HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/27/1956 528 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 20 Continued 19~ City'Manager Vergeer reported essential work needed to be performed December,24th. Counci1L man Smith moved that City Hall remain open for business. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield I and tarried. Under the head of reading and passage of Otdinances, the following was placed on second and final reading. ORDINANCE NO. 1381 AN ORDINANCE transferring budget appropriation within the 1956 budget which items are not within the same budget'classifications as provided by the laws of the State of Washington, and making an emergency appropriation of $135.00 to cover Social Security expense in the Judicial Department of the City of Port Angel~s. The City having adopted by resoiution Social Security for its employees, which Social Security. became retroactive to January 1, 1955, and the amount of liability not having b~en established pripr to the adoption of the budget and, lIt waS moved by Coun~ilman McFadden that the f~regoing Ordinance be passed second and final Ireading and finally adopted. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. IUnder the h~ad of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and Iread in full for Council consideration, I ORDIN*~CE NQ. 1382 , , AN ORDINANCE fixing the annual salaries, compensation and wages of the various classifi- I cations of emp,lOyment applicab~e to the different officers, assistance and employees of the City of Port Angeles, and determining the time of payment thereof and fixing hourly rate for certain-classifications of employment and providing funds for temporary employees. , 1 It was moved by Councilman Smith that,the foregoing Ordinance be approved and ~dopted. I Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. I J' Council considered an Ordinance prepared for the purpose of amending'Ordinance No. 1114, 0/,1 jwhich would reduce the rate as provi~ed for collection of Admission Taxes. It was moved rf 'lbY Councilman McFadden that the Ordinance be tabled indefinitely. Seconded by Councilman "# "--- Sandison and carried. . , Mayor Neer, on behalf of the Council, extended tm all a very Merry Christmas and Happy, Iprosperous New Year. ' : , .. A ,.,' ( (or ~fU;he~bz~earing, the me!'ting was declared adjOUrneaL jN r/~ U City Clerk Mayor Dece~ber 27, 1956 ~he City Council met ih special session at 7:3g P.M., and was called to order by Mayor Neer. Officers present were: Mayor Neer, Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Matthieu, McFadden 'and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. I ' . ' Pursuant to continuation of hearing from December 20th, bids for the City's Public lInsurance ~ere again co~s~dered. I Manager Vergeer informed that.the bid by Aldwell and Wenner Co., is the low bid if the same Is legally acceptable. It wa~ the opinion of , Attorney Severyns ,that bid is legal and con- 'tract would be binding. After due consideration, it wa~ moved by Councilman ~cFadden that ~the low bid by Aldwe1! add Wenner Co.; be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. . I ~he following Resolut!on~as introduced and read in full: I A RESOLUTION accepting bids and awarding a contract for liability insurance on bena1f of the City of Port Angeles, Washington for the year 1956 to I 'It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Matthieu ana carried. I I there being no further business, the meeting was declared I 1 I Liability I RESOLUTION NO. 43-56 9 (J fo,~~ City Clerk adjourned. ~J ~ }(~, Ma yor NOTICE OF. SALE LEGAL' PUBLICATION REAL PROPERTY NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS th~~1li~f ~or~e~~1~iV:.i11 ~t ~~r;fEbi~~ ~rfb~e g~~~~iV~dh ~~ to thB highest'and best. bidder 'the the Cil:.y Clerk of the City of Port ~~~'t~1~ described real property, ~~~~l~ti~~ ~eo ~~kH;~lt2f, j~~ Lots 9 and 10, B I 0 c k uary 17. 1957, to .Iurmsh for the i~!t5 ;r~:JlS~te. crrin~~~ nP;\cr Cu..y's annual requuement.s durma $36[J.OO. Y ty . ~fes~'rarF~:r' ~~tl~~~~neq~ag~l_ se~l~~~iS ~j~r~~r !ei~:~e~hfo~ ~1:lS~!~~.~&i ~i?:s~~t:She~~y ~50 S~~~\~c:t ptheMClt:ra~~ilryl1l}~l F!lel on dcllver~d ~, the C 1 t Y '~195'7 and not :hlt.er." BId must be FIfe Hall and Childl'crt ~- Hall, ~d by deposit. or not ~~~~c~t~n~e ~~ ~} PCdifed E~~ ! ()~Pee: ;:wt n~~ ~~~: Wagon price baslS and exclusive City Council reserves ~~ic~t;1:ra~o or M~Cit;e.).es c~~.to~~: ~ the; rl~t any 01' all bids. tlons. The City CotJncll l'eserves. ~ity 'Clerk the right to accept 01' r-eje-c~ any! Pttb!:'15ec 28 1966 Jan, 4 195'l'T or all 'bids or to award Items . " , '.. .. separately at Uleir discretion. J. E. LAW City Clerk: Pub: Dec. 23, 1956, Jan. 4, 1957T I ~\\o\\ ,;. ~.:J..f>o.\lS~~ '$1<.-/ IA(lr~ ~ O~ .- V" ~ 0-1'\'11'''''\\ ~ e/.t,el>,,'\~~'i- 1 1 I, I