HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 03/18/2008 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING th 321 East 5 Street March 18, 2008 SPECIAL MEETING – 5:30 pm REGULAR MEETING – 6:00 pm AGENDA ITEM First Page ACTION TAKEN Note: The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following: A. CALL TO ORDER – Special Meeting (5:30 p.m.) WORK SESSION 1. Interview Candidates for Board of Adjustment 1. Interviews Conducted Vacancies B. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) - 6:09 p.m. ROLL CALL - All Present PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Mayor Braun PUBLIC CEREMONIES/PRESENTATIONS C.WORK SESSION 1. Report from United Way on 2007 Year End C-1 1. Presentation given; Contract approved. Report - Human Services Funding and Contract for 2008 2. Work Session conducted by Fire Chief 2. Public Safety Presentation McKeen and Police Chief Gallagher D. (1) LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined by City Manager or Council member Manager Madsen noted there was one late item, discussion of Equipment Purchase: Mobile Air Apparatus, which was added under Finance as Item J.5. Deputy Mayor Wharton asked for brief discussion of City Council’s travel budget, which was added under Finance as item J. 6, and for discussion of a letter of support for Pacific Northwest Trails Association to have section of its back country trail designated as part of the scenic trail, which was added th under Other Considerations, item G. 3. At Council’s request, a Work Session/Council Retreat was scheduled for April 15 at 4:00 p.m. (2) PUBLIC COMMENT This is an opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything. To allow time for the Council to complete its legislative agenda, comments should be limited to no more than 5 minutes per person and a total of 15 minutes for this comment period. (These time periods may be lengthened or shortened at the discretion of the Mayor.) The Reverend Lynne Lohr invited the Council to sign a note of encouragement to Paul Lamoureux who’s wife is ill; asked for Council’s assistance regarding an ambulance charge; requested assistance in having abandoned vehicles removed from her alley; praised the Police Department for aiding her neighborhood with a dangerous th dog problem; and invited Council to attend the fluoride appeal hearing in Tacoma on March 25 at 11:00 am NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK March 18, 2008 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 AGENDA ITEM First Page ACTION TAKEN E. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS st 1. Ordinance Rescinding Incomplete Street E-1 1. 1 Reading Conducted nd Vacation Actions 2. 2 Reading, conducted Adopted Ordinance 2. PA Forward Committee Ordinance E-13 No. 3320 nd Amendment 3. 2 Reading conducted Adopted 3. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) E-17 Ordinance No. 3321 Ordinance Amendment nd 4. 2 Reading waived, Adopted Ordinance 4. Compost Rate Ordinance Modification E-21 No. 3322 F. RESOLUTIONS G. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Energy Champion Engineer Agreement G-1 1. Approved Agreement (Nippon) 2. Board of Adjustment Appointments G-3 2. Appointed Nason Becket, Craig Johnson, and Charles Whidden to Bd. of Adjustments 3. Letter of Support to Pacific Northwest Trails 3. Tabled to future meeting pending staff Assn. research H.PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) None I. PUBLIC HEARINGS – OTHER None J. FINANCE 1. Professional Services Agreement with FCS for J-1 1. Approved Agreement Utility Cost of Service Studies 2. Power Pole Replacement Contract, Project No. J-3 2. Awarded Contract WF-65680 3. Water Materials Contract, Project No. DW-08-J-5 3. Awarded Contract 001 4. Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) J-7 4. Approved Agreement Standstill and Interim Relief Payment Agreement 5. Contract negotiations authorized 5. Equipment Purchase: Mobile Air Apparatus 6. Discussion held. 6. Discussion of Council Travel Budget K. CONSENT AGENDA th 1. City Council Minutes dated March 4 K-1 1. Accepted Consent Agenda 2. Expenditure Approval List from 2/23/08 to K-7 3/7/08 for $5,669,767.98 3. UAC Reappointment K-35 L. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Councilmember Rogers reported on her attendance at National League of Cities Conference and the Economic Development Forum held at Peninsula College NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK March 18, 2008 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 AGENDA ITEM First Page ACTION TAKEN M. INFORMATION Manager Madsen reported on the fuel tank City Manager Reports: emergency situation at the Corp. Yard, the 1. Planning Commission minutes dated February M-1 availability of the AWC report on infrastructure th 27 and the financial outlook for future bond issues. 2. February Building Report M-5 3. Grants and Loans Status Report M-7 4. Contracts Status Report M-9 th 5. PA Forward February 14 Minutes M-11 th 6. Clallam County Humane Society 4 Quarter M-15 2007 P&L Budget to Actual 7. 2008 Benefit Dump Day M-17 th 8. PADA Minutes dated February 11 M-19 9. PADA Financials as of 2/29/08 M-21 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) None. O.ADJOURNMENT 9:35 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements pertaining to matters such as land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, and annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK March 18, 2008 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 3