HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 02/07/1995 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAIL~W?.~. FOR THOSE NEEDINg, A~SISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANG~.~S CIT~ ~O~NCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Febr~ar~ ?, 1995 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. C~?.?. TO OI~)E~ - Special Meeting ~O x i. aomm TO EXECUWIVZ SESSION IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION '7~ V. C~T.T. TO OI~DER - Regular Meeting ~ /~,~, VI. PLEDGE OF AT.T.mGIAN~E - Led b~ C~p F~r~ ~roup, Leader ~arc[a Lo~an ~PROV~ OF MI~S o[ re~lar mee~n~ o~ ~anuar~ ~ONI~ ~~/PR~IONS: ~. Acceptance o[ donated Ch[hul~ basket 2. Proc~a~on reco~n~z~n~ Februar~ as ~e~c~ ~ea~ ~o~h - Received b? Richard Sargent Cl~ CO~ClL ~I~E ~O~S X. FIN~: ~.Extension o[ LandE~l ~r~undwater anal~8~o contrac~ Par~etrix, engineers~~~ Authorization for purch~ o[~echlor[n[zet[on e~ent Wastewater Treatment Plantff~~&~ X~. ~T~HS FRO~ T~ A~NC~/COUNC~L/ST~F ~O B~ CONS~D~D OR P~C~D ON A. P~IC ~IN~S: ' 1. Consider adoption of integrated resource planning 2. S~ ~A~TION P~ITION - P~Rg~ - g~ 94(12)10,' Port,on the 5/6 Alley: Petition to vacate a ~rtion of the 5/6 alley located in the west seventh-five feet of Suburban Lot 34. (To ~0~ CSD~ Co,unity Shoppinq District: Proposal~to ~end/)~he Co--unity Shopping district min~ yard retirements. ~. S~ VA~TION P~ITION - D~ - S~ 95(01)01 - "P" Street': Re~est for vacation of one-half of the "P" Street right-of- way at the intersection of ~ ~d Eighteenth ~treets. (This item has been withdrawn. ) ~t~ ~t~~tC~ of develo~ent standards for consietency with the rece~ly adopted Comprehensive Plan and with the Gro~h Management Act. (Continued from Dece~er 20, 1994.)(I~s YOR D RMINE OF C£t1~ Council Agenda February 7, 1995 Page 2 YIII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) /%, ~. ~.~ 6. com, m~m~NSIW Pu~ A~ND~NT PROCESS O~DINm~C~. (Continued fr~Deg~e~20, 1994.) (,S& ,6 ~ one pa~rk packet) C. ~SOL~IONS N~ ~UZRIN~ ~IC ~INGS: 1. ST~ET VA~TION PETITION - S~ 94(12)10 - PETERSENr Po~ion of 5/6 alley. (Set public hearing for April 4, 199~.) (No pa~ork in packet - see P~lic Hearing ~2 ~ove.)~ .~ /_~ 2. ST~ET VACATION PETITION - S~ 95{03)02 - SE~NITY ~USEr , Portion of Eiqhteenth Street between "D" and "E" Streets: (Set V- D. P~ING C~ISSION MI~S/A~ION Pla~ing SHO~LINE SUBST~TI~ DE~LOP~NT PE~IT - DAISHOWA - S~ 95(01)148, Marine Drive= Re.est for a substantial develo~ent pe~it to allow the construction of a dust collection system to the existing recycled pair.ill site. located in the M-2, Hea~ Industrial District. Pla~ing ~ission ~nu~es of J~ua~ 18, 1995. (No action Pla~ing ~mission ~nutes o~ Janua~ 25, 199S= ~~.~ SHO~I~ ~AG~ PE~IT - ~ 94(12}146 - PORT OF PORT to allow a shoreline reh~ilitation project. E. ~R CONSIDE~TIONS: 2. Acceptance of Multi-Modal Action Pla~ ~~ ~ 3. Financial report on status of City's health Denefits '~~ City of Port ~geles position on Gro~h Manag~ent Act 5. Appoint Council me~er to Clall~ County Boundary Review Board 6. Appoint Counc;$1 me.er to serve~ 9n fire chief selection co~ittee ~ ~~ ~ ~>/~ ~ . -- Counc -;- .r 8. ~ssuance of Re,est For Proposal~for console sup~t system/Police Co~unications Center 9. Surplus computers donated to Healthf T~ilies of Clall~ County ~ . m 10. Rescission 6f' ea~nest~oney agreement for Old City Hall 11. Extension of earnest mRne~ ~gre~ent with Serenity House fo~ 18th Street property ~t~ a 12. Agreement with AlbertsSnr's for right-of-way com~nsation 13. 1995 contract with Clall~ Co~ty Emergency Medical' Services/Tra~a Care Council, Inc. 14. E~plo~ent contract for electrical engineer/project manager lS. Contract with Ryan P~anning Resources for sump~e~tary E~S for rezones to ~plement thm Comprehensive Plan ~. Co~r~=~ w~=h Un~ed Wa~ ~~~ '' x v. f~--