HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/28/1962 ... 148 Proceeoings of the City Commission .of the City of Port Angeles, Washington DECEMBER 28 I <fi..1- .. 6 H ,.RIHTlNQ ce. ".u~a~ ~ ~ The City Council met in special session at 5:00 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Maxfield, Coun- i cilman Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe, City Attorney Moffett, City Manager Slankard and Clerk McNeece. Purpose of this meeting was to vote on the emergency ordinance introduced at the regular council meeting December 20th. The ordinance was again read in full. ORDINANCE NO. 1498 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles declaring an emergency, and making transfers between certain funds. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Willson that the foregoing Ordinance, as read, be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. On called vote, Councilmen Smith, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe voted "Aye". , Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. d Ii /11"" '7?puJ CITY CLERK . ~ .~ - MAYOR DIV. CJf I\IiUN. c;.vRP. ft';. 'n. ";;1 ~ 'TATE EXAl"INiR I I~~V ~ ~ llfO'l'ICE OJ" CALL FOB Bms il j , 1\OTICE IS HEREBY GlVEN t.hnt I l'i(laleCl bJd.. wUl lie received until I 7::JO o'clock P,M. Fcl.ll"llary7. 1~63 - tv the ell}' of J'ort Angeles, Wash- Ington _ 14Q 'West Front St.reet, for ~~~. :~::O~iJ~ W~fISCb~\}~~~e~~~llt~ ~J~~ I N:~~E ?:H~tyF~l~'E~I~~llt Cit.y (.'ouncil thO AAme date 1n regu- J scaled bids wiU be received umtl 1m" llcssion of fclllld CO\.lncll In tlw 7:0U o'cloc]{ P.M. February., 1!IG3 ~~~i:Ji~g ~ra~~;r:l1do~.~I'O~~ srr~~~ ~rr:~~ f.~~~ ~~~~I~~~"~'~sl{~~eSs;o~:rt~: Port .Angeles, 'Va...hmgton, com. tilt< [olIowin~ dcscI'jbtd equillmcnt mencin~ at 7:30 o'clock P.M, IAlI bids will be opened by the City CITY OF PORT ANGELES Clluncil tile, saine d~te ill rc~ul(ll' VlDI-IICLE SPI<1CJFICATIONS: :se:S:'iicm of llaid Council In the CounT f-.:IJleclflt.:~Uon~ for 1 1933 Four ell Chambers of the l~oUcc BuDding - . ~g~~c S;:~le~' -:.18ue~n;~~c l~ftl~P~~'~L ' ~~l~{ak "~:~ll~~~~~. Streetli, Porl An- C~:~?~o~ ~. P::J1~ J mum wheel h~l!'le (It 116 jnches. To :$PBCIFICA'l'lO:-<S FOTt PJCK.UP I NQ'!:JCg IS HEREBY GIVEN that b\.Oq~~~~;dmi~~I()~Jl~~:l;1 be heavy ,: ~li~~l~ FOR \VATEH DEPART- :~,i~I~C':,'W. ~~e 1~';C~~~eedCi~: J~na~::~1 duty automatic. such fUl torllue-fllte, Pickup lfz Ton. Color. Dark Green 'Ot the City of PUrl Angeles - 141). Gruls-O-Matlc, power-GlICk, Men:o~ Bed Length _ 78 inches. 'I'ires - I,Wost Front Street - on lite following )latic or HydrQ-Matlc. 5.70 x 15 Highwa)' tl'Mod on descl"ibed equipment. All bills will be 2, Hear axle assembly llellxy front and 'fraction Grip OIl Re:n 'O!>eIHHl immedIatel)' fullo\\'ing the ;duty. Spare wheel and tire . Highway closing time for blrif; 011 February~ 3. Cear Ratio: comllUable to ~ll- tread. Ca.uges - Ampmetcr, l<;nglnc I, 19(>3 ~]d~ ~~~h~'l~~SIl~~::~;~ ~~~O~~UI';l~~~ ~~~I~e~2tuXi;lP~lklr~f~:u~e23~e~~~7~ }. ~c~. li~3 C~~i~'l~ear~n~~ckerl 4. Air Cleaner - heavy outy. inch G cylinder. ,'alye In head. I Unit eompJete, mounted on thel ii. Oll FIller. Full flow. Rca~' A");le . Po:sltractlon - Rati~ above truck chassis. 6. Alternator type genera.tor . 3.73. Full Rear Bumper. Recircu- SPBCIFICATIONS }lcavy duty 40 ampcre minimum. _ latina Heater al1d Defro:ster. Full gl.lf,:"Jn.e . G cvlinder 20,000 t<;' 25,,000\1 7. Battery - 70 ampere hour mlnl- Rear'" View :\f1nor and Left Side G V.A Ratlno:- 302-308 CUbiC lUch mum, 12 volt llegatlve ground. mounted rear dew outside mirror. dh;placement, S. Spec1al lion-metallic IgnItion 1Yinllshle-(d _ ::: };j1~ed wipers with GeneratIng System - Heav3-' Dut3-' calJle for the slIppression of ra.dlo wa,l;h.er aUtu:!llmellls_ Back-up Ugh!..,. (ReJ::uhltor fOT slow Speeds) lZ. ;jgnltion noIse'. Cable- resistance ap- .Heav3-' duty 70 Amp Hour Batlery. volt l-iY3tem. l l~r~~~~~a~~~KI1 \~O~o~~~1~ :I~~l f~~f~ rrSncn:: ;t~,A~~~ b~~rjer . siX (6) ITr~~~~~~:;IOJl - Ij-speed heavy dutY~ 'tion and genemtor slIllj)resslon for I Cylinder vel:1jcle used in the WaLer IFl'amt! _ Reinforced - 17~ inch wheeL iradlo Oplwatton, t Department. Trade-in may be in- bafle- . l1ellVY lluty front and rear~ I 9. Hot waleI', fresh air t)'pe hcn. -I ~pected bv contacting the 'Vate-r ; fJprlngs-. , r:r 1;].ndE~(':{r~~t('~I~{~~re~{j wiper/!, 2 Dril~aJ~~H'S~\lll submit dellw!ry date R6;p;~fi;: ~~j~m~~~~eJ.5,0~0 pounds 1 :fJl)ii~~Vj.~ad;~p~fd wasMrs wltil wiper ~~?Bblfod~P~~fcl;~. 1;~'l~J,hi~~;1r- l~ Rt~nv~r~~~; b-OO:r~~VY duty. with. I;CO~~~I~~~.~l\~lgna.13, e\octrle.t3-'pe, ~elr- ~;~~I~~:~.~~eQt]~jl~i:I~~' 7oh~l;~:~t c~:n~~~ I TiJ;~\;n~il~~~ ~:~ ~ ~1~ fi;e:;~ {oeaba~'~'! cl\rJcelUng, with Flarostat so pa,rl,- jert HIl\. llic1 if In their opJn:lon R tubcs. '1ng filii'! tRilll!l:'hts may he used as a IleneI' l;lI]"(~ha:se can be made on the MiHccl]fl,lleol,lS: DirectIonal lIgbts! nlll~~lnS~[l;:..a.~n~~g8eH~fn:~'CkS . he1l.\'3-' OJlen mnrk!'t. M. 'W. HLANKAHD, T)~~11l1:c~. r;l~rht mirrors. ! duty il'ont flTI{1 renr). Vln~'l uphQl- City MarH\l;er Ji'l'csh all' hc~ter & defroster units. I ~~~~~. fI.~~1{~j%nu~Ull~r :~~d\i) fr~~~ !.uhllShe(]: .1a~~J~ ~~'. g~1afi\~;~. lights and mur] flaps. i 'foll.m rubber padding), --I Micro-brake lock unit. 14. Villyl hoodllncrs. NOTIO~ 01' CALL FOR :B~IDS :11 gallon tJnddJc Tank I 15 Tv-'o (2) seat belts on front l\'"OTICB IS HFJREBY GnE;;J tllat I Black chal'll:!ls Red cab'. scat: sealed bids will be received untU.: PACKER UNIT lG. Floor mat - hf'al-':).' (juty. 7;:-10 (J'clock P.M. Pcbruar)' 7, Hl~3 -II TO B1<::; INSTAJ~LED Q~ CHASSIS: \ 11 Door panels, front and rcar, h}- the City ],[anagcr . 140 \\'cst. .I>nckā‚¬!r Unit. 1G cubic ~'ara- - Mat- vlnyi to mft,t~ll, front IRrm restA, ].ront Street.. Port Angeles, "'ash. erla\ to 1If' 11 !J:uage high tensil. rl~18~ t~~iJ~f~~~~~.i~~o ~I~~~~: non. ~~~ti~~e,~~.r ~{:r bfg~lo:.:ng b~e~~~~~~~ : I H:~:eLo.a!{i~~i ,~o;l:ppe~~h_ ~i~e, cUbi~j ~~~~~. ~l~~~:P3rlv~iRu~r~e. sl{]c non- rJ r~~~la~it~p's~~~~:l~l ;~~1 ~o~~~i1!l.}~ ~~~l e~~a~it;'. _~~h~;r ~~foa~ngt~~:j 19, 1n.o:lo('. control l'potlll:ht. left the Council Chamhers of the Police hame. hand Illde mounting with 5~ Inch Building at Qal{ n!ld Front Strcetl:', DumpIng J.I"ver . Slm;le l~vcr out.. lel~~,. ;~~~.~; Brakc3. :;'~r;cin;n:teli~il} ~~~~~~~1I~_~11: com- ~.~~~dba~: .~u~~'d~~1i~uc~B~nfers forI :<1. TlI'cll . Flyc (;;) 4-Pl3-' N~lon lSPECIFICA'I'IO::'\S FOR each gate control. Steps and !!;rab tullelN!f1 6.70 :x 16. Captlvc-air tlrel'l STRE~'l' S'YEEPER: h!llHlIes on oae-h side of t:cl.ll gl:lte.1 and CIWttve-n.lr 6h1eld~. JneSudes U . New -1 to -4lh CubIc Yan'l - {'apn- DUILI (manual & power) controlled I l.'P~~: ~~~r~~~s find tjJHICks ~ hea\'Y S~~'~e~~~per . ::ielf-Propellel'l Street Pl\rc~~~ (1.U~rt ol~ l~\!ai~~;tnJled com- duty front nn,l rt'ar. IBIlS'ine - He9-"y Duty Gascllne. _ !llcte Oll truclt cha.ssls, ready for use 23. Parilled dfllih and vadlled sun- -TransmisBion - Heavr Duty Truck Ily the purcha.gcr ami price. quote!] '. vlE!ors. . type . four speed forward, DIll" Sllall re-flcct the complete unll. Prtc-, 24. Horn rims on Illcerlng wheel. speed reve.rse. e!'l flllall he qltoted Jo'.U.fL Port An-j". (l112~'!l/:<11~h trny [Iud clgarette Hgllter ~r~l~ ~~{[~~gB~~~:~w~~g~rs~3:: ,: r~~~'le~V~~~~~f.:~nib~hT~g~~t)~oO~e~~~l' 21\. Complete exlmust flystem, Pwk-Ull Broom - RcverBlble - Re., or re.tnd allY or all bids submitted. I InI12;'c~~:;1~~dl~~:iord~~~~~t~~1.natlc- w~:~~eS~~~yaS~S~~~Il~l~~t Icsl' tlU\t1~: The 'CIty of TJ~lmA~~cles pr?poses , 2~ Rpecrlomdcr: Shall he cnllbrat. 250 gallons capacitY. II) tr[lffc in on the new umt the ,I (>(1 \~y '-- mnnufnctUl'llr nn6 glJaranteed All \,\'eather Steel Gab. Full uoorS'jf(J1l0Wlng equh)ment as partial pay-.> to be within two (2) ml1cs per hour Ro~l.UI' windows. Cab Heater and mcnt: : -hrou~liIJut ltfl SI)Cerl rang-e. Face Defroster, Dual Swipes and 'Wln- 1. ,_1.950 u~d Dlamcmd-T TruCkl ~llal1 11C p:-l.....n", readnMc and m:lrked dow 'Vasl1erK [lnd Packer Unit complete. With. In'.rCl1ll'litli no f;reo.tcl' Ulan t~\.o Rear View J\flrror. .:?I.e.CtlOna 1. Turn Blddfl..r shall indica.te .trade in ~l~~rrt~~'l h~~~i.lft~~~i~~c~r~~ ~~~ Ttl~~a~~:RAD~~ IN' - , mad{'erre;ll~h~~1 ts~~:;,l:~": So/~t'hld de.1 sp8l'Oom(>ter cnntflining information 1. L'sed HI54 . 1l,'uyne Street RWN'Jl-,1 ]loslt or Bond. All bids shall indl- rC~I1,1~iV.fw~~ ~~rl~Il~C\lraCY. ~~ isM~~~~z:~(I t~~~la~b~o'SJ~:~I~'icaJ cate delivery dat~. W. RLANKARD, 'a~~' ;:\~dlt: ~';;(l el~:rP':~e:cl~~ t~~~ ~~~ r~~~~~~gnt;.'~~I~~~~S ~he~Il~<;I~~:, PubliShed: Jan\l:lry 2~lt~n:f3~~gl~r6S. i ~~et:c~~~ho~~~ o~~~~:~p~en~o~';,~? ~J~ ~~t~i;:a/~~o~~II~r:~~~ll:I(~VI~:~~ J v~j;1cl~heSA~~~;hl~~~~ ~~ten::~1~ eqBli~d~rnts~~i{, iurbo~f~ed~fl\.~~~n[d~tej tfOS~~ee81'!fUl bldde!" Is to furnish ~~.Bbi:Od~p:-~~fel:~, ~~l~~~l~~~~~. b~" policy with 1000 mlle service couDon furnished wIth bid. The City Coullcil~ and lLPplicauon. tor title form. . : reser\'cs the right .to accept or reOI 'The City \\'11.1 offer. a trade-jn; ~ject allY or all bIoS-, If In their; ~1~~IC\~~' tf;~~e~~~pa~~m~!~?ected atj ~~~~o~n ~h~e~1~~~ ~~r~~~~~e can hel 1 . Hf>Cl Plymoutll ".door Sedan Bidder shall submit llrOjlosa1 for. (Pollee Department) a traae-in wIth the llnedI'lH;tdnln~ I Ill~~~e 1l1i\~f~:S:~~IP~:~rfr;~alinul~: ~;:~dthsw~~~~I.maai~ ~~~:;'~:;:: ~ro~lr:i 111 car, cxcept radio equIpment, and Model 450 'Vn.yne Street Sweeper .' rc.inl'tnll IlS dlr6cted In tile car Sel'illl No. I-Hi9, as a spare which purchased.). ever in the opinion of {1m elly, al~~i,t ~P'rej~~~~~ o~h~1l r~J~~: a~d. ~fUr~~~ ~n::l~ts, suited for the City!. purchn.ac n.utomobUe on the open~ ~l, ,v. SJ~ANKARD, mar.lwl. ~~ Publi15hed: ,Tanuary 2~it;n(r~~,Il~!r&~ ]i'.bl.II~~(;:o;tll:~~l;~ll~;I\vo;~\~~';~~on~a:~ ~". . 5 % hid dCI)Ofdt ()r bon(l, slmJl be r-l1rllt~llcd WILli bId, Tl.c City CouncH , rescn'e:o the right to aceC]lt o~. rc. . .- 1 \'l!ct any (,I' all IlloJs, if In their opinion a hettt'l" llUl'o:-h<lSe CHon he rnade '_lll the ollen market. 1\1. W. SI~ANKARD City Mtlllag~r ~ I P\lhH~lled: .Tanua:' 24 u.ncl 31, 1963. II ., I I I I