HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/31/1961 Proceedings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Washington 99 DECEMBER 21, 19..Q.L I 1 1 I c. " '"'"""' ,., ""n. .... II The City Council met in regular session at 7: 30 P. M. The following officers were present: Maypr Maxfield, I !ICouncilmen Richardson, Smith, Thome, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffelt i and Clerk McNeece. I It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that minutes of the previous meeting be accepted and placed On file. Seconded by Councilman Thome and carried. 'Under the head of unfinished business, a bid of $80.00 was received from Frank Morris for South one-half of Lot 16, Block 225, Townsite. A minimum of $75.00 having been set by the Investigating oommittee, Coundl- I man Caldwell moved that the bid of $80..00 by Frank Morris be acdepted. Seconded by Councilman Smith and , carried. I Bids to furnish gasol1ne, diesel and fuel 011 for City departments during 1962 were received as follows: 'I] CITY FUEL COMPANY, PS'-300 Fuel 011, firm bid, .092 per gal. MCMAHAM FUEL COMPANY, PS-300, .1 Fuel 011, firm bid, .092 per gal. PENINSUIA FUEL COMPANY, PS-300 Fuel Oil, .094 per gal. TEXACO, INC., firm bid, Regular gasollne, .2122 per gal., Ethyl .2419; Diesel, .1165. A. E. JENSEN, 1 Shell Jobber, firm bid, Regular gasol1ne, .214 per gal. Ethyl .244: Diesel. .lI78. TIDEWATER OIL COMP NY, Regular Gasol1ne, .2242 per gal., Ethyl. 2492: Diesel .lI61 firm bid. RICHFIELD OIL CORPORATION, Regular gasol1ne, .2147 per gal., Ethyl .2441 - 400 gallon minimum del1very; Diesel .119. ~UNION.,J OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, 7600 Gasollne, .229 per gal. TIT; Regular .239 T/W, Royal 76 Gasoline, .253 TIT, Ethyl .263 T/W; Dllesel .127. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, Regular gasoline, .2345 TIT, .2395 T/W. Ethyl, .2745 TIT, .2795 T/W; Diesel, .1295. MOBIL OIL COMPANY, Regular i gasol1ne, .2144 per gal.. Ethyl .2471; Diesel ,1207. ICouncllman Richardson moved t hat the bids be referred to the Manager for computation and report at next !meetlng for acceplanre of bid. The Mayor asked whetherthls'was necessary and could they determine by the [bidS. Councllman Randall questioned concerning the 7t% Washington State Tax being Included In Texaco. Inc, jrbld and the 4% Federal Tax excluded. He expressed the belief that It must be determined whether all bids are'l lincludl.ng Washington State Tax but excluding Federal Tax before an Intelllgent acceptance of the bid could bell made. therefore seconded t he motion made by Councllman Richardson. Joe Dailey of Texaco, Inc. assured ,that their bids were net prices and the City does not pay the Federal Tax. There appearing to be a clear cut flow bid, Councllman Richardson and Councilman Randall withdrew their motion. ! ICouncilrnan Randall then moved that bid for gasoline be awarded to Texaco. Inc., Regular. .2122 and l::thyl, , ,2419 per gallon. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. ' , . , ,. ' I ',It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Diesel bid be awarded to Tidewater Oil Company at .1161 per I' Igallon. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. , ",' " Il Councilman Thorne moved that the two low bids be split between City Fuel Company and McMahan Fuel Compo, y for pg-300 Fuel 011 on 6months basis. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. : IThe Finance Committee reported that there is sufficient funds in the Revolving Fund to take care of old L.1.D.i.' ,Bonds that became del1nquent before the present City administration. on the basis of 5<: to 10<: on the dollar. 'I,councilman Richardson moved that the City Manager be authorized to negotiate with Punnett and Company for ,redemption of del1nquent L. I. D. Bonds on basis of not more than 10% on the dollar. Seconded by Coundlman ' ,ISmith and unanimously carried. "Councilman Smith, Chairman of the committee appointed to study the problem of water extension to areas out-I' '1!lslde the City, read recommendation by the Committee - that the Consulting Engineer study the present and ,[ ..future domestic water needs of the City and that the City Elnter into an agreement with Consulting Engineers : for preliminary study and cost estimate for extending new water lines to the recently annexed area of the City J i'and that first consideration be given the citizens of the City. A motion was made by Counc1Jman Haguewood i'that the City Manager be authorized to engage R. W. Beck and Associates, Consulting Engineers ,for the pur- i~ose of making this study. Seconded by Counc1Jman Thorne. Councilman Randall questioned the Attorney ,'as to the legality of spending City funds to pay an outside ehgiIle.er1:ng}fftm, to makEa survey outside the City. rAttorney Moffett assured that the City is authorized to sell water outside the City and extend water lines !Eutside the City, therefore it would be a legal expenditure. Upon called Vote, all voted "Aye" - Motion II-arried . i.The date of Derember 21st having been set for Public hearing on City'ssix (6) year Comprehensive Street Plan, !'the City Manager gave a brief review on planned improvements and stated that the plan can be changed to ine~t !the needs of the City in the future. Mrs. Jacobson and Mr. Sidney Malbon, U. S. Architect for Olyrnpic II INational Park, spoke briefly and suggested several.improvements which they would like to see effected in the iplan. One being on the West end of Eighth Street and the South end of Race Street. It was explained that to ' :iPend State funds any plan would have to be approved by the State. ,il jpouncllman Richardson moved that the Public hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman llhorne and carried .11 Under the head of new business, a commbnication was received from the Peninsula Golf Club regardlngmetereJ iWater service. This is to be included with the study to be made by consulting Engineer. i II la was noted that there are two members of the Library Board, Mrs. Don Cornell and Mr. Nelson Hartnagel, i!.vhose terms expire December 31, 1961. Also, Mr. Geo. A. Todd of the Civ1J Service Commission. If pOssible, ,'these appointments to be made at the next regular session of the Counc1J. I keports of City departments were approved as follows: Treasurer's Report, Budget Report of Receipts and ~xpendltures; Light Department B1111ng and Work; Water Departtnent Billing and Work. Councilman Smith moved ~hat the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Counc1Jman Richardson and carried. II ~laims pa;able were approved in amounts of: General Funds, $60,813.18; Water Fund, $2,300.27; Pipellne 11 lfund, $74,552.83; Light Fund, $16,206.32. It was moved by Counc1Jman Richardson that all claims be paid l ,as enumerated. Seconded by Couno1Jman Thome and carried. ,I Mr. D. Frosty Clare, Coordinator of Civil Defense in this area, gave a brief repOl't on the meeting held Decem er Ibth at the Clallam County Court House. He stated that Civ1J Defense wanted the cooperation of City Officia~b '!n making a survey of potential bomb shelters, He was informed that the City will help. II ~ ...oIIII 100 l Proceeuings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington I. '" M PRINTING co. P.24U4 ..... (Continued) 19~ DECEMBER 21, A communication from the City Manager that a meeting had been held with Mr, Stevens of the bus service - advising that he will discontinue his bu's service on December 31, 1961, as he is unable to continue service ~ on the fares he has. Suggested that' .~ the City underwrite the Transit Service. The City Attorney 'has advised that the City cannot legally or otherwise enter into a su:l:sidizing plan. Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the following Resolutions were introduced and read in full: RESOL UTION NO. 1 B - 6 1 A RESOLUTION that the City of Port Angeles, Washington did prepare a comprehensive street program for the ensuing six (6) years It was moved by Councilman Randall that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. RESOLUTION NO. 19-61 ARE SOL UTI 0 N of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, expres sing appreciation for the past services of retiring City Clerk, J. E. Law. I Councilman Smith moved that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and 'unanimously carried. Councilman Richardson, Randall and Smith each gave a personal account of how well Mr. Law had handled his office and noted that he would be missed. I Under the head of introduction of Ordinances the following Ordinance was introduced and read in full. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE Adopting a Fire Prevention Code prescribing regulations governing consitions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, and eetablishing a Bureau of Fire Prevention and providing officers therefor and defin~ng their powers and duties, and re- pealing sections of the City Code. :!j I' It was moved by Councilman Randall tffi t action be delayed on thea1option of the Ordinance and a special I committee of the City Attorney, the City Manager and Fire Chief be appointed to study and clarify the Ordinance. A report to be made at a future meeting, Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. I' Mr. Shemek of the Fairmount District,and Mr. Graul of the Dry Creek area west of the City, spoke briefly re- garding the seriousness of the water situation in their areas and asked that the City provide water for them'l The Councilimformed them that a survey would be made and reported on later. I i I There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~~f.~,~) -MAYOR /f .d m... 'nno ./ CITY CLERK 1_- ~--- NOT.ICE 0"'. CALL FOB' BIDS .>;O'l'.lCE l~ .HE1U~BY GtVJ~~ tluH ,~.lt'lllcd iJids will be rccdved for '!g'l'ading. curblnK anll payemcnt or ':the Clty'" Mlllllcllnl Parking lot on ~Fl'ont SLn~~t b~twecll tile Pu]!c~ und Ltgllt BUlldiIlg~ '.rhc COllthectOr wlll lJe l'eql1ll'edi 'to do all flne gl'aCHl1g alia tl\6 )ll'C- .parnt!oll thCl'cforc, compuCLing, In- :;taH well::; and vents for the win- dow'" at the Pollee Building, con. stnlct COllrt'pte jl"hmr.l'i and Clltbhlg of Cl:u:;s '.C" COIH'r!:'tl', <lml In,!, a iBltumlnous Plant l\.fllC Paverm,nt jll UCcol'dfInce with pinus on file ~Lt tile office or the City EnglncCl' of the City of POl'l Ans-eles, 110 West Front Street. Port An~eleJ-l, 'Ynsh- lnf,~~;;;.tI:'nt th~reflJre :;;hall be for I e!OUmated quantlUes 'as Ih.;tell Oil plall!> a<; noted above, only, alld all w".lrk ami matorlals .shall full)' (:on~ form to the Washington St.'l.te High- way Standard Speciflenttons, 1[137, Cemcllt Concrete shall be Clas:o "C" l'itflndllrcl fiw~ (5) :-Jack mix. Asphalt B1tumhlollS Plant Mix flllall have a minimum thicktH!s!! of tWll (2) In- cllcf1. wilen compactca. Thc Clt:,. ahall IlLslall all stann drainf:'. do rough gl'udlng, furnish bank run gravel, furnlflh crushed I ~~~ f~~~s~~)ll;~n~t<~I~~~;~'S fl:rnl;~rktl~~ meters and pnlnt t~f(i,: stripes. The Contractor sllall Instill! pipe standards tOl" meters In nn cycn workmanship mrmn('r prior to pour. ing the concrete island strips. Pipe I ,,'1;j.ndards shan be under the super- vision of the m,~lcl. maintenance man who shall direct the height they Shall be in!'ltaJleCl. Bid~ shall be. submitted to the City 'Manager not Ifltel' than 7:30 o'clock P. M.-January 18, 1962, to be opened by the City counell In regular session to be hold the S,.'1me f]att~ In tile Council Chambers of the PO~i~: ~W~.di~'~;'erYc.:; t.he right to nccept or reject all}' or all bids !tnd do t.he work on force accoullt, V\'h,lC~- over in the opinion of the Council I:'; be~\a~O:t f;~Ct1~lt~'ork may be. seetIn'll from the CIty Engineer at no cost tll the Contractor, The City Engineer ~~~llr~~i;~l~tal~C' g~~~~g:~akcs for the II M. "r, SJ...ANKARV; I Ci1y Manager I, PuhURheo: Dcee,mher 28, 1961 find ~ Janual'}' 4, 1962 , N'O'TICE 0]" SALE 1 RDAL. PROPERTY NOTIC]~ IS HEHEDY Gn~BN tlmt ~:It:"'~P~:A"K']':~"ll "Jl to the hlgh(>Rt fwe] be~L hlddcr th(: fol- lowing descrIbed rClHl l'rOIIPrq., to- wit: , The South Y.i of Lot 16, Block I 22&, Towndto. M:S:n1mum ,u set by the City Council, $'16,00, NOTre]>} isfurtller J;lven that fl(t1I-. rd 111(11'1 will lip. rec('!Yt:d for 1!:c (;;'l.~~ ~;n~~~y ~~tr!lr,~~a~~(lu~~ltlln~I:21? Bid mu~t be llCcOmrmni€'f1 hy R. (,e. , posh of not Ir:'lfl thnn 1U% of am(l\lnt bIrr or the- offer wlll lIot IlC {'OIlf1trlCl'- I {'d. The City Council rc~ern'5 the , rlght to rej,_'cl a~~: .r.r alt1~JrARD, i Citr j'l,fflllill;er , PulJH~lIad: Deccmber Hand <:1, 19111! ..~~--_--.-~ ~ ~r;C~~M #~~ ~- %~ I ill> ---'ll- 1 I 1 I