HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 02/15/1994 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. ~~ AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON February 15, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING - 5:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER -_ S/>ecial Meeting ~'~ p' I I. ROLL CALL ~ ~L~, III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION .~-'~ ,~ p' /~ ' IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION ~0'/0 ~ ~. Interview applicants for Boards & Commissions V. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting ~,'/~9 VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Marsha Logan's Camp Fire Group VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of regular meeting of February 1, 1994 VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: 1. Introduction of winners of "Dream a Library" contest 2. Employee Suggestion Program awards IX. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS X. FINANCE: Final payment and acceptan.ce of e~ergency watermain repair at Black Diamond reservoir 1. Request to call for bids for breaker replacements 2. Sale of surplus equipment - authorization to execute documents of sale 3. 1994 Equipment replacement recommendations 4. Wire transfers - December 1993 & January 1994 of $2,079,959.28 5. Payroll for January 30, 1994 of $330,789.25 6. Voucher list for February 11, 1994 of $781,681.88 XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda.) MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TTNE OF BREAK City Council Agenda February 15, 1994 Page 2 XIII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. GROWTH MANAGEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE (GMSC) SCHOOL CONCURRENCY POLICY: Consider proposed amendment to county-wide planning policy to require adequate school facilities at the time of residential development.or within six year~of§~i~ development 2. Consultation s~rvices for Golf Course DevelOpment seminar B. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~. , ~~ Amendment to official zoning map to reflect the new community ,cw//~ shopping and community residential zoning districts C. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: D. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: Planning Co~nission minutes for January 26, February 2, and~/f_~~ February 9, 1994: 1. SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - SMA 94(02)138 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, Municipal Pier: Request for a shoreline management permit to allow construction of a boat moorage facility, located in the LI, Light Industrial District, as part of the City's Municipal Pier service. 2. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA 93(12}04 - GERMAN, Residential Sinqle-Family Districts, City-wide: Request to amend the Planned Residential (PRD) Chapter of the Port Angeles Municipal Code and Ordinance No. 1709, Zoning, mas amended. (This item is continued from December 21, 1993)~W~.~_~ E. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 2. Consideration of~rical equipment removal - old City Hall 3. Appointme~t~ .to fill vacancigs_o~n_C%ty boards and commissions 4. Agreement w~th Port Angeles Downtown Association designating PADA director a member of City's Emergency Management Organization and revision to agreement betwee~ City and emergency workers regarding cellular phones ~~ 5. 1994 Special agency contracts 6. Cable TV consultant contract for 1994 8. amendment to Comprehensive Plan EIS Contract for $7250 to Ryan Planning Resources for 9. Request to circulate annexation petition: request to allow circulation of an annexation petition for approximately 2.3 acres of property located at approximately Lauridsen Boulevard and "L" Street. (Additional information of water service provided as requested) XIV. ADJOURNMENT~' I I f - - '