HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 02/18/1992 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 18, 1992 SPECIAL SESSION - 5:30 P.M. REGULAR SESSION - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - Special Session II. ROLL CALL M0 pA_~~ III. Interview applicants for Boards/Commissions Iv. RET TO OPEN SESSION 7 V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by ~ung~r~ Gr~up CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING VI. VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of Special Meeting of January 31, 1991, Regular Me, ting of February 4, 1992, and Special Meeting of February 11, 1992 VI I I. CE~ONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: 1. Presentation of plaque of appreciation to Daishowa-America for their contributions to the City of Port Angeles 2. Employee Suggestion Awards 3. Police award presentations ix. C TY COUNCIL CO ITTEE PORTS . 1. Vouchers of Februa 992, for 1991 e~penses, $62,727.28 2. Vouchers of February 7 & 14, 1992 for $347,333.77 3. Payroll of 2-02-92 for $290,121.08 XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTLrRE AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific item.~ on the agenda-) A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~ ~_~ 1~ Resolution revising fees for supplying prints and copies and resolution revising fees, deposits, and related charges for ~- ~o~ Public Works uermits and services . 2. Consideration of resol~tioh for non-pro, fit o~g~nizatio,ns, signs ~~n in the ~ ~ight-o f-way ~/~J~ ~/.-- ~,wn. 3. REZ~H~ REQUEST ~ RE~ 91¢11}05 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES. Between Peab6dy and Chase and 5th and 7th Streets: Proposed rezone of approximately 9.3 acres from RMF, Residential Multi-Family, to OC, Office Commercial, and an amendment including property ~w~L~. ~7~ to be rezoned from CSD-C, Community Shopping District and RMF to PBP,~ Public_Buildings and Parks. (Continued from Dec · .~ %~'~L~t/L~Q~ MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda February 18, 1992 Page 2 4. RE~.ONE REOUEST - RE~- 92(02)02 - CL~?.?.~M COUNTY, 1914 West 18th  Street. Request for rezone of property currently designated . ~~ LI, Light Industri~a~ Di. str, ict~ to, PBP, Public Buildings and Parks District ~ 5. STREET VACATION REgUEST - STV 91(02)01 - CITY OF PORT AN(~ELES,  326 East Seventh Street: Request for vacation of a portion of . ~~ the 7/8 al/~le~ be~tw~en~h.a~e,and Peabody and Seventh and Eighth Streets ~ 6. S~ET VACATION R~QU~ST - S~V 92(02)02 - DTV~RSTFIED 6J)t6~' J ,~ INDUSTRIES, Vine Street, between Lauridsen Boulevard and . Orcas: B. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Consideration of amendment to civil service ordinance Chapter ~ .~,~ 2.22 of Municipal Code ~ ~~t~ and C. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: · Consideration of re~~ a~pti~g ~1_992-1997 Capital ~. Improvement Program 2. Resolution setting a public hearing for March 17, 1992, for ~ //_~_~ consideration of a request to vaca=e a portion of Fourth · Street located in Block 119, TPA. '~&L~ D. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: Planning Commission Minutes, Regular Meeting of F~bruary 12, 1992 E. 1. u app~n~ment of reDrese~tiv, es.~o BoaNds/Cgmm~s~_~,ns.~~~ OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 2. Appointment of Board membe~ Chuck T~rner for~erio~ of three years, to March 1, 1995 3. Ap]~oint. men% to ~$e~or Ce~n~er Board /9n 4. Pr~liminary~ financial rej~o,rts.~.or year ~,nding Decembe. r-~l, 5. Treatment Plant Approval of land~urchase for bifiltration at Wastewater 6. Approval of contract w~ State Energy Office for code start-up costs 7. Consideration of forming an advisory committee to implement a Gable TV government and education channe.1 8. ~~~_~_' ' ~)~9%~~~ w~th Considera=agn or~orFmjayor to sign contracts City of Sequim ~fid Clallam County Fire District No. 3 for dispatch services provide~by PENCOM, ~consolidated dispatch operated by City ~ ~f~__ -- ~~ 9. Request to submit Centennial~lean Wa~e~ Grant for Watershed and Surface Water Planning 10. Updatedowntown motel°n status~of "air ~,~~ space" lease xiv. /