1 day of December, 1982. Dorothy Duncon MAYOR ATTEST: Morian C, Parrish, City Clerk Approved as to form: Craig L, Miller, City Allorney Pub.: Dec. 29, 1983 - I , ~..r .1IIii=.....,.,~... 11"111I1 ,\,I,,,,". 4. Eaves with 0 maximum overhang of thirty (30) inches. 5. Detached accessory building on rear one third of lot only are permitted not closer than three feet to side nor ten feet to rear property lines or alleys. Section 1.4. The fourteenth paragraph of Article IX, Or- dinance No. 1709, is amended to read os follows: "Section 14 - lot Coverage Exemptions, The following sholl be exempt from the maximum lot coverage re- quirements of any of the several zones: 1,. Sidewalks, driveways and uncovered off-street parking spaces. 2. The first thirty (30) inches of eaves. 3. Uncovered and unenclos- ed concrete, brick and stone patios, wood decks and plat- forms not more than thirty (30) inches above grade, pro- vided however an open rail- ing or grillwork not ex- ceeding thirty (30) inches in height may be constructed above any such patio, deck or platform." Section 15. The fifteenth paragraph of Article IX, Or- dinance No. 1709. is amended to read as follows: "Section 15 - Walls, Fences, Shrubs, Hedges. In all Residential and Residential Buffer Districts a wall, fence, shrub or hedge may be main- tained to 0 maximum height of six (6) feet on property not otherwise restricted. All vi- sion c1ecrance requirements sholl be maintained." Section 16. The sixteenth paragraph of Article IX, Or- dinance No. 1709, is amended to read os follows; "Section 16~Storoge of Merchandise, Vehicles in Yards and Rights-af-Way. Sn Residential and Commercial Districts the storage of mer. chandise, appliances or vehicles in front or side yards sholl be prohibited. fn no zoning district shall the storoge of any orticles or vehicles be permitted to ex- tend into public rights-of. way. " , I , ~-- 376 space area as private open space. If the Parks Recreation and Beautifi- cation Commission recommends retention as private open space, the Homeowners Association charter and covenants shall be revised to provide for the maintenance of that central open space area. As findings of fact, the Council cited the following: 1. The White Creek Park Planned Residential Development is located in the Suburban Residential Environment designated by the Comprehensive Plan, in which townhouses and planned residential developments could occur; and the proposed density does not significantly exceed the planned overall neighborhood density in this environment and complies with criteria A of 17.70.120 of the Zone Ordinance. 2. The development complies with Residential Policy No.3 which encourages the application of the PRD concept, rather than total platting into in- dividual lots and complies with criteria A, B & E, l7.70.l20 of the Zone Ordinance. 3. The utilities and public facilities proposed comply with Residential Pollcy No. 5 for the Suburban Residential Environment and criteria A & D,17.70.l20 of the PRD chapter of the Zone Ordinance. 4. The creation of the central open space area and other common areas further Residential Policy No.6, encouraging consolidation of open space; cri- teria A & B of 17.70.120 of the Zone Ordinance; and A & D of 17.70.061 of Zone Ordinance. 5. The preservation of White Creek Ravine, a unique scenic and environmental characteristic, complies with Residential Policies Nos. 12 and 13 and with criteria A and B of l7.70.l20 of the Zone Ordinance and with criteria A of 17.70.061 of the Zone Ordinance. 6. The proposed. landscaped visual screening and buffer areas will increase the compatibility of the development with adjacent and nearby low-density development in compliance with criteria C of 17.70.120 of the Zone Ordinance. 7. The internal and external street, sewer, water, storm drainage and fire protection systems, as proposed and conditioned, are generally adequate to accommodate the development; and the proposed street will be connected to an improved collector and arterial street in compliance with criteria D & E of 17.70.120 of the Zone Ordinance. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion. Councilman Gerberding noted his opposi- tion to the motion as he felt the PRD and preliminary plan were in non-compliance with Comprehensive Plan Residential Policies Nos. 3, 9, and ~5, Comprehensive Circulation Policy No.8, the Zoning Ordinance as respects RS-9, PRD requirements for municipal utilities, services, facilities, and streets and noted his recom- mendations for the PRD as outlined in his memorandum submitted at the July 6, 1982 public hearing. On call for the question, Councilmen Haguewood and Hordyk voted "Aye" and Councilmen Gerberding and Polhamus voted "No". Mayor Duncan, voting to break the tie, voted in favor of approval of the White Creek Park PRD and preliminary plat. Councilman Quast returned to the meeting room. 2. Amendment to Zoning Code. Council had directed staff to prepare an amending ordinance to the Zoning Code at the December 7, 1982 Council meeting. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2238 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2238 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Article IX, Ordinance No. 1709, to include exemption of certain structures from lot coverage calculations. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title; Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. ---}...:~(I-~, AN ORDINANCE pr;,oINANCE NO. 2205 wesll50 feel of F~U:lhe s~'ty tOf Pori, ~ngele. vacating the WHEREAS, 0 petition is on&~lee:~t 0 eo~ody Street. le$ to vacate the entire Fourth St:~:/h~ ;1.Y of Port Ange. Peabody Street -end Vine Street; and rig t~of-woy between WHEREAS, the requi,ements of Cha I . Slole Environmenlol Policy Acl h per b43,21C RCW, Ihe public hearing has been held b' OV~ een ~et and 0 public notke purSUQnt '0 ell . t Y t3hse C9"Y Council following WHEREAS op er ,7 RCW' and , vocollon of the we.t 150 f....t ~f 'd F h ~~u ~ 501 ourt Street is of bene-fit to and in the interest of t'h-e public; now, therefore, IlE IT ORDAINED IlY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES a. follows: Section 1. Vocotion. Subject to the terms and conditlofl'$ of this. Ordinance. the followlng described portion of Fourth Street is hereby vacated: That portion of Fourth Street abutting the soute,erly line of Lot. 10, 11 and 12. Illock 66, C. C. Leighton'. Addition 10 the Townsile of Pori Angeles; AND thai portion of Fourth Street obutling the northerly line of Lois 7, 8 ond 9, Illock 171, Town.ite of PorI Angeles, Clollom County, Washington. Section 2. Compensalion, Pursuant 10 RCW 35.79.030, Ihe compensation required for thao vacation of this portion of Faurlh St,eel i. $l,II4Il.00. Section 3. Easement Reserved. Pursuant to RCW 35,7'9,030, .he City of Port Angeles hereby reserves on easement over the north 20 feel of the southerly 32 feel of Ihe vacated ri9ht~of~wClY, for public acc::eS'S to the Fourth Street righl-of- way, for fire protection. and lor the construction, repoir Clnd maintenance of utilities. including utilities belonging 10 the Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company. Sec::tion ..4. Special Terms cnd Conditions, A. The owners of the property abutting the vocoted portion of Fourth 5treel shall tronsler to the City of Pori Angeles on eosement for use by the public as CI public trail at least ten (10) feet in width, the cenler line of which follows the following described line: Beginning at a point in the Northedy line o' Lots 10 through 18. inclusive, in Block b6 of C. C. Leigt11on's Subdi. vision of tn.e Townsite of Pori Angeles, os recorded in Vol~ ume 1 of Plats, poge 94, re-cords of Cloflom County, Wash. ington, lying Soyth 56 degree .37' 34" East, a distance of 150.46 feet trom the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 10; thence So, 29 degree 03'59" West, a distance of 3,75'; Ihence So, 0 degree 59'40" Wesl, 0 di.tonce of 39.SI'; then-ce So, 2 degree 57'51" East, 0 distance of 11.87'; I~ence So.'12 degree 56'30" Ea.t, 0 distance of 20,03'; thence Sa. 18 degree 39'59" East, 0 dislonce of 20.03'; thence 50.15 degree 48'14" Eost. a distance of 7.86'; Ihence So, 29 degree 05'51" East, a dislance of 40,79'; thence So, 52 degree 13'09" Easl, 0 distance 01 39,08'; thence No. 62 degree 04'03" EOSI, a di.lonce of 27.38'; the-nee So. 47 degree 34'02'" East, 0 distance of 18.03': fhence So. Il degree 41'14" East, 0 distance of 18,03'; thence 50,28 degree 07'38" Easl, 0 di.tance 0112.98'; thence So. 49 degree 55'43" East, 0 di.lance of 10,77'; thence So. 39 degree 26'2S" East, 0 di.lonce of 8,41'; thence So. 62 degree 32'00" East, 0 dislance of 36,82'; thence So. 3 degree 2.4'51" Eo'St. 0 distance of 8.94'; thence So. 44 degree 54'38" East. 0 distance of 15,52'; tnence So. 51 degree 46'50" East, 0 distance of 10,77'; thence So. 14 degree 02'40" Eosl, 0 distance 0114,57'; thence 50.56 degree 37'53" Ea.t, 0 distance of 7.93' 10 the Easterly line of said Lot 18 and the Eosterly te.minu$ of said Ifne. B. The owners of the property abutting the vacated street sholl construct Q trail over the easement conveyed to the City pursuan' to Subsection "A'" of this Section at the time of construdion of any building or structue on any of the property abutting said "oooted Fourth Street, to the $otis- faction 01 the Parks and Recreation Department ond the Public Works Oepartment of the City of Port Angeles. Section 5. Quit Claim Deed, Upon compliance with the terms and conditions o' th.is Ordinance, e)((ept Section 4(8), Ihe owner of obutling properly enlilled to Ihe vacated street, pursuant to RCW 35.79.040, may present a quit daim deed to the City of Port Angeles for exe-cution by the Mayor. who is hereby authorized and directed to execute such quit clolm deed, Such quit c10im deed sholl include all re$-ervotions,' ,ondi.tions. or other qualifications upon the title estoblished by this ordinance, Section 6, Effective Dote. Thi-s Ordinance shall be eHective upon tne satisfaction of the lerms and conditions of tn,s Ordinance, except Section 4(1l), and Ihe Clerk is hereby directed to file, record and publish ttlis Ordinance upon tnot sotis'odion, PASSED by Ihe City Council of the Cily of Part Angeles 01 0 reglJ'or meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of De- cember, 1982. Cefo,hy Duncan MAYOR AlTEST: Modon C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. Miller, City Attorney Pub,: Jon, 12, 1983 ~- -- ~""E c C"l~ g 1 i 5 e 01 (5 ~ ~ g' (; ~ ~ co~o ~.;. V) CIJ tt x ~ ~ 0 ~g~~~;~~~~;-~'~i= ~ ~~~~- i t E~- ~ui ~~oa~.- ~.~~cEE~G~ 8 ~~~WC S J ~ce ~ci~ > Ql..c. g 0 rD C';'.ij ~ "'l:I C ~ : tL c C ~ 0 E ...~ ~ :E 0 .~ ~ 0 _. _ 0 ~ ffi Qj:=..g o:g ~ g Q l! i c':: ~-5 e -0 c z ~ ~ ~ ~ (;.s 5 N 5 ~~ <CQ:; ~~ t; ~~ ~ U '5o! E d-;l "5.~ C> .9''0> CD ~ (& c..~.E itD...c.....- "lI'~< o:ioC'o~g 1o'I.s;""U 0 'Q..ii: mE I- c: "'COJ'ii..c c(") ~ _~~o..~~""'_.2...~.:::~C"I~~ fri .t:t:~&.o -5~ ~~o ~ *-~- .....~oEl::8ooQ; 10 ~~lI'l..c. ~O-:o~"""'c(:50 w..c.1.. ~ N ~o..~~~~6~g-:~~~~; g &~~i~Eo~~ ~:'~.o 0 ~.s%~ o~:ociiS'~~ ~~ ~.2 6 g,-a 00 84:- s~~ ~ ~,~-Sg! ~ o_<~(")~cc=~...c~- u41:i~"'OmM~t:V-5Q..<=e :::dI:::&.O . Z c..... .g ~ c 5 e ~-o ~ lti.~ ~ f ~ c....l g ~""g ~ i _ 0 < g-Q..;: -t ~ ~ e 0 ~ -::oa._-=UI.LO::!Il')NIl')';ItI-Q.Q. l:I: 0-0'\1)0:: aI :I: ca.a.. a... . I , . , , 377 3. PICO Street Vacation Ordinance The Council passed Ordinance No. 2205 at the April 6, 1982 Council meeting. The ordinance is not, to date, in effect as all the conditions have not been met. Mayor Duncan referred to Attorney Miller's memorandum regarding Ordinance No. 2205 which includes the legal description to define the easement for the public trail and then read Ordinance No. 2205 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2205 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating the west 150 feet of Fourth Street east of Peabody Street. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 4. Proposed Annexation Resolution. Mayor Duncan read Planner Carr's memorandum regarding the Planning Commission's recommendations for adoption of an annexation resolution incorporating elements of a Master Plan and the two annexation resolutions passed by the Council in the 1970's. She then read the following resolution. by title, entitled A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles establishing policies for the annexation of property adjacent to the City into the City, and repealing Resolution No. 18-78. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title and Councilman Polhamus seconded. Council discussed the proposed annex- ation resolution at length with staff. Councilman Gerberding recommended the motion to adopt the proposed resolution be amended to require a detailed master plan addressing specifics of the annexation development; require consideration of modification to the annexation agreement to occur after a public hearing; ~"~ to further define "access" to a development to include roadways and walkways. Councilman Quast then recommended the proposed annexation resolution be amended to include specific standards and definitions for streets, improved streets, arterial streets, collector streets, general specifications for utility corridors, and general specifications for street corridors. Councilman Hordyk also recom- mended the resolution address mitigating annexation of an area currently paying PUD utility rates. Councilman Quast then moved Council table further consider- ation of the motion to allow staff opportunity to amend the resolution as recom- mended; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion to table carried. Councilman Quast then moved the Council direct staff to specifically define the following terms as respects the City street system; unimproved, improved, improved A, improved B, improved C and improved D and to designate those cir- cumstances A, B, C and D shall apply; and to refer these to the UAC and Planning Commission for their consideration and advisement before bringing them to the Co~ncil. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 5. Planning Commission Minutes - December 8, 1982. Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Commission minutes of December 8, 1982 with the following action being taken by the Council: Conditional Use Permit-Master's Baptist Church The Council considered Master's Baptist Church application for a conditional use permit. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve Master's Baptist Church application for a Conditional Use Permit, soecifically for Parcels 2 and 3 of Short Plat No. 79-6-8 as recorded in Volume 7 of Short Plats, page 54, Records of Clallam County, to use an existing single family structure as a church meeting place and the adjacent lot for parking located at 520 Golf Course Road, Port Angeles, subject to conditions 1 - 5 as recommended by the Planning Commission and condition 6 as recommended by the Council; as follows: 1. Because of the change in land use and resulting traffic generation, a pro-rata contribution be made to the Golf Course Road Improvement Fund. ORDINANCE NO, 2239 AN ORDINANCE oOhe City of Port Allgeles relating to the use of public sf'reets in the l City of POri Angel.s and r establishing a speed limit thereon. BE iT ORDAINED BY THE CI. TY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGelES os lollaws: Section 1 , It shall be unlowful 10 operate a motor vehicle or any other vehicle at 0 s.peed ir'l excess of the following speeds in the fo~lowing locations: A. 30 miles per hour on Lauridsen Boulevard from the eos' margin of Uncol" Street west to the western City limits of the City 01 Port Angeles; 8. 30 miles per hour on lin- coin Street 'rom the north margin of Lauridsen Boulevard to the south margin of First Street: C, 2Q miles per hour on Lin. coin Street fram the north margin of Front Street to the south margin of First Street; o. 35 miles per hour on First Street from the east margin 01 Lincoln Street to the west margin of Goll Course Rood; E. 35 miles per hour on Front Street from the west margin of Golf Course Road west 10 the east margln of Linearn Street; and F, 2Q miles per hour when passing any marked school or playground crosswalk when such mork&d c.rosswolk is fu1. Iy posted with standard I school speed limit signs or standard playground speed limit signs. in any location listed in any al the sub. paragraph. 01 this .ection, above. during the times po'Sted on SQid 5chool and playground speed Umit signs. Section 2. The above speed limits shotl be posted and en- forced notwithstanding ony higher or lower speed limits to the contrary in Ordinances 1 S41, 1374, or 1310, or any Ci- ty code. Section 3. This Ordinance shall-be lorwarded to the Deportment of Transportation for approva' by the Secretory of Trons.portotio" pursuant to t RCW .6,61,.15(5), along with such documentatio" as may exist or reasonably may be produced which will help in. sure its opprovor. Provided that, if the Secretory of Transportatlon denies QP., provol for ony speed limit for . any location- covered by this Ordinance, ,ne maximum l speed. in .thot location wi II be the lowest maximum speed accept.abretOtne Secretary of '\ Transportation but not below the sp..d limit of this Ordinonce. Section 4. This. OrdInance shall take eHect live days cher ?ublicotion or after ap. proval by the Secretary of Transporta'ion, whichever is loter. Section 5. If any provision- of this Ordinance or its op. plicotiorl to any person or cir. c1Jmstance, is held invalid, the remainder of the Or- dinance. or the application of I tne provis.ion to other penons ,or circu-mstances is not of. I fected, and to this end the I provis-ions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting or said C01Jn<:iI held on 1he 2lst day of December, 1982. Dorothy Dvncon MAYOR ATTEST: Mariorl C. Parri~n City Clerk Approved 0$ to form: , C.-oig l. Miller, City Attorney Pub,: Dec. 2'/, 1982 . I , . I , 1 .... 378 2. That the church connect to the City sewer system. 3. A final off-street parking plan, in accordance with Ordinance 1588, be prepared and submitted to the Public Works Department. 4. Fire exits be designated, fire extinguishers be installed and other requirements of the UFC and Fire Marshal be followed. 5. A ten foot wide landscape buffer and a corner hedge of shrubs with a mature height of six feet adjacent to the west and south boundaries of the property. 6. 'No parking'sign to be put up along declivity abutting Nancy Lane Street on the north and Golf Course Road on the west. He cited the following findings of fact: A. This residential area does not have a church or other institutional use. B. The church is generally compatible with the residential character of the area. C. With the application of Conditions 1 and 2, street and utility impacts can be minimized. D. The Conditional Use Permit is in the general welfare and best interest of the City. Councilman Quast seconded and the Council expressed concern that the applicant be advised of the requirements for off-street parking and lack of on-street parking in the vicinity. After further discussion, the motion carried. Conditional Use Permit - Olmstead . Councilman Gerberding moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the Olmstead application for a conditional use permit to establish a retail feed store in the CSD-Cl District at 1611 South "c" Street for a period of one year for the operation as described by the appli- cant during the Planning Commission public hearing, subject to compliance with the Fire Code. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. Final Plat Hearing - Cronauer Councilman GerberdiJg moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the Cronauer final plat consisting of 4 lots on 3.2 acres located north of Milwaukee Drive, between "N" and "0" Streets, because it complies with the preliminary plat and the requirements of the subdivision ordinance. Councilman Hordyk seconded. Councilman Polhamus expressed concerns for a lack of provisions for improving Milwaukee Drive between "N" and "0". Planner Carr noted that at the time this plat was filed, improvements were not required of short plats. Since that time, regulations for improvements have been provided for. They could not be applied to this plat however as the applicant has met the conditions of the preliminary plat. After further discus- sion, the motion carried with Councilman Polhamus voting "No". Councilman Gerberding then moved the Council accept and place on file as re- ceived the Planning Commission minutes of Decmeber 8, 1982. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. 6. Ordinance Re-establishing Speed Limits for State Highways and Streets in Port Angeles. Mayor Duncan referred to Attorney Miller's memorandum regarding the speed limit ordinance amendment and read Ordinance No. 2239 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2239 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles relating to the use of public streets in the City of Port Angeles and establishing a speed limit thereon. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. ORDINANCE NO, 2240 AN ORDINANCE. app,aving and adapti"g the budget ja, the City aj Port Angeles for the liscol year 1983. . THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES DO OROAIN a, follows: ! Section 1, That the budget lor the City of Pori Angeles lor the year 1983, a, prepared by the City j Manager lor said City, and linally amended. li.ed and determined as 10 every item by the City Council alter Public Hearing having been held an Tuesday, December 7, 1982, and nalice of ,aid hearing having been given and published in the manner provided by law it is hereby adopted, ap- proved and confirmed. Seclion 2, That Ihe fallowing is a summary 01 the totals 01 estimated revenue' and oppropria. tions lor each separate lund and the aggregate total lor all ,uch lunds combined, Estimated Expenditure Revenues Appropriations Department or Fund A. General Fund City Council City Manager City A"orney Planning GenerClI Admjnistratton Fire Police Parks Admini$trotive Services Public Works '11.478 87,993 98,866 99,322 776,773 642,576 1,416,895 897,513 707,968 377,291 '5,254,398 '5, 116,675 '66,000 '10,000 760,613 758,585 83,425 83 .425 230,141 221.129 '1,140,179 '1.073,139 '92,750 '92,750 128,184 128,184 167,813. 167,813 '388,747 '388,747 '20,516,675 '20,516,675 726.451 708,556 1,588.277 1,588,277 '22.831.403 '22,813,508 '910,484 '733,871 '910,484 '733,871 '685,320 '606,815 '118,714 72 ,000 '804,034 '678,815 '31,329,245 '30,804,755 '3,067,718 2,059,471 24,088,312 842,000 747,244 '30,804,755 TOTAL, GENERAL FUND 8. S~~~~le~~~~n~::t~~ds Street Arterial City Street Fedora I R.aven u-e Sharing TOTAL, SPECIAL FUNDS REVENUE C. Debt Service Funds 1977 Water Revenue 80nds Revenue Bonds. 1960 Water Revenue 1978 G,O, Band Pier TOTAL, DEBT SERVICE FUNDS D. Enterprise Funds light Solid Waste Wafer/Sewer TOTAL, ENTERPRISE FUNDS E. Intro.Governmental Funds Eauipment Rental TOTAL, INTRA-GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS F, Trust and Aaen(\{ Funds Self In:S-u(Qnce Fund Firemen's Pension TOTAL, TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS TOTAL FUNDS Total Expenditures for Besic Account!>>: 510 Gene-tol Governmen1al Services 520 Securi1y of Persons & Property 530 Pl1ysical Environmen1 5.40 Transportation 590 IntrogovEtrnmel'ltcl Services Total Section 3. The budget r'efeaed to in Section 1 above is on file in the oUice of the City Clerk at tile Cit)' Hall. 140 West Front Street in Port Angeles, Washington, and 1S adopted by reference, Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit 0 complete copy of the final budget -as adopted by this Ordinance ta the Division of Municipal Corpof"otions in the office of .he S.o.e Audttor and to the- Association of Washington Cities. Section 5, This Ordinance shall be in lull farce and effect alter its passage, approval and publica. tion os provided by low, PASSED by the City CQuncil 01 the City 01 Port Angeles at 0 regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day 01 December, 1982. Dorothy Duncan, MA VOR ATTEST: Marion C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig l. MiUer, City Attorney Pub.: Doc&mber 29, 1982 1 . . I , . I , 379 7. 1983 City of Port Angeles Budget. Mayor Duncan referred the Council to Manager Flodstrom's memorandum regarding alternatives and recommendations for consideration and adoption of the 1983 City of Port Angeles Budget. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the following policy statement regarding the preliminary 1983 City of Port Angeles Budget which, in short, recommended the following: l. Approve addition of staff positions as requested in the preliminary budget. 2. Approve 5% cost of living raise for union personnel as required by union contract. 3. Approve the following cost of living raises for non-union personnel: 5% for employees earning less than $2,000 per month. $lOO per month flat raise for employees earning more than $2,000 a month exclusive of department heads. (Provision excluding department heads deleted during discussion of motion and subsequent amendment.) 4. Approve human services budget with the request for funds for NOCS for youth alcoholism treatment to be included in'the line item for alcohol re- ferral; provided, however that approval of the human services budget is dependent upon the continued receipt of revenue from the local option sales tax. If the tax is repealed, the funds will be withdrawn. 5. Defer request for funding to Clallam County Humane Society for further consideration in January of alternatives for housing animals picked up by the City Animal Control Officer. 6. Approve the Solid Waste Budget; deferring approval of the rate increase pending comparison of the utility's operating costs for garbage collec- tion with bids from private contractors to provide this service. Councilman Polhamus seconded and Council discussed the motion at length with Manager Flodstrom. Councilman Haguewood recommended a $100 flat raise for all non-union personnel and after further discussion, Councilmen Quast and Polhamus concurred to amend the motion to include the department heads in the $100 flat raise for non-union personnel earning over $2,000 a month, but to retain the 5% raise for employees earning less than $2,000 a month. The Council also discussed allocating a portion of the reserve funds accruing from the local option sales tax to employ unemployed individuals in City projects. It was determined this matter could be considered in conjunction with the proposal for a Community Relief Fund and would require further Council consideration in . January. On call for the question, the amended motion carried with Councilmen Haguewood and Hordyk voting "No". Mayor Duncan then read Ordinance No. 2240 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2240 AN ORDINANCE approving and adopting the budget for the City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1983. Councilman Gerberding moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". 8. Renewal of City's Janitorial Contract Mayor Duncan referred to Finance Director Orton's memorandum regarding renewal of the City's janitorial contract for 1983 and read Resolution No. 42-82 by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 42-82 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City Manager to execute a services contract for janit'orial servcies during calendar year 1983. Councilman Hurdyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title; Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. 9. Amendment to Sales Tax Ordinance. Mayor Duncan reao Attorney Miller's memorandum regarding an amendment to the initiative procedure on the City's recently enacted Local Option Sales Tax and then read Oidinance No. 2241 by title, entitled . ~'Legals ORDINANCE NO. 2W AN ORDINANCE of t~e City of Port Angeles esloblis~ing the I time for commencement of ~ sp~ciol initiative procedures 1 against the sotes. or use tox I o .t~ori led by RCW i 82,14,030(2) ond omending I ~~~i~~C~iOo: ~;~i,~c~f 2~~~ I Port Angeles Municipal Code. I 8E IT ORDAINED by t~e City I CouncH of t~e City of Port I Angeles os follows: Section 1, ~ection 6 o~ Or- dinonce No. 2225 ond Section 3,14.060 of t~e Port Angeles Municipal Code ote each emended to reed as follows: rl1is ordinance shall be sub. ject 10 Q special initiative. The number of registered yo'ers I needed to sign 0 petition for Spedollnitiotive .~all be 1 S% of the total number of nomes of persons listed os registered volers within the City' on t~e doy of t~e last preceeding municipal generol election. If a Spec:iallnmativ& Petition is filed with the City COLJncU, tl1e operation of this. ordinonce shall not be suspended pending 0 final decision on the d.sposition on t~e Special Initlotive, The pro- . cedures for initiative contain- ed in RCW 35A,l1.IOO s~all apply to ony such Special In- itiative Petition. Section 2. rt'lis ordinance s~oll toke effect os provided by low, PASSED by t~e City Council I of the City af Port Angeles at . o regular meeti~g of said i Council ~eld on t~e 21 st doy of December, 1962. Dorothy Duncan MAYOR ATTEST: Marian C. Po(rish City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Croig l, Miller City Attorney Pub.: Dee, 29. 1982 . I , . . . I , 380 . ORDINANCE NO. 2241 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing the time for commencement of special initiative procedures against the sales or use tax a:uthorized."by RCW 82.14.030(2) and amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. 2225 and Section 3.14.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title; Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 10. BPA Wholesale Power Contract Amendment X recommendation regarding an amend- delaying the hearing process on rate increase. She then read Mayor Duncan summarized Power Manager Booth's ment to our wholesale power contract with BPA BPA's rate methodology until after their 1983 Resolution No. 43-82 by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 43-82 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a letter agreement dated November 2, 1982 to contract No. DE-MS79-8lBP90450 between the City of Port Angeles and the Bonneville Power Administration. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 11. Community Relief Fund Council and Manager Flodstrom continued their discussion of the formation of a Community Relief Fund as proposed at the December 7, 1982 meeting and discussed at tonight's meeting under consideration of the 1983 Budget. Problems associ- ated with use of the utility billing system as a means of soliciting funds were addressed as well as consideration given to effectively distributing the funds. It was determined that more information regarding alternative proposals needed to be collected and considered at a later date in January. 12. WPPSS Update Light Director Cosens updated the Council on recent developments with regard ~ to the WPPSS 1983 Budget and the Chemical Bank Lawsuit. The Council concurred to continue to abstain on approval or disapproval of the WPPSS 1983 Budget. 13. Amending City's Agreement with Downtown Parking Association Manager Flodstrom reported the merger of the three downtown entities; The Down- town Parking Association, Downtown Improvement Group and Downtown Merchants' Association.would require an amendment to the City's current agreement with the Downtown Parking Association for management of the downtown parking lots, . Council instructed Manager Flodstrom to negotiate an amended agreement with the new entity similiar to the current agreement and bring it back to the Council for their approval. 14. Request from Juan de Fuca Camp Fire Inc. to Remove Trees - Webster Park Mayor Duncan read a letter from Doris Doyle,Executive Director of the Juan de Fuca Camp Fire Inc. requesting Council consideration of their request to remove some of the trees in Jesse Webster Park as the trees drop needles which create maintenance problems for the clubhouse. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council refer this item to Parks Director Frizzell to obtain a qualified forester's assessment of any hazardous conditions of the trees in the park. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. IX LATE ITEMS Manager Flodstrom noted the police auction held on bicycles today netted $l,360 in revenue. X ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Gerberding requested information On the requirements for bicycle reflectors and questioned what is allowed as a multi-family unit in a Planned Residential Development. Councilman Quast requested information on the services proviced by Diversified Industries included in the human services budget. He also requested an update ---- ,I -...J (I .~.I.'.' , , -"..." . ~. ~ 381 on the status of the tourist brochure for Port Angeles being prepared by the Chamber of Commerce. Councilman Polhamus requested information on the recent 8th and C intersection channelization. Del Price, Chronicle, requested information on the Council's action on approval of the 1983 Budget. IX ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 10:30 P.M. 9;z~ c'!. /~ City Clerk MBJ~ ~