HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 03/07/1995 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAIL~W?.~. FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELEB CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON March 7, 1995 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. C~?.?. TO ORDER - Special Meeting[ ~- .~. III. SPECIAL MEETING: 2.Interview applicants for Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commi s s ion IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION C~T.?. TO ORDER - Regular Meeting ~/~ p.~. vii. AFPROVAL OF .~s of regular ~eeting ~ February 21, 1995 VI I I. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: None IX. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS X. FINANCE: Bidaward for substation transformer and circuit switcher 1. Call for bids for replacement wheels for compactor 2. Voucher list - March 3, 1995 - $271,569.79 3. ~a.~February 26, 1995 - $359,821.89 XII. ITEMS ~ROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda.) xIII. LEGISLATION: A. PIJBLIC ~RINGS: ~'~'N ~{ 1. ZONING CODE A~NDMENT - ZCA 94(11}07 - ~evisions to the City's ' Zoning Code to ensure compliance with the newly adopted C&~/ru~prehensive Plan (Continued from February 21, 1995. ) 2. REZON~ REQUEST - Rltg 95{02}01 - S~.RENIT¥ HOUS~.~ 18th Street between "D" and "E" Streets: Request for rezone of ~,~ approximately 2.3' acres of property from RS-7, Residential MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda March 7, 1995 Page 2 XI I I. LEGISLATION: ll k ,,c d. Rules of Procedure Planning Co~ission minutes of re~lar meeting of February 8, 1995, s~cial meeting of F~bruary 15, 1995, and regular meeting of E. ~ ~NSID~TIONS: J, ~ Ap99i~ to Parks,. Recreation a Beautification Comission -2. U== =. V~rn ~~ 5. H~~s agre~nt for use of college facilities 6. Re~thl agre~ent with Senior Nutrition . 7. Agreement with County for Waet~aate Trea~ent Plant ~rator 8. 1~ State Legislature a~d Initiativ~ 164 n . I. ~ R~i~w 9f the gou~ty's~ Draft Port Pu~ic h~dngs are se~ by ~he C~ Council in o~er ~o ~ I~1 r~uireme~s ~ining ~o ~ers such ~s, I~ u6e ~ ap~iMMons, pro~ ~me~me~6 ~o ~ I~ uM r~ul~ions, zoning ~nge6, ~nne~Mons. In add,ion, ~he C~ Council ~y 6~ ~ pu~ic hMdng in o~er ~o recede pu~ic inp~ prior ~o m~king d~isions which im~ ~he c~ens. ~in ~em ~y ~ con~rovem~l, ~ ~he C~ ~uncil may choose ~o ~k pu~ic opinion ~hrough ~he pu~ic h~ng Pu~ic H~rina Pr~ure: ~1 comme~6 mu~ ~ ~de a~ ~he ~ium ~er ~he 6~ker fi~ g~ hi6/her name ~ ~ddr~s so ~ ~mme~ ~ ~ker ~e~Mon ~me indiM~e ~he ~mou~ ~ Mme avail~e for Mch h~dng. ~he M~yor ~ lim~ ~he ~mou~ ~ Mme ~~ Mch s~ker. In m~king your pr~en~Mon ~o ~he Council, ~he f~l~ing fo~ ~y ~ hM~ul: PURPOSE; W~ i6 ~he ~M you wish ~o pr~ B~in w~h ~n '1 s~eme~~ o~ining your ~M, such ~6, "1 am here ~o (sup~/op~)...' ~ON; Why ~re you ~king ~his ~i~ This is ~n im~n~ ~ep so ~he li~ener d~6 no~ ~ke a~umpMons ~ your mo~es. ~PLE; Bri~ ~ rM~ e~m~e ~o ~ ~ ~ke your ~i~ concr~e. S~M~Y; W~ co~ion will ~ c~ng~ or improv~ ~ your ~im is ~dop~? ~CWON; (If appropr~e, de~nding on ~he