HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/28/1977411 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington December 28, 1977 EXECUTIVE SESSION The City Council met in Executive Session at 7:00 P.M. to discuss personnel matters. ' 2 CALL TO ORDER At 7:30 P.M. the regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson. zz RoLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Olson, Councilman Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: Councilman Anderson Staff Present: Manager whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish. C. Caso, D. Frizzell, D. Flodstrom, P. Carr, H. Kochanek, J. Honnold. Guests Present: F. Densmore, T. Haley, R. L. Anderson, L. Sunny, P. Brady, D. Bragg, R. Parrish, D. Duncan III MINUTES Councilman Wray moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the December 14, 1977 meeting and the Special Budget Sessions of November 14 through December 6, 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. ' IV FINANCE 1. BID CALL AUTHORIZATION A short presentation was made by Mr. F. Densmore, from BJSS, concerning the Reconstruction Phase of the Civic Field Renovation Project. Mr. Densmore briefly reviewed the work that will be done under the base bid and the priorities under the alternate bids. The base bid is estimated to cost approximately $700,000. The construction budget is $734,600. The contingency fund is $35,782. In the event the base bid comes in under the estimate and the contingency funds are available for ex- penditures, the prioritized alternate work will be considered and completed. Some of the work under the base bid includes leveling of the entire field and filling it with gravel under a sand/sawdust mixture, sodding of the center fifty feet of the field, a new grandstand, field lighting, score board, flag pole, and a jogging track outside the field fence. Priority projects under the alternate bids included (1} automatic irrigation; (2) add concrete slab on grade; (3) seats around back of backstop; (4} sod remainder of field; (5) finish concession area; (6) add remote restrooms; (7) increase field lighting basically around soccer area; (8) pave the parking area and (9) finish the unfinished area below the grandstand. Mr. Densmore concluded his presentation by recommending the Council ' authorize the Parks Department and BJSS to call for bids on the Re- construction Phase of Civic Field. After several questions from the Council, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Parks Depart- ment and BJSS to call for bids on the Reconstruction Phase of the Civic Field Renovation Project on January 16, 1978. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. 2. BID AWARD: TRANSFORMERS Councilman Wray moved the Council award the bid for one (1) 75KVA and one (1) 1S0KVA padmount transformers to RTE Corporation, Portland, Oregon, at a total bid price including sales tax of $4,505.64. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 28, 1977 IV FINANCE 2. Cont. A total of six bids were received on the transformers, however, only two bidders, RTE and Graybar submitted bid bonds with their bids as required by RCW 35.23.352. Graybar bid $4,733.70 on the transformers. Firms not submitting bid bonds were Westinghouse - $4,775.74; Westinghouse alternate bid--$4,498.28; and Utility Supply - $4,648.57. Anixter-Pruzan, who bid $5,792.02, submitted a bid bond on December 27, 1977. State law requires that each bid be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit for a sum of not less than 5~ of the amount bid, and no bid shall be considered unless accompanied by such bid proposal deposit. 3. INFORMAL BIAS: LONGHOUSE ROOF REPAIR Parks Director Frizzell explained to the Council that a source is avail- able where cedar shakes can be purchased at $27.00 per square as compared to the regular price of $52.00 a square. The quality of the shakes will be checked out, and if they prove to be satisfactory the cost to reroof the Longhouse will be approximately $3,311. The cost to reroof the Long- house using plywood would be approximately $3,085. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Parks Department to put the $27.00 per square shakes on the Longhouse roof is they prove to be satisfactory, and if they are not satisfactory to return to the Council for further consideration. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. 4. CEMETERY COLUMBARTUM PROJECT Councilman Ross moved the Council approve payment of $2,819.53 to American Western Memorials as the third and final payment of the Cemetery Columbaritun which has reached 100 completion. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion. At this time Parks Director Frizzell requested the Council amend the motion to include acceptance of the project. Councilman Ross amended her motion to include the Council accept the project as completed. Councilman Hordyk amended his second and the amended motion carried. 5. ELWHA RIVER WATER PROJECT Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $281.78 retained percentage on the pump control valve contract and $535.80 retained per- centage on the wafer check valve contract to Tower Equipment company; $87,540 to Oregon Electric Construction Company on the installation of underground electrical cable contract; $172,409.64 to Del Guzzi Construc- tion Company as the second progress payment on the pump station and chlor- ination building construction contract; $253,516.57 to F. Coluccio Con- struction Company as the second progress payment for the transmission line construction contract; $66,623.26 to Worthington Pump Corporation on the vertical turbine pumps contract; and $5,865.00 to E.S. Constant Company on the chlorine solution booster pumps contract. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. On call for the question the motion was passed by the Council. 6. PAYROLL Councilman Wray moved the Council approve Payroll of $118,471.47. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA Ms. Bernice Flateau addressed the Council concerning a duplex being built at 901-903 Eckard Place in the Pinebrook Subdivision for herself and her parents. Ms. Flateau stated that on October 31, 1977 the City sent a letter to developer J. Key and her contractor informing them there could be no occupancy of the duplex until required street improvements for safe and easy access to the duplex were completed. However, both Ms. Flateau and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jackson, have sold their homes and any further delay would cause CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 28, 1977 '~ ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA (Cont.) considerable problems for them. The Council discussed this matter at length with Director of Public Works Flodstrom and Ms. Flateau, with Mr. Flodstrom pointing out that the paving in this subdivision should have been completed last August. The curbs and gutters were put in last week and Mr. Key has a commitment with J. Shotwell for paving to start on January 4, 1978. Mr. Flodstrom also informed the Council that should they choose to allow occupancy of the duplex they may have to allow this option to other developers in subdivisions less improved than this. After further discussion between the Council, Director of Public Works Flod- strom and various members of the audience, Councilman Wray moved the Council authorize Ms. Flateau and her parents to move into the duplex since it is a private residence and not a duplex being built for speculation puzposes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion Councilman Hordyk pointed out that the purpose of the subdivision policy re- quiring street improvements to be completed before occupancy was for the protection of the public. Director of Public Works Flodstrom also recommended the City continue through the end of next week with the developer's commit- ment to pave, and if the gaving is not completed by the end of the week, give the developer an option of posting a performance bond for maintenance of the road until it is Aaved. On call for the question on the motion to allow Ms. Flateau and her parents to move into their duplex, the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO." VI LEGISLATION 1. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Olson read the minutes of the Planning Commission's December 20, 1977 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Preliminary Plat - Seabreeze Inc., Highland Hills Division No. 2: Councilman Wray moved the Council set a public hearing date of January 11, 1978 on the Preliminary Plat of Highland Hills Division No. 2. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. B. Subdivision Regulations Amendment Councilman Buck moved the Council table this matter until the January 11, 1978 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. C. Councilman Wray moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission's December 20, 1977 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARING - SEAMOUNT ESTATES DIVISION III - PRELIMINARY PLAT Mayor Olson opened the Public Hearing and asked for Comments from the audience. Mr. J. Melton, from Clark and Associates, spoke to the Council regarding Condition No. 6 of the preliminary plat which states that there can be no occupancy of houses on Lots 6 through 12, IS through 18, to be permitted until all improvements are completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Mr. Melton stated that Clark and Associates had requested separate occupancy approval for Lots 1 through 5, and Lots 13 and 14 when utilities were in, as these lots are located on improved streets. Planner Carr pointed out to Mr. Melton and the Council that this had been the intent of the Planning Commission when Condition No. 6 was drawn up. Mayor Olson then requested any further comments from the audience. There were none and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Ross then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and accept the Preliminary Plat of Seamount Es- tates Division III based on the following conditions: (1) standard Light Department easements to be provided; (2) fire hydrant to be installed 4 1 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 28, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 2. Cont. at the northeast corner of Lots 17 or the northwest corner of Lot 11 with approval of the Fire Department; (3} the street designated as Sea- View Lane to be West Seventh Street through to "N" Street, and the cul de sac named Seaview Lane; (4) outstanding assessments for LID 193 to be paid for, the portion platted; (5) all improvements to meet the specifi- cations of the Public works Department; (6} no occupancy of houses on ' Lots 6 thorugh 12, 15 through 18, to be permitted until all improvements are completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. 3. ANNEXATION REQUEST - D. PETERSON AND J. DEL GUZZI Councilman Wray moved the Council refer Mr. Peterson's and Mr. Del Guzzi's annexation request to the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion Councilman Hordyk recommended the Planning Commission also consider additional annexation to the east of the city limits and at the same time start re-negotiations with Mr. Burton for the straightening out of the boundaries. The motion was then passed by the Council. 4. RESOLUTSON OF INTENT: CROWN ZELLERBACH A brief presentation was made by Mr. J. Hughes of Crown Zellerbach con- cerning Crown Zellerbach's desire to take the necessary initial legal steps to retain their option to finance a secondary effluent treatment plant at the Port Angeles mill with tax exempt bonds. Tax exempt finan- cing of pollution control facilities is provided for in U.S. Treasury Department regulations and commonly used wherever States have passed enabling legislation. Bonds are issued by a governmental entity but are sold on the basis of the private company's credit. These bonds are not in any way an obligation of the governmental agency. They are fully paid by the private company based on a written agreement between the issuing governmental entity and the company. In order for Crown Zellerbach to have the option to finance this project using Industrial Development Bonds, the City must, prior to any spending on the project by Crown Z, formally indicate its willingness to consider this type of financing. This action would satisfy federal requirements for use of tax exempt financing. Following Mr. Hughes' presentation Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize Crown Zellerbach's bonding attorney to draft a Resolution of Intent subject to Attorney Walrath's approval. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Manager Whorton pointed out that this Resolution of Intent would not commit any future Council but rather would state that any future Council would give this matter due consideration. On call for the question the motion was passed by the Council. 5. 1978 SALARY ORDINANCES: POLICE, FIRE, LOCAL 1619, & MANAGEMENT STAFF Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1951, 1952, 1953 and 1954 entitled, Ordinance No. 1951 AN ORDINANCE establishing a position classification and pay plan for the Police Department employees and providing for the payment thereof for the year 1978. Ordinance No. 1952 AN ORDINANCE establishing a position classification and pay plan for the Fire Department employees and providing for the payment thereof for the year 1978. Ordinance No. 1953 AN ORDINANCE establishing a position classification and pay plan for the City employees and providing for the payment thereof for the year 1978. CITY COUNCIL MEETING December 28, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 5. Cont. Ordinance No. 1954 415 AN ORDINANCE establishing and setting salaries and fringe benefits for Management, Technical and Ad- ministrative Personnel (non-union) employed by the City of Port Angeles for the year 1978 and providing for the payment thereof. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinances as read by title by Mayor Olson. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried unanimously. 6. CLAIM ORDINANCE - H. BROCK Mayor Olson introduced and read in full Ordinance No. 1955 entitled, Ordinance No. 1955 AN ORDINANCE authorizing the payment of a claim to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brock. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read in full by Mayor Olson. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 7. SHORELINE PERMIT - BAYSHORE INN Manager Whorton explained to the Council that Bayshore Inn, Inc.'s appli- cation for a Shoreline Permit to extend the existing northerly units of the Bayshore Inn easterly toward Peabody Street has been delayed because ' of the Department of Ecology. The Department of Ecology has informed the staff that the City can make a final Declaration of Non Significance under SEPA on the Bayshore application rather than a proposed declaration which takes fifteen days. The City has requested a letter from DOE stating that DOE is not an "agency with jurisdiction" as defined in SEPA, with regard to shoreline permits. The letter has not been received as yet, but with such a letter from DOE, a final Declaration of Non Significance would be sufficient for shoreline permits. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council table this subject. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Councilman Haguewood did not participate in the discussion or Council action on the Agenda item. 8. N.'O.L.S. BOARD OF TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT No appointments were made at this time to fill the unexpired term of Ann Kennedy on the Library Board. Mrs. Kennedy resigned December 15, 1977 and her term of office was to expire on Deceeber 31, 1980. 9. LIQUOR LICENSE Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of suspension of Safeway's license to retail beer and wine for three days for improperly marketing a wine under a proprietary label. Safeway has agreed to a consent order which provides that (1) Safeway will im- ' mediately remove the wine in question from all of its stores in Washing- ton; (2) Safeway will arrange for the wine to be exported from the state; - (3) Safeway's license to retail beer and wine will be suspended for three days'in each of its 155 licensed stores in the state, or, in lieu thereof, Safeway shall pay a monetary penalty of $5,000 before January 15, 1978. 10. LATE ITEMS None. V CITY COUNCSL MEETING December 28, 1977 VII STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Ross: Thanked the people of Port Angeles for allowing her to sit on the Council. 2. Councilman Hordyk: Thanked Councilman Ross and Mayor Olson for their services for the past eight years. Wished City employee Don Thompson well in his retirement. 3. Mayor Olson: Thanked the City for allowing him to sit on the Council and gave best wishes to the new Councilmen. 4. Councilman Wray: Commented on the new Bonneville Administrator. Commented that the City may be losing money on contractors coming into this area but having their base of operations in another area. 5. Manager Whorton: Requested a motion authorizing the Mayor to sign an agreement with the Public Defender for the year 1978. Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Public Defender for the year 1978. The motion was seconded by Council- man Wray and carried. Requested Mayor Olson to declare a five minute recess prior to adjournment. 6. Attorney Walrath: Reported on the December 27, 1977 meeting of the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council. At this time Mayor Olson declared a five minute recess. At the conclusion of the recess the meeting was reconvened by Mayor Olson. 1 On behalf of the City Council members and the staff, Clerk Parrish then pre sented Mayor Olson with his Mayoral Gavel which designated Mayor Olson's term of office as Mayor of the City of Port Angeles for years 1976 and 1977. Mayor Olson and Councilman Ross were also presented with their nameplates. Clerk Parrish also indicated that at a later date Resolutions of Appreciation would be presented to Mayor Olson and Councilman Ross on behalf of the citizens of Port Angeles, the City Council and the staff. VIII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. ~~ ~ ~~U~~ City Clerk 1 J Ma r