HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/26/1950 ,..- 80 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .T~Ilml.Y'J' ?J 19-5L ."" . "'""" <<"M. "",~.. ,,,,,... ...... .... I The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.~l., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. . Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: ! Building Permits: Paul Kesler Finish 4 Rooms in Existing Dwelling; Lot 1, Blk. 52, Townsite Jack Jones Construct Garage; Lot 4, Blk. 4, Hartt & Cook Add. DelGuzzi Bros. Construct Bank Bldg.; Lots 1-2, Blk. 32, Townsite. 3,000.00 350.00 100,000.00 Licenses: lvestern Union Telegraph Co. Uccupations Tax 50.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish premium and non-premium gasoline and diesel for City dePllrtments were opened as followa: Shell Oil Company, posted price or 24.3~ less l~, and 22.3~ less 2~, both subject to change without notice; diesel, 400 gals. or more, 12.1 less .005; 200-399 gals. 12.6 less .005; 40-199 gals. 13.1 less .005. Tide Water Associated Oil Company, premium, 24.3~ less $.021; non- premium 22.3~ less $.021, maximum not more than 2~ over quotations; diesel fuel: $.111 per gal.; 200 to 399 gals., add .005; 40 to 199 gals., add $.01; 40 gals. or less, add $.05 per gallon. Staooard Oil Company, Chevron premium, 21.96~ net, non-premium, 19.96~ net. Prices based on 400 gallonedeliveries or more, and l no maximum. Bracket system prevails. Diesel fuel, $.121 less .005 or .116 net. Union Oil Company of California: premium, posted price or $.238 less $.01. non-premium, posted price or $.213 less $.01. Minimum deliveries, 400 gallons. Diesel fuel, posted price less $.01 or $.111, minimum deliveries 400 gals. The Texas Company: posted price, premium $.2279 less $.0151. Non-premium, $.2079 less $.0151. Present prices maximum for contract period. All bids were held for tabulation until 4:00 P.M. A letter from the Downtown Parking Association, Inc., was read before the Commission, wherein the Association requested that a new lease be entered into for the East One-half of Lot Six and the West One- half of Lot Five in Block One of Tidelands East of Laurel Street. The reguest was filed for further consideration. Comssioner Taylor informed that Attorney Trumbull and State Auditor Hubble had been consulted regarding payment of Owens Brothers Ediz Hook contract and collection of pledges from the Industries. It was moved by. Comssioner Taylor that the Attorney be instructed to draft an Emergency Ordinance providing for payment of the said contract. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. It was also moved by Commissioner Taylor that the P~blic Utility District No. 1 be instructed to file a contract for installation of a power line to the crusher plant and furnishing of power for. the same. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .., i Under the head of new business, the resignation of J. J. McLean, Supt. of Light was filed with' the conumssiJn. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the resignation be accepted and filed. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried, The report of the Park Board for the year 1950 was accepted, approved and ordered filed. Reports of the Police Judge showing fines collected were also filed as follows: August, $2,532.00, September, $2,091.50, October, $1,420.00, November, $1,678.50. It waS moved by HayOr F.eeley that the reports be. approved and filed. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Commissioner Taylor informed regarding construction of Olympic State Bank building at First and Laurel Stl'eets, and precautions necessary for protection of pedestrians. Also removal of Taxi stand and parking I meters. The Comssion authorized removal of necessary parking meters and location of Taxi stand as recommended by. Police Chief Ide. Commissioner Taylor also informed that the Department of City Garage and Maintenance Shop, starting January 1st, may need temporary financial aid which could be transferred from other funds. The Attorney will be . consulted regarding the matter. Wm. C. Adams, Supt. of Parks, on behalf of the Park Board, requested that call for bids be published for replacement and repairs to the flood lights at Civic Field. It was moved by Commissioner ~aylor that the call for bids be published and opened January 15th. Seconded by Comssioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was read by title and placed on first and second reading. ORDINANCE NO. !.3i.J AN ORDINANCE Fixi:i1g' the monthly'salaries, compensationS, and wages of certain officers and employees. of the City of' Port Angeles. viashington. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed the first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and a~~oved the following claims and ordered warrants CURJ\ENT EXPENSE FUND: 'Y 11 - City Treasurer Olympic Printery City Street Dept. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Port Angeles Lions Club Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. James ,...r . Caven Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Headricks Repair Service , Harrington I s Cafe Art Burnside Co. Frank Pollow K & K Fine Foods Habit Cleaners issued in payment of same: Licenses, Stamped Envelopes Office Supplies Gas, Oil, Repairs Seat Covers, Chrome Polish Admis sian Tax Refund Phone Services Repairs to Plbg. in Jail; Install Gas Tank 1 Stop light Car Repairs Meal for Prisoner Cartridges Concrete Slab Rear of Station Lava Soap Install Zippers 41.16 7.98 34.09 8.48 6.08 21.99 210.38 3.66 24.28 1.08 103.00, 97.64 ! 7.42 ! 4.48 ~ I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington CITY STREET FUND: Port Tie & Lbr. Co. Lumber Tower Super Service Water Pump Assembly Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Heater, Tubing Port Angeles Upholstery & Furniture Co. Rebuild and Recover Cushions Angeles Machine & 'fielding tlorks 2 Rods Tower Super Service Oxygen Union Oil Co. of Calif. Cleaning Solvent Peninsula Plywood Corp. 1 Load Core Blocks Nailor Lumber Co. Lumber, Nails Dept. of Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid WATER FUND: ..1'11 ~G City Light Dept. Pacific Tel. & TeL Co. H. E. Dodge Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. James Hardware Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Port. Tie & Lumber Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. Olympic Foundry Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries !5 35 r:..9 ..<0. "...... ...." ...,...... ."...., ..... .....~ CURRE}jT EXPENSE,FUND, continued: Natural Gas Corp. of "ash. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Radio Service Appliance Co. Willson Hardware Co. Taper Oil Bu rner Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries City Treasurer 91- r;,:31 - LIGHT FUND: 61ty. Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Line Material Co. Feenaughty ~mchinery Co. A. L. Chapman C:i,ty l~ater Dept. Home Electri c Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries ;? .25 if - SANITATION FUND: Ralph R. Jones City Street Dept. Tower Super Service Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Dept. of Labor & Industries PARK FUND: ~ 31 ~o Bussing Office Supply Wheeler Hdwe. & Furn. Co. Clallam Grain Co. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Bentley-Milorganite Co. I Angeles Machine & Weld. liorks Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. lih eeler Hdwe. & Furn. Co. I Ned Taft '. Angeles Pittsburgh Pai nts Dept. of Labor & Indus tries 3&' P. M. & T. C. FUND: 330 - City Treasurer City Street Dept. Angeles Machine & vield. I~orks G & L Paint Supply Harold Hibbs Plbg. & Heating Dept. of Labor & Industries r1 CEMETERY FUND: .:3- Dept. of Labor & Industries FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: :;./ Clallam County Medical Service Corp. 1 ()5;&j L. 1. D. REVOLVING FUND: City Treasurer January 2nd. continued. 19__5L Gas Install New Cluth, Ignition Parts Laundry & C~eaning 1 Needle 1 Snap Install Steam Traps and Repairs Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Stamp!! Lights at Reservoirs Phone Services Car Mileage Parts Bolts Chlorine Lumber HYdrant Extension Pipe Bends Cement, etc. Service Boxes Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Stamps Phone Service Line Hardware Pump for Th'D truck Car Mileage City Wa~Brs at Sub-station Washers Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Gas, Oil Gas, Oil, Repairs Foot Pedal Rubbers Tools and Hdwe. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 1 Desk File Tools, Hdwe., Grass Seed Lime, Gypsum Grinder Mandrel, Elec. Motor Parts for Mower Engine Mild Steel Plate Services 3851, 5288 Rake, Regis ters Used Pipe Elbows Paint Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Postage Gas, Oil, Repairs Straighten Meter Bases Paint Pipe, Threads, etc. Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Ind. Ins. & Mad. Aid CO Jan. Med. Fees--Firemen On motion by Conunissioner Robinson, the meeting was adjourned to 4:00 P.M. at the City Hall. Taxes and Deed The Conunissioh re-convened at 4:00 P.M. wit)>l all officers present. 81 ~ 3.30 38.23 27.11 1.55 .32 34.38 197.73 15.00 352.23 31.03 15.48 63.87 .82 6.18 13.27 8.24 1.58 147.22 5.28 82.51 22.33 .72 1.71 52.64 26.62 21.53 52.97 13.60 38.26 179.39 3.00 7.47 222.93 45.11 25.27 3.00 59.84, 169.07 4.88 150.81 1.03 4.89 92.52 15.35 46.34 25.00] 36.671 19.381" 2.53 16.22 6.94, 2.711 45.421 21~ ::1 26.50 6.18" 246.47; 37.49, 13.18 I 3.871 21.00 I 705.69 The Commission again considered bids submitted to furnish gasoline and diesel fuel for operation of City I equipment. The bid by The Texas Company for gasoline being the lowest finn bid, and on advioe of Attorney " Trumbull, it was moved by Conunissioner Taylor that the said bid be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. j Bids to furnish Diesel Fuel submitted by the Union Oil Company and Tide Water Associated were the same and it was moved by Conunissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Robinson, that the diesel fuel bid be awarded to the two low bidders. Motion carried. ,..- 82 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington January 2nd, continued, 192!- u,e" ..w...., ""'''L~ .u"ON~.._ ."...... .0080 .... Conunissioner Ro hinson announced the appointment of Gene McLennan to serve as temporary Superintendent of thJ Light Department, replacing J. J. McLean, resigned. There being no further business, the meeting was adj ourned. I . jt//4L;;; ~~" Q. t X~. rJ City Clerk ../ - :\"O'l'H.'g 'J'n HIIJlU.:R!ii ;.,'oticp is ll~rQby ;;1\'0'1 th:H ~en](!d ~:~~l{ '\~tl ti:g cfg'l~ili l>~rt ~t~~~~~l~\: \Y!l~hlnJ::toll, lit t)lO l;ltl-' l-lHII lJl iSaid g~,t ;~::t~llll~t~~t~~:,lllt'o J;~:.;~~~K 105; the -I'arl( Del'arlmt'lll, l,r. Cl'{HIf'" Hjnu~ :lfcrliulIi Bealll ]h~ltc('Lllr~. ClIt. Ko. Kt~3&Oj fOI r~lJlncellJeJlt on. Cat. No, 43:/(19 or equal. 42 Crou':<f: }jillrlll' Cat. };o, I{ I. :J[l{18 rC'JlI;ICCl11Cllt H<::rlectol'i'\ ((1~ Cat. No. ~:!:lIO 'Narrow Ven.m. Qj' c'.julll. 'rhe ell}' Commis- sion resern~!; the rir;ht to rr.;jcct :lJlY or all bldH. J. K ]~,\\\". Cifr CI\.'l"k. PulJlis11tJd: .JnllU(1I').' '-i, 1::, 1~1:,1. , I 'i I , I I '} I I I I I L I I