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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
December 26,
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The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order Qjr acting llayor Com. Beam. Roll
'call showed the following officer peesent: Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston, and Clerk
HawKins. .
The minutes of the previous session were read alrl approved.
Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses, the following were granted:
build four room house and bath. Lot 7 BlocK 1, Hartt and Cook Subdivision $2,500.00
La-oenses: Nason's Bafe Restaurant 6.00
n Soft Drink 2.50
Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions, the following were introduced:
ill'HEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired the
same Qjr Treasurer's deed dated November 28, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority of-Section 9393 of Re~
mington's-Revised Statute.s, Chapter 143. of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit:
I Lot Fourteen (14), Dlock Two (2), ilillia"s an:! Cramer's Subdivision of Suburban Lot No.7, of the "ity
of Port Angeles, TIashington, and
WHEREAS,. 'lheodore T. Carlson and Dora M. Carlson, husband and Wife, have offered to purchase the above des-
scribed real ~roperty from the "ityof Port Angeles for the sum of $500.00, and I
,WHEREAS, the ~ity Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair valuej
I' and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for the said property, plus all L.LD. assessments, includ- ,I
ing interest and ot her charge s. against the same. ['
"NOW, THEREFOllil, BE IT RESOLVED-that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Mgeles sell the
i said property at private sale to the said Theodore T. Carlson and Dora M. Carlson, for the sum hereinabove
i set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the samel that the City Attorney be instructed to pre-
pare a quit claim deed donveying said property to the parchasers, and that the City Clerk of the City of
Port 1mgeles be, and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Layor of the CitY1
of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed.
: WHEREAS, The ~ity of Port ,Lmgeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acq1ilired th9~
same by Treasurer's deed dated December 24, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of I
Rewington's Re"ised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 565, to-wit:
Lot Eighteen (lS), lJlock Three Hundred 1'hirty-one (551), of the 'o"."site of Port Angeles, Washington, and
WF~EAS, Marvin Theon and Lena Theon, husband an:! wife, have offered to purchase the above described real
'property from the 0ity of Port Angeles for the sum of H50.00, payable in cash on delivery of deed, and
WEEREAS, lhe City Commission has vi~'ed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value
,and is in excess of the amoW1t paid by the City for said property, plus all L.LD. assessments including
I all interest and other charges against the same. :
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port J.ngeles sell the 'i
'said property at private sale to the said h',arvin Theon and Lena 'heon, husband and Wife, for the sum herein":;
I above set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the ~ity ,Attorney be instructed to I
prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Glerk of the "ity of
Port Angeles be, and he is hereby instructed to execute said quitclaim deed, and that the Mayor of said City
be, and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed. I'
I, It was moved by Coml1liss~oner Beam that the foregoing resolutions be approved and adopted. Seconded by Com-
mssioner Masters. On roll call allTl1l1embers voted aye. The Acting Mayor declared the motion carried.
Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances, the following ordinances passed their 3rd and final readings I
and were adopted by the Co:nmission. I
AN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; requiring expenditures un-
foreseen; providing for the issuance of emergency warrnsts; and declaring an emergency making the ordinance I
irr~ediately effective.
AN ORDINANCE providing for a pedestrian lane on Front Street and providing for one-way traffic in the alley :
'between Lincoln and Oak Streets, and regulating the traffic, providing penalties, and declaring an emergency.
Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances, the following ordinance passed its 2nd and 3rd reading.
'AN ORDII~NCE relating to licensing the business of distributing and exhibiting for use and play certain ma-
, chine Amusement Devices and Automatic Music Playing Machines and amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. 1126,
being entitled, "An Ordinance relating to, regulating and licensing the business of distributing and ex-
hibiting for use and play certain machine Amusement Davices and Automatic Playing Machines; fixing license
fees and prescribing penalties; and repealing Ordinance Number 1047 and 1072.
I It was r:lOved by Conunissioner Masters that tho foregoing 3 ordinances be
finally approved an:! adopted. Seconded Qjr Comissioners Beam. On roll
i"~a.i'or Commissicner lJeam declared the motion carried.
,The .cotJJ1lissioncexamined the following cla ms and ordered 'W3rratltw drawn
lCurrent Expense Fund:
City Trea SUrer
Samuelson Motor Co.
Joseph H. Johnston
Arthur T. Delmis
N. M. Haylkjns
pla ced on their final readings and
call all members voted aye. Acting
in payment of the claimsf
Cash for rib bon
Tire and Repair
Steno. ser. & Office Supplies
In lieu of lost warrant #36009
Civil service (C.C. lS.OO, C.T.
30.00 1
13.00 11-'31
12.00) 30.00 I
31.19 1
29.29 /",/.i1d
78.96 10" 'II;
31. 89 ~
City Street Fund:
jwestern Tractor & Equip. CO.
Tauer Super Ser.
i Sanroelson Motor "0.
Water Department:
,Glass Specialty Co.
~Dker Electrochemical
City Treasurer C
Federal Pipe & Tank o.
Traotor Parts
Labor & Material
Tire and repair
Truck Repairs
Wood Pipe
tight Department:
'I"'estinghouse iileatric Supply
Conversion parts
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
De cembe I' 26
19 45
, Park Fund: .
II Semuelson Motor Go.
Epperson & Sons
i, Angeles Gravel & Supply
Epperson & Sons
Sta te Aid Fund:
Coffey's Jewelry Co.
Tovrer Super Servic~
Cleve's Second Hen>' Store
Ernest Harding
: Samuelson Motor Co.
J. R. Nichols
!I Nelson Equipment Co.
Lumber & Supplies
Lumber & Supplies
75.(37 I
23.19 ,
26.13 )M'P~
Clod< repairs
Acetylene Demurrage
Expense Acct.
Garage rant
Nozzle, Hose, "oupling
War Liquor Tax:
Samuelson Motor Co.
Carr's Automotive Service
Repairs and Gas
Labor & MateriaL
4.06 I
14.57 11.k'il'
Guaranty Fund:
Ci ty Treasurer
" City Treasurer
Taxes W Lt. 12-Blk. 16 P.S.C.C.
Taxes - asper Voucher
L.I.D. Revolving F\m\l:. ,
Ci ty Treasurer
City TrEasurer
'faxes. - Lt. 6 & 7, "lk. 288
Tazes Lts. 19 & 20, Elk. 50
:209 . 51 C)'
294.57 9'1,0 ~
Referring back to introduction of Resolutions, the folimving were introduced:
VlHEREAS,The .City^o'fPort'Angeles "is, t,ha"'o~mer of 'the "follbwing desctibed real property, having acquired the ,II
same by Treasurer's deed dated December 24, 1945, under an:! by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of ,
Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit:
Lots Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20), Block Fifty (SO) of the Townsite of Port Angeles, ,
Washington, and
;;WifEREAS, August Contesti ro d Ethel Contesti, husband and wife, have offered to purchase the above described
real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $320.00, rod
WHEREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value I:
and that at this time it is 'to the best interest of the City: that it should be accepted rod the sale made. I
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESotVED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said
I property at private sale to the said AugustCOntesti an:! Ethel Contesti, husband and wife, for the sum here-~
inabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to
prepare a quitclaim deed conveying said property to the purchasers, and that the City Clerk of the City of
Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City
of Port Angeles be and he is hereby inst'ructed to countersign said quitclaim deed.
liW:!EREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, heving acquired the I
same by Treasurer's deed dated December 19, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of
Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, 'to-wit:
Lots Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15), Block 1\vo Hundred Twenty-one (221)} of the
Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, and,
WHEREAS, Olaf B. Gusk has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angele$
for the sum of $300.00 ,payable in cash on delivery of deed, and
WHEREAS, The City Comnission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value,'
and iff in excess of the amount paid by the said City for 'said property, plus all L.I.D. assessments including
I'all interest and other charges against the same. I
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the sa:;l.d offer be accepted and that the City 0 f Port Angeles sell the sai4
property at private sale to the said Olaf B. Gusk, fer the sum hereinabove set forth, subfect to any other ,
valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said
property to the purchaser, and 'that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be, and he is hereby instructed
to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of said City be, and he is hereby instructed to '
:countersign said quit claim deed.
'It was moved by Corrmissioner Masters that the foregoing resolutions be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Co:mhissiope1' .Be81u. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The Actbg Mayor declared the motion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Cit~ Cle rk . ,