HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/29/1937 ~ ~h4 t)~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Deoember 29, 1937 193_ ~ The Commission met in regular sessi::>n at 10 A.I.!. and Vias called toorder by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed tne folloVling officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, At~orney uonniff and Clerk Hawkins. Under the head of ,'pplica tions for Building Permi ts and Licenses the follow ing were granted: Harry Christman, Build House, rr~ Lot 3, Blk. 35, n. H. ~mith's Subd. Brian ':Ihite, Taxi Licenses for e five-passenger cars for the Yellow Taxicab Co. 100.00 10.00 The application of .1. A. Sullivan for a taxicab license for 2 five-passenger cars for "Red's Taxi" came before the Commission and vms rejected. The following resolution came before the Commission and was read and adopted. RESOLUTION ABOLISHING TALI STAND ViliEREAS, The Gity Commission by resolution adopted May 27, 1936, and recorded in Vol. 19 of Commissioner's proceedings, on page 391, set apart and fixed as taxi stand for ~. A. Sullivan an area in front of the Harrington & Giles building, at the corner of ~'ront and Laurel Streets, described as follows: Commenoing at the property line at southwest corncr of Front and Laurel Streets, running thence west measuring along the curb a distance of I 30 feet, and WHEREAS, The City Commission on December e9, 1937, rejected the application of ". "'. Sul- livan, for a taxicab license for the year 1938 and determined to abolish the above desc:rib~d taxi stand. NDW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the resolution above referred to, creating and fixing the said taxi stand be and it is hereby recinded and that taxi stand in fl'Ont of the Harrington & Giles building deseribed as ,follows, commeneing at the property line at the southwest corner of Front and Laurel utreets, running thence west measuring along the curb 30 ~eet. be and the same is hereby abolished. This resolution is adopted in conformity with the authority and provisions of ~eotion 15 of Ordinance No. 960 of the City of Port Angeles. Under the head of New Business,- C. ~. Kilmer having changed his place of business from 117 E. Front Street to 206 No. Laurel $treet requested the ~ommission to transfer his licenses for two card tables, No. 4204, and one for soft drinks, No. 4G05, to his new location. There being no ob- jection the Commission instructed the ~lerk to make the transfer, as requested. Under the head of deading and Passage of Ordinances, the following ordinance was read by title and placed on its third reading: AN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety: requirinG expenditures unforeseen; providing for tho issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency making the ordinance immediately effective. It was moved by Gommissioner Henson that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commis3ioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The MQyor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution Vias introduced: RESOLUTIOll FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS ''''l TIl HI FUNDS ,ffiEREAS IT APPEA~S That requirements of certain departments for the year 1937, made nec- essary the expenditure of sums of money greater than contemplated, and VmEREAS, The amounts provided for other items within the same lcgal classification have not been exhausted and portions of the said sums can be tr3nsferred within the same legal classifications, and VffiEREAS, These requirements could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of prep- arations of the budget. THER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following transfers of funds be made, to-wit: CURRENT EAPZN3E FUND Treasurer's Department F1'om Insurance " Publications to Bond " " 42.98 47.02 Clerk's Department From Publioatiuns to Office Records & Supplies 80.00 En~ineer's Department From Insurance Traveling Expense Bond Telephone " to Office Records & Jupplies 11 II 11 11 100.00 45.00 5.00 20.00 6.25 10.00 Gas & Oil Typewriter I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 29, 1937 193_ "'l 555 I I I Attorpey's Department I to Office Recoras & Supplies II Traveling Expense From Court Expense n II 11 Ci ty Hall From Repairs to Building Miscellaneous to Insurance From Miscellaneous to Elections Police DepartmEfl t From ~eals for Prisoners II 11 11 to Office Reeords & Supplies II Insurance " Telephone Traveling Expense Fire Departmen t From Fire Hydrant Rentals II II II to Truck Operation II Fuel Insurance Office Records & Supplies Street Department From Gas & Oil 11 fl to Truck Repairs " EqUipment rtepair Tools & Hardware Street Signs & Paint Lumber Insurance Tires 1. II II II CITY STREET Ftnm Street Department From Concrete :Pipe II Asphalt Celjlent, Sand & Gravel I Asphalt Cement. Sand & Gra vel II " " " I I to Dust Palliative tl II II Gas & Oil Tires " Lumber Road Gravel Street Signs & Paint Oil Macadam Tools & Hardware Street Si~ns ~ Paf,nt Truck ReJ?air Equipment Repair II Rental II Used ~ar Replacement 11" 11 Damage to Property PARK FUND Park Department F;om Tel~phone to Tools & Hardware :: Seed, Shrubs & Fertilizer Repairs to Equipment II ,LIBRARY FUND Library Department From Light & Vater " Binding Insurance ~o Off,ice Rec~rds ~ SupJ?li es II II U~-keep of Grounds Repairs Emergency Help Librarian 18.35 6.80 20.00 16.65 64.68 5b.72 31. 72 66.72 410.59 15.00 1.89 290.14 20.27 32.18 6.81 2.95 1.51 230.00 67.51 60.41 1l0.73 308.90 33.30 6e.84 10.80 516.78 521.13 25.00 ",241. 21 327.18 297.82 100.00 14.13 5.01 9.71 19.27 36.16 5.98 1.20 1.59 38.75 It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the above resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On rull call all members voted aye. T he Mayor de~larGd the mo ti on carri ed. ClJRRENT EXPEnSE FUND The Commission examined and allo~ed the follo~ing claims and ordered warrants drane for same: Ci ty ';Iater Dept. E. H. Silvernail Olympic "tationers Willson Hardware Co. Paoifio Telephone & Telegraph Co. Bancroft-rlhi tney Co. Olympic Sta t':oners Olymp,io Printery Pac ~el & Tel Cu. P. A. Evening !leVis Olympio Stationers Pac Tel & Tel Co. Gas & Oil Furniture Supplies Flashli,ght Servioe~ Vol. A 1937 Laws Filing Cases Hall Tree Service Publi cations Supplies Service 13.21 ;-';05.00 e.06 1. 65 .50 7.50 112.50 7.50 1.25 157.78 1.85 7,35 ..... ,.... 556 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ December 29, 1937 Pao Te 1 & Tel Co. James Hard~are Co. Epperson & Sons Olympic Stationers Automotive Parts Service J. R. MoDonald Tjlos. H. Guptill Georges Service Station The Texas Co. Paris Motor Co. Tide~ater Associated Oil Co. V. ". ::lamuelson & Co. Johnson & Bork V. A. Samuelson & Co. Hoare & Headrick ~illson Hardware Co. '"ppers,om & ~ons Frank Macdonald & Sons P. A. Concrete Products Cu. Automotive Parts Service Standard Oil Co. Harold Hibbs PlumbLlg & ~ea ting Co. Paris Motor Co. ~ FUND Pac Tel & Tel Co. LIGHT FUND Asbestos Supply Co. Pac Tel & Tel Co. Auto~otive Parts Service Raecolith Flooring Go. LIBRARY FUND Ethe~ Osterhaut Library of Congress Jennilu Norris Automotivc Parts Service City Electric ~o. Pac Tcl & Tel Cu. Haugen Sheet Metal ~orks PARK FUND James Hard~are Co. The Commission then ,fJ.tjOUrn:,d to meet 17~ J J Ci ty Clerk ~ Service qupplies ~pring for Door Check Supplies Rags Hauling Garb9.ge Marking Card Greas e Gas . Battery Gas Repairs Enamel. etc. Repairs II Hard~are Lumb er Bol ts, etc. Pipe Parts Diesel Labor & Material Tires, etc. ,-. ')ftS ' Service Ceiling contract Sel'vioe La mps Flooring Offioe Bldg. :2 ,'"1-3 0 Emergenoy tlelp Supplies Petty Cash Laffins \'/iring Servioe Supplies Flashlight, etc. Deoember 31, 1937. ~~ Mayor 6.90 .95 2.45 .15 3.e2 6.00 4.50 1.25 21.12 11.05 l8.40 ,95 2.95 10.60 15.67 6.81 1.51 3.25 40.63 22.93 14.07 10.n GO.77 G.97 1'1 -- 1395.00 13.65 84.52 937.00 1..~j 7.50 6.02 2.18 1. 79 12.50 4.25 38.25 2.35 I' 1 1 I I