HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/30/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'lIl 455 December 30, 1936 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll Call showed the following officers presen t: Mayor Davi s, Commissi oners Beam and MasterB, Attorney Conniff and Clark Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinanc es the following Ordinano e was read by title and plaoed on its third reading: AN ORDINANCE setting forth an emergency affecting the public health and safety; requiring expenditures unforeseen; providing for the issuance of emergency warrants; and deolaring an emergency making the ordinance immediately effective. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduotion of Resolutions, the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS WITHIN FUNDS WHEREAS IT APPEARS That requirements of oerta in departments for the year 1936, made neoessary the expenditure of sums of money greater than contemplated, and VffiEREAS, the amounts provi4ed for other items within the same legal classification have not been exhausted and portions of the said sums can be transferred within the same legal classifications, and WHEREAS, These requirements could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparations of the budget. THEREFOR.E, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following transfers of funds be made, to-wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Treasurer's Department From Publications to Insuranoe ~ 7.62 Engineer's Department From Insurance n Traveling Expense " " to Gas & Oil to n n It to Offioe Reoords & Supplies to Auto Repairs 40.00 10.00 30.00 20.00 Telephone ~olice Department From ~ Patrolmen 11 Mea ls for Prisoners II " II to Special Police to Office Records & ciupplies ~~ A:;-to Repf/;irs, G~s ~ O~l to to to to to 472.50 39.19 54.31 1.63 19.00 .59 16.35 116.00 25.00 Repairs to Jail Fuel Tel ephone Tra1Teling '"xpense Car Trade ~n Repairs to Jail )Fire !lepartmen t From Fuel 'II Telephone II Insuranoe Hose Replacement 11 I. n i. " 11 ~ Car Hire to Truck Operation s 22.50 to " II 16.85 to " 8.35 to 6.34 to Office & Fire !lep ar tmen t Supplies 6.66 Attorney's Department: rom Court Expense Street De artment From ~ust Palliative "_,, II to Office Reoords & Suppl~es 40.00 to Asphalt to Equipment Rep~irs to II to to Flash ~anks & Water nent to Lumber to to Road Gravel to fI II to to Car Hire to Cedar Logs Bulkhead 130.27 150.00 150.00 300.00 20.00 200.00 500.00 200.00 100.00 250.00 350.00 100.00 " Conol:'etePipe Cem~nt, ~~d ~ Gr~vel n G\ts W otl Tires Sewer Maintenanoe Tools & liard ware Street wigns & Paint LIBRARY FUND ibrary Department ~rom Light & Water ~ ~~~i8~oR~oordS & Supplies II II " Up-keep of Ground to jiepll. irs to II to Il to Books to II 25.26 3.00 40.00 6.50 8.20 ...... ,.. 456 Proceedings ofthe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 30, 1936 193_ From Binding " Traveling Expense !I Periodioals Repairs PARK FUND to Books to Fuel to " to Assessments 37.67 2.00 19.00 3.58 Park liepartmen t From Tools & Hardware It II II Rep~irs ~o Equ~pment to Flowers, 3hrubs & Seed to Industrial Insurance to " to L.I.D. Assessments 14.50 9.00 24.36 9.97 v I It was moved by Oommissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Mayor Yavis. On roll call all members voted aye. ~~ Mayor declared the motion oarried. 'Under the head of New Business, the Pacifio Telephone & relegraph Company asked permission to place and mainta,in 1 pole. and anchor wi th the necessary wire and fixtures along the I north side of the vity Fire Department building on the south 50 feet of the west 150 feet of ~burban lot 26, and it appea~ing that the best interest of the City would be served in granting said permission, the vommission authorized the Mayor to sign a permit to place said pole as indicated above. iThe Oommission examined and allowed the following bills and ordered warrants drawn for same: I CURRENT EXPENSE. 'FUND Gehrke & Johnson Western Traotbr & Equipment Co. D. A, Masters 'H. H. Van Brocklin WATER FUND Barts Car Hire Insurance "'1 (.. - ..1">- 930.16 300.00 47.45 1.25 2.20 25.00 120.00 28.75 351. 60 37.76 1.83 8.00 154.44' 21.00 15.50 156.00 3.00 108.84 1.25 135.00 19.02 187.18 136.21 26.25 25.00 84,00 I Street Department Engineer'S Department Oly~pic Stat~oners Pao Tel &JTel ao. J. R. MoDonald Wm Dunoan Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. II II 11 " II II II II Pay Roll " II Lysall Welding & .l!'orge "arks ,C18iLlam Truoking Co. H. T. Swanson Co. Jas. H. Coyne P.A. Woncrete Products Co. Union Oil Co. Max Stookinger & wons Olympio Forest Products Co. Pac Tel & Tel Co. TMs, N. Hibben Assooiated Oil Co. n II II Office :Juppli es Time Book Servic e Services as dog oatcher Cribbing Extra Bumper Lumber Lumber. eto. Repairs " 140 yds, Dirt Pipe, etc. Gas Repairs Lumber Service Salary Gas " Water Department Union Oil Co. Angeles Gravsl & Supply Co. ILysall ilelding & "'orge Works 'Hsrsey Mfg. Co. Pac Tel & Tel Co. PaImer Sup~ly Co. P.A. Concrete Products Co. A. G. McKnight ILIGHT FUND Pay "all Gasoline Lumber Shop Ilork Meter Parts Service Material Service Boxes Garage Rent 860.00 35.21 3.08 31. 99 6.37 4.25 10.84 3.57 3.00 ~ I q<;;8 - Pac Tel & Tel Co. Westin~house Eleotrio & Mfg. Co. L. T. liuy S. H. ,jhi te Ci ty Treasurer ,Edd J. Beam Chas. Beam in lieu of taxes ~~ ranges 1c/-~"V 1144.50 95.44 14.10 101.14 13.20 30.01 5.00 35.00 6000.00 11.00 3.00 I Ligh t Departmen t Union Oil Co. of Calif. Line ~aterial Co. TI II " Pay Hall Gasoline & Oil Gloves Material Servio e Meter Sookets Jani tor Service Car Hire Annual Pay' t Insuranoe on Garage Rent I LIBRARY FUND Periodical 73.08 9.00 7.50 1.95 4.50 37.50 9.00 9.50 15.00 1.00 The puget Sound News ~o. 'Kaufman & Leonard Schlager Bros. James Hardware Co. ~~gs~a~nig~~Al~indery Seattle Times Sea ttl e Post-Intelligenoer The New York ~imes Northwest Gardens Books Costumer Shrub Wire Door Mat Repairs Books Subsc~iption II... 4~r-~1 t)( Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Deoember 30, 1936 193_ 4.00 7.40 7.91 4.25 Periodical Supplies Books Serv io e Pacifio Pulp P~perindastry Demco Library ~upplies Charles ". lllark Go. Paoifio Tel & Tel Co. GUARANTY FUND 51 /1/ - Ins. on Plate Glass Edd J. Beam 14.39 I The~e being no further business the Commission then ad~ourned. . ~~ ' ~tf,( ~ ?)7?11~ / ' I City Clerk Mayor I I I I , .....