HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 03/16/1993 PORT ANG~V-u! CZT~ ~O~NCIL 321 ~ST FI~ S~ ~ ~G~S, WASHIN~N March 16, 1993 SPBC~~ ~ETZNG - 6~00 P.M. ~~ ~XNG - 7:00 P.M. x. ~. ~ o~E~ ~s~cXaX ~g '~ /OG XX. RO~ CAT.T. ~ ~- SPECX~ ~XNG ~PXC: Xnte~iow a~XXcan~s JoF Law Enforcuent ~v~8o~ XV. ~ ~ OP~ ~SSXON VXX. ~PROV~ OF HX~I of ~8~ ~g of hFch 2, ~993 VXXX. CE~ONX~ ~~/P~X~s ~e XX. CITY CO~CXL ~X~ ~~ X. FXW~: 1. ~nco~ A~inis2ra2or~ through F~a~ 1993 2. Wire transfers for Februa~ 1993 of $1,428,026.50 3. Voucher list of hFch 12, 1993 of $2,021,565.11 4. PayrolX of F~~ 28, 1993 of $320,846.45 xxx. x~s ~o. ~a~ A~Xn=/~CXL/~ ~ BE CONSXDE~D OR P~ ZXXl. ~GX~TX~z A. P~XC ~XNGS: ~<~'/,~A ~ I. S~ VA~XON - S~ 93(03)01 - HX~, ~utheas~ ~er Po~er/Olmuul Avonuol R~elt for vacatXon of a~x~tel? t~ feet of cXt~ rXght~f~ay. ' /~/ Franklin Sch~l and vacat~ ~favette Street: P~si1 for rezone o~ pro~ presently zon~ ~-9, Residential S~gXe- F~IT, to ~, Residential ~i~ ~nsitT. 3. ~ICZP~ CODE ~~- M~ 93(03)0Z - CZ~OF~RT~G~S~ City-wide~ Est~lish~g street standards for within the , ~ CSD. ACD, CBD, LI and M-2 Districts: Pro~sal to ~end the Zoning Ordinance to allow fire stations as a conditional use in the aforementioned districtB. MAYOR WILL DETERMX~ TIME OF BREAK Page 2 .... ' ..... B. ORDINAHCE$ ~OT RE~UI~iN~ PUbLiC HF, AR~N~S= 1. ANNEXATION REQUEST - ANX 92(08J01 - ROCKFORD/AHD~r annexation of approximately 5 acres south of the current city £/2. Public doc--nt procedures ordinance .... ~/t~. j ~_4~S 3. Amendment to telephone tax ordi,ance C. RESOLUTIONS REQUIRING PUBLIC COMMENT: Setting public hearing for consideration of vacation of City ri~bt- /~ /3-?~9 of-way - OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - Col~,hia Street and a port,on of the Columbia/Caroline alley wist of Chambers Street. D. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: E. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: " 1. Planning ~ission minutes of February 17, 1993: SHORELINE MANAGE~NT PElleT - SMA 93(02)132 - ITT RAYONIER, INC., 700 North Ennis Street: Request for a shoreline permit to allow the construction of ~n armor rock seawall at the 2. Planning Com~lssion mi~3~tes of February 24, 1993 (No action SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - ~A 93(03)133 - ITT ~AYONIER, INC.. 700 North Ennis Street= Request for a permit to allow relocation o~ a pulp beater within 200 feet of the shoreline, sad to extend an existing roof for cover of ~h%. _ beater, located in the M-2, Heavy Industrial District. J~<~ ''-~-- F. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS= 1. Public Utility District reque.S~ ~o~ ~xtension~f the wholesale water contract for one year 6~//~~~ -' 2.Inter-local agreemen~ for 1993 Clallam CountYr~gion STP funding allocation for transportation 3. Discussion of rezone/conditi~ use pemi~ for Serepity House ~)~Acceptance of Department of Ecotog¥ Interim Centennial Grant ~~~--'-'-- facllityf°r design o~~tment plant__sludge-tempesting 6. Authorize 9rant application -D~p~r~ment of Ecology groundwater monitoring well program - ~~~,~ 7. 2020 Vision corporate visits - Japan xlv. ADJOURNMENT