HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 03/05/1991 iiOTE: SPECIAL HEARING DEVICES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON MARCH 5, 1991 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING ~O~__ ~-~ ~, LII ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE~ SESSION ~z~ IV RETU~ TO OPEN SESSION ~ V C~L TO ORDER - REGUL~ ~ETING ~ VI PLEDGE OF ~LEGI~CE - ~ed by Pam Bo!ough's & Deb Young's Campfire Group /II APPROV~ OF MINUTES OF JO%NT CITY/COUNTY MEETING OF FEBRU~Y 12 ~D REGUL~ MEETING OF FEBRU~Y 19, 1991 ~%<~ ~ iii FIN~CE: 1. Request for proEress payment to Delhur Inc. for landfill construction of $111,216.75; and retainaEe of $5,409.36 ~C~~_ 2. Modification to Street Materials bid..award (paint) ~.%~, m~ ~~ 3.R~qu~st for fin~l p~m~nt ~:Git~ Light Operations Building roof to~oc~ ~onstruction, Inc. of $2,203.00 ~nd r~t~in~ge of $2,333.90 ~. Qon~id~r~tio~ o~ ~ ~rd' for~dist~ibugion transformers ~.~~ IX CONSENT AGENDA: Vouchers of $'2,248,309.72 ~2 /~ Payroll of 2/17/91 of $281,645.64 X ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL/AUDIENCE TO BE CONSIDERED/PLACED ON THE AGENDA: XI LEGISLATION: CoRsider~tion o% resolution denounging de~truct%~n of A. CO~SIDg~TIOR OF SHORT PL~T ORDI~C~ ~D~T: revising sta~ard ~mprovemen~s m ~ . ~. ~U~SIDE ~CYCLING ~D ~p~ID WASTE~TES ~ , ' i.. Re~ from Olympic ~spo~a~ r~aramng sp~ng c~aan-up ~ ~. Consideration of/~ecision on E~Xs 6r~k Estates ~nned Rasidentfal D~valopm~nt 5. Pla~ninE Commission m~nutes of January 23, 1991 (continued) A. SHO~LINE ~AGEMENT PE~IT - S~ 90(02)113 - ITT ~ayonier, North Ennis Street ~~nsideration). 6. Planhfng Commission minutes of February 27, 1991 ~~~. 7. Presentation by Ghrys Cervinaki of NOPVCB regarding Hotel/Motel~tax legislation and recent ac~vities of NOPVCB ~A~ ~ ~ Z~ ~~ Co~mae~at~o~f c~n~ultant co~tr~[ for Growth ~ana~ement Ac~ sarv~ce~ . ~ . 9.ConsideratiOn of re~luti~n establisRing construction contract ch~ge order pro-~ cedures __ · 10. Consideration of cha~es to Nuisance Ordina~c~ procedures Copside~ation of Ci~X Policy for th~. Rep~c~m~n~/Addition of.Fl~t Equipment R~qu~t to ~t Re~l E~t~te ~o~tt~e~o die,uss: 1) r~qu~st ~r ~xten~ion of HOSPI~E l~as~ ~) ~que~t fo~ prope~t~ ~uit~bl~ fo~ mobile housin~ from S~nXt~ Hou~,~d 3) ~qu~st ~or mor~ stor~ i~ old ~it~ H~ll from ~ood B~nk. 13. Request from Clallam Cou~t~ fo~ Council to~ppoint Cit2 representatives to three advisory cp~ittee~ r~lation to Re~iona1 Growth ~ana~ement ~YOR ~ILL DETE~IN~ T~ O~ B~ (CONT. ~ PAGE TWO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MARCH 5, 1991 XI LEGISLATION: (cont) 14. Manager's salary based on six month evaluation ~'l~C°nsiderati°n of~~increasin,~City~ ~C ~x~_ ~&_~. /~ / ~/, ~ii CiTY CO,~NCIL CO~ITTEE REPO~TS/'.ATE ITEMS iii ADJOURNMENT!' /~.~?~