HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 02/06/1990 Page two City Council Agenda February 6, 1990  agreement County for use of night Consideration of with Clallam weapons training facility 14. Request Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) ~~ for mid-February (issues are Telecable, Water Cross-connections, landfill equipment, 15. Consideration of use of Executive Search firm for City Manager selection process^ ~ ~~~ 0~ ~. 16. Request a meeting of City Council's Real Estate Committee (Library parking concerns) ~AJo- ~, ~ ~  onsideration of agreement with Clallam County for Health Services or 1990 ~ -- ~ -~ --nating Parking Lot Activity Permit prqvisigns~~~~~ IX CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RE~ORTS/LATE i~fEMS X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION (length of session) (possible action on Executive Session items) XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION XII ADJOURNMENT!! The Port Angeles City Council TALK TO YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS Council members want to hear from the people they are elected to represent - YOU. Let them know how you feel about issues before them. After all, it's your home town. WHEN CAN I TALK TO THE CITY COUNCIL? AT COUNCIL MEETINGS (held the first and third Tuesday is a phone call. Just call at a reasonable hour, identify your- night of every month): self, and express your concerns. You should be aware, how- ever, that certain matters, such as rezones and land use per- 1. After the Consent Agenda, the Mayor will ask the mits, cannot be discussed outside public hearings. audience if anyone wishes to address the Council. If your issue is not already on the agenda, go to the podium, state Kelly Gab riel 452-6323 your name and address, and tell the Council what you would 3 i m H al let t t~ 57- 769 t, like to discuss. The Council will decide when to address Mike Lemon t~52-9397 your issue - then, later that night, or at another meeting. Larry Nicholson t, 57-#826 Prosper Ostrowski #57-36#8 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS Joan Sargent 457-9187 There arespeciai rules that apply to ~ at Dick Wight 452-8823 Council meetings. In these hearings, the Council's role is like a judge's and your comments are considered testi- ° You can leave a message at City Hall. Call the City Man- mony. It is good to have your thoughts gathered so the ager's Office at 457-0411, ext. 101. Council gets your message clearly. · You can always write Council members at City Hall, 321 Certain matters, such as rezones and land use permits, East Fifth, P. O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, WA 98362. cannot be discussed outside public hearings. This is to be sure both sides have equal opportunity to speak. Pub- lic comment is limited to the period that the Mayor opens HOW TO PLACE AN ITEM for the public hearing. So when the Mayor closes the hear- ON THE COUNCIL'S AGENDA ing, you may not have the opportunity to speak again. You can contact the City Manager's Office and ask to be put on the agenda (457-0411, ext. 101). The agenda is the list of is- 3. If you have something to say about a topic being discussed sues to be acted upon at each semi-monthly meeting. during the meeting, and it is not addressed in the public hearing process described above, please wait until the break Bear in mind there are time constraints. You must call by noon or after the meeting to discuss it with a Councilmember. the Wednesday before the Council meeting to get on the next agenda. This is to provide adequate time for the staff to prepare After all, the meeting is a business meeting and time is lim- and get the information to the Council members to study before ited. Generally speaking, public comment at the meetings each meeting. is limited to when the Mayor calls for public comment or at public hearings. You'll need to provide a brief written background of the issue you wish the Council to consider. Your written information is OUTSIDE COUNCIL MEETINGS needed by noon the Friday before the meeting. · You can re. ach Co!moil member~ at their h~rn~ All it mk~ NOTE: SPECIAL HEARING DEVICES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 6, 1990 7:00 P.M. I CALL TO ORDER 7.'0~ II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE . ~ Led by~ Gayla Perez & Earla Stuhr' s Campfire Group APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 16 AND SPECIAL MEETING V FINANCE: ~~) Y2.~/~ ~ ~ ~ 1. Consid~eration of Rid awar~ for ~990 1,egal publications ._ 2. Consideration of bid award for trans~formers ~-- 3. Request for payment to Riddell, Williams of $3,447.10 for legal representation on WPPSS issues VI CONSENT AGENDA'~'ouchers of $1,738,954.22 Payroll of 1/21/90 of $245,056.02 VII ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL/AUDIENCE TO BE CONSIDERED/PLACED ON THE AGENDA: VIII LEGISLATION: 1. Presentation of Certificate of Office to Gary Kenworthy from American Society of Civil Engineers ~ /~ Consideration of decision on DEL HUR INC. REZONE REQUEST - REZ ~ 89Z(07)5 -_Del ~uzzi Drive: (tabled/~continued fro~ 1/16~ meeting) 3. Continuation of item from Planning CommisSion ~nin~es of J~Fnuary 10, 1990: (from 1/16/90 meeting) REQUEST TO CIRCULATE ANNEXATION PETITION, ANX 89(12)3 - GLAUBERT/AUSTIN, Fairmont area: west of 4. Planning Commission minutes of January 24, 1990: A. SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - SMA 90(01)106 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES, East end of Ediz Hook: Request for a permit to allow replacement .~ of an existing float; the placement of a second identical float; <b~ and placement of 8 piling, located in M-2 Heavy Industrial ~..~ ' B. REZONE REQUEST - REZ 90(01)01 - DOWNIE/GUND, Eighth & "G" Streets: Request to rezone property (6 lots) from RS-7, ~.F~a~ily ResJ~dential to RMF, Residential Multi-Family ~-~--"--~-~'rl ..' Consideration of r~olutioE declaring public nuisances Report on Harborcrest noise situation . ~ ~ -- 7. Proposa~ from Mike Langley, Peninsula Tra~ils~Coalition O/Lt~. ~ Consideration of ~an ordinance amendment ~correctin~ the Uniform ~ Si§n Code adopting ordinance ~d(j ~c/~.~ ~~ 9. Consideration of options for replacing Lisa Cochrun as the City's Public Information Officer ~~ ~[ (~o ~ ~ 10. Consideration of change ~n City's Health Plan Administrators 11. Up. date On expiring terms on City boards and commissions  Consideration of contract and consent order for clean up at North- west transformer site *MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK (continued)