HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 04/18/1995 NOTE** HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON April 18, 1995 SPECIAL MEETING - 6=30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. C~T.?. TO ORDER~- S~ecial Meeting iii. ~Jo~ TO Exs~I~--sEssIoN e~ IV. ~n~ TO oPn SESSION ~ V. C~T.T. TO ORDER - Regular Meeting ~Q-~ ~.~' VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Camp Fire group "Bears", leader S. Bruch VII.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of regular meeting of April 4, 1995 (P~age 1 - 1~) VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: Port Angeles Senior Services a Community Center's 25th Anniversary recognition proclamation (Page 11) IX. , ,~ . 1. Conside=a~Joh~-bidb - wager, uti~i=y ma=eria~s (Page i - ) 2. Consideratio~ of ~ds - Lan~ll =_omp,actor wheel replacement (Page 3. Change order ~9 &_#lO Senior Services & Community ~Center project 1. Request to authorize City T.ight Director to attend NWPPA Annual meeting (Page 23 ) 2. Voucher list - April 14, 199S - $651,~83.11 (Page 25 - 37) 3. Payroll - April 9, 199~ - $337,87S.10 (Page 39) XII. IT~.MS FROM THE AUDI~.NCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUT%~RE A~.NDA (~hiJstne~FFortunig~ember~£t~ublit~reque~Fe~o speci ~W~men theagenda. ~ A. Pb-B~IC Z~,~-~IN~S: B. O~XN~S N~ ~SUIRXNG P~XC ~INGS: C. ~SOL~IONS N~ ~QUXRING P~XC ~XNGS: Resolution authorizing the City to charge $500 to include non- profit mailing~n City ut~lit~bills ~age~41 -~3~ __ . D. P~N~ C~X~ON ~X~S/a~XON X~: E. ~R CONSXDE~XONS: 1. Discuss City Counc~ co~ittee ass~q~ents (Councilm~er Hu~e=~h (Pa~e 4%)~a~ City Council Agenda April 18, 1995 Page 2 X I I I. LEGISLATION: E. OTHER CONSIDF~RATIONS: (continued) 2. Update presentation for North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Co~qvention ~ureau (Page 47) '~--~-{---)--/'M.~ /'1...~ ,~/~fi) ~' Rec~uest authorization for Mayor to sign Title VI Certification and a~reement between City and ~ealthy F~ilies of Clall~ County for CDBG Funds for the Rose House project (Pa~e 49 - 4. ~t~ion~~of ~e~se for British Pe~role~ (Pa~e 55 - 81) 5. Consideration of letter of compliance with the County's Port ~eles Regional Waters~d ~lan (continued~rom Ma~ch 28, . 6. Considerati~of Ne~ Shoreline Mas~er Plan and Depa~ment of ~l~'s c~ents and proposed ~en~ents. ,(Page 16,1) , · 8. App~i~ment~ to Law E~orceme~t Advisory Board (Pa~e 165. - Public head~s are set by the C~ C~cil in ~er to ~ I~al r~ui~s pe~aining to maRers such as, land use ~E apHi~bns, pm~s~ ame~ments to C~ la~ rise r~ul~ns, zoning changes, annexat~ns. In ~E~n, t~ C~ Council may set a public head~ in o~er to receive public inp~ p~r to maki~ d~isbns which impaa the cE~ens. CeRain m~em may be ~mvemial, a~ the C~y Council may ch~se to seek public opinbn through the public ~ad~ pr~ess. Public Headng ProCure; All ~mments must ~ m~e at the ~ium after the speaker fimt gives hi~her name a~ ~mss so th~ ~mments a~ s~aker ~ent~n ~me par of the m~. The Mayor ~ i~i~te the amount ~ time available for each head~. So that all ~mons have an op~unEy to speak, the Mayor ~ lim~ the amou~ ~ time ~rm~ each speaker. In maki~ your pmsentat~n to the Council, the followi~ fo~t may ~ ~lpful: PURPOSE: Wh~ is the ~ea ~u wish to present? B~in w~h an "1 staeme~" o~lining your idea, such as, "1 am hem to (sup~op~se)..." R~SON: Why am you maki~ this ~int? ~is is an im~Rant step so the listener d~s ~ make assumptbns a~ your ~tives. ~MPLE: Bdef and relevant example to cla~ a~ make your ~int ~ncrete. SUMMARY: What ~Eion will ~ cha~ or impmv~ E your ~int is ~? ACTION: (If appropriate, de~i~ on the s~uatbn). Wh~ ne~s to ~ ~ne and w~ will ~ E?