HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/31/1941 ,.... ,:36'6 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 51. 1941 19_ The Connnission met in reguler session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, COllllllissioner Beam, Attorney Conniff and Clerk IIawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. 'I Under the head of ~PPlications for Building permi~.s and Licenses the following were granted: George Mangano, Bu~ld Garage, Lot 20, Block 571, 10vmsite Harry Palmquist, Build Garage, Lot 6, Block 172, Townsite C. C. '1mrchill, Remodel House, Lot 4, Block 25, N. R. Smith's Subd. 150.00 50.00 250.00 I Police Judge, W. F. Phillips, reported 55 cases tried and $599.00 collected in fines for the month of De cember, 1941. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants dravm for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND street Department HeI'll'.a n Ahl vers J. R. McDonald Jesse Patten Leslie Belka Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Olympi c Printery II " Pay Roll Sala ry Services as dog catcher Special Police o Sala ry Expense "ccount 1!-- ,-vS' f' 186.06 87.50 25.00 45.00 12.00 .92 7.75 4.17 2.00 .46 11.14 25.18 25.00 19.16 25.80 50.00 4.25 2.50 5.se 2.92 8.70 5.01 44.20 5.75 5.15 1.91 28.50 1.69 1.05 15.05 71.04 15.55 1~.59 1.15 252.00 4.90 4.95 16.55 13.65 13.15 10.35 10.75 141.90 26.85 I Pacific Tel & Tel Co. 11 II II Ribbons Maps Supplies Stamps Ribbons Expens e A c count Pocket Parts Stenographic Work Supplies Developing Tank, ete. Services Service Car Licenses Stamps Service II City Treasurer Burroughs Adding Machine Co. H. E. JJodge Bancroft-Whitney Co. Muriel Carrell Olympic Stationers Epperson & .5ons, Inc. Philip E. Keene Pacific Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer II ., The Fehly Studio Olympic Printery Angeles ~operative Creamery Aiken Motors Hooker Storage Garage Port Angeles Motors Epperson & Sons, Inc. Glass Specialty Co. Pacific Emblem & Mfg. Co. Art Burnside & Co. Puget Sound Tent & nuck Co. The Pacific Tel & Tel Co. City Trea surer Fire Department Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Speedwell Service Paul T. Poulsen Hayes Evans, Jr. C. A . Wolverton Cha s. Clif fa rd Smith Harold '.L'hompson Frank Lindsey Emerson G. Lawrenoe Supplies II Ice-cream I3umper Fan Belt 8.: Light Globe Tire, etc. !.umber Labor Cutting Ulass Badges Tear Gas Shells, etc. Safety Patrol Flags Service Cash Paid for Freight Volunteer Firemen Pay Roll Service Repairing Oa s Pump Expense Aocount Expense Account Expense Account U II I CITY STREET JiUND Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. n << n n Pay Roll 985.92 Part,s 22.08 Steamil)g Tanks of Oil 185 .94 Salt 15.59 Parts 31: 19.80 Car Mileage ,y'39 14.25 Pay Hall 570.36 Tools 7.88 11 2.71 Lumber 3.05 Boots .27.04 Car Parts 1.85 Repa irs 11.99 Charts f't 57.08 Fittings j2-g 54.62 1942 Dues 10.00 Gaskets 1.g6 Pay Roll 350.55 Service 27.66 Garage Rent 3.00 Car Repairs 4.52 Flashlights 5.91 Lamps 70.85 Fittings, ete. 8.59 I City Street Department Automotive Parts Co. Johnson Tug & Barge Co. Antone Smith's 3rocery Howard-Cooper COrp. Charles Lind WA TER FUND Water Department McClellan Hardware Co. James Hardware Co. Epperson & wons, Inc. Family Shoe Store V. A. Samuelson & Co. ft l' n I American Water Works Ass tn Hersey Mfg. Co. LIGIIT FUND Light Department Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Homer lllilek V. A. Samuelson & Ce. James Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. Rudys Radio Electric ll... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..... 367 De cember 31. 1941 19_ I I I I I Olympi c Printery Automotive Parts Service . " Office Supplies Truck Parts Drill Meter Parts Carbon Transformers Mast Arms 8.41 5.50 15.97 23.56 6.99 10.20 55.05 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Remington Rand, Inc. Line Ma terial Co. " 0 11> /' $'(1 \ PARK FUND Olympic PrL.,tery City fuel Co. United Janitor ~upply Co. 'J- 31 7.09 9.42 14.68 Let terheads stove Oil Janitor Supplies L.I.D. GUARANTY FUND Ci ty Trea su re r Assessment.s 208.28 L.LD. GUARAllTl nfVESTllENT FUND City Treasurer Purchase of Bonds 1300.00 Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced: RES01l1JTION TO SELL PROPERTl ACXlUIRED BY FORECLOSURE WHEREAS, The City of Port ~ngeles is the owner of the following described real property in the City of Port Angeles, to-wit: Lots Six (6) and Seven (7), Block One Hundred Ninety-three (193), Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, which said property has beon acquired by the City of foreolosure of delinquent local improvement assess- ments under Chapter 20S of the Session Laws of 1927, and WHEREAS, William u. Brown and G. EleRnor Brown, husband and wife, have offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $250.00, and WHEREAS, The City Connnission has viewed the said property and is of tha opinion that the offer is fair value and is in excess of the amount paid by the City for said property, plus all L.I.D. assessments, inclUding interest and other charges against the same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said William D. Brown and G. Eleanor Brown, husband and wife, for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any valid liens against the same; that the City p,ttorney be instructed to prepare a deed conveying said property to the purchasers, and tha t the City Treasurer be authorized to execute the said deed in accordance with the provisions of this resolution and Chapter 275, Session Laws of 1927. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foreging resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Beetle. On roll call all members voted aye. Lhe Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOlUTION FOR TRANSFERS OF ITEMS WITHIN FUNDS WHEREPS IT APPEARS, That requirements of certain departments for the year 1941, made necessary the expend- iture of sums of money greater tha'l contemplated, and WHEREAS, The amounts provided for other itelj\S within the legal classification have not been exhausted and portions of the said sums can be transferred within the same legal classifications, and WHEREAS, Those requirements could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of preparation of the budget, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following transfers of funds be made, to-wit: CURRENT EXPEKSE FUND Treasurer's Department: From Publications To Insurance se.OO Engineer I S Department: From Auto Replacement To Office Records & Supplies 50.00 Attorney: From Court Expense To Office Records & Supplies 40.00 M. scellaneous: , From W.P.A, Projects - Rentals To Equipment & Supplies 550.~ Police Department: Fro", 6 Pa trolmen Meals for Prisoners Tel ephone Insura nee " Auto Repairs, Gas & Oil II II tl fl To Spe cial Po Ii ce Office Alterations 100.00 ll3 .27 47.92 162.56 11. 30 225.85 6.65 o Office Records & Supplies It If II Light ~ .. 368 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington December 31, 1941 19_ Police Department Continued: !. From Juvenile School Boy Patrol o Radio Maintenance Medical Care for Prisoners Signs To Dept. Maintenance Supplic s II W " II 64.8G 5.51 75.00 23.33 Fire Department: Fire Alarm Supplies To Extra Man II " Tru clt Operations II Insurance Fire Deparllnent Supplies Light Telephone To Part Time Nurse To Concrete Pipe II Light & Water for Barn Tel ephone 160 .00 100.00 187. se 43.89 146.88 255.56 207.45 12.00 10.00 I From 1 Pipe man 3rd Year " 1 " 2nd fuel Office Records & Supplies 500' of 2}" Hose Replacement 11 It n " From S~nitary Inspector 41.52 I Health Depa rtment: Street Department: Frorr. Insurance 100.00 50.00 10.00 LIBRARY r1JND Library - Operations & h~intenance From II FUel Light & Water It 11 II To " Insurance " 15.93 20.70 7.64 59.82 1.05 5.34 Office Records & Supplies II " Bool<s Binding Up-keep of Grounds Repairs Periodicals PARK FUND Parks: " Industrial Insurance Recreational Development To Tools & Hardware Light for Parks Telephone Insurance " 40.00 50.00 20.00 40.00 100.00 250.00 I Fror. Seed, Shr~bsJ Fertilizer, etc. 11 n It II II Park - Pl~yfield: From Lights To Hardware & Tools 700.00 CITY STREET FUlm Street Department: Oil Macadam 100 .00 400.00 500.00 1300.00 1000.00 200.00 200.00 500 .00 400.00 I From Asphalt II Gas & Oil Equipment Lumber Road Gravel Tires Tr~ck Repairs Tools & Hardware Insurance To Concrete Pipe " II WA TER FUND Water Department: New Truck Building Construction 350 .00 S50.oo 200.00 250.00 400.00 I From Car & Truck Maintenance & Operation Chlorination Supplies & Expense House & Equipment " 11 11 To Tools & Miscellaneous " " LIGHT FUND Light Department: Fuel Telepho:le Transformers o 11. 90 10.20 19.se 150.00 241. 54 34.04 574.62 200.00 444.85 1205.15 100 .00 100.00 Expense Truck Operation & Maintenance 11 tt To Servieeman Groundman Jani tor Insurance From Superintendent of Utilities " . Office Supplies Lamps & Street Light Fixtures 11 II f1 II Sta te Taxes Meters & Meter Repairs o 0 .... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 3~8"A December 51. 19111 19_ Lil';ht Department Continues!: From Substation Equipment & Maintenanee To Transformers New Trucks & Cars fu1lding Repairs II Construction Lights at Office 5550.00 200.00 290.00 10.00 550.00 I It was moved by Commis siuner Seam tha t the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lind. On roll call all members voted aye. 1he-Mayor declared the motion carried. There being no further business the Connnission then adjourned. ?7~ City Cle r k 1d7~ Ilayor I I I I ..oiIl Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ /f~~ I II .1 I I