HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/24/1947 ;1 I' II II II Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 4071 i De cember 24, 19E- ~., .,~..,...~..._".,,_ .m. ~ ;The COlIUllission met in regular session at 10:00 A.l.l., and was called to order bJ' Ma~'or Epperson. Roll call "of officers showed the following present: MaO'or Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, AttorneO' {lilSon and Clerk Law. I, Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. :[Under the head of applications for wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: I of) "Building Permits: 1{J5 - Jack Del Guzzi fuild 5-Room LWelling: Lot 21, Blk. 4, Cain's 18 Addition John Hewitt Remodeling DweUing: Lot 16, Blk. 209, Townsite IJ. A. Cornes Dig Basement: West SO' Tax Lot 1289 ~C. H. Stiles Build Addition to Present House; Lot 18, Blk. 347, Townsite I'Fred Leggett Move Bldg., To Be Use~ As Garage; Lot I, Blk. 277, Townsite ,Lawrence Cline Build 2-Car Garage; E Lot 11, LRt 12, Blk. 10, P.S.C.C. 'Leo F. Beutler fuUd 2-Car Garage; Lot 13 and vI'" Lot 14, Elk. 10, P.S.C.C.. I 5,000.00 I 60.00 75.00 1,400.00 1,500.00 800.00 1,000.00 I 0" ~Licenses: tJ.- jTanny'S Ice Icream TennO' I s Ice Cream Ade's Taxi & Yello Cab I Under the head of unfinished business, the bids for cast iron pipe were opened as follows: Johns-l~nville Isales Corp., for transile pipe, 12" at 2.64; 10" @ 2.124; 10" @ 2.04; 8" @ 1.48; 5" @ .51.. Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co., 2" @ .49. Marckmann & Williams, 12" @. 5.11; 10" @ 5.97; 8" @ 2.86. American Cast Iron lPipe Co., 12"@3.655;1O"@2.886;8"@2.129.HughG.PurcellCo.,12"@ 3.56; 10"@2.81;8"@2.15'I' fIt was moved by COlIUllissionar Johnson that the bids be referred to the Engineer for further study. Seconded I I' by Mayor Epperson. All, members voted Aye. The motion carried. Mr. Schmidt of 1020 'Nest 4th Street spoke before the Comrru.sSl.on regardl.ng moving hia house to conform with Ithe zoning ordinance. The Commission informed tha t building must be regulated by the ordinance, and i'exceptions could not be permitted. Restaurant Soft Drink Taxi 12.00 5.00 75.00 Mr. Earl also appeared regarding his application to wild on a fortO'-four foot lot in the first residence Idistrict. /After considerable discussion, it was moved by Mayor Epperson that the permit be granted. ISeconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I "" .... "'" ''',...., Under the head of neV{ business, Ray Kidd appeared as representative for the Port ('d'\'t~';lr::"\\~rl'lh~:_'(':~~l,~~~~~;;I'b~.11'\IGec'i\l~-, Angeles All Star Baseball :club regarding use of the Civic Stadium next season. J \~~:;.~J~ii'll~:',~~' ll~;i\( J~[Il~I~~r~ i~l~g'l"'~~'~: The Commission expressed appreciation for efforts of the Club, and pledged r :1110 lI.tl!., nlH] II"r l;ltl'r. at tIll' ..I.' ~~(~;.Il'ill:~f J~l;hll:lirJt'~~:;I;I:I'lf'II:~> fl~l;,l:.~~~ co-opera u~on. ~ t::~\" I1lr~/,1 ~1,t;fI).~~N;';(,~~t J~_:!St~~, (:JI~lrfl~l; I tiP" .n'<1r hc!-dlllljn~ J,lIlU<lry H. ]f'4~. '1',\"ellty. !'I I',' l",r ('''Ill of all 1'('llllin'Il1+"')t~ will 11<> :-<t(]C;iCrl ill Pot't ,\ll~d('~ at n11 (lint,,,. The COlll- 'mll-'l'lon I"('.",l'n-"!l Ih('l'ight tll I'<.~- j('l'l it])y ,In.] all llidl'. I ll;lt~;' ti~;i~'. I f'llhli.~h(>il 1'''1'01111'''1" " ,~ I. I ,1:lllUIU',\ :: I :Ij~. I I Light Supt. Lean requested permission to publish bids, to be openad January 14th, I for furnishing light globes to the City during the year 1948. It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the bids be published, and that the light de~rtment be gi ven authori to' to make all purchases on contract, the other City departlll9nts to obtain globes they require from the light department. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following passed third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1191 I' AN ORDINANCE SETTOO Forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; requiring expenditures 'unforeseen; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency, making the ordinance immediately effective. 'I It )vas moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing ordinance be pas,sed the third and final re,ading an~ I'adopted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The. Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same:. .<'l/-~J CURRENT EXPENSE MID: Ralph Davis son The'Stationers, Inc. Eppe r so n & Sons Gi t.Y Treasurer ,Mine Safety Appliances Co. Ol~~pic Lsundry & Cleaners 'I CITY STREET FUND: I:J. 'I- " 7 Epp~rson & Sons ' J"uvaas J<'irestone store IIUnit Crane & Shovel :Corp. 'IWATER FUND: :< 70 ,31 i .l\rmco Drainage & Metal Products, E. A. Hallgren Co. lV/ater Works Engineering Ame:ican Water Works Assn. LIGHT F1JN1J: /~. Puget Sound Navigation Co. ISANITATION FUND: II,Yo 'Luvaas Firestone Store ,Vincent Tire Service IPARK EUND: 7;;" 'f" Toziers t Florists' Plants Epperson & Sons Lumber, Nails 1,8th Street Hepair Shop Power Motors Ground & Repaired School District No.7 Recreation Revolving Fund, Payroll for Dec. I PARKING !JETER & TRAFFIC CONTROL EUND: fl7,6"7 Epperson & Sons Lumber 1 There being no further(}buSi:." ~~.SSion was declared adjourned. \ l (0. cI-~ ~~c.A- 'uI I f State Examiner Salary & Expense Office Supplies Glaze & Repair 2 Sash; Hardware Frt., Car Licenses Cylinders Refilled Laundry Service 252.48 1.75 10.52 6.00 14.21 20.13 Lumber, etc. One 650/16 Genersl One Crank 109.89 6.45 , 8.55 I' 86.76, 169.61 4.00 10.00 Inc. Pipe Tub' Sub~ption Dues Frt. ,Charges 1.00 One Tube Flats Repaired 5.10 6.70 33.22 17.89 11.85 . 10.00 \ 27.57 ~\P-""'''/~ Mayor City Clerk ....4