HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 04/07/1992NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON April 7, 1992 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - ~0_~ II. ROLL CALL ~ III. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSIQN ~--?~ IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION ~/~-%:'P'~n~'' V. G~o,w~h ManagemeDt Update ,,~__~.2t.D--&t/-~ ~'~;~ vi. cAL~ER- m~GU~ MEETING ?--'l~ ' VII. PLEDGE OF ~LEGI~CE - Le~ b~ ~er Pittis' C~ Fire Oroup .e u ar c~o~ ~RN/~oc~o~s: 1. Swearing in ceremony of new Police Chief, Steve Ilk 2. Procl~ation declaring April 11, 1992 Po~ ~geles S~phon~ Appreciation Da~ 3. Procl~ation declaring April 1992 as Month of the Yo~g Chi14 X. CITY COUNCIL CO~ITTEE ~PORTS 1. Consideration of bids for street materials 2. Consider~ion of bids for Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Payroll for p.r~od ond~n~ ~arch 15~ 10~2 of $310,94~.42 and for period ending March 29, 1992 XIII. ITEMS FROM THE A~IENCE/CO~CIL/ST~F TO BE CONSIDE~D OR P~CED ON A FUTU~ AGENDA (~ i~ ~ o~o~ni~ for ~mb~m of specific items on ~e Cloar~n~, ~radin~, f~[l~n~ ~nd dra~na~ credit for assisting in water s~pling progr~ Ordinance maintaining current sewer rates and pr~%din~ / 2. Ordinance repealing massage parlor business licens~ and regulations ~~ _ ~. MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda April 7, 1992 Page 2 LEGISLATION: ( Continued ) .~. Ordinance approving bond anticipation note for interim financing 4. Ordir~ce .re~ising~ut~lit, y discount requirements ~- rp.,~. ~,.~"7 C. ~SOLUTION NOT ~QUIRING PUBLIC HE~INGS: ~ ~~ 1. Resolutions (a) supporting modifications to Endangered ~ ~ .... ~ ...... ~3 Species Act, and (b) supporting sales of blow~down.ti~r ~~~ ~~in Pacific Northwest national forests ~ ~~- ~.~ /~-~ ~3 2. Resolution authorizing submission of application for CDBG grant for low and ~oderate housing and co--unity develop- ment activities ~_ ~. ~/~_~ D. PLyiNG CO~ISSION MINUTES/ACTION~ ITEMS :~ Pl~~ss~n~ ~--~~~ ~~,~~r"gular~ ~-~9~ing of March 25, 1992 E. OTHER CON, IDEaTIONS: ~ ~ 1. Re,est of contribution of $5,000 by City to Port Angeles S~phony Orchest~ for trip to World' s Fair~ Expo '92, ~ ~i~,t Spain ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~)~ 2. ~~Eco~mic Development ~un~il 3. Re~st for Rea~ Estate Co~ittee meeting _ 7~ .~ ~ ~-/ff-~ - ~ ,~.~. 4. uons~a~ionu~~ ~~~~w utility bill format ' Let t~~~~e~~ ass - ' /