HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/31/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 353~ December 31. 1935 193_ I I I I I The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.M. and was ca11ed to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the followin!'i officers present: Mayor Davis, Commission- ers Lutz and 'Masters, Attorney Plummer and vlerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following was granted: Epperson & Sons, Office Building, Lot 4, Blk, 268, Townsite $500.00 Under the head of Unfinished Business,- The contract with the Angeles Gravel & Supply Company for furnishing the material for the construction of the culvert on Valley Jtreet between First and Second Streets was presented to the vommission. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to sign said oontraot in triplioqte on behalf of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION TO CARRY FORWARD PROJECT ITEM WHEREAS, in the budget far the year 1935 the Department of Streets and Public Improvements made an appropriation of ~5,OOO,OO for the oonstruction of a concrete oulvert on Valley dtreet between First and Seoond Streets in Port Angeles with the use o~ relief :j.abor, which projec twas la ter identified and ap proved as a proj.ect in the Works Progress Administration; and , WHEREAS, due to delays on the part of the liorks Progress -o!\dministra tion in approving the project and assigning labor, it was impossible to complete said work before the rainy season and the street is open and the work is an uncompleted project of the "treet Department of the Vi ty of Port Angel es and bids have been called and oontract let for the delivery of materials, to-wit, lumber, re-infarcing steel and ready-mixed concrete for the construction of said culvert, and it is impossible to com~lete said construotion during the year 1935 on account of high water, and the sum of ~5,OOO.00 remains unexpended in said appropriation which is intended for the payment of the materials above mentioned necessary to the construction of said culvert and the completion of said project. BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED That the improvement oommenoed by the aepartment of Streets and Public Improqements for the construction of hte culvert to carry Valley Creek aoroas First Street into Port Angeles Bay is an uncompleted improvement in progress at the close of the year 1935. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Tha.t payment shall be made for the materials to be used upon said projeat from the bUd?et appropriation for said items made for the year 1935, in aocordance with the provisions of the last paragraph of ~ection 6, Chapter 158, Session Laws of "ashington for 1923 (Sectio,n 9000-6 Of Rmmington's 1932 Code). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Vity vlerk be and he is hereby authibrized and instructed to make the necessary provisions for the transfer of the remaining amount of said appropriation to the 1936 budget for the purpose of drawing warrants against the same for such payment, and to make such entries in the budgets and in other places as may propei'ly indicate the "purpose expressed by t'bis resolution. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approvQd and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll 0811 all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION FOR TRANSFER OF ITEMS WITHIN FUNDS WHEREAS IT APPEARS That requirements of certain departments for the year 1935, made neoessary the expenditure of sums of money greater than contemplated, on account of Treasurer's, Clerk's, Attorney's and Engineer's Office Records and Supplies; Engineer's Auto Repairs;' City Hall, Janitor's Supplies; Police Department, Office Records and Supplies, Auto Repairs, gas and oil, Traveling Expense and Insurance; Fire Department, Truck Operations and Offioe Records and Jupplies; and Street Department, for Concrete Pipe, Lights and Water, Pro Rata Share of Relief Headquarters, Car Hire, Truck Repair, Equipment Repair and Tools and Hardware, and WHEREAS, the amounts provided for other items within the same legal classification have hot been exhaus ted and portions of the said sums can be trans ferred wi thin the same legal classifications, and .ffiEREAS, These requirements could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparations of the budget, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the following transfers of funds be made, to-wit: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Treasurer's Department From Publications to Offioe Reoords and Supplies $175.00 Clerk's Department From Publications to Office Records and Supplies 125.00 Attorney's Department From Traveling Expense Engineer's Department From Gas and Oil " InsUfance Traveling Rxpense to Office Records and Supplies 20.00 to Office Records and Supplie s to II II " to Auto Repairs 20.00 50.00 60.00 ~ ,... 354 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 31. 1935 193_ I'~~':;'-~::~"""""''' ."" From Insurance to Janitor's Supplies i 20.00 Polioe Department Fuel i~ Of~ice Re~ords ~d Sup~lies to Auto Repairs, Gas and Oil to I'. 11 II to to to Traveling Expense Insurance " 79.15 15.88 1.62 57.87 8.35 2.38 8.15 I From Meals for Prisoners II Repairs to Jail 11 n Telephone Fire Department From 300 ft. 2k" Hose Replacement From 300 ft. 2}" Hose Replacement II Fuel Telephone Insurance - Volunteer Insuran c e to Truck Opera tions ~ Of~ice Rec?rds a~d Sup~lies to to to 286.42 28.58 11. 65 8.65 2.50 18.35 I STREET DEPAR~ENT Gas and Oil II II f1 to Concrete Pipe to Light s and ,later to Pro Rata Share of Relief to Car Hire to Truok '(epair to Equipment Repair to Tools and Hardware 90.00 30.00 HeadquarterslOO.OO 150.00 400.00 300.00 300,00 F~om D1;j8t Pall~ative ~ !tires fo r Equipment LIBRARY FUND Library Department From " Fuel Up-keep of Grounds Insurance Traveling Expense Repair " Light and'/ater Assessments Periodioals to Binding 10.50 to " 7.20 to 32.36 to 1.25 to 23.38 to Offic e Records and Sup:p,l1e s 81.77 to II " " 7.00 to Books 3.77 .1 to " 23.60 PARK FOND lark ])epartment From " " Superintendent's ~alary Labor Reoreational Development En t er tainment Reoreational Development Enter tainillen t Recreational Development Entertainment Reorea tional Development EQuipmen t and to Caretaker to II to L. LD. Aasessmen ts to Flowers I Shrubs and ';eeds to Repairs to EqUipment to To ols and Hardware 300.00 156.17 and 24.95 100.00 125.00 100 .00 and and It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor ~avis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE I Street Department Street Department Pay Roll " 5>-3 ':l. 30.00 493.99 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND EMERGENCY CLAIMS ALLOWED UNDER ORD INANe E #102 6 Water Depar.trnent Crane Co. Graybar ~lectric eo. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Mueller Co. E. R. McKnight Pacific Lamp & Supply Co. Pay Roll Pipe Guy V1ir e Wood Pipe Drill & TalE Garage Ren t Material & Supplies 512.16 I 3.15 7.65 6.00 , ,(, 3.45 Jlfl- /' 3.75 6.00 665.00 16.67 26.06 256.82 ...~ 16.88 /6 J 't - 3.00 29.77 Street Department Automotive Parts Co. The Pac Tel & Tel Co. J. R. McDonald The Pac Tel & Tel ~o. 11 11 II 11 n n Pay Roll Brake Lining Service Hauling Garba,'!;e Servi c e " J. R. McDonald Hauling Garban:e WATER WND ~ December 31. 1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ 355 " 1 I' I I I LIGHT FUND Light Department Harry McNutt ',~ater Dept. Chas. Beam Olympic Printery Knudson's Variety Store Irving P. Bean Co. Quick Print Angeles Co-operative ";reamery L. T. Guy Standard Stations, Inc. Pac Tel & ~el Co. Chas. R. Watts ao. Sohlager Bros. S. H. iihite Pay Roll Jazmi tor \70rk Water Substation Garage Rent Printing Light Globes Ma terial Printed ~orms Drinking 'CUps Janlotr Work Auto 1I1eaner Servic e Signal Xmas aecorations Car Expens e CEII,ETERY FUND Cemetery PARK FUND Pay Roll Fred Johnson Pine Hill Service Johnson & Bork Pine Hill jervice Filion Mill & Lbr. Co. Marjorie Brooke PAliK 'FUND EMERGENCY CLAIMS ALLOWED UNDER ORDINANCE #1026 Labor Gas Paint, etc. tlas Lumber, etc. Shrubs, etc. Park Departmen t Pay Roll P. A. E. RELIEF FUND Nettleton Lumber ":0. W. Montelius Price Co. Nettleton Lumb e!' ~o. Superior Blue Print Go. Lowman & Hanford Co. Lumber Supplie s Lumber Blue Prints Supplies There being no further business the ";ommissli,on then adjourned. ?}7nJ~ , , Ci ty "lerk to 1,'1-'18 11 ./ I"''' S1 },"'J~- V /1.D~ Ma,yor 1010.00 4.50 1. 95 3.00 65.84 132.64 40.78 20.96 3.01 5.00 1.02 15.50 42.00 117.60 35.00 100.00 29.16 .95 18.27 1.33 17.45 75.00 43.75 1/,;"'1 v I . 1,436.19 43.25 125.70 6.43 7.00 ~