HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 02/18/1997 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. ?ORT AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON February 18, 1997 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I.' CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting fi5~--~ 1]]. SPECIAL MEETING TOPIC: Interview applicants for vacancy on Planning Commission: Martie Lucas, Fredric Hewins IV. ADJOURN SPECIAL MEETING &~ f~. '/~, V. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting ~O~ i;>,,/r~ . A ~ VI. PLEDGEE OF ALLEGIANC~ r~J~9~ 1~.~ ~)t~'tcX~& ~.?~4~O/A.t.~ VII. APPR~V~A~L.~O~ ~]~JTES of Febru~, 4,1997 regular meeting VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: Pedestrian Safety Citation - 3 Consecutive Pedes.trian Fatality Free Years Award to the City of Port Angeles from American AutomObile Association (AAA Washington) IX. FINANCE: None CONSENT: ~ ~~ X. I. Amendment to contract - Criminal Justice issues 2. Out-of-state travel to FEMA 3. Payroll - February 9, 1997 - $354,424.14 4. Voucher list - February 14, 1997 - $435,150.05 XI. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda.) XII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: APPEAL OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT - M & R U.S. DEVELOPMENT - SHP 96(10)08 - 4/5 Alley: Appeal of conditions to provide a fire hydrant and upgrade to the access roadway for a three-lot shgrt plat in a residential zone. (Continued from February 4, 1997.) ~k~'~)~'~. ~ tXOt.'~ ~&~ ]~&4< [l~~ MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda February 18. 1997 Page 2 XIII. LEGISLATION: A. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~,),9~, e~.OlfS~ Amendment to solid waste rate ordinance B. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: D,~signation of agency representative for FEMA,fun~ls C. PLANNING COMMISSION 'NIINUTES/ACTION ITEMS D. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Appointment to Planning Commission 7[~t-p'- ~~ __ Bill Long from Parks & Recreation Board .~:~t~ :~D 2. Resignation of 3. New Board Member Recommendations/Senior Center Board ~ ~3~d2~, 4 1997 contract with United Way for City of Port Angeles human services funding 5 Amendment to Bonny s Bakery lease of old Senior Center building 6 Termination of power s04es agreeme,nt with Rayonier and revision of SP sales agreement with BPA/~1-~ ~ 7 ' Pre-annexation agreement for induStrial site ~k~. '~ ,,,_ XIV. ADJOURNMENT ~ff.E~'~)~ -~'-'~:J~/~'~- ¢.q-~,-3'''~'' Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to moot legal requirements ~ertainin~ to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposeO amendments to City land use re§ulations, zonin~ chan~es, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearin~ in order to receive public in~ut ~rior to makin~ decisions which impact tho citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion throu~t~ the public hearing process. Public t-learincj Procedure: All comments must be made at the podium after the speaker first ~ives his/her name and address so that comments and speaker identification Become part of the record. Tho Mayor may indicate the amount of time available for each hearing. So that all persons have an opportunity to speak, tho Mayor m~y limit the amount of time permitted each speaker. In makin~ your presentation to the Council, the followin~ format may be helpful: PURPOSE: What is the idea you wish to present? Be~in with an "1 statement" outlinin~ your idea, such as, "l am here to (support/oppose)..." REA,.qoN: Why are you making this point? This is an important step so the listener does not make assumptions about your motives. EXAMPLE: Brief and relevant examde to clarify and make your point concrete. SUMMARY: What condition will be c~an~ed or improved if your point is adopted? ACTION: IIf a~propriate, de~endin¥ on the situation). What needs to be done and who will do it?